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A New Friend

Posted on Wed Feb 22nd, 2017 @ 10:08pm by Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:39pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Campus Gardens/Staff Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/12 1400 (August 12 2388 1400)

BJ stood in the middle of the campus gardens, drinking in the views of all the exotic plants and breathing in the fresh air. Dressed in a pair of form fitting black jeans and a black tee shirt that said "This is NOT a red shirt" on the front of it in red letters and "Don't Shoot!" on the back of it, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and a pair of black running shoes on her feet.

She smiled at the peacefulness of the scenery and wondered how long it would be before she got bored being on a planet. After being on ships for the previous four years, she found that she was still getting her land legs, but she enjoyed being on the ground for a change. Wandering over to a stone bench, she sat down and let her gaze and her mind go where they would.

Walking along the pathway after her chat with Ambassador Odar at Dev's place, Julianna was so busy admiring the scenery that she nearly ran into a dark haired woman sitting on a stone bench. She stopped just short of bumping into the bench. "Oh! I be terribly sorry." she said, a thick Irish accent to her voice as she gave the woman a pleasant smile.

BJ looked up and gave a smile at the redheaded woman with the strange accent. "It's okay. I'm still trying to catch my breath and the gardens seemed like a nice place to let it find me. I'm BJ," she said as she came to her feet and offered a hand.

"Julianna....but most people call me Jules." Julianna replied, extending a hand to the woman. "Nice ta be meetin ya as well." she said.

BJ shook her hand with a firm, but polite grip before releasing it again. "Nice to meet you, too, Jules. What do you do here at the Academy?"

Julianna smiled, "I'm one of the medical officers here...what about you?" she asked, releasing the woman's hand.

BJ gave a big grin. "I'm the interim Chief of Security." She waited for the usual comments about her height and chest for someone being in a potentially dangerous field.

"Then the campus be in very good hands then." Julianna replied, giving another smile.

"Ohhhhh," BJ gave a half maniacal grin. "So you're the trusting type, are you?"

Julianna smirked, "Until someone be givin me a reason not ta be trustin them." she said, folding her arms across her chest. "Everyone has their limits...don't you agree?"

"Offhand, no," BJ said. "I'm in Security and whenever we get called, it's usually because someone can't be trusted. As for limits...they're made to be broken."

Julianna nodded, "So what brings you to Magellan?" she asked, curious.

BJ shrugged. "Decided to go for a change of pace and this is a pretty easy assignment. Better than patrolling the Neutral Zone for months at a time with nothing, then intense moments of fighting. What about you?"

"It sounded like a more interesting assignment than my last assignment. I was on the USS Hood and it was pretty boring ta be honest." she said, giving a chuckle.

"So you want to look after a bunch of reckless cadets who can do more damage than a group of drunken Klingons?" BJ asked with a laugh.

Julianna laughed, " least its be a little more interesting.... for medical and probably security as well."

"Without a doubt," BJ said. "I just hope the male cadets keep their eyes...and their hands...where they belong, or you'll be getting a lot of business."

"No doubt...and I agree. My cousin is among the female cadets at least....I think her parents be wantin me ta be keepin an eye on her." Julianna replied.

"What's her name?" BJ asked. "I can put a tracker on her and give you the remote code to keep an eye on her from anywhere on campus."

"Rachel Gallagher...." Julianna told her. "I really hope she's behaving herself..with her parents bein so far away." she said, with a sigh.

"Is she already at the station?" BJ asked. "I know the Cadets aren't due to arrive for another week or so."

Julianna nodded, "Aye...last I knew they were still there." she stated.

"When I get to the Security office tomorrow, I'll look into getting some trackers for her," BJ offered. "Does she have any jewelry that she never goes anywhere without?"

"Thank you." she said, then Julianna thought for a moment, "Well there is the locket her parents gave her on her last birthday."

"That would be perfect to hide a tracker inside of," BJ said. "Say, are you up for a drink?"

Julianna nodded, " would be." she said then smiled, "Sure...I could be usin a drink." she said, motioning to Dev's Place.

BJ laughed. "Wrong direction. Follow me," she said with a grin. Turning, she headed towards the staff apartments.

Julianna raised an eyebrow, "You're in those apartments as well?" she asked, with a laugh.

"Where else would I be, in a submarine under the water?" BJ asked with a laugh as she entered staff building number four and headed for the turbolift.

Still laughing, Julianna followed her into staff building number four, walking toward the turbolift. "Well there's more than one staff building so the odds that you'd be in the same building as meself are only 50 percent. But it be nice ta know who some of me neighbors be though."

Entering the turbolift, BJ nodded. "At least you don't have to remember who everyone on campus is." She waited until Jules entered. " two." She laughed as she turned to the other woman. "It's going to take some getting used to saying floor instead of deck."

Julianna nodded, "Aye...but I do be havin a lot of medical files ta be lookin after." she said then smiled, "You still have ta remember floor instead of deck hmm? I've been havin that problem meself since I arrived here." she said as the lift began to move upward.

When the turbolift came to a halt, BJ stepped out. "We have time before the Cadets arrive. C'mon. It's time to have some fun." Leading the way down the hall, she stopped in front of a door halfway down and entered her code. When the door opened, she stepped in. "Excuse the mess. I'm still getting set up."

Inside the apartment was an abundance of plants, all fresh and ranging from Bajoran to Klingon to Earth types, some in bloom and others looking like miniature trees. The furniture was standard as offered by the Academy, but there was a large ball-like bag in one corner with the indent in the middle of it.

Julianna smiled, "Fun be just the sort of thing we be needin before those cadets be showin up isnt it?" she said then laughed, "Oh dunnae worry bout the should be seein me place. It be just as bad." Julianna replied, looking around the apartment then chuckled, "Oh you be likin those bean bag things too huh?" she said with a smirk.

BJ perked up as she went to a cabinet and pressed her palm to the flat panel. It scanned her handprint and a click was heard before it popped open, revealing an assortment of bottles filled with different colors of liquor. "Yup. Gotta have someplace to throw myself into at the end of the day. What's your poison?"

On a stand between two miniature trees was a holo-portrait of her standing between a middle-aged man and woman, and she's wearing the uniform of a fourth year cadet. In a corner on another stand was a wide variety of knick-knacks from a half a dozen worlds, and a broken Mek'leth on a stand of its own.

Looking at the holo-portrait, Julianna smiled, "I take it this is you?" she asked, motioning to the picture while also looking at the other various knick knacks spread throughout the apartment.

Looking over her shoulder, BJ nodded. "Yup. Class of eighty-four." Noting that Jules didn't state her preference on what to drink, she chose a bottle filled with blue liquid and poured two glasses. Putting the bottle back, she went over and handed one to Jules. "That's my Mom and Dad."

Accepting the glass, Julianna smiled. "Nice....I be class of seventy nine. Well from the Academy that is... then I had two years of Intensive Medical training too." she said with a chuckle. "I have pictures from my graduation with me folks as well in me apartment too."

"I think my parents were my number one supporters when I decided to go into Academy," BJ said as she sat down in the beanbag chair. "It was all I talked about since I was fourteen years old. Here I am now fourteen years later and already a Junior Grade Lieutenant. Who was your inspiration to go for Medical?"

"Me mother....she's a doctor. I've felt a calling ta do that since I was a wee lass." she said then pulled out the locket she wore under her tunic, "But me daughter has a lot ta do with it too..." she said. "She died before she was born. I wanted ta try ta prevent that from happenin ta anyone that just be givin me more of a drive ta be a good doctor." she added, taking a seat on a nearby chair, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm sorry to hear about your daughter," BJ said, sipping her own drink. "I'm surprised that still happens with the medical advancements that we have. We can replace any organ, reinforce a Klingon spine, and more...and can't save a baby before it's had a chance." She grunted and took another sip of her ale.

Julianna smiled, "I was surprised too....but I didn't let it get me down. You know the saying...some people can only dream of angels...I held one in me arms." she said taking a sip and giving another smile. "Things still happen...there was no reason ta suspect anything was wrong. My last prenatal visit before that was normal. But life goes on."

BJ nodded and finished her drink, then poured another. "Up for another one?" The talk of loss of babies was disturbing her a bit and she decided that the best route to go was to get drunk. "I need it to prepare for the cadets arriving."

"Aye...another sounds good." she said then laughed, "You and me both....there's bound to be injuries with all those cadets around. They're kids after all...." she said finishing off her drink and handing her glass to BJ.

Pouring Jules another shot of the Andorian Ale, BJ corked the bottle and set it back down. "And the male ones..." she twitched a moment. "They seem to think that my eyes are down here." She gestured towards her rather large chest and set her glass down. Reaching to the hem of her shirt, she pulled it up over her head to reveal a black bra covering her breasts, then reached behind her to unfasten it and shrugged out of it. "Do you see any eyes on them?"

Julianna nearly spit out her drink as BJ shrugged out of her bra, then composed herself. ", actually I don't. I dunnae know why men be like that. The last man I dated was like that at first...I think it's in their genes." she said, taking another large sip of her ale.

"They're just glands and fatty tissue," BJ said, chuckling at the look on Jules' face. Reaching for her top, she pulled it back on. "Ahhh..much better without the bra. Bad enough I have to wear a reinforced sports bra when I'm doing training or I'd knock myself out. Yet, the boys eyes go there first and foremost, which gives me a window of opportunity to put them on their asses."

She nodded, "Aye...I know. I just wasn't expectin ya ta pull yer top off. When I expect it in the course of me duties, it doesn't be botherin me." she said, setting the glass on a small table in front of the chair she sat on. "Works for put em on their ass, I patch em up and be sendin them back out." she said with a laugh.

"You're medical and a female," BJ said. "It's much harder for a guy to get me to take my clothes off, though. If they can spend a few dates without staring or trying to proposition me from the word go, I might consider. Anything before that? They can kiss my ass." She finished her second glass of ale and re-filled it, offering the bottle to Jules.

Rolling out of the beanbag chair after setting her glass aside, she got up. "While you help yourself, I need to get more comfortable." Smiling, she headed into her bedroom.

Julianna chuckled, "Same here...I'm not exactly looking for dates though right now." she said then nodded, "Sure thing..." she said, getting up for a moment and pouring herself a little more ale before returning to her seat.

Returning a few minutes later, BJ wore the same black t-shirt, but instead of pants she wore a pair of black boy shorts with red eyes on the butt cheeks. Giving a grin, she turned around. "For the boys who like to stare at butts." Going over to the beanbag, she fell into like she had no bones in her body at all and gave a groan of contentment. "Much better."

Julianna laughed, "Does it make them stare any less?" she said, taking a sip of the drink in her left hand. She pulled off her uniform jacket and laid it across her lap, leaning back a bit.

"They usually don't know how to react," BJ said as she reached for her drink again. "It's ammunition and I'll use it against them in a heartbeat. My Security instructor at the Academy had to give me props on that tactic. I once flashed a Romulan who was about to shoot an officer and gained enough time to use my phaser on him."

Julianna couldn't help but laugh more, "I be supposin if you have the means ta distract the enemy you should use it." she said, taking another swallow of her drink. "I think what gets people bout meself is me eyes...some are surprised by how green they are." she said with a smirk.

BJ looked over at her. "They are a very pretty shade of green. Emerald?" she asked as she took another drink and stretched her short lets out and wiggled her toes.

" trait. Most of the women in me family have green eyes. Me cousin does too." Julianna replied, taking another drink, stretching out her legs a bit.

"So what do you like to do for fun, Jules?" BJ asked as she finished off her third glass of ale and reached for the bottle again.

Julianna smirked, "Another one?" she said as BJ reached for her third glass. "As for fun...have you ever tried velocity? It's just shooting targets with a hand held phaser... or parisess squares." she replied.

Filling the glass, BJ laughed. "Never tried velocity or Parisess squares, but I do fight with a Mek'leth quite a bit as well as get into pilates, Parkour, gymnastics, and boxing."

"I do gymnastics as well..." Julianna replied, grinning as she took a swallow of what was left in her glass.

"Perhaps we can get together some time and go through our routines together," BJ offered with a smile.

Julianna returned the smile, "That would be nice...haven't done routines with anyone in a long time." she replied. "So...what do you think of this place?" she asked.

"So far, it's pretty dry," BJ said. "But on the positive side of that, I haven't had to stun anyone yet."

Julianna laughed, "Awe shucks....which means I haven't had ta treat anyone yet." she said.

"Just wait until the Cadets show up," BJ said as she poured another glass. "Then you'll have all kinds of patients."

"I'm sure I will..." Julianna replied with a smirk.

"Speaking of Medical, and I hate to talk business while engaging in pleasure," BJ started. "Do you know of any techniques that can help with keeping things where they should be?"

Julianna looked at her, "What do you mean?" she asked, curiously.

BJ cupped her breasts. "These. Something like an anti-grav sports bra or something similar."

Julianna chuckled, "Not that I'm aware of...have you tried an underwire? They still make them I believe...doesnt even have ta be standard starfleet issue. Gods know I dunnae like those."

"I've tried everything and then some that an Engineer friend made for me," BJ said. "Maybe if we can cobble together a micro grav-lift...."

"For clothing? I've yet ta be hearin of that." Julianna replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Just think of how famous you'd be," BJ said. "All we'd need is a good Engineer, you, and I'll be the test subject. Don't tell me that you're afraid of a challenge."

Julianna smiled broadly, "Oh no...of course I'm not."

"Then all we have to do is find a nice, hot Engineer," BJ said with a gleam in her eyes.

Julianna just laughed, "I suppose all of the faculty and staff is already on Magellan."

"We still have a week before cadets arrive," BJ said as she got up to retrieve a PADD and sat down again. "Let's go over the personnel files for Engineers and find a likely candidate."

"I dunnae think I be havin personnel files ...just access ta medical files. Even they aren't complete files....that be the chief medical's job." she said with a chuckle.

"Being in Security has it's advantages," BJ said as she pulled up the personnel files and input a search for Engineers. "Aha....woah....we have a target...I mean an Engineer. Check this guy out. Commander Thavanichent th'Dani, the Engineering Corps Instructor." She handed the PADD over to Jules.

Julianna raised an eyebrow, "Target?" she said with a chuckle, taking the PADD and looking over the information on it. "What part would he have in this...challenge?" she asked.

"Well...maybe target is a bad word," BJ said. "And he'd be the one designing a micro grav lift that can be incorporated into a bra since he's an Engineer."

"You'd have ta talk him inta designing it...." Julianna said, chuckling.

"My powers of persuasion are not to be taken lightly," BJ said solemnly.

Julianna nodded, "Oh...I believe ya." she said with a smile.

"Then we'll set up a meeting with this Commander th'Dani and see what he can do. Sound good?" BJ asked as she topped off her drink and offered the bottle to Jules again.

Julianna nodded, "Aye...we'll do that." she said then shook her head, "Oh no....I think I be havin enough for one day." she said with a chuckle. "I still have ta be returning ta me own apartment shortly."

BJ laughed and rolled out of the beanbag chair again. "Be careful getting back to your apartment. It was nice meeting you, Jules."

Standing up again, "Oh aye... I'll be alright. You be takin it easy as well BJ." she said, then smiled. "It was nice ta be meetin ya as well." she said, setting the glass down before heading to the door.

Following her to the door, BJ smiled. "Tomorrow...we go to find this Commander th'Dani and start a new trend. The day after that...legend! Have a good night."

"Aye..." Julianna replied, then grinned, "Thank as well." she added, turning and opening the door, returning to her own apartment.


Lieutenant JG Billie Jean Reign
Interim Chief of Security
Magellan Campus


Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien
Medical Officer
Magellan Campus


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