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An Unexpected Offer

Posted on Wed Feb 22nd, 2017 @ 9:03pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Nicolas "Nick" Giordano & Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien
Edited on on Mon Oct 29th, 2018 @ 6:13pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/12 1200 (August 12 2388 1200)

With smooth classical piano playing in the background, new employee and bartender of Dev's place, Nicolas Giordano grabbed a cloth and started wiping off the top of the bar in a circular motion. He was enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the lounge, and happen to look up as young woman walked in and headed towards him.

Julianna nodded to the bartender as she approached the bar, stopping in front of it. She could hear a piano being played in the background and smiled as it was a very relaxing tune. She looked around for a moment, wondering if someone was playing a piano or if it was simply a recording. Whatever the case she thought it was a beautiful sound.

Nick smiled knowingly at her, one corner of his mouth slightly lifting higher than the other. "He offered to fine tune it," he said, directing her towards the stage where a middle aged distinguished looking man was playing at a piano.

Julianna smiled, moving closer to listen. Her hand lifted up slightly into the air as her fingers made identical movements to the middle aged man's hands movement on the keys as her eyes closed and she listened, her ears picking up the notes he was playing.

Chuckling inwardly, Nick raised an eyebrow as he watched her walk away, and wondered if she was going to remember her original reason for walking into the lounge. Shaking his head, he continued to polish the bar top.

Meanwhile, sitting with perfect posture at the piano, Geminik Odar continued to move his fingers over the piano keys, with the world and any people around him having faded away. The only thing that was real to him at that moment was the music he played, bringing to him visions that were as beautiful and as changing as the wind blown clouds and the drifting moonlight over water that long ago inspired him when he had first composed it, many years ago.

Opening her eyes for a moment, Julianna approached the piano... a smile spreading across her face. She loved the music, listening to it was one thing she truly enjoyed. It reminded her of a piece she wrote... a piece she was inspired to write after the loss of her fiancee and infant daughter. Stopping next to the piano, she quietly listened to the notes as they seemed to flow from the man's fingers like a smooth flowing river.

Gem finished playing, the last two notes dying away, and he found himself back in the present. He grabbed his glass of scotch that sat on an edge of the piano, and noticing Julianna, looked over at her and smiled.

Julianna returned the smile, "Sorry...I hope I'm not disturbin ya." she said quietly. "I was just enjoying listenin ta ya play. That was beautiful... I didne know anyone else on the campus played."

"You're not disturbing me," he shook his head once and smiled again as he continued, "and thank you for the compliment." before twisting in his seat, looking enquiringly as he extended out a hand for her to shake, "I'm Geminik Odar, and you are..."

Julianna smile, extending a hand. "Me name is Julianna O'Brien....Im one of the new Medical Officers. I be just admiring the way you play... I play too...though....not quite like that." she said with a broad smile.

Gem looked interested and his smile widened, "Would you like to show me?"

"Me?" Julianna replied, chuckling nervously.

Gem rose from the piano and gave her a nod. "I would be very honored to hear you play." He moved out of the way while gesturing for her to take a seat.

"O...Okay." she said, taking a seat at the piano. There was only one piece she played with true passion. Resting her hands on the keys, she glanced up before beginning to play, her hands moving smoothly, and elegantly across the keys, the emotion behind the piece coming across as she played.

Gem listened, and watched her expression and her body language as she played, and felt a bit intrigued to the emotion he was catching behind the melody.

As Julianna finished playing, she glanced up. "What did you think?" she asked.

"I find it a very beautiful piece." he replied, gazing gently at her. There was more but he did not feel that this was the time nor the place. "Miss O'Brien, have you ever considered having a mentor?"

Julianna glanced at the older gentleman, "Oh...of course. I was given further training back on earth at Julliard in New York City before I entered Starfleet Academy back on Earth. I left ta enter the Academy." she replied. "Is that an offer?" she asked.

"If you feel you have not yet reached your full potential, that there is much for you to learn, then yes," Gem smiled, " this is an offer." He took one last swallow of his scotch and then tilted his head downwards to her, "Meet me in the diplomatic offices tomorrow during your lunch break, and we'll put together a schedule."

Julianna smiled, "I feel there be always something new ta be learnin Sir." she said. "Alright. I'll be seein ya there. Thank ya." she said, standing up from the piano bench onto her feet.

"You're welcome, Miss O'Brien, and it was nice meeting you. I need to take my leave now, so if you would like to play some more, I am sure the owner of this nightclub, a good friend of mine, and Nick over there.." Gem smiled again and motioned over towards the man at work behind the bar, "would not mind."

Julianna nodded, "It was nice meeting you as well Ambassador." she replied but chuckled, "Actually I was taking a stroll round the campus and this place caught me eye and I just wanted ta check it out and happened ta see ya playing and bein that I love ta play as well I was intrigued." she said with a smile. "I need ta grab a bite ta eat before I continue me walk so I think I be takin a wee bit of a break actually."

"Very well." Gem said with understanding and then nodded at her. "I will see you tomorrow." and walked away, handing his empty glass to waitress on his way out.

"Aye...thank you." she replied, standing as she walked to the bar to place an order for a bite to eat and a cup of Irish coffee. As soon as she had a bite to eat, she planned to continue her exploration of the campus. There was just so much to take in and she wanted to get a lay of the land so to speak before the place really filled up once the cadets arrived...her cousin included.



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