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Home Sweet Home

Posted on Sat Mar 18th, 2017 @ 5:01pm by Nicolas "Nick" Giordano & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Sonia Dalca & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:58pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Outside Staff Housing on campus to Dev's Place on the station
Timeline: 2388/08/14 1909 (August 14 2388 1909)

Finally alone Sonia was sitting on a bench outside her building taking in the early evening air. The breeze blew through the trees bringing with it the smell of the earth and nearby flowers. She almost didn't know what to do with herself in a place of such peace.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Maddie commented as she passed Sonia. The Assistant Dean was just setting out on her evening walk. A pastime which was fast becoming routine since her arrival at the Academy and tonight was no different.

She'd sensed the XO coming and turned with a smile standing, and responded to the overture of friendliness with her own, "Yes. It seems almost too good yes? I feel like I am cheating by being here is so peaceful..."

"For now...won't be long until this place is teeming with enthusiastic and idealistic youngsters." Maddie smiled before asking "Settling in okay?"

"Yes" She said nodding, "I have a balkony, I've not had quarters with an outside for years. And yes soon many will be running underfoot." She gave a fake shudder, "I remember being a kadet, I am almost happy I am not on the Security for Kampus. Have you been here long? Anything I should know?".

"Long enough to know that I love this place." Maddie smiled, "And as for what you should know...I'm not sure." she added as she tried to think then asked "Is there anything you want to know?" then she smiled and added "Actually there is one thing...avoid our flight chief."

She smiled, "what kind of avoid? Creepy? ladies man? Boring?" Sonia asked curiously wondering what kind of 'doom' the FCO carried.

"Ladies man." Maddie replied, "And devilishly handsome and charming with it." she added, "Very likely to love you and leave you and break your heart in the know the type."

Sonia nodded, "All to often, I'm up for fun as much as the next girl but see me, no?" It was true she didn't mind casual dating but it didn't seem right if the other person didn't even see you as a person. She shook her head, "I vill remember." She nodded solemnly even as she wondered enough about Maddies actions in the orientation meeting she had the day before to the Dean to want to ask about it but chose not to. Instead she reached out in friendship, especially as she did have some place to be, Maddie seemed to want to talk, and she seemed alright. "I vas going to meet Teri at a Bar, something about showing me the 'ropes'. Do you vish to come?"

"Are you sure?" Maddie looked surprised, "I've been kind of used to being uninvited to things like invites the Captain to the party after all." she gave a wistful smile having been used to being in the ivory tower of the Tomahawk and the Minotaur before her. Only Iokah had been close enough to spend time with but then she had gone missing....

Sonia shrugged, "Ve are all teakhers now no? Educators, all in same boat?" She was trying to learn a new way to be, previously in her old life she would of not reached out to the XO as openly. Ship life was much more strict. Here she was feeling so much into a different element that this seemed right for the atmosphere of this place. Her instincts had rarely guided her wrong before. Her attitude seemed to say it was fine either way with her. She only wished she had time to meet more people, maybe Teri would be able to introduce her to others as well. She was interested in exploring this new world and the people in it.

"Well I guess that we are." Maddie smiled, grateful to Sonia for reaching out, "In which case I'd love to join you."

Sonia nodded, "Off to adventure no?" She smiled and after taking a transit tube to the station, they walked in the cool evening air until they came to a bar called 'Dev's Place'. "Teri highly recommends this place.." She said to Maddie as they walked closer.

"Looks nice enough." Maddie looked at the front of the bar, "Teri is inside?" she asked as she turned to Sonia.

From behind them, Teri came rushing over. "Ah ladies it seems I'm not late after all. Good!" She grinned. Dressed casual but classy.

With no warning or chance for them to react, Teri stepped in between them and hooked an arm through each of theirs. Acting as if the plan had included Maddie all along, Teri gave them each a look before giving a nod to indicate they move towards the door. "Are we going in ladies or are we just gonna admire the outside? I promise there is much prettier vistas actually inside the bar." She teased.

Sonia had seen Teri approach from their reflection in the glass and so was ready for it, "Bravely forward!" Sonia said a bit bemused by Teri's outgoing nature. Pleased Teri was rolling easily with the addition of Maddie to the group.

Remaining silent, Maddie gave a shrug as if to say 'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em' and walked alongside them into the bar.

Once inside Teri led them over to a little table near the back but positioned to allow them to see the rest of the bar with relative ease. Vista's had to be accessible. Glancing around she spotted a particular pleasant view she wanted to treat the girls too. "Ah.. Nick!" She caught his attention, smiling flirtatiously.

Nicolas Giordano, bartender, had been busy placing stemmed glasses onto the rack above the bar, he stopped at hearing his name, and seeing the three ladies, lifted a hand and smiled in return, nearly blushing at Teri's smile, before getting back to what he was doing.

Sonia waved back with a smile of her own and noted the others in the room, "This place is great..." She told Teri and smiled at Maddie.

"I can see it becoming the hub of the Academy that's for sure." Maddie replied as she settled into a seat and looked around.

Sonia nodded and subconsciously moved to the beat of the music, tapping one hand on the table in time as she waited to order. "True enough..."

"So what does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?" Maddie asked as she looked around for a waiter.

Teri caught the eye of one, signalling they wanted to order and turned to Maddie with a smile, "I did promise gorgeous views. " Meaning Nick and a few others of the staff. "Now.. what is your poison?"

"Rum." Maddie replied without a thought. You could take the girl out of the Caribbean but you couldn't take the Caribbean out of the girl it seemed.

With a nod of approval at Maddie, Teri turned to Sonia."And yours?"

Sonia looked thoughtful, "Vodka if its real if not vay as vell be vater..."

"Well we aren't being stereotypical are we?" Maddie chuckled at her own and Sonia's drink of choice.

"If its the best vhy not? You try havink an Uncle who brews and see if you don't become believer.." She grinned, not in the least annoyed by the comment.

"Does a grandfather count?" Maddie grinned, remembering her grandfather's shed in the villa where she used to spend a lot of time as a child.

Teri chuckled and ordered their drinks giving the cute waiter a flirtatious wink, before turning back to watch the girls and conversation at hand. "Grandfather?"

Maddie nodded, "He and Nana virtually raised me whilst my mother and father were off on various expeditions." she explained.

"Your Grandfather brews?" Sonia looked impressed and glanced around conspiratorially and lowered her voice, "I've some of my Unkles, you brink your label and ve'll compare." She downed the shot of vodka and gestured for another as the beat picked up, "My family is close.." Well her mother's family but she wasn't going to go into that now, "You?" she said managing to do a smooth version of dancing while sitting in her chair.

"I used to be very close to my grandparents." Maddie smiled before adding "God rest their souls." she was silent for a moment before continuing, "My grandfather used to brew rum out in his shed, supplied the entire surrounding village." she chuckled, "My parents and sister...we're not close." The mention of her sister left an unmistakable edge to her voice leaving her reaching out to toss back her shot of rum then flagging down the nearest waiter for another round.

Sonia nodded she sensed the 'THIS IS OFF LIMITS' sign that Maddie was putting on the subject of her parents and sister. And chose not to push it since they were not close friends. Respecting her privacy Sonia replied, "My Unkle would do the same as vell as for the tvice dekade family reunions. A jovial man he was always pleased to help others, he is innkeeper so suits him vell." Her eyes grew distant as she remembered the mountains of her homeland, "This place is the klosest to being home I'm likely to get..." She didn't realize how tense she was getting serving on starships until she'd come here and almost couldn't deal with the space.

"There are worse places to spend your time." Maddie smiled, thinking about how therapeutic being on this planet was.

Teri raised her glass, "Such as Nimbus III. So here's to beautiful and gorgeous vistas..both landscape and otherwise."

"To beautiful landscapes." Maddie smiled as she clinked her glass against Teri's.

Sonia finished her second drink, "And speaking of therapeutic, we must dance.." She gestured to her new friends as a driving beat took the dance floor. She stood and gestured again with a smile unable to sit still any longer. Her mother called it 'Ants in the Pants' but sometimes she just didn't like to be still.

"Oh we must, must we?" Maddie looked up at the other woman.

"Yes" She nodded emphatically with an open smile. She didn't know what it was but something bothered the Deputy Dean and it was in Sonia's nature to help, to her own ways. Besides it was a great deal of fun and it had been too long since she got to do anything like cutting loose.

Glancing between the two women Teri swallowed the last of her drink down and stood. "I'll join you for a few. "

"You both go on ahead, I'm good right here." Maddie replied, not really in the mood to have fun.

"Alright!" Sonia said to Teri and to Maddie, "As you say then I vill return and we vill drink." Being respectful of the others personal space. She went and danced getting out some of the 'ants in her pants' her mother always said she had. It was a nice upbeat tune that could best be described as 'Earth Swing', the toe tapping sort like: ,as tonight seemed to be swing/big band night on the way to the dance floor were signs proclaiming blues/jazz and nights of similar music that was its usual.

Joining Sonia, Teri enjoyed the dancing and the simple night off she was having with the girls. Of course that was to be short lived, the tragedy of her position when her combadge went off.

Sonia returned breathing heavily and gestured for more drinks. "There, out of system.." She smiled.

"You dance well." Maddie observed as she drained the glass that she was holding in preparation for their new drinks to arrive.

Sonia smiled, "Thanks, the beats call to me and is fun vay to vear self out. Do you dance much?" She let the waiter give new drinks and take away the empty glasses.

"When the occasion calls for it." Maddie replied as she fiddled with her glass, "But I haven't felt much like dancing over the last few months." she admitted, the constant ache in her heart becoming her seemingly ever present companion.

Teri approached the table with a grim face. "Sorry girls..I've got some stuff to deal with. Gonna have to leave."

"You sure that you won't stay for a final drink?" Maddie asked, wondering what the 'stuff' was that Teri had to deal with

"Everythink ok?" Sonia asked concerned.

"I wish I could stay. " Teri looked forlorn at her empty glass, "But admin duties never cease and this. " she gave a small rueful smile, "can't wait, but it's nothing to worry about."

Before she left Teri added, "Oh.. have one for me ladies."

"You bet." Maddie smiled and watched Teri leave.

Sonia waved for more drinks and after the waiter poured and left, she looked somberly at Maddie. "Rough time?" She asked kindly, sensing the others pain.

"And then some." Maddie replied, her eyes downcast for a moment before looking up at Sonia and adding "Long story but I'm hoping that this place will help me to heal."

"This seems the place for it..." She paused consideringly then spoke, her tongue loosened by shots of vodka, "The peace you know never have I seen so much. Not to fight for my life is new experience recently." She said unwilling to push Maddie about her story but open. She downed her vodka and gestured for more as the music flowed on now a more gentle feel of big band since the time was later.

Maddie nodded in agreement, "You're right, it's laid back and relaxed and there's much less chance here of making decisions that could end people's lives." she commented, her gaze drifting off as she recalled all of those awful conversations that she had had with the relatives of those who had died on the Minotaur.

"Ve have had more than seems fair share no?" As they finished their drinks she gestured for two more but made a note to slow down as it was starting to really affect her now and she had no desire to lose control here and now.

"And then some." Maddie agreed, "Which is why I'm hoping that teaching and staying in one place for a while might help heal the wounds." she added softly as she fiddled with her glass.

This seemed a time for silence so Sonia nodded companionably and they sat in quiet for a time as the music played. She finished her drink, "Vell shall we try to valk back?" She asked eyeing the door a little concerned about her ability to walk a straight line.

"Some fresh air might be just the thing right now." Maddie nodded and stood up. Having spent most of the time cradling her drinks in her hands, she hadn't had anywhere near as much as Sonia and felt really quite sober. But perhaps that's because as a Puerto Rican, she could handle her rum.

Sonia smiled and stood, she had a good drink tolerance but had twice as much as her new friend and so stood carefully. "Then we go.." She gestured to the doors and they headed out. The cooler air of night clearing her head a bit. They talked easily as they walked back, pulling from common experiences as they both savored this planet that seemed to be a place of healing for many.

Commander Sonia Dalca
Tactical Education Department Chair
Magellan Academy

Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

CPO Teri Lane
Dean's Yeoman
Magellan Campus

Nicolas Giordano
Bartender at Dev's Place
Magellan Campus


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