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Posted on Sat Sep 16th, 2017 @ 9:46pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Commander Kaelyth Solmarr
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:01pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Admiral's Readyroom
Timeline: 2388/08/15 0722 (August 15 2388 0722)

Kaelyth knew that it was early in the morning. He knew that not everyone rose as early as he did. However, he hoped that the Admiral would be in his office so that Kaelyth could take care of the necessity of reporting in and then get to know his department. Not that he would rush the encounter -- he never did that -- he enjoyed interacting with people far too much for that. It always depended heavily on the other party.

Reaching the admiral's office, Kaelyth tapped the door chime and stood patiently. His hands were clasped behind his back, and his stance was open and inviting to any who saw him there and chose to say something.

Admiral Greg Maddock wasn't surprised by the chime, having been notified that Serene's Chief of Operations had touched ground.

"Come in." he said while dismissing the Chief's file, leaning slightly forward in his seat as the door swooshed open.

As the doors parted, Kaelyth entered the office and stopped just before the desk. Gold-and-silver eyes took in the man behind it in an instant, and he offered the required introduction. "Commander Kaelyth Solmarr reporting for duty, sir." His tones were crisp and precise, and his stance was proper Attention. However, his eyes held a warmer quality in their depths, underneath the proper officer.

Greg looked the man over, his face giving nothing away. Eventually he indicated his coffee with a slight nod of his head. "Feel free to get yourself something and have a seat, Commander. " His tone managing to both impart the suggestion in the first half of his statement and an order in the second half.

Kaelyth considered the man a moment, reassessing him. Having been taught to be a Speaker, Kaelyth had a good sense of people. This one was walking a fine line between welcoming and command, and Kaelyth could respect that. Moving to the Replicator, he ordered a mint tea and took it to the indicated chair where he sat as ordered. He had not missed the very slight shift in tone on that part.

"Thank you, sir." he said, indicating the tea with a movement of eyes. Immediately afterward, though, those gold-and-silver eyes returned to hold the gaze of the man across the desk from him.

Greg nodded and then leaned back, relaxed yet commanding, a knowing look given as he asked, "A nice speedy trip, I hope?"

Kaelyth studied the man for a second before responding. Was this admiral aware of his ship's abilities, or was he making a joke about how bloody long it would have taken a Federation starship to get here? Or was he making a joke on how fast the wormhole would have gotten them here? Kaelyth could not be certain exactly, so he chuckled since any of them would have constituted a joke.

"Actually, yes we did." he answered. "And a comfortable one." Iytha Rhaen was a warship, but she was still very comfortable for her class. "I do think, however, that my ship was not what Lieutenant Commander Iyvanna had expected."

Smiling, Greg nodded again. "Although I have orders not to press the matter, I'd like to take a look at her myself someday, perhaps even go for a ride," he replied," especially considering she's on my station."

Kaelyth smiled, pleased that the Admiral was not going to push him to allow Starfleet to thoroughly examine Iytha Rhaen. They had asked, even nudged, but he had refused. Some of that was because she was so much more advanced in certain respects than Starfleet ships that he felt almost as if he would be breaking the Prime Directive by giving them access to these systems. Another part of it was that he knew Kiyanna might feel a bit violated by their poking and prodding -- it might bring back memories of when her sisters were "decommissioned" by Sendell.

It was not that he thought Starfleet would be cruel to her or take her apart. It was simply that he considered her feelings and the fact that the technology was so alien that they might inadvertently do her some harm. When he had begun his studies at their Academy, after all, he had been often given pause by the alien nature of their technology, so accustomed was he to Lessanthi.

"I would be pleased to show you my ship." he answered after a second's consideration and another sip of the mint tea. "As to taking a ride, am I correct in assuming that you are referring to her Shift Engines, sir?" The Sub Engines (sublight engines) were no more impressive than anyone else's in his estimation, but he never assumed.

"Indeed I was, would be quite the experience I'm sure," Greg replied readily, and leaning a bit forward, picked up a LCARs datapad. "Now, I'm sure you'll like to settle in." He handed the datapad over to the other man. "This will apprise you of anything you may need to know right off."

Kaelyth smiled. "Commander Iyvanna did appear to appreciate it." he answered the admiral's first statement. In fact, everyone whom he had taken through Shift Space had seemed to enjoy the experience. He leaned slightly forward to take the PADD, then sat back and gave it a brief skim before bringing his eyes back to the admiral's. "I will read this thoroughly once I have settled in. Am I correct to assume that if I have any questions, I may contact you?" Some Commanding Officers preferred to let their Executive Officers handle those things while others were more 'hands-on'. Kaelyth needed to know which this one was.

"Yes, you may," Greg nodded, "Or Rear Admiral Douglas, once he returns from shore leave." He gave the other man a slight, warm, smile, stood and extended out a hand to shake his. "Welcome to Serene and Starbase Magellan, Commander. Enjoy settling in."

Kaelyth stood as the admiral did, shaking the man's hand as was custom in these spaces -- the gesture had confused him when he had first arrived, but it had been explained. "Thank you, sir." He took his hand back after that quick handshake but was uncertain whether he should leave or not. That sounded like a dismissal, but...

He tilted his head. "That was dismissal, yes?" he asked for clarification.

The corners of Greg's mouth lifted slightly in amusement. "Yes. " He nodded at the door in dismissal though the gesture wasn't unfriendly. He quite liked Kaelyth's candor.

Kaelyth, appropriately embarrassed, nodded and left the office. He really needed to gain more exposure to these particular people, learn their behaviors -- he was not the Counselor, but it always paid to understand why the people around him did things -- so that he would not have too many of these embarrassing moments.

Making his way back to his office, he set about getting to know his staff.


Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock
Commanding Officer
Starbase Magellan

Commander Kaelyth Solmarr
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Magellan


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