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Enjoying the View ~ Arrival

Posted on Tue Mar 21st, 2017 @ 11:53pm by Commander Ta'mas & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee"
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:02pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Magellan Docking Station
Timeline: 2388/08/15 0730 (August 15 2388 0730)

The USS Ellison docked and her passengers disembarked as they took on needed supplies and general rest from the weeks long journey to the station. Two of the passengers leaving were two statuesque, striking people. People got out of their way as they walked, not because they had attitude but the presence they exuded seemed to ask it.

Paige held one of Ta'mas's hands as they walked, nodding politely to those that moved an unconsciously regal move. They each carried a duffle bag as they checked in with the guard on duty who, Paige was pleased to note, followed all the required steps for checking someone in and they entered the docking station that overlooked their new home.

Paige took in the chaos of the docking area and glanced up at Ta'mas "Our new home..."

Ta'mas nodded as he continued to stoically look around them. He had been thinking about the one time they had briefly been right where they were, never imagining that someday, she would be in charge of the starbases security, and he, not only in charge of it's engineering department, but placed in charge of another station's development project too. He looked down to her and smiled, grabbing both their bags as they were returned.

They started walking again and he took another look at a few species of people he didn't recognized, and found he needed to take in a deep breath as they headed towards the nearest turbolift.

After they entered and gave their destination Paige spoke, "So we'll head to our quarters, drop our bags. Sure and then I'm thinkin' we'll need to visit the Captain here but the poking and prodding, can wait until tomorrow..." She said leaning up to kiss him, "There are much more important things to be done after a long trip..."

"Like what?" he asked, teasing her as if he didn't know. They kissed as the lift started taking them around to another side of the station.

Paige laughed, "Well decorating our quarters, reviewing personnel data, and departmental reports..." She said in a smart alecy tone as she broke away. They both knew what she meant but she was in a teasing mood.

Although he knew she was teasing back, Ta'mas exhaled and then half smiled, while looking over at her sideways as he turned towards the door, "How about you do the decorating." He didn't have much in personal possession, preferred it that way, and with the exception of his nightstand and meditation area, decorating wasn't something he cared to do.

"Oh so that's how we're playin' it boyo..." She said knowing he understood what she meant but was pretending he didn't. "We'll see..." She said with a quietly evil grin. We'll see as in 'we'll see who holds out longer', rather fun game with no losers. She headed out of the turbolift as the doors opened.

Smiling fully now, Ta'mas followed her and seeing all the personnel lined up before the transporter rooms, took hold of her hand. "This way, I have another idea," he said.

Paige looked a little puzzled but smiled gamely, "Just remember we only just got here, getting into trouble for buzzing Ops nude is not a good idea..."

Ta'mas raised a Vulcan eyebrow, "Do you trust me?"

"With my life..." She replied immediately, "What are you plotting?" She asked just a little cautiously, because while she did trust him, he was a bit of a trickster.

He gave her another half smile, and then started looking around them. Recognizing what he was looking for, he started leading her away.

A few minutes later, they entered an observation deck. It was empty, with ceiling to floor windows along one wall giving a good view of the large space elevator, which was joined to the observation lounge by a short docking ramp. With the colony and starbase built on the planets equator, the docking station in geostationary orbit, when activated, the space elevator traveled along a tether that was grounded on the Starbase's primary landing bay.

"So what do you think?" he said, leading her over to it. "it's been tested, only waiting for the Chief Engineer's final approval."

Paige did that slow grin she had when she was really excited about something as she studied it. She looked over at him, "I've never tried one of this before, we've got to give a go..." She said her eyes alight with interest. "Next best thing to orbital jumping I suppose..." She said, thinking the view must be amazing from the ports as one went down.

"Depends on how fast you expect this thing to go," he replied, moving around her to go to a LCARS panel next to the door of the docking ramp, where he entered his access code he'd been given back at Zulu, and the door slid open.

"Not that fast I expect but the view will be amazing" She replied and entered, eager for the ride.

Ta'mas followed her through the docking ramp and into the elevator, which was round in shape, with cushioned seating against the outer windowed hull. In it's center was what appeared to be a large rounded pillar, which was the shaft that actually walled the tether that the elevator traveled on.

The electromagnetic conduits located along the length of the shaft would allow accelerations up to ten meters per second squared, just as they did on starships and stations. Yet with the option to slow down to what was referred to as scenic speed once it reached the planets troposphere. "And we have the option of one-way viewing.," he said, walking over to a LCARS panel to order up a diagnostic once the elevator was underway.

Paige sat sideways on the bench and grinned at him, "Sounds grand, so make with the magic boyo..." she teased happily pretending to snap her fingers. The view never got old neither of space, planet fall, or a certain Vulcan Hybrid...

Lifting a brow, Ta'mas did as he was told and then joined her, causing her to lay back on the bench as he hovered over her, boyishly smiling before capturing her mouth in a slow and gentle kiss.


Cmdr. Ta'mas
Chief of Engineering Ops
Magellan Base/Serene Colony

Cmdr. Paige O'Halloran
Chief of Starbase Security
Magellan Base/Serene Colony


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