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Got Ya!

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 11:08pm by Commander Jacob Bannerman & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:09pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Seedy Bar, Starbase Zulu
Timeline: 2388/08/17 1930 (August 17 2388 1800-2000)


"Well this is...unexpected." Jake grinned up at the scantily clad woman who was settling herself down on his lap as he sat at the bar.

Finding the Academy far too sedate, he had offered to take one of the new shuttles for a run to Zulu and back on the pretence that it was to iron out any teething problems. It was of course just an excuse to find some fun and so he had found himself in a very dodgy Ferengi run establishment. It was the kind of place that was full of men, ogling the barely dressed women who danced up on stage.

"What's wrong sugar?" the woman pouted at him, "You don't like women?"

"Oh I like women alright." Jake grinned as he reached out to steady her and placed his hands on her hips, "It's just, I don't see any other men here getting this kind of VIP treatment."

"Well none of the rest of them look like you Sugar." she purred, "You can call me Katrine by the way. Seriously though, you don't look like the kind of man who needs to visit a place like this to find some fun. I'll bet you just have women throwing themselves at you all the time."

"Well Katrine, you'd be surprised what kind of man I am." Jake replied, his eyes focusing behind her as he caught sight of someone entering the bar.

Liam Pardot walked into the seedy establishment as if he owned the place. The cocky eighteen year old smiled broadly as he saw a gorgeous Bajoran woman dancing on stage and murmured to himself "Now this is a party." Keeping his eyes on the woman, he walked up to the bar and slapped the counter. "Beer please." he finally tore his eyes away and looked at the barman.

"ID please." the barman shot back.

"Excuse me sweetheart." Jake lifted the woman off his lap like she weighed nothing at all and set her down on the floor, "Family matters." he smiled apologetically at her as he stood up, "But stick around and maybe I'll come find you later." he winked and then walked down the length of the bar towards Liam.

Jake had never met the boy but he had spent time trawling through the cadet files to fill his days. It was a habit that stuck with him even though he had left 31. Know everything you needed to know about the enemy or in this case the cadets and with his partially eidetic memory he knew that he had seen that face before and could even put a name to it too.

Reaching Liam's side, he leaned up against the bar, his back to the barman looking at the dancing woman on the stage. "He's with me...give the man the beer he asked for." he tossed over his shoulder at the barman.

"Of course Sir." the barman nodded his head, not willing to argue with the obvious alpha male.

"Thanks man." Liam grinned as the beer was set on the bar. He began to lift it to his lips and then paused before asking "You're not some creepy guy who picks up young men in bars are you?"

The comment made Jake laugh out loud before becoming serious. "Don't worry kid, I can assure you that your ass is least from that kind of thing." he winked before sighing and saying "Soooo...William Pardot, tell me why I shouldn't head on back to the Academy and report to Dr McKinney that one of his cadets is drinking underage in a place like this."

"How did you know my..." Liam paused, "Just who are you?" he narrowed his eyes at the older man.

"Commander Jake Bannerman, your flight instructor." Jake replied with a wink.

"And who's to say that I won't tell him that you've been hanging out here too." Liam challenged Jake.

"Go ahead kid...I don't give a flying monkey what you tell him but something tells me that mummy and daddy would be pretty pissed off if you get thrown out of school before you even started." he lowered his head and whispered "Kind of sucks to be an Admiral's son huh?"

"Can I at least drink the beer before I go?" Liam asked, eyeing the icy cold pint.

"One sip and if I ever see you in here or anywhere like this again then it's off to the Dean is that clear?" Jake growled.

"As day." Liam grumbled, taking a large gulp of the beer before setting it down and looking at it forlornly.

"Good...then I guess I'll see you in class." Jake patted Liam on the back and added "Now if you excuse me, there's a woman with my name on her waiting." he winked again and disappeared into the crowd in search of the delectable Katrine.

The barman had overheard the whole exchange and quickly removed the glass from Liam's reach causing the boy to grumble before pushing off the bar and glaring in Jake's direction. "Asshole." he mumbled as he headed for the door. Were these damn teachers everywhere? First the guy at the party and now this guy. Anyone would think they were spys or something. With a deep sigh of defeat, Liam decided to head back to his temporary quarters all alone.


Commander Jacob Bannerman
Flight Control Instructor
Magellan Academy

William Pardot
Magellan Academy


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