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Cadets Amok part four

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 11:22pm by Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher & Cadet Freshman Grade Ashley MacGyver
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:14pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: ZuluBase
Timeline: 2388/08/17 1935 (August 17 2388 1800-2000)


Kinsey walked in, her hands in front of her at her waist. She wore a form fitting dress and was glad that her family couldn't see her. Her makeup and hair were modest but the dress would have been too short, too showy, and much too revealing for her father or her brother. She had wanted to make a showing at the gathering because she didn't want others to think her snobbish or stuck up. In truth she was extremely shy and sheltered.

A short pretty blonde with green eyes and four small exo-cranial ridges on her forehead approached her from the side, "Hi" she smiled, drawing Kinsey's attention to her. She extended out a hand for Kinsey to shake, "I'm Ashley MacGyver."

Kinsey jumped, a little startled and turned to look at the girl who had spoke to her. "Oh, hello." Kinsey noted the hand and offered her own. "Mackinsey Jericho. Most call me Kinsey." She managed a smile. "Nice to meet you, Ashley."

Outgoing, not a shy bone in her body, Ashley smiled back and said, "Hey...there's a group of us upstairs getting to know each other." she indicated to the second level of the restaurant where games were being played, "Would you like to join us?"

"Oh, um...okay." Kinsey nodded. "I'd love to." Her smile widening, Ashley lead her up there.

The music in the place changed to a slow song, Talking to the Moon , and in the center of the main level couples slowly came together on the dance floor.

Turning to Ben, Katie smiled. "You going to ask me to dance?"

"Uh.." Ben hesitated, looking a little unsure. It was one thing to jump right in imitating others to the faster paced music, but this was different. He felt out of his element. He gave her an uncertain smile. "I've never done this..."

"That's okay." She leaned in and whispered. "Just hold me like you did the other night and sway with the music." She put her arms around his neck and waited for him to wrap his around her waist. She smiled at him. "Now we just move to the music." She rocked her hips a little in tune to the music.

They were still off to the side of the dance floor, and Ben began moving with her, "How am I doing?" he asked, staring into her eyes and pulling her tighter to him.

Katie smiled. "If you were doing any better, my brother would shoot the both of us." She leaned in. "You see how easy it is?"

Ben's eyes searching hers, he nodded. "You're really and your brother..."

"Growing up, my brothers were too old to want to play with a little girl and my sisters were too little to play with me. Ryan always found the time to give me some of his attention. Yes, I think it made us closer than I am with the rest of my family." She smiled. "But I come from an old Irish catholic family with very deep roots so we're all very close...and look out for each other." She giggled. "Be glad it was Ryan that found us and not Michael - he has what my daddy calls, a good ole Irish temper. And I don't think either of us would be standing here - not to mention he's a Commander in star fleet intake."

Ben took in her words, and still gazing intently into her eyes, he replied perhaps too seriously, "I would never do anything to hurt you, Katie."

Katie gazed into Ben's eyes and gave a smile. "I know you wouldn't." She leaned in and kissed him. It was a sweet, trusting kiss.

The kiss ended, and Ben continued to gaze into her eyes momentarily, searching, and what he saw caused him concern, for she hardly knew him. His arm going more securely around her, he moved them out onto the dance floor, partially confused, feeling the need to protect her.

Gwen finished her conversation with the science group and headed to the food table. She saw Rachel and Kelly, she always had trouble with people her own age. Growing up home schooled as an only child will tend to do that but she was trying a new leaf so she got closer, "Hello, I'm Gwen." She said to the two, she paused to see their reactions if they looked annoyed at her butting in she'd head off.

" are the brownies?" Rachel asked Kelly, as she bit into one of the large, soft chocolate chip cookies she'd grabbed off the large spread that was laid out for them. She looked up as the new song came on the radio, disappointed she didn't have anyone to dance with....which made such a slow song almost annoying, and rolled her eyes at it.

Kelly ate one and smiled from ear to ear. "They're fantastic!" She turned when she heard a female voice and turned to see another student approaching them. "Hi!" She perked up. "I'm Kelly. This is Rachel." She indicated the redhead beside of her.

Gwen smiled a little shyly, "Nice to meet you both..." She gestured to the brownies having heard them talk about them and she was trying not to be awkward, "I heard from the cooks that they used real ingredients. I guess this close to a planet its easy to get materials..."

"I know," Kelly said. "It's wonderful eating real food. I'm going to be taking Flight Control. What about you?" She asked as she took another bite of brownie.

Gwen was getting a small plate of her own when she replied, "Currently science as in archeology but I was also interested in communications, bit hard to choose." She knew she'd have to make a decision soon but everything was interesting.

Rachel smiled at Gwen, "Im pre-med but Im minoring in science as well. It be nice ta meet you." she said in a quiet voice. While outgoing, she was less perky than her new friend Kelly.

Kelly went to take another bite of her brownie when she suddenly dropped it as if her fingers went numb. Frowning in a strange way that made it look like her face was starting to droop, she seemed a bit unsteady on her feet as she bent to get it.

"Kelly?" Gwen says concerned.

"Kelly?" Rachel said, looking concerned. She realized something wasn't right at all and began looking around frantically, "Is there a doctor here?? Something isnt right with this cadet!" she called out, putting a hand on Kelly's shoulder to try to keep her from falling. "Lets get you ta a chair..." she said gently helping her toward a chair.

Gwen immediately grabbed a chair and helped Rachel set Kelly in it. As Rachel helped Kelly, Gwen knew she couldn't do anything more at the moment so glanced around. Her eyes fell on the brownie, Kelly had been eating, on the floor. She grabbed it and wrapped it in a napkin. She had no idea if the brownie did anything but she didn't know it didn't. She would try to stay out of the way of the medical personnel even as she looked on concerned. She was trained in first aid as her family spent so much time on their own when she was growing up but she knew there were medical personnel here better trained than she was and Rachel seemed to have things well in hand as help was making it's way over. Gwen's eyes roamed the room as she wondered what happened, wishing she could be more help.

With the help of her fellow cadets, Kelly managed to sit in the chair. "Ish fine. 'sokay." She frowned as her words slurred and she closed her eyes, hoping she wasn't just poisoned.

Suddenly Brady was there, and crouched down before her. "Hi" he said gently while looking intently at her, "Can you tell me your name?"

Kelly looking at the man in front of her and blinked a few times. "Kel...Kelly Khan." She frowned again before setting her jaw. "I'm fine. Probably just too mush..." Another frown settled on her lips. "much running around lately."

Brady nodded, recognizing the signs he was seeing on her face and in her eyes, and what he was hearing as she spoke to him. He and Lucas exchanged looks before he gave her a small smile. "I'm Commander Dering, Kelly, and we're going to take you to sickbay just to make sure." he said as Lucas spoke into his comm.

"I'm ...." Kelly started, then stopped. "Sure, Commander." Her voice was resigned and the feisty look that had started to appear in her deep brown eyes faded away.

Brady placed a hand on the side of her face, not liking what he was seeing. "Can anyone here tell me what happened?" he asked to those watching, keeping his eyes on Kelly.

Gwen came up a little uncertainly, "She was eating this.." and held out the brownie, "When she stumbled, drooped, and couldn't seem to speak properly." Even as she tried to give a concise report her concerned gaze flicked to Kelly...

Meanwhile, Kelly just sat in the chair and looked at the floor. This was it. My career is over before I even get the chance to take a class..

Two medics had materialized just outside the restaurant and now came rushing in, one tapping his combadge opening a direct a line as the other pulled out the peripheral scanner from his medical tricorder as they approached them.

Rachel looked at Brady, nodding in agreement. "Yes...she was just eating that brownie when she be slurrin her speech." she said, looking to Kelly with a comforting smile. "Dunnae'll be okay." she told Kelly. She then looked to Brady.

Gwen tried to give a supporting look to Kelly before turning her attention back to Brady.

"Yeah...thanks," Kelly said softly, looking at the two other cadets before turning her attention back to the medical personnel. Everyone is going to know something is wrong with me. she thought to herself.

Brady had accepted the Brownie from Gwen, and stood out of the way of the medic with the tricorder as he turned to the girls. "Did either one of you eat any of these brownies?"

"Sir.." the medic with the tricorder held it up to him.

Brady was not only a Psychiatrist, he was a full medical doctor, yet his brows furrowed for what he was seeing didn't make a whole lot of sense to him.

"We're going to take her now, Sir."

Brady nodded, "I'm right behind you." and he quickly turned back to the two girls to answer his question, the medics and Kelly shimmering away.

Rachel frowned, "I did...but I feel fine." she replied to Brady, holding up her plate which did indeed hold at least one brownie that she'd picked up after the cookies.

Gwen shook her head, "Never got the chance" she replied wondering what else it could be.

"Good." Brady nodded to Gwen, and then said gently but firmly to Rachel, "You're coming with me...and don't worry," he assured her, putting out a hand to take hers, "it's only a precaution."

Frowning, Rachel nodded, "I guess it be a good thing ta do. Wouldna due for me ta say no bein that Im a pre med major would it?" she said, putting out her hand, though feelin a bit like a child taking his hand.

Then Brady ordered a site to site transport and immediately they were transported away.

Knowing she was in good hands, Lucas Thorton looked around at what was left of the party, and made a decision. He headed over to where he would make an unpopular announcement, that the party was over.


Cadet Initiates:
Sito Jondar,
Phoebe Cavendish,
Benjamin Hall,
Kaitlyn Shaw,
Gwen Morgan,
William 'Liam' Pardot,
Ashley MacGyver,
Mackinsey Jericho,
Rachel Gallagher, &
Kelly Khan

Lt Commander Devin McCall
Intel Instructor/Dept head
Magellan Campus

Lt Commander Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet Psychiatrist
Temp assign - Magellan campus

Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton
Starbase Magellan XO
Serene Colony


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Comments (1)

By Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Sat Oct 14th, 2017 @ 8:30pm

Edited, to reflect the change in Lucas' role and to add him in as an author.