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Wear A Uniform Next Time

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2017 @ 11:56pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:20pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Zulu/Magellan Academy
Timeline: 2388/08/18 0500 (August 18 2388 0500)

Tapping his finger impatiently on the desk, Jake waited for the computer to contact the Assistant Dean of Magellan Academy. Turning in his seat as he waited, he grinned at the sleeping form of the delectable Katrine whom he had returned to retrieve after his little sojourn to the holodeck. He would continue his fun later but a deal was a deal and he had to give it to the kid, the chip that Adonai had given to him had proven just as amazing as he had promised and so far he had only tried out two of the programs that it had contained. It beat the Vulcan Love Slave program hands down that was for sure. The things those three Orions had done...

He was brought out of his reverie by the chirrup from the computer that heralded the completion of the link.

The UFP insignia on screen was replaced with a rather tousled and sleepy looking Madeline Sanchez who stared at the screen and took in the bare chested Bannerman before growling "This had better be good you have any idea what time it is?"

"Awww what's the matter sweetcheeks? Not pleased to see me?" Jake grinned.

"I'm never pleased to see you." Maddie shot back, the hostility in her voice evident.

"Well maybe you might be once I let you know why I'm calling." Jake replied, totally unphased by the Captain's reaction to him.

Maddie sighed and said "Go on."

"How would you like to make history and recruit a Nygean to the Academy?" Jake asked brightly, "Will do wonders for relations here in the Quadrant don't you think?" he added encouragingly, "And you have to admit, it's important that we improve our position out here."

"True." Maddie nodded, "Though how do you know a Nygean?" she asked, vaguely recalling reading about the race after Voyager had gotten home and their files had been released for view.

"A young kid here on Zulu virtually begged me to take him on as a medical student...apparently he can't become a doctor at home due to some sort of hierarchical society and he's too low class or something." Jake replied, trying hard to recall the real explanation that Adonai had given and not sure that he had it right.

"Don't tell me, you've promised him a spot already?" Maddie narrowed her eyes at Jake.

"No." Jake shook his head and said "I told him that I'd speak to my boss and that being the compassionate, just and gracious woman that she is I thought that she'd take his request seriously." he added as charmingly as he could.

Silent for a moment as she considered the proposal, Maddie had to admit that it would definitely help to integrate the Federation with the local races and it wasn't as if they were going to be accepting a whole bunch of them. She had no idea however, exactly what Connor would think.

"So what do you think?" Jake prompted her, uncertain what to think of her silence.

"I'll talk to the Dean." Maddie finally sighed, "But I'm not promising anything, he's the boss around here not me."

"Ah yes, but rumour has it that you have him wrapped around your little finger." Jake grinned back.

"Well rumour sometimes is just rumour." Maddie growled, unable to hide the slight blush that coloured her cheeks at the suggestion.

"Let me know what he says." Jake was quick to notice the blush.

Just at that moment a very sleepy and very naked Katrine padded over to Jake and asked "Who are you talking to sugar? I'm lonely in bed over there."

Maddie's eyes widened at the sight and groaned and said "Oh my god are you naked too?" then she shook her head and said "Never mind, I don't want to know...I'll leave you to it and never ever call me without your uniform on ever again are we understood?" she glared at him, trying to ignore the woman draped around Jake's shoulders.

Laughing at Maddie's reaction, Jake winked at her as he said "Talk to you soon Cap and don't say I didn't give you the opportunity to have some fun before." he winked at her and ended the transmission, loving the way he could wind Maddie up.

Standing up, he pulled Katrine into his arms and rumbled "Now where were we?"


Back on Sapientia, Maddie was still reeling from the blatant way that Bannerman had so casually called his direct superior when he had clearly been engaged

"Gah!" she slammed the desk, hating the man's insolence and hating even more that he was right about this student. He would be a good addition to the Academy if nothing else than to represent a link between their own way of life and that of this very strange and unfamiliar territory.

Checking her chronometer, it read 0412 hours. Knowing she wouldn't get back to sleep now, she figured she'd go out for a run. The sun would be up in an hour and maybe later she could join Connor for breakfast and broach the subject of a potential new addition with him.


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