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An Uncontested Recommendation

Posted on Sun Oct 9th, 2016 @ 12:13am by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:18pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Zulu
Timeline: 2388/06/23 0900 (June 23, 2388 0900)

Brady strode with a purpose as he headed down the long corridor of the administrative area of Starbase Zulu. A highly educated and experienced Psychiatrist, Brady was specialized in PTSD evaluations and treatments. Never on one assignment for very long, he transferred from one place to another, counseling those traumitized by their experiences, and working with those Starfleet officers that Starfleet didn't want to let go, to give up on.

It was because of one of those officers that he now entered the foyer that lead to the office of one Admiral Dukath Ma'Kum, the Joint Fleet Operations Advisor, the liaison between the fleets Alpha and Zulu.

As Brady was expected, he was motioned through by the Admiral's aide, and with a PADD in hand, entered the office...

Dukath stood from his desk, a tall monster of a man with a heart of gold. He was not a typical Klingon as he wore a smile. "Doctor Brady Dering," He grinned as he offered his hand to the man and then motioned to a seat. "it's good to see you - I think."

"I think so, sir", Brady returned the grin, and then after placing the PADD beside him, rested his hands on his legs as he took the seat offered. His smile fading, his look sympathetic, he got straight to the point, "I heard about the unexpected demise of your Dean of Education for the new Academy Campus here in the Delta Quadrant."

"Yes, very sad - very sad." Dukath shook his head. "We sent word to Star Fleet and they'll pass on the information to his family." He took a seat and faced the man. "But that isn't why you came here is it?"

Brady nodded, raising both brows, "It is.", and leaned forward, handing the PADD over to him, "I believe I have found his replacement, Admiral." Then resting one elbow on his leg, his look became intent as he explained, "Commander Connor McKinney, recently returned from the dead, and recommissioned back into Starfleet. He was the Chief Medical Officer of SB900. Which I am sure you are aware, Sir, is an Immense-Class Star Base. The primary medical center alone is 21 decks." Watching the Admiral as he proceeded to look at the PADD , he continued, "It is reported, he was handed a department that needed to be whipped into shape. By the Commanding Officers own words, what he had done as acting CMO before accepting the head position was exemplary, his work ethic and abilites nothing short of amazing."

Dukath looked over the PADD. He was impressed with what he saw. "And you think that you're in the position to recommend someone that will be responsible for training several hundred new officers over the next few years?" He was nodding his head as he spoke. He'd known Brady and his reputation. He may not have the authority to recommend someone but he did have the qualifications. Dukath would stand behind anyone that Brady recommended.

"Off the record.." Brady smiled, "yes, I do. And it is my professional opinion that this assignment will benefit Connor as much as he will benefit the Academy. He is here on the Star base, waiting for an assignment. Would you like to meet him, Sir"

"Commander Dering, if you think this man is suited to the school and that he's ready to face and deal with students, I'm inclined to believe you. The man has my backing."

"Thank you, Sir", Brady said, understanding that the Admiral would soon be meeting the man he had just placed in such an important position. He leaned back in his chair, and tilted his head as he asked, "How is the family?", knowing what a handful the Admiral's daughter was.

"Alive and well." Dukath laughed. "I'm satisfied with that at this point. My oldest, Adam and my youngest, Kacey are both serving aboard the station." Dukath snickered. "If he doesn't kill her himself, he'll keep her protected."

"I can see either happening", Brady chuckled, "And the Ambassador?", Brady asked, referring to Dukath's wife, Lilian, "I hear she retired."

Dukath nodded. "She claims to prefer my company over traveling the galaxy. Frankly I think she gets enough work at home keeping the peace between her children," The Klingon laughed. "But it's good to have her to myself finally."

Brady nodded with a thoughtful expression, "I understand, Sir", and he stood, gesturing to the PADD, "Well, Admiral, I've used enough of your time. With your 'signature', we'll get things moving with Doctor McKinney."

"Of course." Dukath was drawn back to the conversation after his mind drifted to his wife. He put his mark on the PADD. "There you go. Signed, sealed, and I'll leave it to you to do the delivering." He nodded.

"My pleasure", Brady smiled and extended a hand out.

Taking his hands and shaking it, Dukath smiled. "It was a pleasure to see you again."

Brady gave a small modest smile in return, "And you as well, Admiral." He then headed towards the door, "Until next time, sir.", and then lifted the PADD, "Qapla'! " and was out the door.

Dukath smiled and went back to work. "Qapla, my friend."


Lieutenant Cmdr Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet

Admiral Dukath Ma'kum
JCS - Fleet Operations Advisor
Guest RPed by Lil


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