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Meet The O'Hallorans

Posted on Mon Sep 26th, 2016 @ 6:55pm by Commander Ta'mas & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee"
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:17pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: BallyKissAngel, Ireland
Timeline: 2388/05/27 1630 (May 27, 2388 1630)

To say that Paige's parents were pompous would be wrong. True they lived in a castle but that was mostly because Paige's father acted as Knight Protector of the Village of BallyKissangel and its surrounding lands, a sort of life time mayor. The Federations habit of allowing local governments to do as they wish provided they didn't violate the constitution went for smaller principalities as well. So much of the Castle was given over to village operations, record storage and the like. And because of the wars only parts were older than 4 hundred years but it was still, “a nice imposing pile of rock” as her Da would put it. Set with lands and gardens so lovely tended one could stay there for hours just soaking up the peace. Near the main road to the house, dirt of course, stood a small guard shack with a tiny console with controls. This next to a set of controls that lifted the metal arm that blocked the road to the Castle. It was the only way in since the stone wall, with sensors now, covered the rest of the property. In this a local constable, complete with a uniform and badge, who happened to be Bolian. He sat reading a PADD with his feet up on a small desk. It was this that greeted Paige and Ta'mas as they rode up on horses.

“Bek, resting on the job again?” She asked leaning down. The Bolian smiled up, “I've gotten lazy all these high tech sensors warning me when someones coming don't tell my Chief, yes?” Of course got up, even as laid back as they were here they knew their jobs. He said such unable to avoid picking up the local method of speech. “I got married you know, while you were gone...” and so it went. In Ireland there was never any hurry to be anywhere so it was a good 20 minutes later and promises she would explain who Ta'mas was later before they finally got moving again.

“Sorry about that...” She said a little sheepishly, “He's known me most of me life so there's a bit of that there...” She said as they rode. And the fact it was impossible to move anything quickly in Ireland unless something was on fire.

Ta'mas had just sat there on his horse listening as they spoke, and he nodded down to Bek when she told the man she would explain who he was later. "I understand," he said, and then looked over at her, raising a sly eyebrow as he cued his horse to start trotting, "although my horse may not. He is feeling a little restless..." and then ahead of her, applied pressure with both legs, pulled his horse into a canter, and then into a gallop.

Paige laughed, "Oh Really?" She tag her horse gently and hers took off at an eager run. Catching up easily, as they galloped Paige's hair came a little loose and flowed behind her as she laughed into the wind.

As they approached the castle at a walk, Ta'mas stopped his horse and dismounted. "Wow..Paige," his dark eyes roamed the castle walls, "You never told me you were a princess..."

Paige laughed and hopped off her own horse, "Most of its given over to runnin' of the village. Think of it like a city hall, court and home all rolled inta one. She walked her horse as he walked his own next to her. "Tis only a replica we lost large parts in World War III, still we wornna as hard hit as other places..." She said like she'd seen it with her own eyes. It was that long Irish memory people sometimes still talked about especially those who had been labeled druids. All the the druids were the educated classes to helped out and acted as fair judges, since then alot had been added to the druid mythos but that didn't make it so nor did it mean that whose who were such didn't have some skill.

"Some days the best you can hope for is to get one one more time than you're knocked down.." She glanced over at Ta'mas and, guiding her horse with one hand put her free hand into his. Her smile was bright and her eyes free from the stress and worry that usually hid in their depths.

Ta'mas nodded and sighed, and then smiled back to her. He understood. Looking back to the castle, his mind went back to when she accompanied him to Vulcan. "You have been inside my grandfather's home in Shi'kar, it is large, but this..." he looked back over at the castle, "is amazing." and then stared intently, before raising an eyebrow, "Does it have secret passages and hidden back doors?"

Paige laughed, "Duh!" She greeted the stable boy who came running up to take their horses by name. He was a tall, young man of about 12. He chatted away in local news to Paige. He wanted to make sure she was well filled in. Finally he had to peel off and Paige said, "Thank you James.." He puffed out his chest like a little adult and nodded as he headed for the stables. They were near the front doors where there was another guard shack, this one with a human behind a small console in her constable uniform. "My Lady.." She gave a little have bow, Paige sighed and the woman replied, "Oh let us have our traditions or I might tell your new beau here about that time with the blue paint and a goat?" Paige paled a little and smiled sheepishly at Ta'mas then looked back, "Thank you for the greeting Constable McShane, is my father inside?"

The woman nodded, "Yes both your parents are here, Himself and the Misses are in the Library." She looked at Ta'mas, "Nice ta meet you as well, we were beginning ta wonder if she'd find herself a good match. We'd hate ta think we wasted all that time raising the heir..."

"HaHa..." Paige muttered but good-naturedly as the constable tapped a key on her PADD and the wooden doors opened.

Ta'mas smiled, "No time was wasted, I can assure you." his eyes going to the opening doors.

"Show off..." Paige muttered again as they entered the main hall. The butler was walking toward them and Paige muttered to Ta'mas, "You ready for this?"

The hall itself was a large, room with marble and wide stairs. It was old world elegance but without being pompous. Alot of old wood, carvings in every wooden surface and paintings. People moved to and fro as they worked on the business of the village or the O'Halloran family interests.

"I much as I ever will be..." Ta'mas nodded, his hand taking a hold of hers as he looked around them, "Fascinating..."

They came up to a semi open door from beyond could be heard, “They were right here! I swear if Ben moved them again to the 'proper place' he's fired, I don't care how many generations we go back...” It was a deep but gentle male voice and a female voice shot back, “Well if you wouldn't get lost in your woolgathering you'd a remembered Paige was bringing her man by for a look see. The Butler can't be held accountable if you think under your desk is a fine place ta keep yer dress shoes.”

“What like I need them for other than Big Visits? What else am I gonna do with the damned things they pinch...”

“They're custom made for your feet...” was the fondly exasperated reply.

The Butler, Ben, was an old man and neatly turned out. His eyes sparkled with a suppressed humor even as he held a deadpan expression. His hand paused in its knock. His eyes locked with Paige's who grinned and nodded. He knocked and there was a scrambling sound on the other side of the door. “What?” Was the gruff reply from Paige's father, Ben opened the door the rest of the way to show a well appointed study. An oddly elegant woman stood to one side of a fireplace, dressed nicely. Her hair tied back, her own eyes happy and quietly amused. A somewhat stocky man sat behind a large, oak desk with a computer and other fiddly bits on it. He too looked dressed properly. He stood but didn't come out from behind the desk even as Paige's mother came forward to greet them. She hugged Paige, “Oh girl tis grand to see you...” She looked over at Ta'mas, “You're a tall one and with Paige that's sayin' something...” She hugged him briefly, just a standard but friendly hug, “Lily O'Halloran, Lady Wife of Sir Grump over there...” She gestured to the tall man behind the desk, who frowned. “And Master Chief Petty Officer, currently at the Utopia Shipyards”. She was known as the engineers engineer. After 20 plus years she had just as much experience or training as anyone at the shipyards and did very well. Now if only they'd stop trying to promote her.

Having braced himself for any sort of physical touch, Ta'mas smiled back at her as she released him. Not only because she was Paige's mom, but he knew of her reputation. His eyes carefully taking her in, he could see who Paige took after. Still smiling, he followed hers back over to Paige's dad.

“This is Alex O'Halloran, Doctor, Knight Protector and all around good egg...when he can find his shoes...” She tried to hide a smile at Alex's look. “Dear they were just outside or don't you think they heard your bellowing...”

He spoke for the first time, “I don't bellow...” He muttered but came out from behind the desk in his stocking feet and a nicely tailored vest over a white shirt with black pants. The vest had the family crest on it. He glared at the Butler who nodded hiding his smile and went to go get the needed shoes.

Standing he was a good 4 inches shorter than Ta'mas but had a strong presence like it didn't matter. He hugged Paige, very huggy family, and went through the usual greetings. He turned to Ta'mas and offered his hand. His eyes could be kind, shine with warmth, or pierce through a body. Currently they were cautious.

"Ta'mas, son of Tavor and Shaylan of the House Duveh. It is an honor to meet you, Sir," Tamas replied politely as he gripped his hand, and he could feel the man's uncertainty.

Paige's father returned the handshake with the proper level of pressure, no showy muscle tricks. "Alexander Chieftain of Clan O'Halloran and Knight Protector of the Village of BallyKissangel and her environs. PhD as a General Practitioner" He released Ta'mas's hand and held his out, sharing a look with his wife. It was the look of a man who was continuously aware of his good fortune. She smiled back before returning her attention to Ta'mas.

She shook his hand as well. "It's all a bit of a mouthful isn't it? Just call me Lilly and him Alex.."

He pretended to look offended, "Lil, you're usurping the dignity of my position..."

Paige's mom made a face and gestured to a nearby couch and a couple of chairs for them all to sit. She was elegance on legs, full flowering of an O'Halloran woman and Paige's father smiled quietly to himself before returning his attention to Ta'mas. His bigger bulk moved with the warrior's grace of his family.

"It's an honor to meet you as well, Lady Lily, " Ta'mas said before he sat down on the couch, Paige sitting beside him. He was feeling a little nervous, but he hid it well and had been careful not to project it when they had touched him. Placing both of his hands on his legs, he braced himself for the questioning he had imagined would take place.

"So Paige tells us you've been working together for some time on the Pegasus?" Her mother asks as the Butler brings in a full silver tea service with suitable snacks.

"Yes, we have," Ta'mas answered her with his eyes going quickly to the snacks and back, "Before that we served together for a short time on the Merlin."

Lilly poured tea and a few minutes was lost in hospitality. "What's your family like?" Lilly asked.

Ta'mas looked thoughtful and sort of shrugged with his hands, ""Well, they are diverse in culture and beliefs, and very accepting of diversity considering that I am Human, Vulcan, and Betazoid. Both my parents were hybrids too..." and then he paused for a moment before continuing, "Paige may have told you...that both my parents are deceased."

Paige's father looked somber and nodded, her mother looked sad and like she wanted to hug him. "Its no easy thing..." Lilly said softly in her gentle way. "Your family sounds like the best sort of people..." Lilly said and somewhat behind Ta'mas, as she was leaning back, Paige cast her mother a grateful look. Lilly's eyes sparkled a little as she smiled back just as wordlessly.

Alex sipped his tea and after a moment changed the topic.

"So you've known each other awhile, bit of a sudden shift no?" Her father said and Paige hissed, "Da. I explained that..." Very generally, there are some details parents do not need to know. Ever.

Lilly nudged her husband and he shrugged, "What? I just want to know his feelings on the matter."

"I love your daughter, Sir." Ta'mas said a bit strongly as he stared back at him, "I have for a long time."

Alex's eyes stared back as well, looking as though to pierce into ones soul. One could easily imagine him centuries ago staring down all on comers. It wasn't an angry look to his eyes merely highly observant and with all the patience of water lapping at a stone.

"And what makes you worthy then?" Was Alex O'Halloran's even reply.

Paige held Ta'mas's hand wondering how far to let this go, she glanced at her mother who gives her a subtle 'let it go for a bit' look. Paige let out a huff of air like a bull considering charging.

Ta'mas took her hand and placed it between both of his, sending to her, ~It is okay.~ "What makes me worthy," he began, "is not only does she love me, she likes me, and likes spending time with me."

Lilly grinned, "He's got you there, do you trust your daughter's judgement or not? If I remember correctly my parents didn't want me associating with a ne'er do well with a still in his basement..."

Alex also huffed in much a similar way as Paige had though she'd calmed at her mother's words, "It was for medicinal purposes and you had good taste..." he muttered the wind gone from his sails.

"And your daughter doesn't?" She asked, Alex looked at his wife and squeezed her hand briefly then back to Ta'mas again then at Paige then back at Ta'mas, "You know if you do anything to hurt her and she leaves anything left alive of you I'll only get to you after her mother does right? Women in this family..." He shook his head in mock resignation as Lilly wamped him lightly on the shoulder.

Ta'mas raised a Vulcan eyebrow and smiled, but that smile quickly faded as he said, "Understood, Sir." and then looked over to Paige, "Your daughter means everything to me."

Alex glanced at his wife with a smile which she returned with a secret one of her own. "Yeah..." He said almost absently, "They do have that effect...."

Paige smiled unaware that her expression nearly mirrored her mothers as she focused on Ta'mas. "I'd better..." Paige joked.

Alex was the first to shake himself mentally and they refocused. Having a nice chat as it well. Getting to know each other as was important. They passed a pleasant time in conversation.

The atmosphere was broken as an 18 year old young woman of boundless energy ran in and threw her arms around Paige, "I heard you were back!" Evie hugged her older sister who'd had stood up, "You have to tell me he's hot..." she said as her laughing eyes fell on Ta'mas.

"Evie!" Paige said in a joking warning tone as she pulled away from her sister..

"Nice to meet you.." She said to Ta'mas then to Paige, "No seriously my panties would have melted too with a bod like that..."

"Evie!" This time it was a warning as only an older sister can give. Lily was trying not to laugh and Alex was debating whether he needed to step in between the two...

With a laugh her sister pulled completely free of Paige and said, "MELTED-PANTIES..." then took off running with Paige in hot pursuit.

"Evelyn O'Halloran, you're dead meat..." They heard Paige yell.

"She won't hurt her, not really..." Lilly said. "More tea Ta'mas?"

"Ahhh..." his innerbrows raised as he continued to stare in the direction that the two sisters had taken off to, Ta'mas managed to reply, "Yes, umm...thank you." He looked down to her and smiled, blushing on the inside.

Paige's mother smiled, "They're like that, you get used to Evie. She means well but just is a bit..."

"Crazy..." Paige's father supplied helpfully was nudged by his wife, "Alex, that's your daughter..."

"Why is she my daughter when she causes trouble?" He replied good-naturally, "Because my family is a peaceable sort unlike those O'Hallorans..." She smiled and poured Ta'mas more tea.


Cmdr. Ta'mas
Future Chief of Engineering Ops
Magellan Base/Serene Colony

Cmdr. Paige O'Halloran
Future Chief of Starbase Security
Magellan Base/Serene Colony

Alex O'Halloran
Paige's Father
O'Halloran Castle, Ireland

Lily O'Halloran
Paige's Mother
O'Halloran Castlel, Ireland

Evie O'Halloran
Paige's sister and in trouble
O'Halloran Castlel, Ireland


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Comments (1)

By Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Sat Oct 1st, 2016 @ 4:16pm

Had to edit to add in Paige's name to the author list. Hadn't noticed when first posted.