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Two Worlds, One Heart part 1

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2017 @ 9:59pm by Commander Ta'mas & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:20pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Ireland, Earth
Timeline: 2388/06/24 1300 (June 24, 2388 1300 - 1500)

It was a beautiful late Summer's afternoon. The sun shone but not overly hot, merely warm. Gentle breezes blew through the grass as staff in black pants and white shirts ran around to check the chairs and general set up. They were on the grounds of O'Halloran Castle in the gardens as a castle that looked a little mismashed as some parts looked hundreds of years old and others a bit newer, stood in the background. Paige's father was the current Knight Protector of BallyKissangel and its environs in Ireland so of course he had a castle.

The official title was Squire Alex O'Halloran, Knight Protector of BallyKissangel. This was an ancient and hereditary title that the Federation and previous governments had allowed. Dictatorships because the locals were too stubborn to allow anything else, even when during WWIII one of Paige's ancestors commanded from a root cellar. The Federation because it didn't conflict with the Federation Constitution. It was just and they had proper laws that supported the people so there was never any need to worry about it. O'Hallorans had ruled here for centuries and looked likely to continue to do so. Paige was her father's Heir-In-Right.

Her family and many of the villagers wore clothing not seen since the middle ages, her father looking particularly nice in a red tunic embroidered in gold, black boots with black pants and long black gold embroidered cloak with a gold torc (sign of office) around his neck. An etched sword hung at his waist. Whereas her mother wore a beautiful green dress. With a matching hat, she looked beautiful and wise as she glided through the event. They both stood with a small group talking over final arrangements as they waited for it to begin.

Paige, elsewhere in the castle, looked at her image in her bathroom mirror. The room she had at childhood held many memories and she found herself lost in the seas of time for a few minutes as she reflected on the choices that had brought her to this point. A knock on the door brought her back to herself, "Out in a minute!" she called in her Irish accented English and gave herself a once over. She could of worn the traditional gown, any one of a number of medieval gowns, or heck even medieval armor but she chose her dress uniform for Starfleet. Not because she was proud of her service, though she was. Or because of the many medals and ribbons that covered it, though she respected the feelings of the givers behind such things.

It was simply that it had been what she was wearing when she and Ta'mas had first gotten together, and Paige was secretly a hopeless romantic. It held a kind of meaning for her. They'd been friends from the first meeting with a spark she didn't quite understand. The issue got pushed when Ta'mas, being part Vulcan, went into Pon Farr just prior to a shipwide awards ceremony. Hence the dress uniforms, and his feelings for her were strong enough that when he could no longer control it, he came to her and bared his soul. Pon Farr wasn't the reason for their union it was the kick in the pants their feelings, mostly on Paige's side, needed to be realized.

Even now she smiled at the memory as she checked her hair and adjusted her officer's sword at her waist. At another knock on the door she called, "Hold yer wist!" and opened it.

There was Ta'mas, very tall and handsome in his dress uniform, looking sheepish. "Hi," he boyishly smiled down to her.

Paige blushed a little then smiled, "Don't ya know its bad luck to see the bride before the walk on the day off or something..." She said leaning in for a kiss before her bridesmaids found her again.

"No," he breathed matter-of-factly before their lips met. Entering the room as they kissed, Ta'mas swung them around until they were beside the doorway, and out of view. His arms tightened around her, holding her close, as they finished the kiss.

Paige leaned back in the hug and took him in, damn but he painted a nice picture. Especially in his dress whites, Paige smiled remembering, "You ready for this Mr. O'Halloran..." She joked.

"Yes, more ready than ever, Mrs. Ta'mas," he teased back, and then with a serious expression, "but I have a suggestion?"

Paige looked up at him, "What?" she asked questioningly over his serious expression, still in his arms.

His hands slid downwards, to move over her rear, "That we practice a little more..." he raised an eyebrow, "for our wedding night." and leaned in to start kissing her neck.

"If we practice anymore we may not survive..." She said leaning into the move, her own hands moving.

As she pressed her soft yet toned body against the hard planes of his, he breathed out, "I'll take that risk." before capturing her mouth again, kissing her deeply....

"Okay, I've got the flow..." Izzy was talking as she entered the room then let out a gasp of shock "What are you doing?" she shrieked, setting down the bouquets then grabbing hold of Ta'mas by the collar, "Do you want to doom your marriage?" she glowered at them both.

Paige jumped away and automatically came to attention a rare blush on her cheeks, "er I mean, he...I..." Unable to articulate anything she fell back on training. "No Excuse Ma'am!"

At the same time Ta'mas had gestured out hand towards her as soon as Izzy had let go of him. "I was just...she made me..."

Izzy began to laugh and said "You should see your faces." She moved forward to straighten out Paige who was looking thoroughly kissed.

Straightening his own jacket, Ta'mas glanced over and winked at Paige as their eyes met.

Paige meekly allowed Izzy to fix her uniform but smiled at her comment as she relaxed. Then glanced over at Ta'mas, "I made you?" She asked a wealth of humor in her voice as one eyebrow raised briefly in question. Her facial expression was like 'I disbelieve you'.

"Are you sure you want to marry this loon?" Izzy teased as she patted Paige's newly straightened uniform.

"She has to make an honest man out of me," Ta'mas replied, lifting a Vulcan eyebrow as he gave his jacket one last tug.

Paige laughed as she looked at him with love in her eyes, "I always did like a challenge..." She quipped, turning from him to Izzy, "Are we to report to places now?"

"Everything is pretty much ready out there." Izzy nodded, "All we need is the bride and groom." she smiled, standing back to look at them both, "And you both look great."

Paige grinned, "You too, and thanks for being here. It means a a lot."

Ta'mas looked between them, giving a small smile, feeling much the same way.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Izzy smiled warmly and hugged Paige, "I'm just glad that you're okay with having a heavily pregnant woman as your maid of honour." she added, pulling back to pat her swollen abdomen.

Ta'mas' smile widened. "May I?" he asked, reaching out just short of laying his hand on her belly. It was an unusual request, and especially given to how touch sensitive he was.

"Feel free." Izzy chuckled, "Seems like I'm a bit of a magnet for that right now."

Paige grinned, "Well it is amazing, I mean this little life form all in the middle of being. And what a lucky kid, you're an amazing mom..." She remembered how Izzy helped Paige with her own pregnancy scare after Paige and Ta'mas first um...bonded.

"We were pretty surprised when we found out but in a way it'll be nice for Sindasa to have a brother or sister so close to his age." Izzy smiled, "And thanks. It means a lot that you think so."

Ta'mas had laid his hand on Izzy belly, a look of wonderment on his face as he not only was empathically taking in her feelings, but the baby's too. With his own ever-growing desire to be a father, he looked over at Paige.

Paige had seen many things in her travels and fights throughout the universe but it still amazed her how a complete entity could grow inside another. There was another being in there. She caught Ta'mas's look and she smiled to see him so happy. He deserved that and if she had her way, would be so more often than not. A tender love shown in her eyes.

Finally she spoke, "Well you better get going so I can make my big entrance..."

Removing his hand from Izzy's belly, he turned to face her with that same look in his eyes.

Paige smiled at Ta'mas and pretended to fix an already fixed uniform jacket, resting her hands on his shoulders.

Without even thinking about it, he started to lean into her again, but that was suddenly cut short by another presence that came up behind him.

A long silver tail, all muscle, wrapped itself around Tamas' waist. Essentially securing him in place, with it came the familiar cadence of the Best Man. "Under the impression I was it was of bad luck to see the bride. Surprised though I am not to find you testing this belief."

Ta'mas looked guilty and murmured, "Damn..."

Christopher's feline blue eyes were lit up in mirth, and perhaps, a little mischief as well. "Provide a mirror to break should I? Or maybe a ladder to walk under?"

"All Earth superstition and there is just no logic to them, Christopher," Ta'mas replied matter of factly before resuming to lean in towards Paige, and then stopped when he felt the strong prehensile tail tighten.

Paige stifled a laugh but her eyes were full of it has she stepped back, "Best not push it Boyo, or I think he'll drag you to the altar..." She grinned broadly and nodded to Christopher, "Best get him out of here or the rest of them will come hunting us down." She said not without reluctance.

"Yes shoo!" Izzy added, gesturing for them to leave with her hands.

"Have him at the altar for you I will." Chris grinned, with his sharp teeth and feline features, it gave the (teasing) impression it would not bode well for Tamas if he objected. He gave a small tug with his tail, tightening his hold ever so slightly, but enough to let his friend know he would drag him if necessary. With his Elliciean sense of humor he'd likely enjoy it as well.

Raising his hands in surrender, Ta'mas gave Paige a 'I guess I must...' look, his inner-brows raised as he started backing up out of the room, the door closing on him as soon as he was out of there.

To Be Continued...


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