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A First Meeting with the Wise Woman of the Wood

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 9:41pm by Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Mitys
Edited on on Sun May 3rd, 2020 @ 1:36pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Serene Colony
Timeline: 2388/08/31 0800 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 8:00am)

The sun shone down as the warm air flowed through the not so quiet woods. Birds chirped and argued as smaller animals rustled in the underbrush and larger ones meandered their way throughout. Somewhere a brook burbled within hearing. And in the midst of it all Commander Paige O'Halloran Chief of Security and Tactical for the Colony, or as some had taken to calling her 'Chief Constable' or just 'Constable'. Oddly enough not after the famous Constable of DS9 but as a nickname for an Irish copper.

Her red hair shone in the sun as smiling blue eyes roamed the area as she rode slowly through the woods on a beautiful roan colored horse. Strong legs carried her through as she savored the time again from her duties. Ta'mas had work to be finishing so here she was in solid brown hiking books, jeans, a green v-shirted and a waist length leather jacket with a saddle bag for lunch on her own. She loved it here, it made being so far from home a bearable as it reminded her so much of her beloved Ireland.

On an impulse she started to sing with a will an ancient song of remembrance and rebellion, so she sang in her own Irish tongue:

’Sé do bheatha, a bhean ba léanmhar
do bé ár gcreach tú bheith i ngéibhinn
do dhúiche bhreá i seilbh meirleach
's tú díolta leis na Gallaibh.

Óró, sé do bheatha bhaile
óró, sé do bheatha bhaile
óró, sé do bheatha bhaile
anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh.

Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile
óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda,
Gaeil iad féin is ní Francaigh ná Spáinnigh
's cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh.


A bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeiceam
muna mbeam beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtain
Gráinne Mhaol agus míle gaiscíoch
ag fógairt fáin ar Ghallaibh.


Hail, oh woman, who was so afflicted,
It was our ruin that you were in chains,
Our fine land in the possession of thieves...
While you were sold to the foreigners!

Oh-ro, welcome home
Oh-ro, welcome home
Oh-ro, welcome home
Now that summer's coming!

Gráinne Mhaol is coming over the sea,
Armed warriors as her guard,
Only Gaels are they, not French nor Spanish...
and they will rout the foreigners!


May it please the King of Prodigy that we might see,
Although we may live but one week after,
Gráinne Mhaol and a thousand warriors...
Dispersing the foreigners!



The small light pink Orion was happy. Her hands covered with dirt identifying and making notes. When she heard singing which wasn't odd in itself it was just she was still getting used to the colony. "Hello?!" Mitys called out.

Paige's singing trailing off as she came in sight of the petite Orion girl. Time was Paige knew everyone but with the colony filling up and her new command basically being a Chief of Police of a small town, unless someone did something wrong it was a challenge to know. So she'd have to get to know them the old fashioned way. She swung down off the horse smoothly to be less intimidating and, briefly patting the horses neck, smiled at the other woman.

The horse had no bridle but was well trained and stood quietly.

"Commander Paige O'Halloran, Security Chief..." She opened her jacket with her other hand firmly on the horse to show a Starfleet Combadge on her shirt. On her belt was an old style Irish police badge updated with the Federation logo, given as a gift from her new department. She was convinced her friend Jolan had been behind it but couldn't prove anything.

"Mitys, new civilian." Mitys said shocked by the large beast. She wasn't used to what she thought was a horse only time she saw them was maybe in books or on display somewhere.

Paige caught the look of shock and gentled her tone even further, "Oh I'll grant you he's an intimidating beastie." She said in her Irish Brogue, "He's quite well trained and harmless. Names Condor and if you'd like he can easily be bribed with apples..." She pulled an apple out of her pocket and he immediately tried to go for it. Laughing she held it out of reach, "Oh you wait, as if we starved you..." Seeing it was no good he returned to standing quietly, somehow managing to look put upon.

Mitys still jumped slightly just at the slight movement of the large beast. "I I am good," she stuttered hating dealing with anything bigger than her which was a lot of things seeing as she stood at five feet. "S so should I be worried about being out here?"

Sensing Mitys concern Paige patted the horse and fed him the apple. He happily munched it as Paige led him to a clear area further away and loosed his saddle, replying, "No you are perfectly safe, if you want to get used to horses anytime you can come by. Actually you are welcomed anyway..." Paige said in a friendly fashion. She didn't need to tack him down, he would stay in the area. He began to munch grass and Paige walked back over to the other woman. "You living in the area or main colony?" she asked lightly.

"Umm not far from here actually. I'm just down that path there." Mitys said pointing at the path behind her. "I'll be opening a herbal shop with some rooms above for people to stay."

Paige thought about that a moment, remembering where she'd heard that situation before. "I read something about that somewhere, special approval for the unique housing situation. An inn and expert herbalist how grand, you know a proper village needs a wise woman of the wood." another ready smile but not overwhelming.

Wise women of the woods. Mitys thought about that. It was true she picked up gardening very fast and learned the very unique and connecting with nature that herbalism is. "I like that title." Mitys said giving the woman a slightly more warmer smile.

Paige smiled broadly, it was a warm and welcoming smile, "Oh Aye all the best stories have a Wise Wood Woman who helps the locals with their troubles via her herbs and knowledge. Sometimes giving a safe place ta rest ones head in a dark wood on a long trip. Tis only the foolish to offend the Wise Woman.." she winked mischievously, "If you'd like sometime I can tell you a few or drop some by, as you like." She said easily.

Mitys was now curious of these stories. Stories of these women, were they connected? Where they related? Did the Orion’s have these ladies and they were just proceeded and shrouded in Orion lore? Mitys had so many questions but she didn’t know where to start and she was slightly annoyed at her aunt for not telling her about these ladies. “I would love for you to stop by or if you would like come over right now?” She said with a grin.

Paige nodded, she had time off and wasn't due to meet Ta'mas for dinner for a little bit yet. "One thing you will learn about the Irish we'll spin a tale at the drop of a hat, any hat..." She joked as she went to get the horse, but out of deference to Mitys did not mount but walked next to it as she chatted with in sun with the potential new friend.



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