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A Mutual Attraction

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2019 @ 2:41pm by Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan & Commander Sonia Dalca

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Subspace Cafe
Timeline: 2388/08/31 0640 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 6:40am)

Sonia loved the pre-dawn. That feeling in the hour before the Sun rose. A time where night, ever so slowly, gave way to light. A time of great promise and a quiet time as the night shift worked and waited for the next. This was one of Sonia's favorite running times. She loved to start her day with a run, felt it set a good tone for the rest of it. She always felt like this is what it must feel like when the world holds its breath.

So it was a little after dawn, Sonia never tired of watching it rise so was running a bit behind, finally entered the cafe. Showered and in civilian clothes, she smiled at the wait staff and put in her order. Her v-necked brown t-shirt, she preferred earth tones, over a pair of jeans and running shoes completed the 'day off' ensemble. With a pleased expression she took the plate of her breakfast goodies and an awesome smelling latte and found a seat by the window, out of habit sitting with her back to a wall.

Sitting at a table not too far away was Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan, drinking coffee and going over a report. He paused with the cup halfway to his lips as he saw her over the rim of his mug, then he took a drink.

Sonia's eyes glanced from her own cup as she caught the Asian gentleman glancing over. She smiled and nodded politely, as one does when they suddenly catch eyes with a stranger. She politely turned her attention to her own meal, well wasn't the scenery particularly nice to look at this morning. She thought pleased even more so that she'd gotten up early today.

Remembering her from two nights before, Jae got out of his seat and walked over to her table. "Excuse me. Commander Dalca," he smiled politely, "May I join you?"

Sonia glanced up and smiled, "Sure company is always good." She said trying to place him in her memory.

Jae went back to his table to grab his mug and PADD, and then returning, extended out a hand to shake hers as he sat down across from her, "I'm Jae-Hwa Kwan. I work at Magellan Station."

Her mind coming up blank, she finally asked, "May I ask how you know me?" She said curiously.

Jae nodded, lifting his coffee mug, and although there was a hint of amusement in his eyes, he answered casually, "I saw you Friday night at Dev's Place." He took a drink, watching her.

She looked thoughtful tilted her head briefly to one side as she thought then she blinked. The drinking contest. She gave a self deprecating smile, "Not exactly at my best..." and if she'd been sober she'd have noticed him that's for sure.

"Well, as I recall, you won," he smiled.

Sonia nodded, "True this is..." Thinking he had a nice smile, "Still not my best, vhat do you do at station? Vhen I am not vinning silly drinking contests I run the security tactical education department." She volunteered as she took as drink of her cooling latte.

"Chief Diplomat Officer," he replied, liking her eyes. Although he had already found her attractive when he'd seen her at Dev's Place, he hadn't noticed her eyes, until now. They were a gray. A lovely gray, clear as glass and brilliant. "I have something to confess." He smiled a bit sheepishly, "I had asked Deveron Raziel your name and then I looked it up in the database what it is you do here."

At that Sonia smiled, a slow, gently amused smile as she found his sheepish expression oddly cute. "My stumbling around must have been very impressive..." She joked.

Jae smiled as he watched her, "I think, under the circumstances, you handled it well and...the matter in which you ended the contest was quite merciful towards the doctor," he said, alluding she had showed Cole Dering mercy by not prolonging it. "I'm sure he appreciated it the next morning." Then he chuckled as he thought more about it, "That is if he even remembers what it was he'd been doing."

Sonia laughed, "I'm not sure 'ow much he vill remember but I am sure his friends will remind him..." She grew a bit more serious but still amused, "Next time he vill remember not to get into a drinking contest vith a Romanian..." With a metabolism that ran hot aka burned alcohol and calories really well.

"Most likely," Jae agreed, still smiling before he took another drink of his coffee. His eyes going to her mug, he nodded to it, "What is your morning poison?"

"I believe they call it a 'cinnamon apple swirl latte'" She laughed again, "I find I rather like the combination of caffeine even if it does take forever to order. Usually I am alone, not many get up this time on a Sunday morning. Do you run or are you just one of those morning people?" She said relaxing into a nice chat.

"I'm one of those morning people," he admitted. "but I do run on occasion. How about you?" He had noticed her running shoes before, but that wasn't a definite indicator.

"Every chance I get..." She beamed then, her eyes lighting up to a gentle shade of gray, "Especially just before dawn, such promise, yes? And dusk, those half way points something about them...tipping points, yes? Though I will run just about anytime. The wind, the feel of the ground beneath my feet, the chase..." She stopped, realizing how she must sound. "Anyway, is a favorite pastime..." Drank the rest of her latte, oddly embarrassed at having gone on.

Jae was charmed. Not only by the way she expressed herself, but that she was just as attracted to him as he was to her. "There is something I feel you should know," he said, having decided it wouldn't be fair if he didn't tell her, "I'm half Betazoid."

Considering the direction her thoughts had been going in she blushed again then tried to put the mental brakes on even as she realized it was too late, there was a long pause of silence before she finally spoke..."Umm I can explain..."

"I can't read your thoughts," he said, canting his head, wanting to assure her, feeling badly for putting her in that position, "but even if I could I never would without your permission. It's just that...some of what you have been feeling has been... a little intense. Please don't be embarrassed."

She smiled gratefully at his attempt to put her at ease and her embarrassment lowered but a light blush still tinted her cheeks, "Bit like being caught peeking..." She shifted in her chair a little. Then she tried for a joke caught by the humor in the situation, "Still at least I have good taste, yes?" Then she grew serious, her eyes looking at him cautiously, "How do you feel about that?" She almost didn't get the question out and it was a bit quieter but it was firm as it was curious as asked what she most wanted to know.

"Very flattered," he replied, answering her honestly, and for a moment he could only stare. It was in his eyes that the attraction was mutual. He really liked her. "Will you have dinner with me tonight?"

Sonia smiled back, relieved and then her smiled gentled into something more pleased, "That sounds nice" she replied.

Taking that as a yes, Jae smiled, "What time should I pick you up?"

Sonia looked thoughtful as she went over her mental schedule, "How's 1800 sound for you?"

"It sounds perfect," he said, smiling at her for another moment before he remembered the time. He looked at his chrono watch, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to go.." and then back up to her, "I'm really looking forward to tonight...May I call you Sonia?"

She smiled again, "Only if I can call you Jae" She said a light tone in her voice.

"Of course, you can," he smiled.

She was looking forward to it too, it had been awhile since she'd met a guy she was actually interested by and not just in. "I should get going myself soon, days off don't enjoy themselves..." She joked.

"I'm afraid not," he grinned while getting her joke. He got out of his seat, "Okay then, Sonia. I'll see you tonight," and with a nod, left her there.

She returned the nod, then after he left, her pleased smile broaden. "Well wasn't this shaping up to be an interesting day" She thought, finishing her tea and preparing to head out.


Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan
Chief Diplomatic Officer
(Soon to be new academic diplomatic dept head)
Magellan Station

Commander Sonia Dalca
Security Education Department Chair
Magellan Campus


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