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A Stranger is a Friend You've Not Met Yet

Posted on Sat May 25th, 2019 @ 6:10pm by Commander Ta'mas & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Mitys

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Gaia’s Red Rose
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1100 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 11:isham)

"So that's Avalon, a magical realm ruled by nine women whose wisdom in natural and other matters was without equal..." Paige finished. She'd be sitting with Mitys in her home regaling her in grand Irish story telling fashion for the past while. Her lyrical accent in force as she moved through the stories like water through a gentle brook.

Mitys was enthralled with these stories yes Orion culture had similar stories hell probably every culture had these kinds of stories. But for some reason hearing them from this women the way she spoke and how she told them was like the best thing ever. “Th that was an incredible story!” Mitys said standing up, “more tea?"

"Yes please" She replied with a smile, handing over her cup.

Mitys walked behind the lovely mix of natural wood from the Digba tree, a lovely golden/milk chocolate and beautiful rings, and mechanical; the legs, stools and trim of the bar was a simple metallic black. The shelves were carved into the large Digba tree her fingers ran along the shelves as she looked for the perfect tea for continuing with these stories.

Along the branches of the Digba tree hung simple mid-size bulbs lighting the large open space. The small couches were also made out of a Digba tree wood with wine red velvet for cushions. The tables were similar to the bar but they stood chest height with stools for sitting. The outside walls were covered with shelves where Mitys was hoping to fill every inch with teas, spices, herbs along with books on herbalism, botany and subjects retaining to that along with tea accessories. Bringing over the tray with the new tea Mitys smiled, “this should be perfect for story telling or at least it is in Orion culture.”

"I'm sure it's grand." Paige replied, taking the tea. She was looking around this place was all real woods and comfy seating. And it had a feeling of peace about it, excellent for any weary traveler or after a long day on shift. She was thinking she'd found her home pub, important for any true Irisher, as she sipped the flavorful herbal tea. "So now it's your turn, will you tell me a story of your peoples?" She asked curiously.

Mitys took a couple of sips of her tea as she thought of a story. “…..the eldest son was so sure that he was gonna be named the next tahedri; ummm the patriarch of the family,” Mitys explained before continuing, “….that he had a plan to move things along by ending his father’s life.” Mitys paused and took a sip of her tea before continuing.

“...the tabadi, the matriarch of the family,” Mitys paused one more time to explain the term, “….had been whispering things into her sons ear. That once he became the new tahedri that they could be together and rule the Caju. What the son didn’t know was his own mother was plotting against him as well. His greed to be the next tahedri was too strong.”

Taking one last pause before ending the story she took one more sip of her tea. “But both the son and the tabadi were so blinded by greed and power that they both didn’t realize that the tahedri knew that they were plotting against them. And that the eldest son was not gonna be succeeding him it was gonna be his brother.” Pausing for effect she started again, “….so the eldest son moved on with his plan slipping poison into his fathers drink and then watching him die on the spot.”

“….after the funeral the tahedri’s last will and testament was read revealing that the eldest son was not gonna be the next tahedri and it also stated that if he had died that his eldest son and wife were to be executed by way of chuulak; public execution,” Mitys explained. “This story was to teach Orion young to respect their elders, be patient and that every move has a consequence and if you think that you’re two moves ahead you are actually four moves behind."

Paige blinked, "Well alright then so no killing your parents. Got it, Me father would be so pleased. He's a bit of a local leader back home but in our case I think if I showed up and wanted the job he'd try to throw it at me and run off to Risa...." She joked. "Thank you for sharing that." She said sincerely, a part of her mind considering some of the darker children's tales she'd heard on Earth and wondered if scaring kids straight was a normal intergalactic parent passtime.

Mitys agreed with that sentiment slightly, “we err…well it’s a bit more than just don’t kill. Your parents. Umm….I think Humans have a saying….umm something about a patience and virtues or something like that?” Mitys said shrugging as she took another sip of her tea.

Paige nodded, "Sorry I tend to get flippant from time to time, yes those are grand examples of behavior ta teach the young. We too have dark stories meant to show such things, I wonder if it's universal to try to prepare ones young for the universe by sneaking lessons inta such stories."

Mitys just shrugged as she finished her tea unsure how to answer this question or was it a statement Mitys thought. “To be honest those are the only stories I remember.” Mitys said standing up and walking behind the bar again, “…..something new?"

"Well I know some stories that are not just warnings but examples. Stories of great heroes and the like. If you'd like I could send some over." She'd do more than that she'd pass the word this was a good place to hang out, hopefully drum up some business for her new friend off the beaten path.

Outside, a man on a horse rode up, slowly and quiet-like, to the soon-to-be herbal shop, and dismounted. Skillfully, he tied his horse's reins to Paige's horse's saddle before gently running a gloved hand across each one of their necks, Looking around him, he walked up to the door and knocked.

Hearing the knock Mitys was a little shocked that there was a knock at the door. Her establishment wasn’t open yet but maybe this was a good thing getting people coming in who then could spread the word. But was that what she really wanted at the beginning? She thought as she opened the door slightly worried of what might be on the other side of the door. “Oh o umm….ye yes….hi um umm….how can I help you?"

A very tall Vulcan hybrid man was standing there, a mixture of curiosity and friendliness in his eyes. Casually dressed in riding jeans, boots, and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, he touched the brim of his Stetson cowboy hat, and just had to smile. "Howdy ma'am," he said in a naturally deep and soft voice, his dark eyes never leaving hers. "I'm looking for Paige O'Halloran. Would she happen to be here?"

“Oh umm yes she’s right in here.” Mitys said as she stepped back and allowed the man into her establishment. “Right over here. Paige you have a guest.”

"Thank you." He gave her a polite nod. And having been thinking about the color of her skin, on what her species could be, not to mention how lovely she was, he had to tear his eyes away as he stepped inside, taking off his hat. "My name is Ta'mas, I am Paige's husband," he said, introducing himself. His smile grew when he seen Paige.

“Mitys, I umm umm…..I am….” Clearing her throat Mitys tried again, “….I am the owner of the Gaia’s Red Rose a tea emporium/bar/bed ’n breakfast minus the breakfast part.” Mitys said with a small chuckle, “wo would you like some tea?"

"Yes, I would. And it is very nice to meet you, Mytis," he replied pleasantly, stepping further inside and then headed towards his spouse.

Paige stood also smiling and took one of his hands in hers, "So they let you outside after all eh?" She quipped.

"Yes, I was able to break away for a little while." Ta'mas smiled and gave her a hand little squeeze. "When I was told you went riding, I decided to join you." His eyes had moved around the room some more, taking in the changes that had been done to it since the last time he'd been there. That was before anyone had moved in, and now he was really impressed with the interior decorating.

Mitys moved behind the bar again allowing her fingers to run along the edge allowing her fingers to do the picking. “Ah yes,” she said with a smile pulling the ornate looking box down. Opening the lid and taking a long sniff of the leaves, “heaven. Wouldn’t you agree?” She asked allowing the two of them to smell the leaves.

Paige went over and took a deep into the lungs sort of breath, "Oh that is a nice smell." she said approvingly, "Good earth went into the growing of this one..." Then she glanced over at her, "Tis kind of you to put up with random people you met in the woods." She said sincerely in case the other woman would have preferred not to have been invaded by their group of two.

“Yes. I found it…actually just around the area you ran into me.” Mitys said with a smirk. As she started to brew the tea. “Truthfully I was nervous well still am. But figured I would need to start meeting people at some point and figure this would also allow me to do like a soft opening."

Paige smiled, "That's grand. Let me know when you're ready for more, I can pass the word to my people this is a good place to take a break, for some reason they occasionally respect my opinion." She joked as she gave Ta'mas a hug then kissed his cheek before sitting back down in an easy display of affection.

Ta'mas had thoughtfully picked up the ornate box, and was smelling it's contents. He had placed it down as the two women talked. "Were you given the list of poisonous plants found in this area?" he wondered, knowing the botany department had recently completed a study of the indigenous plant life within the colony grounds.

“O oh uh… yes they have,” Mitys said looking up quickly feeling like she needed to produce said list. Smelling a familiar smell she quickly pulled the kettle off and delicately poured the hot water onto the tea leaves inside of the cups. “….it’ll need about 5 to 7 minuets to steep.” Mitys said, “uh….Mr Ta’mas….umm may I inquire what you do?"

Ta'mas nodded. "You may." He had been watching her every move, to how she poured the water over the tea. And as a tea connoisseur, he was impressed. "I am the Chief Of SCE Operations, in charge of the construction and structural maintenance, among a few other engineering duties, for Sapientia and the larger of her two moons."

“Oh…must be a lot of work,” Mitys said as she set the two tea cups in front of her two first customers, “….actually if you don’t mind could I pick your mind. Umm….I’m also setting this up as a bed ’n breakfast and I could use some help finding the right materials for the rooms."

Uncertain on what it was she was wanting, Ta'mas took a sip of his tea asking, "Are you referring to furniture, decor..?" and then looked pleased, raising an eyebrow, at the taste of his tea.

“Yes I uh…..I need furniture and decorations.” Mitys said, “….and well truth be told I am not exactly sure who I speak to to have that done.” Mitys said as she realized that her aunt didn’t really teach her this side of running a business.

Ta'mas nodded, understanding. "I am sure someone in the quarter masters office can help you..." and then looked over to Paige. "Vetta Industries?"

Paige grinned, "I happen to know the Representative for this area of space. There's yet to be something they can't get for a fair price and their designers are geniuses as working with you to figure out your best place. I can put you in contact if you like." She said easily knowing it was true.

Listening to her, Ta'mas' inner brows had come together. "I am thinking a consultation with one of their designers. And if we do the 'paperwork' through my department it should not cost her anything."

Paige smiled at Ta'mas, "Totally Brill, I say it's a plan..." She looked at Mytis, "Sound ok? Sorry we are if it seems like we're plann' things without ye, if you need a bit of time to think it over, that's fine too."

“No no no that sounds lovely.” Mitys said grinning. “Thank you so much I truly didn’t know where to even begin."

Paige gave a gentle shrug, "Eh, many hands make light work eh?" She started to say more when a device beeped on her pocket. She reached in her inner jacket pocket to pull out a mini PADD, she studied it a moment then looked like she'd just recalled something, "Me second brain tells me we're due for lunch with the Fe'nicks soon" She glanced at Ta'mas then at Mytis, "I'd been having such a grand visit I forgot."

Taking another swallow of his tea as it hit him too that they needed to be going, a perplexed expression came over Ta'mas' features. Normally he would have been on top of that himself, but it seemed he'd been too distracted, again.

"Well I am glad that you have enjoyed yourself, that was my hope besides providing delicious tea." Mitys said with a chuckle. "I hope to see you soon or again." She added.

Paige's smile was broad and gentle as she nodded standing. "Most definitely, what's the point of making new friends if you don't eh? After all there's your grand opening ta look forward to as well."

Ta'mas had to agree, having really enjoyed the tea, and gave a smile as he rose to his feet along with her.

"Yes yes there is," Mitys gulped realizing that she needed to do yet another big thing on her own or was she on her own.

"I definitely plan on attending," Ta'mas said, placing his hat on his head as they headed towards the door. "If you discover anything you may need help with in regards to getting ready, please feel free to let us know." Her anxiety over the event hadn't gone unnoticed.

Paige nodded, "If its one thing O'Hallorans can do its plan a Ceili." (Party) She smiled a ready smile, "Call us anytime, the word can go out and you'll see how well everyone bands together" She said following Ta'mas's lead, sensing the concern. "See you around the bend". She gave a traditional farewell as she moved into Ta'mas to walk out together.

“You too.” Mitys said watching the two leave and Mitys was feeling much better about a lot of things.



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