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New Doc About The House

Posted on Wed Dec 19th, 2018 @ 8:18pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Lilly Cavallo MD
Edited on on Wed Dec 19th, 2018 @ 8:18pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Maddie's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/22 1700 (August 22 2388 5:00pm)

Maddie stood up from her desk and stretched. The Puerto Rican Captain had been working for several hours and it was time for a break. Helping to run an Academy involved much more paperwork than she was used to, even as a ship's Captain.

Heading over to the replicator and deciding that she needed something that was going to keep her awake, she ordered a raktajino. Carrying it back to the desk, she was just placing it down when her doorchime rang causing her to look up and call "Come in!"

On the walk in Lilly had been terribly impressed with this facility, finding it harder and harder to control her excitement as she'd approached it from the air. Now that she was inside it was time to at least try to be a professional. She couldn't get over the apparent honor that she'd been given, being offered a position here. When the call came to enter the office she did so with a bounce to her step. "Good afternoon Captain!"

"Hello..." Maddie checked the note on her desk for a second before adding "Dr Cavallo is that correct?"

"It is correct, I prefer Lilly in general circumstances ma'am. I'm an informal type of person." Lilly answered with an infectious grin. Casting her eyes around the office she took in the decorations and the scent of Klingon Coffee. It was cozy, and she decided that she liked it.

"Very well." Maddie nodded, gesturing to a seat before her desk and saying "Please, take a what do you think of Sapientia?"

"From above it looks fantastic. I've not gotten to explore yet to tell if everything on the inside is as nice as the outside! I hope it is, but even if it isn't what a location you have here. Spectacular! Never thought I'd be offered a position like this!" her enthusiasm was apparent in every word as she seated herself in the chair that the Captain had indicated.

"It's paradise." Maddie smiled, "I spend most of my off duty time just walking around the place."

"I might have to get out a Parasol and do just that. Would need the parasol though, wouldn't want to have my staff having to care for me after all!" She joked as she rubbed a finger over her unusual silvery skin.

"Haven't the docs found a way around that yet?" Maddie asked with a smile, "Though it would make for a nice image." her smile widened.

"They have and they haven't. There are of course, genetic therapies they could try but they are untested. This skin tone is fine with me, but can you imagine if I was blotchy, with this skin tone and normal Denobulan pigment?" Lilly gave an eloquent shudder "I am content with my collection of parasols."

"Well the look suits you." Maddie smiled warmly before changing the subject, "So doctor, is there anything you'd like to know about your new job?"

"Yes ma'am. I know part of this job is teaching. I've never taught before, not children anyway. Is there a lesson plan I am to follow or am I to make my own?"

"The Dean and I have put together the lecture rotas and each department head has been provided with a copy of the curriculum but how you cover that is up to you." Maddie replied, "We're here for help and guidance if you need it and please feel free to make use of the administration staff as you see fit." she added, "I feel it's important not to be too rigid otherwise you as a teacher won't get the freedom to do this your way and that in itself can lead to problems."

"I'm not so bound by regulations that I cannot teach my own way. Denobulans are not known for their rigidity you know." Lilly grinned knowing that the captain probably was aware of her mixed heritage.

"Oh I'm aware of that." Maddie smiled, "Learned that way back at the Academy myself flight instructor was Denobulan and was rather, shall we say, unique."

A rich laugh escaped Lilly filling the room with the sound of her delight. "Unique is an understatement isnt it Captain?"

"And then some." Maddie grinned, "Seriously though, best damn teacher I ever had." she added with a wistful smile as she remembered her past.

"That's quite a reputation to live up to." She commented with a grin for the challenge she was seeming to get. Licking her lips and raising her gaze to the window she gave another soft laugh. "Brilliant."

Maddie chuckled and said "I used to be a pilot Commander, you don't have to worry about competing." She smiled and added "I'm sure you'll make a fine instructor."

"I'm up for the challenge aye." Lilly raised her icy blue eyes to the Captain across the table and then licked her lips to rid them of the taste of the air. "Anything I need to know, right this moment? Any cases that I need to check immediately? I was going to review everyone's medical records but, you know how it gets sometimes. I don't want to overlook anything Important"

"Nothing specific." Maddie replied, "At least nothing that's immediately urgent so take all the time you need." she smiled at Lilly thinking that she would be a good fit around here.

"Well that works! I'll begin my most basic review this evening then, after I've had a chance to settle in a bit."

"Sounds perfect." Maddie smiled before asking "Is there anything else you wanted to ask before you go?"

"Not at this time. I'll just get out of your hair then." An easy smile curved Lilly's lips upwards and she made to rise from her seat.

"You make it sound like you're not wanted." Maddie smiled before adding "And I assure you that's not the truth." her smile widened as she concluded with a teasing "Now get outta here!" She made a shooing action with her hands, "It was good to meet you doctor...and you'll get used to me in time."

"I am sure the reverse is true as well" Lilly grinned back and tossed her a salute on her way out of the office.

Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean

Commander Lilly Cavallo
CMO/Medical Academy Dept Head


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