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Kelly and the Brothers Dering

Posted on Fri Dec 28th, 2018 @ 10:56pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S.

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Near Landing Bay, just before the gardens
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1520 (August 25 2388 3:20pm) Mid-Afternoon

Freedom! was Kelly's first thought as she breathed in the fresh air of Magellan Campus. I'm in Starfleet! was her second. She looked around and felt an urge to run like mad, but knew that Doctor Dering wouldn't approve. She looked over her shoulder and hoped he wouldn't make her get back in the hover chair, but was willing to negotiate.

And there was Brady walking towards her, a nurse with the hover chair not far behind. Her energy levels were still less than normal, and he wanted to get her to Phlox Medical before she tired. Even so, her excitement was contagious and Brady smiled as he caught up to her. "Cadet Freshman Grade Khan," he said, purposely emphasizing on her Academy rank, "how about we get you settled in."

Kelly turned and looked back at him, coming to attention. "Sir, yes, Sir!" she said, glaring at the evil hover chair before looking back to him. "Permission to walk, Sir."

"I have a better idea." A man came walking up to them from the opposite direction. He had a husky, slightly deep voice and smiled at the two of them. A quiet motor sound could be heard just a short distance away. "A few of the SCE engineers showed up with a nasty case of this planet's version of poison ivy. Sonden there.." he turned and gestured over to the argo jeep with an elder Denobulan at the wheel, heading towards them from one of the wide gardening paths. "just finished cleaning up and decontaminating their buggy."

Argo Jeep

Kelly's eyes lit up as she saw the land vehicle. "Can we, Doctor D? Please? I'll be sitting and won't exert myself. Someone else can probably make better use of the hover chair than me. It'll be faster and you won't have to walk, either. Added bonus." She winked up at him with hope in her eyes.

Brady was smiling and he gestured out a hand giving in. "Sure...why not." he looked over to Cole as it pulled up to them, "I thought those things were extinct."

Wasting no time, Kelly hopped in the back of the Argo and made herself comfortable. "A real land-based vehicle. This is so cool. Does it actually use ancient fossil fuels or is it fusion based?"

"Fusion based. Micro-fusion to be exact." Sondon answered and smiling, twisted in his seat to look back at her as he continued, "One of the early models ran on a power pack that didn't give her much speed." he paused before continuing, "That reminds me of a story. About thirty years ago I was traveling through the province of..."

"Another time, Sondon," Cole cut him off eagerly, already having experienced one of the elder man's long stories. "We need to get Kelly checked in before Doctor McKinney shows up."

"Oh yes..yes of course." Sondon climbed out of the drivers seat moving out of the way so that Cole could take his place. "It was nice to meet you, Kelly," he smiled over at her, "no matter how brief it was. But we can talk another time." he leaned in a little, "I hope you enjoy the ride."

"Nice to meet you, too, Sir," Kelly said as she settled down in the seat. "I'm looking forward to it, but the good Doctor here thinks I'm fragile enough to break in a light breeze."

"There is not wind enough to twirl that one red leaf, nearest of its clan, which dances as often as dance it can." Sondon smiled with a wink, looking to Brady and then back to her, then added, "So what do doctors know."

"Thank you, Sondon." Brady said, and he was smiling. The elder Denobulan placed a hand on Brady's arm, as if he was reassuring him, before walking away.

"Erm...thanks?" Kelly said, a bit confused as to the meaning as she watched the Denobulan walk away. "I wonder how he knew I like to dance?" she asked of no one in particular before settling down to chew on the meaning of his words.

"Well that was interesting..." Cole said as they stared after him. "You was...sort of deep."

Brady had climbed in and sat beside Kelly. "Sondon is a pretty good judge of character, Kelly." he said, looking down at her, "I think in his way, he was comparing you to the sun, and in many cultures the sun represents strength."

Kelly awarded him with a terrawatt smile and leaned back in her seat. "I do plan on shining the brightest in the Academy," she said. "So it fits that way, too."

Smiling, Brady started to respond when Cole turned in his seat towards them, "I've had my turn as the campus' best and brightest star." he said, and a bit dramatically, "The responsibility gets pretty heavy at times."

Rolling his eyes, and then realizing he hadn't introduced them yet, Brady took in a deep breath, exhaling it just as strongly as he gestured over to him, "Cadet Kelly Khan, meet Doctor Cole Dering."

"Dering?" Kelly asked, looking between the two of them and seeing a resemblance. "Are you two brothers?" She asked as she held out her hand to Cole.

Reaching his arm over the back of his seat, Cole shook her hand. "I'm the younger and better looking of the brothers Dering," he grinned, "but I wont be for long if I don't get you to medical before those SCE guys come looking for their buggy. But regardless, it's really nice to meet you, Kelly."

"That's a matter of debate," Kelly said as she shook his hand. "But your brother gets me real chocolate and that makes him number one in my book."

"Is that so?" Cole furrowed his eyebrows and glared over at Brady.

Brady nodded, admitting, "It's true."

Looking disgruntled, Cole turned back around and started up the argo's engine. "I don't suppose that's how you got those last two rank pips?"

"You want to go places in Starfleet, bring me chocolate," Kelly said with a cheeky grin. "I'm Admiral Khan when it comes to chocolates, and I have the ribbon to prove it, too."

"It's all true, Cole." Brady chuckled, unable to help himself.

"Oh that's just great," Cole mumbled as they started heading down the path, "my latest patient has been infected by the Brady Dering charm."


Cadet Kelly Khan
Magellan Campus

Doctor Cole Dering
Assistant Cmo/Surgeon
Magellan Campus

Captain Brady Dering
CO of the USS Solace
Magellan Campus

Sonden Bek
Wise & Elderly Groundskeeper
Magellan Campus


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