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A Step In The Right Direction

Posted on Sun Dec 30th, 2018 @ 5:47pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Jacob Bannerman

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Assistant Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1525 (August 25 2388 3:25pm) Mid-Afternoon

Striding away from the crowd of new arrivals, jostling position to attend orientation, Jake still had Adonai by the collar so that he wouldn't lose him in the crowd. "Okay kid, be on your best behaviour because Sanchez may look as hot as a chick in a strip joint but she's got an attitude like a dragon and one mistake and she'll shoot you down in flames and you'll never get to meet the Dean."

The young Nygean teenager couldn't even begin to understand what the Commander was saying. Surely this Captain couldn't actually shoot fire out of her mouth could she? Adonai scratched his head and looked up to Bannerman. "Is it normal in your culture for hot chickens to breathe fire like these dragons you speak of?" he wondered.

"What?" Jake looked at Adonai like he'd grown another head and then laughed as he let go of him, "A chick is a woman, hot means sexy as hell and if someone is a dragon it means that they're horrid, aggressive, caustic." he explained, realising that the boy had a lot to learn about Federation life.

Adonai shook his head in confusion. "That's a very odd combination of traits although I have seen it in a person before. It isn't uncommon for such strumpets to try and gain favour with those that are higher class on my homeworld."

"Oh she does that alright." Jake replied, "Rumour has it around here that she's getting jiggy with the Dean no less." he added. The ex 31 agent was always a fount of knowledge, his years as a spy meaning that he picked up on every tiny piece of gossip and every detail that came his way. And subtle wasn't Jake's forte so he thought nothing of saying such a thing in front of the teenager.

It wasn't the first time that Bannerman had mentioned 'the Dean' to Adonai. He definitely seemed to be an important person especially with the way his name was being used. Although the Nygean had no idea what 'getting jiggy with' actually meant, he was not surprised that 'the Dean and Captain Sanchez were engaged in some form of relations. "Are you jealous of the Dean? Do you wish to mate with the Captain?" Probably an even bigger question was whether or not such behaviour within ranks was acceptable in Starfleet.

"I wouldn't mind taking her for a spin." Jake grinned widely, "But no I'm not jealous of him, I'm not after any deep and meaningful relationships right now." he added as they walked down a pathway to the Administration building.

At last Adonai understood the Commander's behaviour. "I see. This is why you have frequent encounters with women." The Nygean nodded in understanding. "I hope that you haven't contracted any diseases. I find that people who do are often too embarrassed to tell someone about it."

"I'm not stupid kid." Jake rolled his eyes, "I take precautions and go for all my medicals. Just because I sleep around doesn't mean that I'm an idiot." he growled, unable to believe that he was having this conversation with this little upstart.

"I am pleased to hear that Commander," Adonai replied and then a smile appeared on his lips. A light giggle quickly followed as he recalled something from his home planet.

"Something funny kid?" Jake frowned as he watched the boy.

Adonai stopped giggling as soon as he realized he'd been doing it. "Oh. I was just recalling a medical examination I conducted a couple of years ago. A sixteen year old should not really see such things at that age but a young man came in... someone about your age actually... and well let's just say that he caught something that gave him really big blue blisters all over his privates. I'd never seen a man dance the way he did."

"If that's supposed to teach me a lesson then it's not working." Jake commented, thinking Adonai seemed to be having far too much fun. "Now quit laughing 'cause we're here." he added as he opened the door to the Administration building and let Adonai inside.

Knowing what he was going to have to face in a few minutes, Adonai did as he was told like a good young man. He then entered into the building but waited for the Commander to show him the way. "Do you have any advice for my meeting with the Captain?" the teenager asked. He hoped to give the assistant dean a really good impression of him so that he'd have a chance at joining Starfleet.

"Just don't say anything stupid." Jake replied as the walked along the corridor towards Maddie's office, noting that the admin staff were obviously helping out with the students arrival as the outer offices were empty. Finally arriving by Maddie's door, Jake activated the doorchime and waited for them to be let in.

"Come in!" Maddie called from her place at the window where she had been daydreaming whilst having a coffee break.

"Captain." Jake acknowledged her as he stepped inside with Adonai in tow, "Catch any pirates lately?" he asked nonchalantly as he wandered over to the chair before her desk, sat down and put his legs up on the desk.

"Only one." Maddie replied, looking pointedly at him as she walked over and pushed his legs off the desk.

Jake didn't look perturbed at all as he sat up and pointed to Adonai. "That's the kid I told you about."

Maddie turned to look at Adonai and smiled brightly, holding out her hand as she said "You must be Adonai, I'm Captain Sanchez, Assistant Dean...I trust you had a good journey?"

The teenager took the Captain's hand and shook it gently. He then straightened his posture before her. "Yes, thank you Captain," Adonai replied. "This planet seems very nice from what I've seen of it so far." Of course that wasn't a whole lot considering he'd just arrived.

"Yes it is quite beautiful." Maddie replied as she gestured to the seat next to Jake, "Please have a seat."

Adonai did as he was told once more and he sat down in the chair.

"So Commander Bannerman tells me that you wish to apply to join Starfleet." Maddie stated as she watched the young boy.

"That is correct," replied the Nygean with a nod. "I first heard about Starfleet several years ago. About how the infamous Captain Garon was rescued by a starship named Voyager. More recently, I'd learned that Starfleet had set up an area of operations near to where I am from. Considering my... situation... my family and I decided that I should try to get a better life out amongst the stars."

"You wouldn't be allowed to train to be a doctor on your homeworld?" Maddie asked, knowing the little that Bannerman had told her but wanting to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

"Not professionally," Adonai replied before he sought to explain further. "It's because of the legal system on my homeworld. One of my ancestors committed a terrible crime long ago.. the victims of the crime basically prohibited my family from ever holding any position of significance in our society. Because of that my family has been forbidden from being able to have any advantages in life. We've lived poorly for as long as I can remember. I've trained.. unofficially... for many years under a local healer.. but I want to do more," he said with some measure of enthusiasm.

"It doesn't sound as if your species is very forgiving." Maddie said softly, taking pity on the boy, "Though my own people have been guilty of the same way back in our history." she added with a sad smile, "All of the cadets have already taken their entrance exam and are ready for the first semester to you realise how much work you're going to have to do to catch up? Then there's the issue about whether you'll pass the exam." she began to explain, hoping that Adonai knew what he was letting himself in for.

Adonai nodded with a renewed dedication on his face. It didn't matter to him how much work he had to do as long as he got the chance to try. "I am prepared to do whatever it takes to gain entry into the Academy," he said. "I've come this far. I cannot turn back."

"And you realise that if you don't pass these exams you will not be permitted entry into the Academy?" Maddie asked, wanting to know that he understood the deal.

Truthfully, that wasn't even something that Adonai had even contemplated until now. The question caught him slightly off guard. There was every possibility that he might fail these exams and be denied a future. Still, his determination wasn't going to falter to that. Adonai knew that he could do this because of everything that hung in the balance for him. "All I can do is my best, Captain," he said. What else could he say?

Maddie smiled at the boy and said "You really want this don't you?"

"I do," Adonai replied. "More than anything in my life. And believe me, I have never really wanted anything before. I've always been content with what I had," the Nygean further explained. He hoped that it help his case a little bit.

"Then I'll speak to the Dean and if he agrees, I'll tutor you myself." she smiled at Adonai then held up a hand, "But final decision rests with him, if he says no then there's nothing more that I can do."

"Oh come now Captain, word has it that you have the Dean wrapped around your little finger...I'm sure that you have some wonderful...." Jake began his eyes raking up and down her body before adding "Powers of persuasion."

"Thank you Mr Bannerman for that interesting observation." Maddie glared at Jake with a look that could kill before adding " get the hell out of my office."

Laughing as he stood up, Jake shook his head and leaned over to Adonai as he said in a lowered voice "What did I tell you? Firecracker isn't she?"

Since the end of the little meeting, Adonai had been smiling widely, glad that he was going to get a shot at becoming a member of Starfleet. And he did have to agree with the Commander. She was something alright. "For a moment, I thought she was actually going to breathe fire... at you." He snickered at the thought.

"Deep down she likes me really." Jake grinned as the pair headed out of the door, "A famous author on our planet once wrote 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks' and I kind of think that applies in her case."

Whether it did or not Adonai really didn't know because he just didn't know the Captain very well. "Perhaps," was what the Nygean offered. "You do seem to have a way with the other gender," the teenager pointed out.

"I try." Jake chuckled, "So you know where to come if you need advice about that right?" he added as he patted the boy on the back.

"If you are implying that I should ask you Commander... I don't mean to be rude... however, I'm sure that I'll be able to handle things myself. I have no plans to become involved with anyone for the moment. Additionally, I have no intention in sleeping with all the girls that I meet," he replied with honesty. He hoped that the Commander wouldn't dislike him for his comments.

"Your loss." Jake shrugged nonchalantly before slapping Adonai across the back in a friendly manner, "Why don't you go off and explore whilst you wait for the decision?"

To be honest, that sounded like the best thing for him to do at the moment. "I think I will." Adonai started to walk off but then he turned back around towards Bannerman. "Thank you for everything you've done for me Commander. I really do appreciate it."

"No problem." Jake replied before giving a casual wave and adding "Later kid." before walking away.

Adonai watched as Commander Bannerman walked off. While his attendance at the Academy was still very much in the balance, and even though he was still a little nervous about it all, the Nygean teenager felt extremely confident that he would get the chance to prove himself. Whether or not he would actually succeed was still to be determined but he would give it his best shot.

As studying was most likely going to take up the majority of his time, Adonai decided to do as the Commander suggested and explore the campus a little bit. It was unlikely that he'd get the chance to once things started. Now was a good a time as ever before he got real busy. It was time to get familiar with his surroundings. And so, Adonai headed in the opposite direction of Bannerman, eager to learn more about everything there was to know about Earth and its Starfleet.

Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Academy

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Flight Control Instructor
Magellan Academy

Potential Cadet


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