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The First Step

Posted on Fri Dec 28th, 2018 @ 1:35am by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Commander Lilly Cavallo MD & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Commander Jacob Bannerman & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Talia Varen & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher & Cadet Freshman Grade Tarik Varen & Cadet Freshman Grade Ashley MacGyver & Cadet Freshman Grade Waco Houston
Edited on on Fri Dec 28th, 2018 @ 1:45am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Sapientia
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1500 (August 25 2388 3:00pm) Mid-Afternoon

As the three Whorfin class transport ships accompanied by twelve smaller Australia class ships came out of warp above Sapientia, the cadets were treated to their first glimpse of the planet that housed the first Starfleet Academy to be located in the Delta Quadrant. Twin moons, one larger at apogee than the smaller which hung at perigee, illuminated the dark side of the planet and balanced the tides of the lush blue-green world.

The smaller Australia class vessels separated into a formation which would give the cadets glimpses of the world where most of them would be spending their four or more year terms studying to be the next pilots, engineers, security experts, doctors and more. Behind the Australia class transports, the Whorfin class ships adopted a higher orbit where cadets would be beamed to the surface.

Sapientia itself hung against a velvet background of space that was lightly interspersed with a starfield that held a magnificent red nebula cloud that bore a vague resemblance to a stellar rose. Truly, Starfleet had chosen the planet well in the location of the academy, associating the rose nebula with the peace the Federation believed in. The Delta Quadrant was known to hold many hostile races, but there were also peaceful races and one such had gifted the planet to the Federation.

Getting clearance to land, the Australia class transports, each holding thirty-five passengers began the descent through the atmosphere, spreading out to give the best views while maintaining a flight path that would enable each of them to have a landing spot on the planet without compromising any other ship. As they descended, details sprang into view; lush forests, high mountains topped with snowy peaks, deep blue oceans, a flash of desert, and finally Serene Colony and the Academy that the cadets had been chosen to go to.

On the ground, a band comprised of officers and enlisted began the fanfare to welcome the new cadets, all dressed in dress uniform. It started out slow and solemn before building to a height which swelled with the emotions and pride in what each had been chosen to do. The music came through over the intercoms and each cadet was treated to the sound in the Australia class vessels as well as the Whorfin class ships in higher orbit began to dock at Magellan Docking Station. The cadets on the Whorfin class ships were ushered in an orderly manner into the station where the process of beaming them down to the planet could commence.

A little bit inland from the campus beach coastline was the Magellan Campus Transportation Center where the cadets on the station were beaming down to. There was staff to lead them out to the paths that would take them past the small vessel landing area towards the Campus Gardens. There would be staff directing them along the way.

The S.S. Santa Maria landed on one of the designated landing pads, her hatch opened, and the first cadet to exit stepped foot for the first time on the Academy grounds.

Jake powered down the shuttle and turned to Liam. "Get out of here kid and remember, I'll be watching every move you make."

"Yeah, yeah grandpa." Liam grumbled as he stood up and walked away leaving Jake glaring at him and vowing that he was going to make Liam's life a living hell for a comment like that.

Even from where she was standing, Rachel heard Liam's comment to Bannerman and just shook her head. After the experiences with Liam, she wasn't at all surprised by his attitude. She on the other hand was doing her best to stay out of any further trouble...and avoiding Liam as much as she would be able with their punishment and all. She nodded politely to Bannerman, "He just cannae keep himself out of trouble can he? That's why I'm avoiding much as I can from here on out." she said quietly.

Ever eager to make an impression on the Academy's faculty, Adonai got out of his seat the moment it landed and he made his way over to the shuttle's doors, making him the next person to exit the Santa Maria. During the wait to get out, he couldn't help but overhear the brief discussion between the one named Liam and Commander Bannerman. When Adonai finally disembarked from the shuttle, he looked at the Commander for a moment. "I did not know that you two were related," he said to Bannerman. "I must admit that you seem a little young to be his... 'grandpa'."

As Adonai finished speaking, Jake whirled around to face him, his eyes narrowed as he reached out and grabbed the Nygean by the collar. "Listen kid...if you're trying to be like that smart mouthed little upstart over there then it ain't working." he pulled him closer so that they were eye to eye and added "And if you don't want me to retract my recommendation that you join up then I suggest you never, ever call me grandpa ever again." he glared at the boy as he added "Are we clear?"

"But... but.... I was suggesting that you weren't..." muttered the Nygean. He screwed up his face in frustration but then simply nodded that he understood the Commander.

"Let's just go meet the Dean huh?" Jake growled as he kept hold of Adonai's collar and shoved through the crowd, intent on finding Connor and Maddie so that he could drop off the kid and get out of this place.

It wasn't as if Adonai could argue, given that the Commander had a good hold of him. Not that he wanted to. Adonai needed to meet this 'Dean' person to get into the Academy. So the Nygean simply went along with the other man. Soon, he'd come face to face with his future.

Gabriel shifted uncomfortably in his dress uniform. He so very much despised pomp and circumstance. He was standing several feet away from a shuttle that had just landed and was unloading their cadets.

"Move along. Welcome to the Academy, move along move along. No bunching your adults nice and orderly Thank you! "

He sighed to himself as he watched the green recruits filing off the transports.

"Merciful Father we have our work cut out for us don't we? " he asked no one in particular and cringed at the thought of what these cadets would do to his weapons. Then he shrugged. "Job security."

The dress uniform wasn't so much a problem for Lilly, as was the blistering sun. After being out in it for only a few moment's she'd already had enough. Unfurling the parasol that she'd brought with her she stepped into the shade it obediently provided. The paper creation was in medical blue, with the same black and silver braid detailing that her dress uniform had.

Wearing sunglasses, Cole walked up to stand beside her, looking out among the cadets in small groups walking by. "Hey boss, I can stand here and look out for our patient if you would like to find some shade."

"It's not the patient, but the rest of the students. I want to see them in their wonder, before this place becomes commonplace for them. There's a reason I carry the Parasol after all, don't you worry yourself." Lil cast a grin at her second before turning her eyes back to the bright eyed students.

"Worried...?" Cole blew air through his lips and then gave her a friendly "Are you kidding me?" look. Then he smiled and said, "Oh, I know better." before teasingly looking back at her strangely as he walked a few feet away.

Lilly shook her head in response to the look and thought better of putting her tongue out at him while the cadets were present. Were there no one around that would have been precisely what she would have done. It's a good thing that I like him, to put up with that kind of cheek Reaching up she rubbed her left ocular ridge slightly, to ease an itch.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the unusual plume of blue above a rather pale officer. He grinned as he shook his head. "It takes all kinds but she wouldn't last in the field." He waved several of the cadets forward as he continued to talk to himself. "Nope, that's for us NCO's." At that one of the cadets stopped and saluted him before speaking.

"Sir where are we mustering?" the cadet asked and Gabriel grunted.

"That way." he chucked a thumb over his shoulder. "And cadet, you don't salute the enlisted. I actually have to work for a living."

As the cadet vanished among the others Gabriel shook his head. "There goes the next Admiral."

As row after row of cadets exited the shuttles, many taking their steps on an alien world for the first time, gasps of excitement and declarations of excitement came from many lips. Looking up at Doctor Dering, Kelly cleared her throat. "Doctor? Do I have to use the hover chair to get out, Sir?"

Brady looked down at her and then around them. He seen a ensign in science blue a ways away and waved her over with the intention of having her take the hoverchair. "Promise me.." he said as the ensign started heading their way, he looking down at Kelly with a knowing smile, "That you won't stray far from me and I'll allow it."

Giving him a smile, Kelly made a slow show of getting up before leaning partially against him. "I...I can walk!. You cured me, Doctor Dering!" A cheeky grin crossed her features as she looked up at him. "Honestly, thank you. I promise not to go wandering off."

Brady chuckled. "I did, didn't I." He breathed in as if giving in, "Okay young lady, I'm going to hold you to that promise." and he did an "I'm watching you" gesture.

"Okay," Kelly said, looking up at him a bit shyly before taking a deep breath. "Here we go." Swallowing, she headed out of the shuttle and her eyes went wide at the gathered assembly and she felt an incredible sense of pride at being one of the selected to attend Starfleet Academy and even more prideful at being one of the first cadets to be in the first class of Magellan Campus.

Smiling, Brady followed. He was keeping his eye on her yet giving her some distance.

Interim Campus Security chief Lieutenant Reign had the Security department turned out in full dress uniform as the cadets began to come out of the escort ships. She looked them over, knowing that each one had been thoroughly vetted by Starfleet High Command and that none of them wanted to blow a career by doing something stupid their first day at Magellan Campus.

Kinsey looked around the campus as she ducked out of the shuttle doors. "Wow, it's even bigger than I'd imagined." She whispered to Katie and Ben as they were urged along. "Katie, please don't leave me until things are...less." She turned to talk to her friend and found that Katie and Benjamin were already headed in a different direction than she. Her heart sank for a moment but steeling herself and taking a deep breath, she remembered what her brother had told her. "You are a strong and confident young woman, Mackinsey and I know you'll make Dad proud. You can do this. You have one of the best brains in the galaxy - use it." He hadn't meant that she was one of the smartest, he meant that she knew how to think for herself and use the common sense that so many young people lacked. He'd told her that she was meant to succeed. Nodding, she stepped down and followed the instructions that were being spoken.

As Rachel stepped out of the shuttle, her eyes widened at the view she took in of the lush landscape with all its trees and the twin moons in the distance. She felt a sense of pride at being one of the first cadets to train at this campus and at the size of the campus. "Wow..." was all she could utter as a smile slowly crept onto her face. She knew her cousin was one of the medical officers who was no doubt already here and she also knew she'd have to make her and her parents proud.

"Hey.." Ashley MacGyver, the cadet hybrid with the cranial ridges Rachel had been sitting with on the trip there was right by her side. "Want to walk to the Orientation Center together?"

Rachel turned when she heard Ashley speaking to her and smiled at the young woman she'd been sitting next to. "Hey..." she said then nodded to her, "Sure.." she said then looked around again as they began walking, "This is some place isn't it?" she added.

"Yeah," Ashley smiled, looking around them too, "I've never lived on a planet before." She turned around fully as they walked taking in everything that she could, "It's more than the academy that's an adventure here."

Rachel smiled, "I spent most of my life on Earth in Ireland....this is the first time I've been off planet, let alone in another galaxy. This is going ta be interesting ...not ta mention an adventure, like you said." she replied.

Ashley's eyes widened, "Well then, lets get to it!" grabbing her hand and taking her with her.

Tarik and Talia managed to exit the shuttle the same way they had entered it, in perfect synchronization. Talia was the first to glance around, taking a deep breath of the damp fragrant air. "This place is..." Talia began as she smoothed a scarlet tipped curl behind one delicately pointed ear.

"Spectacularly beautiful, indeed" Tarik finished and the twins turned to share a warm, secret smile. Intensely pleased to be here, the twins, callled upon the teachings of their mother to settle their minds behind shields before they broadcast their sheer joy to everyone and anyone who could receive it. Two pairs of amber eyes scanned the officers in the parade lineup and one murmured sotto voce "I suggest we proceed in that direction"

Waco stayed slunk down in his seat until just about everyone else had exited the shuttle. Finally he slung his pack over his shoulder, almost unbalancing himself and falling back into his seat. He quickly shifted his eyes to make sure no one saw that. It's rough being small for your age, especially for a Ferengi, who were small people anyway. Why hadn't he gotten more of his human dad's height, he lemented to himself yet again. As he stepped off the shuttle, he looked around as he fingered one of his sharp teeth, a nervous habit. He'd lost track of the one person he could call friend some time ago and hadn't been able to see over all the other kids to find him. He told himself to suck it up and headed, well, he didn't know where exactly, but he just kind of followed the crowd.

Phoebe virtually skipped off the shuttle, eager to see the Academy, the planet, everything. "Wow...look at this place." she virtually squealed as she turned to look at Jondar, her eyes full of excitement.

Jondar tore his eyes away from Phoebe and glanced around, it was ideal. A lot more green than his parents first farm thats for sure. He smiled at her broadly, "Yeah it looks pretty great, hard to believe we're here..." He replied her own excitement feeding his. He was excited to be here and just happy to see her happy.

"I know!" Phoebe grinned back at him as she took his hand and took off towards where the staff were, hopefully to direct them where to go.

R'Maia followed behind Phoebe and Jondar, feeling quite despondent that Adonai had virtually vaulted over the top of her to get out of the shuttle. Was she really that repulsive to him? With a face as long as a wet weekend compared to the excited faces around her, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and looked around her, wondering where she had to go.

Waco kept trying to get a peek over the crowd, walking on tiptoes occasionally. Someone's large pack bumped into him as he was on his toes and he bumped into someone, he started apologizing as he looked up to see who it was, "Sorry! Sorry, my fault!"

"Oh!" R'Maia whirled around, realising that she should have been more careful, "No it's not it's my fault." she said sadly, "I'm really sorry...are you okay?" she eyed the Ferengi/Human hybrid.

"Oh, fine! Fine! I'm fine! No problem, sorry again," Waco pasted on a big smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He should have been paying more attention. "Uh, you ok then?" He tried not to let his voice squeak, and was only mostly successful.

"Been better." R'Maia replied with a sad smile, "You're sure you're okay? You're not just saying that?" she asked wondering if Waco was disturbed by her appearance too because he seemed kind of nervous.

Waco tilted his head, he could feel frustration rising up in the back of his throat, he tried to keep it out of his voice, "Geez, it was a bump. I'm not a little kid, you know, I'm not going crying off to my moogie because of a little shove in a crowd." He had to take a deep breath to try to keep from wanting to do exactly that, but to dad, not moogie. But he couldn't let his dad down either, so he looked up at the girl again, "Sorry, I'm.. a little out of my element here.." Yeah, it might sound lame, but it was true too. He'd never been away from family before, and he felt very 'away' at the moment.

"It's fine." R'Maia responded, Waco's outburst proving the last straw as she walked away. All she wanted was to check in then find her room. Forcing back the lump in her throat, she squared her shoulders, determined not to cry until she was alone.

"No," Waco said to her retreating back, then he sighed, "It's not fine. But I am sorry.." He sighed again, nice going idiot, he said to himself. He tried to see where the crowd was headed. When he figured it out, he started rushing through the crowd. His small stature helping him for once. All he wanted was to find his dorm or whatever and decompress. If he paid attention this time he could bob and weave through the cadets and avoid any other incidents.

Kate held tightly to Ben's hand, her bravado slipping from her as they stepped from the shuttle and she had to release his hand. It would be highly inappropriate for them to be seen in any display of affection even something as simple as a hand hold. She was sure they'd be separated based on course choices and of course, gender. Looking out over the campus, Katie took a breath. "Wow," She whispered in almost a gasp. "We're sure not in Kansas anymore."

Taking in the distant beach and ocean view, Ben barely heard her as he began walking in the opposite direction of where they were suppose to go. He had spent his whole life on a dry and harsh world, and never had he seen anything like the scenery that was before him now. He was entranced.

"Ben!" Katie called after him as she hurried to follow. "Benjamin, wait." She grabbed his shirt at the elbow and gave a tug. "Where are you going? We're supposed to follow the instructors directions."

Ben stopped and he turned slowly to her, then his eyes looked around to everything else. Coming to his senses, he took her hand, not caring what anyone thought, and headed in the same direction as everyone else, walking past Kelly, with Brady not far away from her.

Kelly took a deep breath of the fresh air, grateful to breath in something that hadn't been recycled ten times before it got to her. This is really it! she thought to herself as she looked around at the teaming mass of students, staff and faculty around her. The most recent cream of the crop selected to attend Starfleet Academy. She sniffled as her eyes moistened with her emotion and knew that no matter what came her way, she would overcome it and move on to great things.


Cadet Freshman Grade Kelly Khan
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Magellan Campus

Lieutenant BJ Reign
Interim Chief of Security
Magellan Campus

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Flight control instructor
Magellan Academy

Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish
Magellan Academy

Cadet Freshman Grade William Pardot
Magellan Academy

Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia
Magellan Academy

Doctor Cole Dering
Assistant Cmo/Surgeon
Magellan Campus

Captain Brady Dering
CO of the USS Solace
Magellan Campus guest

Cadet Freshman Ashley MacGyver
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Benjamin Hall
Magellan Campus

Chief Petty Officer Gabriel D'Anconia
Armory/Range Officer
Magellan Campus

Lt. Commander Lilly Cavallo
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Tarik Varen
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Talia Varen
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Jondar Sito
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Adonai
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Waco Houston
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Kaitlyn Shaw
Magellan Campus

Cadet Freshman Mackinsey Jericho
Magellan Campus


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