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Meeting the Dean

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 3:15pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 3:19pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1653 (August 25 2388 4:53pm)

With Adonai in tow, Maddie approached Connor's office once more. It had been an hour since their rather disastrous meeting and she was still feeling uncertain and confused about what had happened between them.

Trying her best to push those thoughts aside, she said to Adonai "You really need to sell yourself in there, he isn't convinced that you should be here." then she reached out and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder before adding "But if it means anything, I'm on your side."

The teenager looked up to the woman beside him and smiled. "Thank you Captain. I really appreciate your support. Commander Bannerman and yourself have been most kind in my pursuit of this," he said. "Regardless of what happens, at least I've tried but I'm going to give it my best shot."

"I know you will." Maddie replied, "Why do you think that me and Bannerman are on your side? I may not like him but even he can recognise talent when he sees it." She tapped Connor's door and waited "And don't worry, if we see it, I'm sure that the Dean will see it."

All that the Nygean teenager could do was nod, although he was most curious about what the Captain had just said regarding the Commander. "Ma'am, if I might ask, why do you not like Commander Bannerman? While he does seem to get worked up rather easily, I think he does try his best to be nice. Is it because of his many encounters with women?"

"The man thinks he's god's gift to women." Maddie grumbled, "And apparently with him he thinks that no doesn't necessarily mean no." she added, clearly not impressed with Jake's attitude and lifestyle.

Adonai furrowed his brow. Bannerman certainly wasn't endearing himself because of his actions. Even he could see that. "I don't believe that the deities of my people would give him out as a gift. Well... unless it was to torture someone.. people like me and my family who have no future."

Connor had walked in from the outer hall and caught the tail end of Maddie's comment of god's gift to women and no not necessarily meaning no". Having caught his attention, it stopped him there in front of the inner doorway where he heard Adonai's reply. Connor's brow furrowed at the last of the young man's words, and he remained standing there staring at the two of them.

Aware that they were not alone, Maddie turned to see Connor standing there and felt the familiar rush of emotions as she met his gaze and smiled, "Ah there you are...we were just waiting for you to answer." she gestured to Adonai and said "This is our wannabe cadet, Adonai." she paused and looked at the boy before adding "Adonai, this is the Dean, Captain Connor McKinney."

"Hello Captain," the Nygean greeted. He didn't really know what McKinney's preferred way of greeting someone was so Adonai chose to bow slightly.

Connor's eyes went briefly to Maddie's and then back to Adonai, immediately taking in what distinguished him physiologically. He had seen images of Nygeans on the database but this was the first time in person.

"Hello Adonai." he replied, and although he understood the young man may not know what it meant, he walked up to him and extended out a hand for him to shake, prepared to explain it if he needed to.

Having done this several times already, Adonai knew what to do and so he extended his hand out as well and shook the Captain's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir," he said.

Connor nodded. "The pleasure is mine." he said sincerely, feeling much more at ease than he had been earlier. He moved over to his office double door and opened it before gesturing for them both to go inside.

"Help yourself to a bevie..." he said walking in after them, and then pointed over to a side table where there was a pitcher and a few glasses. "...there's some melon water...'n' then have a seat." he said, gesturing over to the two chairs in front of his desk before he went around them to sit down.

"Thank you," Adonai said as he entered the office and walked over to the side table to pour himself a drink. Once he'd done so, he moved over to the chairs in front of the Captain's desk and sat in one of them.

Silently Maddie sat in the chair beside the Nygean and settled in, crossing her legs and waiting for the conversation to begin between the two men. Hoping that Connor could see how bright Adonai was, she sat there waiting to chip in if he refused the boy's request.

"It has come to my attention that you have travelled a long ways, Adonai, that you wish to enter the academy." Connor began as he sat back in his seat. " I have heard 'n' I have read the reasons why, but I would like to hear it from you, in your words."

"Of course Captain," Adonai agreed. He wasn't really surprised that he'd have to explain himself again and he was more than happy to do so if it helped him. "I will start from the very beginning. Long ago, one of my ancestors committed a crime. Nygean law allows the family of those affected to decide the punishment of the offender. And so, they decided that my ancestor, his family and his descendants could never hold a position of prominence in Nygean society. This penalty has now befallen me now. As such I cannot go to a high level educational institution to learn. Ever since I was very young I'd worked closely alongside the village healer with a variety of cases. As time passed though I wanted more.. I wanted to... do more. I know that I can.. but unfortunately it just wasn't possible for me to do so on Nygea Prime. It wasn't until I started really listening to the tales of Voyager that I considered that my future might be amongst the stars. From there I'd heard about this Academy through word of mouth. My parents and family sold everything of value to provide me with the means to make something of my life. I owe them everything and I would like the chance to show them that I could make it out here on my own."

A few deep lines having formed between his eyebrows, Connor nodded slightly as he looked at Adonai, his expression unreadable, except for the seriousness of his stare. Although he could not relate to Adonai's personal story, he did understand, and he could empathize. "What do you know of Starfleet 'n' the Federation?"

"I mostly know what I've heard from childhood stories," Adonai replied. "However, since trying to enlist in your Academy, I have done my best to learn more. I know that the Federation is made up of many people from many worlds and that it is peaceful. Starfleet is its space force. It strives to explore space and protect its citizens."

"If you are granted entrance, you'll need to be willing to make a long-term commitment to Starfleet for a number of years."

Adonai nodded in understanding. "It is either this or return home where I have no future. I am not willing to let my family down after all that they've done for me. I know that I can do this if I am given the chance. I want to be a better person and help others to the best of my ability."

Breathing in deeply through his nose, Connor looked thoughtful, glancing over at Maddie and then back to Adonai. "I don't bend, break, or change rules very easily," he said a moment later. "partly because of my position 'n' partly it's just who I am. But I'm going to give you that chance, allow you to take the entrance exam, n' I'll be co-sponsoring you along with Captain Sanchez."

The Nygean teenager's face lit up. "Thank you Captain!" he rejoiced. "I promise not to let you or any of the others down. I will do my best and I will work hard to ensure that I have a place here at the Academy."

Connor nodded slightly again. "You're welcome, Adonai...'n' I'm counting on it."

Unable to resist, Maddie's eyes twinkled as she looked at Connor and she said "I told you he'd be worth it didn't I?"

Although he still had his concerns, a small smile managed to escape Connor. He ran a finger below his bottom lip before continuing, "The next three to four weeks will be physical along with the intro of departments, 'n' the start of core subjects. Adonai, I want you to take part in some of these. I feel they will benefit you in your preparations for the exams. Captain Sanchez," Connor glanced back over to her, "will be tutoring you, but as she's the Assistant Dean 'n' a part time instructor, I'm requiring she pulls in one or two others to help."

"Bannerman can help considering he was the one who started all of this." Maddie noted, "And I'd suggest our head of medical considering that's going to be Mr Adonai's major."

Connor's jaw tightened at the mention of Jake's name, there was just something about the guy that really struck a nerve with him. Breathing in deep, he thought about her suggestion on the medical end. The CMO of Phlox Medical had enough on her hands, as Connor did as the Academy Commandant. They were both to teach pre-med part-time until Starfleet Medical joined them within the next year. Considering all this, he made a decision.

"I think the best choice in regards to medical is Cole Dering."

Maddie nodded and said "Whoever you think is best...I'm not exactly the most medically minded person here."

Connor smiled at her again, and then looked to Adonai. "You'll have four weeks to prepare for the entrance exam," he said. "As long as you keep your word to work hard 'n' do your best, you will have the provisional rank of Acting Cadet Freshman Grade."

His own rank? The Nygean couldn't believe that all of this was actually happening! "I promise to do all that I can to show that you're not wasting your time Captain," he tried to reassure him.

"Thank you.." Connor said studying him and seeing the young man's sincerity in his eyes, "I believe you will."

He looked up at the time. "Captain Sanchez, Chief Petty Officer Lane should be back in the outer office. She can assist in whatever arrangements are needed to help our new cadet settle in."

"I'll liaise with her straight away Sir." Maddie smiled as she stood up.

"Thank you." he said, his eyes following her until he pulled them away.

Connor then said to Adonai, "I'll put together a schedule, have it to you by tomorrow." and looking satisfied he finished with, "Welcome to Magellan Campus, Cadet Adonai...'n' dismissed."

With a big smile on his face, Adonai rose from his chair and he bowed slightly towards both Captains. He was very eager to begin his work as he had much to accomplish in just four short weeks. "Thank you again," he said to them, before making his way out of the Dean's office.

Connor smiled as he watched Maddie join the eager young cadet in the outer office. Breathing in deeply, he turned on his terminal, feeling good about his decision and no longer doubtful that it was the right thing to do.


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus

Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Acting Cadet Freshman Grade Adonai
Magellan Campus


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