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Posted on Thu Oct 20th, 2016 @ 9:14pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Lieutenant Jaime Mallory & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:42pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Zulu Bar
Timeline: 2388/07/24 1000 (July 24, 2388 1000)


"No!" Maddie exclaimed as the Ferengi across the table from her named his price for passage on his shuttle.

The Starfleet Captain had heard that the Ferengi and his ship were for hire for the right price and it had led her to seek him out.

She was done with Starfleet, she was done with her former life and all she wanted was to disappear and leave it all behind.

Sadly, this little cretin stood between her and her wish.

"Oh come now...surely a beautiful hew-mon woman such as yourself has been asked this before?" the Ferengi grinned at her with a toothy smile.

"Oo-mox is not part of the bargain." Maddie stated clearly, crossing her arms and exhibiting that her statement was final.

"Suit yourself but I think that you would have fun should you agree...I am renowned as an expert lover."

" thanks." Maddie shuddered, "Now are you going to take the latinum or are we going to sit here all day?" she raised an eyebrow as she looked at him.

Before the Ferengi could respond, a tall handsome man in science/medical blue approached their table, his eyes narrowed in recognition at the Ferengi. His voice held a tone of urgency, "Forgive me for intruding, but aren't you Par Buron?"

"That depends on who's asking." the Ferengi shot back, looking up at the newcomer.

"Doctor Brady Dering, "he answered with an air of wanting to get right to the point, "If you are Par Buron, I think you'll want to get down to the docking bay. Security is there and they want to conduct a class two inspection of your ship's cargo. It seems there was this outbreak of Ankaran flu at the last planet you made a run to and..."

"What?!" The Ferengi looked shocked as he stood and said to Maddie, "Excuse me Captain...I need to go." And with that he turned tail and virtually ran out of the bar.

Brady stood still, his eyes following the Ferengi as he scurried away. One could almost swear there was a hint of amusement within them. He turned his attention to Maddie and gestured to the chair that once occupied the Ferengi captain, "May I join you? He'll be quite occupied for a while."

"Be my guest." Maddie sighed before adding rather acidly "Since you've managed to chase away my one chance of getting out of here."

"Perhaps I can help you", he said, sitting across from her, and placing a PADD along with his coffee down onto the table.

"Well then I hope that you own a ship because that's the only thing I'm looking for right now." Maddie replied.

"No," Brady gave a small smile, "I don't, but sometimes I wish I did." He leaned back, looking relaxed, taking his coffee with him, "So...where's your destination?" he asked as he took a sip.

"As far away from Starfleet as I can possibly find." Maddie replied as she watched him, wondering who he was.

Brady could see the questioning look in her eyes, so he leaned foward, "Well Starfleet doesn't want to let go of you, Captain Sanchez," then pushed the PADD towards her. "I'll be straight with you. I only use manipulation when it comes to Ferengi captains with shady reputations. That's your Starfleet record..." he gestured for her to pick up the PADD, "they've been awfully good to you. Maybe we should figure out what it is you're really running away from."

Pain crossed Maddie's expression for a moment at his comment only to be replaced by anger as she spat out "You seem to know a lot about me so why don't you tell me?!"

Brady appeared unaffected, it came with the job. The last thing he wanted was for any concern he actually had to be misinterpreted as pity towards her or something else along those lines. He held on to her expression and her tone. "I don't know, " he admitted, "but regardless what Starfleet wants, I think it would be in your own self-interest if we explore it..."

"Oh do you now?" Maddie sat back in her chair and crossed her arms with a 'this should be good' expression on her face.

"Yes I do," he said firmly back, and setting his cup back onto the table, "Don't you want to know?"

"All I want to know is where can I get a ship to get away from here." Maddie grumbled before asking "Who in the hell are you anyway?"

He leaned forward, "Brady Dering," and swallowed a drink of his coffee before adding, "I'm a psychiatrist."

"They sent a psychiatrist!" Maddie rolled her eyes, "So I want to leave Starfleet and they decide that I must be mad?"

"No," Brady slightly smiled, needing to keep himself from smiling wider. His expression became serious, "I have had cases where I've had to make that evaluation, but in your What I specialize in is PTSD evaluations, and treatments. And sometimes I counsel those who have been traumatised, " he tilted his head at her, "or may be confused, unsure, about their direction in life." He picked up the PADD, tapped on it, and handed it back over to her, "My orders, Captain. Starfleet doesn't want to lose you."

"And if I want to lose them?" Maddie countered as she took the PADD.

"Would you give me the opportunity to change your mind?" he challenged.

"This should be good." Maddie looked at Brady before letting out an exasperated sigh and adding "Very well then."

"Alright," Brady rose from his seat, and put his hand out for the PADD, "Let's go."

"Go where?" Maddie frowned at him and remained seated.

"On a trip," he said matter-of-factly, "about a days worth of travel. You're in a hurry to get out of here, and I have a place I would like to show you."

"You just want me to up and follow you?" Maddie looked incredulous, "I don't even know you." she stated, ignoring the fact that he had her intrigued.

"That's true," Brady smiled, turning his attention towards the bar where a young attractive petite blonde woman in Starfleet red sat on a barstool had been looking over at them. She slid off her seat, and headed their way.

At her approach, he introduced them, "Captain Madeline Sanchez, meet Lieutenant Jaime Mallory, our pilot."

"Captain," Jaime replied with a smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Ma'am...or do you prefer 'sir'."

"None of the above." Maddie replied, "I resigned." she added, looking back at Brady and saying "You really thought of everything didn't you?"

"Well, I try," he shrugged and then smiled, "Are you coming?"

"Considering I lost my ride...I guess I don't have much choice do I?" Maddie replied with another question as she stood up and added "Not to mention the fact that I'm starting to get the feeling that Starfleet isn't going to let me go quietly."

Jaime's eyes went up to Brady's knowingly, and she smiled widely as they headed out towards one of the Starbase landing bays.


Madeline Sanchez
Ex-Commanding Officer of the USS Tomahawk

Lieutenant Cmdr Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet

Lieutenant Jaime Mallory
Pilot/Flight Deck Supervisor
Magellan Campus


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