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Wait Too Long? Never!

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 5:47pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 5:47pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Private Beach/Maddie's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/25 2200 (August 25 2388 10:00pm to early morning)

*Warning, there's a little adult content in here*

Previously, last episode...

"I know it won't be easy but I'm in this for the long run Connor, I can promise you that." Maddie said softly as she looked up at him, offering him the commitment if he wanted it.

Looking down into her eyes, he replied just as softly, "I believe you." He found that he did, and running a hand gently down the side of her face, he added, "There is something I need to take care of. Can you you give me a few days?"

"Of course." Maddie replied, the thought of not seeing him for a few days not easy to bear but she knew that he needed the time and the space to adjust.


Both moons shining overhead, Connor walked slowly along the shore of the private beach. He was wearing blue jeans and a long sleeved light blue button-down shirt. A cool moist trade wind was blowing in and rippling his shirt which was opened behind him, revealing the white cotton t-shirt he wore underneath.

Stopping to look out over the ocean, he reached deep into his pocket and pulled out a small diamond ring. He held it up between two fingers and stared hard at it. His brow furrowed deeply as he thought about how there had been a time it had held a such special meaning to him. One of a promise to be kept. But the promise was never made.

Pulling back his arm, Connor threw the ring out into the ocean as hard as he could. It was caught and carried by a crosswind, then landed in the water a ways up-shore.

He closed his eyes and thought about Maddie, Beautful, passionate, fiery...and difficult., and he smiled. She touched him, did something to him deep inside that no other woman ever had. The last conversation he had with her in his apartment had consumed him, and taken over his life ever since.

Maddie walked out onto the balcony of her apartment to take in the sea air, her attention immediately drawn to the lone figure on the beach below. Smiling softly as she saw it was Connor, she wondered why he was there and whilst she couldn't see his face, the way he held himself suggested that he had things on his mind. Wanting nothing more than to go to him, she let out a deep sigh and turned to go back inside. He had asked her for time out and she needed to give that to him despite their conversation a few days ago.

A while later...

His heart pounding, Connor stopped walking and leaned his forehead against the wall just outside her door. Was he too late? There had been many times through out the day when he had felt that he was. Anything that had been thrown at him that day for being the Academy Dean could not have made the day any more harder than this.

His stomach was now raw with anxiety, his insides a churning mass of frustration. But his feelings for her overpowered him, and he knew that he would rather die than walk away and not even try.

Firmly determined, Connor continued to her door and pressed the chime button. Running a hand down over his mouth, he leaned his other hand on the door frame and waited.

As the doorchime echoed through her apartment, Maddie groaned and pulled her pillow over her head. After hours of tossing and turning she had finally fallen into a fitful sleep. As her eyes slowly opened and the sleep lost its grip on her, she frowned and raised her head to look at the chronometer on the beside table, tossing the pillow aside. Who could be calling at this time? Then a horrible thought hit. Was something wrong?

Virtually falling out of bed, she reached for a robe and was still tying it around her bare body as she opened the door, her eyes still puffy from sleep, her dark tousled hair framing her face. "Connor...." she breathed as she saw him standing there, "Is everything okay?" she asked with concern.

His hand still on the door frame, Connor's eyes swept over her. He nodded his answer, and then swallowed. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Maddie stood aside to let him enter, suddenly feeling very self conscious in nothing but her robe as her sleep addled mind tried to process the fact that he was here.

He walked into her livingroom and then turned to stare at her, his blue hazel eyes filled with worry. "Did I take too long, " he asked, "am I too late?"

Looking confused, Maddie asked "Late for what? Why would you take too long?" she paused as she considered her own questions then said "Connor? Are we talking about you taking those few days? Do you think I'm really that impatient that I'd end it all over just having to wait?"

"No...I just... I told you a few days, 'n' it's been four," he started to argue. But wait... What was he doing?! Trying to chase her away?! He felt lost. "I'm sorry..."

Maddie chuckled softly and said "Four is still a few days you know."

"Oh...," he nodded, then nervously smiled, "lucky for me you see it that way." and then stared at her for a moment. "I don't know where to begin."

"From the beginning is usually a good spot." Maddie replied as she gestured towards her sofa, inviting him to take a seat.

Connor looked over to the couch. Feeling as if he wouldn't be able to sit still, he hesitated before deciding he should anyways. He nodded, "Okay", walked over there and sat down on one end.

Choosing the seat opposite him in an effort to continue giving him space, Maddie adjusted her robe which had fallen away from one bronzed leg as she crossed them and waited.

He had leaned against one arm and started rubbing his chin. "There's no more ghost." he said staring over at her, with his thoughts going to what she was wearing or wasn't wearing underneath that robe.

"And?" Maddie prompted him, needing him to spell it out for her, to tell her what she so desperately wanted to hear.

"I want.." Connor started, and then stopped, still staring at her. He wanted so much to explain, but it wasn't that easy. He looked away and with his elbow still on the arm of the sofa, started rubbing his forehead.

"I want you, Maddie." He did more than anything. "But tonight..." he looked back over to her, "just let me hold you. Can you do that for me??

"I can try my best." Maddie replied, thinking that he was asking a lot.

His eyes studying her, he shook his head. "That's not going to work, is it?"

"I'm not some teenager who can't keep her panties on you know." Maddie retorted, a flash of anger in her eyes at him thinking that she had no self control.

Connor's jaw tightened, and he looked hurt. He stared at her fighting the urge to leave. Too nervous and overwhelmed, he lost. He got off the couch and started heading towards the door.

"Connor!" Maddie uttered as she jumped to her feet and ran the short distance between them so that she could block the way to the door, "Don't go...please?" she begged, her eyes filled with hurt that he would so easily walk out on her, "It was a stupid comment...I'm sorry."

His eyes searched hers, and what he saw was more than hurt. He could see that she loved him. Unable to fight her, not wanting to, he kissed her. Backing her up against the door, he poured everything he was into it.

The kiss took her breath away. The intensity of it was more than she had expected and she kissed him back hungrily, her arms snaking around his neck as she became all too aware of the brevity of the very thin silk that separated her body from his. "Connor..." she breathed his name almost reverently as she broke the kiss and lifted her head a little to meet his gaze.

Breathing heavily, he undid the tie of her robe. His voice filled with emotion, he said. "I love you." and kissed her again, passionately and wantonly. He parted her lips with his tongue, massaging hers with his as his hands reached inside her robe to her shoulders.

"I love you too mi amor." Maddie whispered as the kiss broke, the soft silky robe falling to the ground and she pushed his shirt of his shoulders then reached for the hem of his t-shirt.

His hands eagerly joined hers and he helped her, taking off his shirt and then starting on his pants. When his pants were undone, he stopped her. "Not yet..." he said, but his eyes filled with promise, "first...I have to do this..." He reached his hands up and caressed her neck. Then leaned back in to kiss his way down her body...


The alarm clock went off, and Connor reached over Maddie, moving her as he shut it off. He looked down at her and smiled, having already been awake with alot on his mind for a while.

Reaching above her head to grab her pillow as she normally did when the alarm clock sounded, Maddie's hand made contact with Connor and her head lifted suddenly. She blinked several times as she tried to make sense of the situation and then it hit her. "Morning..." she said softly, a slow smile spreading over her face as the night before came rushing back.

"Rise 'n' shine, Maddie." he said, maneuvering under the sheet onto his side, he leaned over her. "We have a busy day"

"Well yes we do." Maddie replied as she gazed at him, "But surely we can stay here for five minutes at least?" she said, her deep brown eyes begging him for more time.

"Five minutes?" he questioned, wrapping his arms around and pulling her tighter to him. "What should we do with five minutes?"

Running her well manicured index finger down his chest she whispered seductively "Well, I don't know about you but I can think of a few things..."

Giving her an 'oh yeah' expression, Connor tugged on the sheet, "You get more than five...let's make it ten," and smiling wickedly, pulled it over their heads.

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