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Try Your Hand

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 2:06am by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman & Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter
Edited on on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 2:08am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: The White Lotus
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1630 (August 26 2388 4:30pm)

"Seriously...a spa." Leo nodded as he wiped his hands in a dirty rag and looked at Jake. "Here at Serene... and I hear that the proprietor is a hottie."

"That a fact?" Jake grinned and scratched his chin as if thinking about it. "Then I just may have to go and get acquainted." he winked at Leo, "Not like I can do anything considering you've got my fighter in pieces." he added with mock disdain.

"Just be sure to come back and tell me all about it." Leo grinned at the superior officer.

"Yeah, yeah. Gotta feed the kids a few crumbs I guess." Jake chuckled before heading off out of the door. His shoulders were hurting and perhaps a massage would be good. Hopefully the hottie wouldn't comment too much about the mosaic of scars on his torso from his past life.

A short time later he found himself outside the brand new establishment and grinned to himself. "Hottie huh?" he mumbled before stepping inside and looking around noting the relaxing music that seemed to be floating in the air.

Mackenzie moved from the back with a stack of towels in her hands, stopping when she spotted the man standing by the entrance. She set the towels down on a table with a smile and moved toward them. "Hi, there. Welcome to White Lotus. Can I help you?" He was just over a foot taller than she was, so she couldn't help but look up at him... and man... was he ever gorgeous.

"You know I think you just might." Jake flashed her a charming smile as his eyes raked up and down her body. Leo hadn't been kidding when he'd called her a hottie. Holding out a hand in greeting he said "Jake Bannerman, flight...and you are?"

"Mackenzie Bergman, owner." She said, reaching out to shake his hand with an award winning smile of her own. He was the first person to visit the salon/spa, and because of that, she was willing to overlook the fact that he was checking her out. If she was to be completely honest, she found herself checking him out, too. "What can I do for you today, Mister Bannerman?"

"Painful neck and shoulders." Jake replied, reaching up to rub the muscles on the left as if to demonstrate, "Think you can help?" he asked putting on his eager little boy face, all wide eyed and innocent.

"I think I can help you with that. Follow me." She said, smiling up at him before she turned to make her way back to the massage room. Once she opened the door and stepped inside, Mackenzie moved out of the way so he could walk in. "Would you prefer a robe or towel?"

"A towel will do just fine." Jake replied as he looked around the room and added "Nice...looks like a lot of thought has gone into this place."

The same calming music that was playing in the front of the salon was also playing in the massage room, but at a much quieter volume. It was decorated in an Asian inspired theme to match the feel of the entire establishment, but was in more neutral, relaxing tones. Mackenzie grabbed a towel from a stack and held it out to him, then gestured to the changing room off to the side. "You can go right through there and change. I'll set up here while you do that."

"Sounds good." Jake replied as he took the towel and headed off to the changing room. It didn't take long to strip off then wrap the towel around his middle. As he fastened it up he smirked at the fact that it was barely big enough to fasten securely.

Taking a look in the mirror, he scowled just as he always did when he gazed upon the scars on his torso. Every one a reminder of the pain he had endured over the years for the love of the Federation. Every one a reminder to do better next time. With a sigh he shook his head and reminded himself that he was here for fun then strode outside into the room where Mackenzie waited. "Sorry if I took too long." he drawled as he wandered over to the table in the centre of the room.

Mackenzie, who was now wearing a white smock over her clothing and had her hair up in ponytail, shook her head. She watched him walk toward the table, taking notice that his towel barely covered him, making a point to keep her eyes locked above his waist. That was when she saw the scars that marred his tanned skin. There was a story there, but not one she was going to ask about it. At least, not at the present moment. She'd barely met the man, and getting into her personal business wasn't something she was comfortable with doing. Now... if he volunteered information... that was completely different. "You didn't take long at all. Go ahead and climb onto the table and get comfortable, then we'll get started. It doesn't matter if you lay on your back or stomach, either, since we're working on your shoulders and neck. Whichever is more comfortable for you." She turned toward a s few shelves on the far wall that held a variety of different types oils, creams, and other things, then picked one she planned to use on him.

Jake opted for his stomach, figuring that he didn't want her getting any surprises if the massage was as good as he figured it would be. Settling himself down he asked "So what made you set up shop out here in the middle of nowhere?"

After squirting some of the massage oil on her hand, she began to rub her hands together to warm it before moving to stand by his head. Mackenzie placed her thumbs at the base of his skull and applied a bit of pressure as she moved them down toward his back, then up again. "The fact that it's the middle of nowhere. How many salons or spas do you know of in the Delta Quadrant?"

"None." Jake groaned. The woman certainly had magic fingers that was for sure, "Why do you think I'm here?" he added, "I've been wanting this massage for years."

Mack continued to work her thumbs over his neck before moving to the trapezius muscles on either side of the neck. For a small woman, she had a bit of strength, and definitely knew what she was doing. "I think you're here to get rid of some stress. Your muscles are incredibly tense."

"They always are." Jake sighed happily as he felt her working on the knots in his well defined muscles feeling his body react to the touch of a beautiful woman and smiling to himself.

"You should look for ways to relax during your off time." She said, her skilled fingers moving over his deltoids, triceps, biceps and pectoral muscles... in that order... before moving backward again. The petite woman took her hands off of him for a few seconds to get more oil, then rubbed them together before getting back to work. "What makes you relax the most?"

"I don't know about relaxing but when I'm not working I run, train, drink..." he paused to raise his head and added "Get massages from gorgeous red heads..." his eyes twinkled and he smiled at her as he turned on the charm.

Mackenzie smiled down at him, and though his head was lifted off of the massage table so he could look at her, she continued to work her hands and fingertips over his muscles. "I'm not so sure those are good for relaxing, but it can definitely help ease the tension work related stress can bring." She moved her fingers to his back, working the muscles there, too. "Do you have many redheads give you massages?"

"Is that a trick question?" Jake asked, a wicked grin on his face as he gazed up at her with his chocolate brown eyes.

She looked down at him and couldn't help but smile. He was quite charming, which she appreciated. "It wasn't, but I'm going to take that as some form of affirmation."

"So why The White Lotus?" Jake changed the subject a smirk playing around his lips as he asked "Isn't it a symbol of fertility or something? Thought I read that somewhere."

"Close. Lotus' symbolize purity and 'spontaneous' generation, and therefore... divine birth." Mackenzie stated. "That isn't why I chose the name, though. White lotus blossoms are my favorite flower. So much so, that I've got a tattoo of one."

"Ooo you do?" Jake's smile widened, "You can show me if you like, we can compare." he added, shifting to gesture to the tribal tattoo adorning his right shoulder and extending down his upper arm. Then he lowered his voice and asked "Or is it know uh...special."

"It's on my back, between my shoulder blades." She replied, taking a look at the tattoo with a smile, then pat the headrest of the table once more. "Head down so we can get back to why you're here."

"Not gonna show me huh?" Jake pretended to pout before lowering his head again so that she could continue.

"I bet that pout has won over a woman or two over, hasn't it?" Mackenzie asked, moving over to stand at the side of the table. She added a bit more oil to her hands, then got to work on the muscles in his upper back. So far, he hadn't given her reason not to like him, and at the moment, she did. "It's kind of cute, actually."

Jake lifted his head again and asked "So...for the record, does that mean it's won you over? Or do I need to try harder?"

She looked down at him and smiled. "That depends. Are you trying to win me over?" She did find him to be rather charming.

Propping his head up on his elbow as he turned to face her, Jake replied "Well that answer depends on whether or not you want to be won over." His voice was silky smooth as he watched her closely, trying to work out just what kind of a girl she was.

Mackenzie moved over to the sink to wash her hands, then dried them off before making her way back over to the table. "Well... I guess anything is possible, but considering I just met you, and know next to nothing about you..." She smiled down at him. "For all I know, Mister Bannerman, you could be the biggest ladies man to set foot in any of the four quadrants."

"Is that a bad thing?" Jake gazed up at her as he reached out an arm and snaked it around her waist and held her gently so she couldn't take a step back, trying to gauge her reaction.

When his arm snaked around her waist, she made no attempts to step back or move in closer to him. Instead, Mack stayed right where she was, gazing down at him with gorgeous blue eyes. "For you... I don't think it would be. For someone like me, however... it could be. I'm not the type of woman who wants to be another notch on someone's bedpost."

"Well that's ok then because my bed doesn't have any posts." Jake smiled cheekily as he looked up at her then asked "And I had you pegged for a girl who liked to have some fun too."

Mackenzie turned her blue eyed gaze down to him and cocked her head to the side. "Oh... I like to have fun." She said, disengaging his arm from around her waist so she could begin to clean up the very small mess she'd made with the massage oil. "However, your speaking of beds and fun can only mean you're interested in one thing, and that isn't a slumber party. I'm sure most women you associate with would love the chance to fall into your non-posted bed, but I can assure you. I'm not most women."

"A challenge huh?" Jake eyed her up and down, not caring that his towel was riding ever lower when he turned further on to his side, "So this isn't the kind of place where you get massages and a favour then?" he asked innocently, knowing full well that the comment was inflammatory but saying it anyway. It was a test to see if the redhead was as fiery as her hair.

" A fav..." The word died on her lips. It took no time for her to realize exactly what Jake was talking about. Before Mackenzie could even think about her next action, her right hand lashed out to connect solidly with his left cheek, but she wanted to do so much more to him, and not in a way that would make him smile.

The redheaded woman, who was indeed fired up, moved into the changing room and scooped up his clothes, then returned to toss them in his direction. What she should have done was taken them straight outside and toss them so he'd be required to leave naked. "Perhaps, it would be in your best interest to not assume all women are as easy as you seem to be, Mister Bannerman. Now... before I decide to do more than slap you, you should get dressed and get out."

"What does doing more than slapping me involve?" Jake asked, still completely calm as he collected his clothes nonchalantly, "I mean...could be interesting..." he straightened up and without a care dropped the towel in order to put on his underwear.

Mackenzie kept her gaze locked well above his waistline. "Very dull scissors, and what I'm sure is your most favored part of your anatomy. I don't care what kind of women you normally attract, but I'm not like that. You almost... almost... had me thinking you were charming."

"I can be whatever you want me to be gorgeous." Jake replied as he pulled on his trousers, watching her intently as he did so, "And trust me...dull scissors would be a piece of cake compared to where these came from." he added, gesturing to the scars on his torso as the cocky attitude was briefly replaced with painful recollection of what he had been through during his life, "I learnt a long time ago and in many painful ways that you have to live in the moment because tomorrow might not ever come."

Her eyes moved to the scars on his torso, then back up to his face. Now, Mack felt bad for him. "Maybe you're right about living in the moment, but I have no intentions, nor desire, to sleep with you. If you'd like a friend, that would be great, but I have zero interests in being a bed mate."

Pulling his shirt over his head, Jake shrugged and said "You don't know what you're missing but each to his or her own I guess." he straightened his shirt and strode for the door, stopping by her side. "Guess I'll have to just beat my frustrations out on my fighter. Such a shame to undo all that relaxation." and then quick as lightening, he pulled her close, planting a very brief but equally searing kiss on her lips before releasing her and walking away as he called over his shoulder "Until we meet again Red!"

Mackenzie stood there for a few seconds clearly stunned that he'd just kissed her. In all her life, she'd never just had a man come up to her and do anything like that, but then... Jake Bannerman was clearly a man who wasn't normal by any stretch of the imagination. Bringing her fingers to touch her lips, she finally snapped out of it and watched his retreating back. Of course... she couldn't just allow him to leave without throwing one last quip his way. "Instead of using the fighter, try your hand!"

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus

PO3 Leo Carpenter
Flightcraft Technician
Magellan Campus

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station


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