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Getting Ready Negotiations

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 2:07am by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Samantha Fraiser-Odar
Edited on on Tue Jan 15th, 2019 @ 2:09am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Gem and Sam's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1631 (August 26 2388 4:31pm)


Getting ready for the welcoming banquet/swearing-in ceremony, Gem carefully laid his dark formal suit jacket onto the bed and began undressing. As a member of the Federation Diplomatic Service, he was technically a civilian, and not required to wear the dress uniform that the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps officers in his department would be wearing. His was of Trillian design and custom made to his specific liking. Throwing his suit jacket he liked to wear when on 'duty' onto the bed, he spotted a datapad on their bedroom side table. Wondering what it was, he walked over and began looking it over.

Surprise mixed with concern etching over his features, he called out, "Samantha." and sat down heavily on the edge of the bed.

Half dressed in her dress uniform Sam came out of the bathroom trying to fix her cuff links in her cuffs and looked at him curiously "Geminik?" His tone of voice as he used her full first name had her looking for what was wrong.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he held the PADD up to her.

Recognising the PADD she swallowed "It was a last minute thing ... I was going to tell you then I sort of ... chickened out ... The Admiralty were worried about me getting bored ... apparently I get into trouble if I'm not occupied."

Gem sighed, placing it back down on the side table. "You mean your good friends in admiralty." and he gave her a pointed and knowing look, "The ones who know you so well and give you what you want."

Sam gave him her best innocent look "Maybe?" Giving in to his look she sighed "As long as you're teaching here I'm 'officially' retired ... Except they agreed to let me still act as your security when needed. The easiest way to explain my presence as anything but a takeover is as a student."

"As one of my students... Samantha," he placed his hands on her shoulders, "we agreed you wouldn't take on too much, and you're the Diplomatic Security 'Adviser'." he said, feeling the need to remind her further, "I hardly think anyone will take that as a takeover. "

She nodded leaning into his hold "That's true and I did promise ... How about we work out a timetable that both of us agree won't put a strain on me or the baby? I need to do something Gem ... you know I get bored and this way you'll be able to see I'm not getting into trouble."

Despite his concerns, Gem found himself smiling. His hands moving up to cup the side of her face, he bent down and kissed her fully. He continued to smile as he broke the kiss. "Don't ever change, Samantha...promise me."

Smiling at him she grinned "I promise ... That's an easy one to keep." She kissed him again with a smile.

"Alright, but I'm going to hold you to that. Here..." Taking pity on her, he reached over and started working on her cuffs, his eyes occasionally looking up at her. 'You're feeling good tonight.." he observed.

"I am actually ... in spite of having to wear the Dress Uniform." She tugged a little at the collar before he pulled her hand away and she made a face before grinning ruefully and relaxing again. "I love you Geminik Odar, always have always will." She leant her head on his shoulder watching him fix her cuffs feeling more relaxed than she had

Gem smiled as he continued, glancing up at her once. Her words had a special meaning to him, for she had shown it to him so many times through the years. "You'll say anything to get out of doing this." he teased.

Sam giggled "Outta dress uniform? Of course." She teased him back. Gently nuzzling his shoulder she let him see the emotion in her eyes knowing it was returned ten fold.

Gem blushed a little, as he was tempted to get her out of that dress uniform and there just wasn't time. "You're going to have to keep your clothes on, Samantha, this isn't a Betazoid wedding."

Grinning unrepentantly she quipped "the night is young ... Rain check?"

"Raincheck." he kissed her lightly, then pulled away to finish undressing himself. He took off his shirt to notice her watching him. "Now behave yourself, Samantha!" he pointed over at her while tossing his shirt aside.

Her grin turning appreciative Sam stayed where she was but let her eyes roam over the man who was hers as much as she was his. "Where is the fun in that Gem?"

"We both agreed to a raincheck." he smiled, shaking his head, taking his formal suit off it's hanger. Deciding to distract her as he began putting on a fresh shirt, he said, "I have a meeting tomorrow morning at the station...and I'd like you to go with me."

Sam smiled giving a slight nod knowing he was distracting them both for now. "Sure ... What's the visit Gem?" She was trying to remember if he had mentioned anything in passing.

"The gifters of this planet have expressed interest in a tour of the Campus." Gem informed her. He undid his pants, and started taking them off. "It was only a matter of time." he added, "The problem is that it was presented as more of a demand than a request, as if they have some sort of 'entitlement', over their gift."

Sam nodded thinking before smiling her eyes dancing. "I'll wear civilian clothes similar to yours tomorrow then. If they think I'm just there as your wife and more window dressing than anything else I might be able to get a read on them." Tilting her head slightly she grinned. "I promise if there's trouble to leave it to station security."

At her enthusiasm, Gem smiled fondly back to her, "We'll save that for when we actually meet with them. Tomorrow morning is a departmental meeting on the situation."

She gave him a sheepish grin "Hard to move out of protection mode into mostly civilian. That would make sense as a first step." Changing the subject slightly she asked "How are you feeling about teaching now?"

Gem finished attaching his formal suit pants. "Looking forward to it." he said, walking over to her. "Ask me again next week."

Sam grinned "They can't be less house trained than me." She fixed his collar with a smile. "Just consider me practice for this ... The good thing is they can't start any galactic incidents."

At that, Gem inwardly chuckled, "As far as we know." He looked down at her appreciatively. "Thank you."

She gave him a curious look "You're welcome?"

"For fixing my collar," he put his arms around her, "and for agreeing to marry me."

Her smile widening she let her arms wrap around him "No thanks necessary for either. I love you and want to help whatever way I can."

"A determined woman?" he smiled, and then leaned down to kiss her.

Kissing him back her eyes danced "Only where you and your safety and happiness are concerned love."

That caused Gem to raise an eyebrow, "And...?"

"And I promise to be more careful?"

Gem chuckled as that wasn't what he meant. "Of course." He took in a deep breath and then said, "I think we should finish getting ready, it's almost time to go."


Adm Samantha Frasier Retired
Diplomatic detachment/advisor
Magellan Academy

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Dept. Head - Diplomatic Corps
Magellan Academy


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