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Ceremony Arrival part 1

Posted on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:01pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Captain Karyn Dallas R.N. & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito
Edited on on Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 9:22pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet and Conference Building
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1730 (August 26 2388 5:30pm)

On the outside it was a circular unassuming building of plasteel and strong transparent aluminium windows, with no real indication of the role it might be put to. This could be argued as being because it was a multi-use facility as much of the campus was. However, it more than made up for it on the inside with the light streaming through the windows lighting up a space that had a central banquet and function room decked out in what looked like wood paneling and carvings from the histories of many of the Federation planets. Like the spokes on a wheel, smaller banquet rooms that could also function as larger meeting rooms fanned out with retractable walls that allowed it to become one much larger room.

The main banquet and function room backed onto the auditorium with access on either side of the main table. Just down from this table and separating it from the others was a large dance floor with a band area partitioned off to the side with room for a piano with a seat, a singer and several other instrumental players.

Round tables dotted the center of the room while buffet tables ran along the outside of the room in such a way that all were able to access them easily and each contained a wide array of savory and sweet items. There was no concern of any one dish running out as they had been set up to automatically transport in a new portion of that dish when it reached the bottom.

The walls to the corridor were designed in such a way that the structural ones could be turned from opaque to clear and the others could be moved out of the way to create a much larger space that incorporated the smaller function/banquet rooms in the conference center.

The auditorium backed onto the main banquet hall but there were two ways to access it. The first was to either side of the main table, the second was a wide garden path around the back of the conference center and into large doors that could be opened so that the people could file up into the seating from the front of the room.

This was where everyone was entering the auditorium now for the very first welcome and cadet swearing-in ceremony of Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus.

"There should be a rule that women can wear dresses." Maddie grumbled as she headed for the stage area alongside Connor as she pulled at her collar. "A man obviously designed these." she added with a sigh.

Connor nodded distractedly and glanced over at her briefly before sitting down in the nearest seat. With his thoughts elsewhere he offered no response. He leaned on an arm rest, rubbing his forehead, staring straight ahead.

Looking at Connor with concern, Maddie was just about to say something to him when the counsellor spoke.

"Try remaining in one of these while all you can do is sit," Counselor Karyn Dallas offered, her tone a mixture of mild annoyance and good humor. The truth was, as uncomfortable as the uniform was, she liked the way she looked in it for the most part, and she liked the sense of occasion that was associated with it.

"They're uncomfortable whatever you're doing in them." Maddie smiled warmly at Karyn, "But you do have a point." she added with a wink. Then turning back to Connor she lowered her voice and said "I can handle this you know...don't feel that you have to stick this out for the sake of protocol."

Pulling his hand away from his forehead, Connor gazed up at her to give her an adamant shake of his head. It wasn't that he thought she couldn't handle it, it was just important to him that he do it, but he was fighting what was starting to feel like a losing battle.

Figuring she had no idea what was going on, Brady walked up to them and lightly placed a hand on Karyn's arm. "If I could have a word with you Karyn?" he asked her, with a look on his face making it obvious that it was really important.

"Of course," Karyn replied, suddenly concerned and wondering what was going on. "Excuse me," she said to Maddie and Connor, before following him out in her hoverchair.

As Karyn left with Brady, Gem casually walked up, and as not to draw too much more attention to Connor, tugged on his trouser pants as he sat down making himself comfortable next to him. Sitting down on the other side of Gem was Sam.

Sam glanced at Connor but stayed quiet letting Gem do his thing with him as she kept a quiet eye on the cadets hoping they had done enough homework that they would recognise her rank and keep their mischief to a low roar. Today was a bad day for them to decide to play up after the loss of the starship.

"Allow me to begin the proceedings," Gem offered as he looked between Connor and Maddie. "No one will think twice considering who I am. I have opened for many ceremonies, it seems it comes with the title." he smiled.

Connor closed his eyes with the need to breathe in deep. After weeks of preparing for an event that brought back a time in his life that meant more to him than he could express, and filled with doubt, Connor lifted his head up, and raising his chin, reluctantly nodded.

"So long as you're sure?" Maddie looked at Gem, quite willing to do it herself if it would help the man she loved.

"I'm sure, Captain," Gem warmly smiled, "It would be my pleasure to help out in this way." Skilled at improvising, he could throw a speech together at the last minute. One that would be short but sweet.

"Then thank you." Maddie smiled at Gem before casting an anxious look at Connor and frowning, wishing that they had time to be alone rather than here and on show.

Braden stood at the entrance just inside the door and off to the side. He did not mind the dress uniform, it fit well. All those seats he did mind. That meant this hall would soon be filled with that many people. He wondered if anyone he had met yet would be seated anywhere near him? Considering how few he had even spoken to.. He sort of doubted he would even see anyone he knew. He checked his invitation again and walked to the row he had been assigned. At least they were not assigned seats, just the row number. Braden moved to the far end of the row assigned and sat down. There were many others scattered about the room sitting as well. Still he was a few minutes early and this space even a hundred people would not make a dent in filling the seats here.

Jondar walked in arm over Phoebe's shoulders until a professor glared at them, then he sighed and held her hand, "Party pooper..." he muttered, looking for their seats and hoping they were in the same row...

"Under the radar doesn't mean much to you does it?" Phoebe grinned at Jondar as they walked down the aisle between the chairs, "Not that I mind...I like you being all territorial and that." she added, loving the fact that he was happy to demonstrate that she was his.

Jondar grinned and shamelessly admitted, "I like touching you, the fact that I can do so and not get my hand ripped off is totally stellar and if you like that you should see me in a loin cloth..." He waggled his eyebrows, making a primitive guy joke.

"I think I'm gonna have to hold you to that." Phoebe grinned, imagining Jondar in said loin cloth and deciding that he would look totally hot.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't..." He said and laughed. They continued to banter and talk as they found seats.

To Be Continued...


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