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Poppet Has A Minion

Posted on Thu Jan 24th, 2019 @ 10:56pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher & Cadet Freshman Grade Damian Blake
Edited on on Thu Jan 24th, 2019 @ 11:15pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Banquet Hall
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1906 (August 26 2388 7:06pm)

Damian walked into the banquet hall and moved over to the bar to grab a beer before he looked around to see who was around, and who had yet to make their way inside. He spotted Kelly and Rachel sitting together and decided to make his way over to, sitting directly across from Kelly with a grin. "Hiya, poppet."

Kelly looked up from her meal and raised an eyebrow as another cadet joined the table where she had been sitting. "What did you just call me?"

"Poppet." Damian said, taking a swing of his beer. "You know... doll?"

"Do you always have cute little nicknames for everyone?" Kelly asked. "Or do you just not know how to say Hi, what's your name?"

"Wow... Forgive me, if I was aware I was going to offend you so grievously, I might have spared myself." He said, rising to his feet with his beer. "I'll remember to be more respectful to others in the future. Thank you... you know... for pointing out the error of my ways. Good day to you ladies." He gave them a charming smile, then began to walk away.

"Hey!" Kelly called out to him, feeling that she was giving everyone else a hard time based on her irritation at her cousin. This was a huge day for all the cadets and she didn't want to alienate people. "I'm Kelly...what's your name?"

Damian turned on his heel with a smile and moved back over to the table to retake his seat. "Damian Blake. It's nice to meet you." He turned to look toward Rachel who was being particularly quiet. "And what is your name?"

Rachel turned to Damian and smiled, "Me name be Rachel." she replied, a particularly thick Irish accent to her voice, turning to look at the newcomer to the table.

"Kelly... Rachel... it's a pleasure to meet you both." He said, giving them both a smile. "And allow me to congratulate you both on what you've accomplished today."

"Congratulations to you and Rachel as well, Damian," Kelly said with a smile. "What courses are you two taking here? I'm going into Flight."

"Intel." Damian said, cracking the barest of grins. "Something about all the espionage and intrigue excites me."

Rachel chuckled softly, "I'm pre-med." she replied. "Intel hmm... that be sounding intriguing." she added as she took a sip of her iced tea. She looked at Kelly, "Oh that's right... I be rememberin you told me you were going inta flight I believe." she said to Kelly. "I'm glad ta see you're alright... I be wonderin how you were doing."

"I'm doing good, Rachel. Medical is a good field to get into," Kelly said before changing the subject away from her experience quickly. It was bad enough that she still had to go to Medical for a few more check-ups on a regular. "Intelligence, hmm? Are you going to go all sneaky on us, Damian?"

Damian smiled, shook his head, then took a sip of his beer. "I'm afraid not, Kelly. That's just not my style. What is this about you being alright? Did something happen to you?"

Rachel suddenly felt guilty for even bringing up Kelly's experience and looked down, swallowing hard. She hadn't meant to put Kelly on the spot...but just was happy that someone who she had started to consider a friend was doing alright. She quickly picked up her iced tea glass again, taking a few gulps of it, her eyes still looking down at the table.

Reaching over when Rachel looked down, Kelly patted her on the shoulder. "It's alright now." She looked at Damian. "They called it a Ariolo Parasitic Infection which was genetically passed and didn't become malevolent until I reached Zulubase. It's sort of like Arteriosclerosis, which hardens a persons arteries. I thought I was having a stroke."

Rachel nodded, giving a bit of a half smile when Kelly patted her shoulder.

"Wow..." He said, looking just a bit shocked. "You don't hear of things like that affecting someone so young. Are they treating it?"

"Technically, I'm cured," Kelly said. "But I have to go to Phlox Medical for a few weeks for check-ups...and they made me cut back to one hundred milligrams of chocolate or caffeine a day. How am I supposed to live on that?" She looked at both of them.

"Good question...I think I'd be goin insane on so little chocolate...or caffeine." Rachel replied.

"There was a reason they had to cut you back, which means it's important." Damian pointed out. "But, that's actually more than you think it would be. Twelve ounces of chocolate ice cream has less than one milligram in it."

"Really?" Kelly squeaked before blushing. "I mean, thanks for telling me that. What about a cup of coffee?" She looked at Rachel. "I know, right? They're killing me."

"I can't say for sure. Maybe a total over twelve ounces a day." He said, smiling when she squeaked. "Stick with the ice cream."

"I need caffeinated ice cream," Kelly said. "Kill two birds with one stick." She picked up the brownie and took a bite of it. "This is good, but it just isn't the real thing."

Rachel smiled, nodding. "Unless its the real thing, it really isn't the same." she said then raised an eyebrow, "Caffeinated ice cream? There be such a thing?" she asked.

"There's a coffee ice cream, just don't know if it's available on campus or not." Damian said. "I can't imagine you'd be allowed much of that, though."

"Probably a few ounces, but that isn't worth it," Kelly said with a shrug.

"A few ounces really dunnae sound worth be right bout that." Rachel replied with a soft sigh.

Damian finished off his beer and grinned. "I'm telling you... chocolate ice cream is where it's at."

"Chocolate of any kind is where it's at," Kelly said.

"I suppose you're right about that." He said. "Since you're on a limit, stick with the ice cream. You'll get your fix, and it will taste the same."

"As long as it isn't replicated," Kelly said. "I don't care how good it isn't bad for you. It's like a reward without the reward."

"Do you normally make a habit out of things that are bad for you, Kelly?" Damian asked, leaning back so he could see her better. She was cute, and he rather liked the way she squeaked when excited.

"No," Kelly said honestly. "Even though I enjoy eating chocolate, ice cream, brownies and similar, I push myself afterwards to make sure that I stay in shape for what I love to do. So I guess you can say that I'm bad to myself so I can punish myself to try harder. That, and I really love chocolate of all kinds."

"White chocolate would be good to have in the meantime, too." He offered.

Rachel smiled, " white chocolate be even better." she replied, her smile turning into a broad grin.

"Chocolate is chocolate," Kelly said. "I'll take whatever I can get my hands on as long as it's real."

"It looks like you have a way around doctors orders, Kelly." Damian said, giving the two young ladies a dazzling smile. "Chocolate ice cream and white chocolate. You can eat as much of them as you want, and still fall within guidelines."

Kelly tried to give an evil laugh, but ended up sounding like a giggling chipmunk, which caused her to blush. "My evil plan for chocolate domination grows. Thank you, my new minion," she said to Damian.

Kelly's statement made Rachel laugh, and her smile brighten. "You're funny Kelly... in a good way." she said, her laugh turning into more of a giggle.

Damian couldn't help but join in Rachel's laughter. "Sorry to disappoint you, poppet, but I'm not really minion material. If you asked nicely, I might be persuaded."

"But...but..." Kelly pouted a little and gave him big eyes. "You've been so helpful so far....are you just going to leave a girl hanging after showing so much promise?"

"Awww... okay." He pushed his chair back and used it as a step to climb up onto the table where he started to wave his arms. "Ladies and gentlemen... your attention, please. First... I'd like to say... I'm officially a Kelly minion." He looked around the crowd with a big smile until his eyes came to fall on the Assistant Dean. "And you, Captain Sanchez... I think we're going to be great friends! We'll be seeing one another often! That is all. Please... carry on!" His smile turned to a broad grin as he climbed back down to retake his seat.

Rachel nearly wanted to disappear under the table when Damian stood up on the top of the table.

Damian Blake
Magellan Campus

Cadet Kelly Khan
Magellan Campus

Rachel Gallagher
Magellan Campus


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