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Swearing-In Ceremony Banquet part 2

Posted on Thu Jan 24th, 2019 @ 11:05pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Lieutenant Jaime Mallory & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Captain Karyn Dallas R.N. & Mackenzie Bergman & Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter & Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Jace Kaldarren & Cadet Freshman Grade James Corrigan & Cadet Freshman Grade Ashley MacGyver & Cadet Freshman Grade Damian Blake
Edited on on Thu Jan 24th, 2019 @ 11:32pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Magellan Campus Conference Center
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1915 (August 26 2388 7:15pm)


Lieutenant Reign had stood just inside the entrance to the banquet room to keep an eye on the cadets and civilians who began to file in. She was pleased that no one had caused any trouble during the ceremony, and she was proud that Starfleet had another generation of potential officers to serve. She tapped her combadge, giving new orders to her Security personnel and they began to assemble in groups of two along the walls of the hall.

Wearing something other than his usual grubby overalls, Leo Carpenter snuck into the back of the hall and looked around for Jake, sighing when he couldn't see him anywhere. "Figures when you need an invite to one of these things you can't find the right Commander." he muttered to himself as he wandered over to one of the tables and picked up a plate. Perhaps if he played it real cool no-one would notice him gatecrashing. Filling his plate as fast as he could just in case he got thrown out, he went in search of a remote table to lay low and watch the party goers. Considering his job was such an isolated one, Leo sure liked crowds.

Spotting PO Carpenter was not hard. Braden watched him move to a corner table and decided to join him. After all it would be more enjoyable to have someone else at the table and besides he liked the shuttle tech. Easily balancing his plates he walked the short distance between their tables "Hello PO Carpenter. Remember me from this morning at the shuttle bay?"

"Yeah I remember you." Leo smiled up at Braden, "Course I remember're the encyclopaedia." he grinned before adding "And call me Leo...we're not on duty right now."

"I was wondering if you wanted company here? I was sort of tired of eating alone." Braden smiled "If you do not mind maybe you could point out a few people and tell me who they are?"

"You realise that I virtually live in that hangar right?" Leo grinned, "Apart from the flight folks I'm as clueless as you are." he added as he gestured to an empty seat happy for Braden to join him.

"Well no matter." Braden sat down and arranged his plates as he spoke. "Is still nice to see a known face even if we just met. I have met less then a dozen people so far, that is still more new people then I dealt with in nearly a year's time back home. Is sort of fun, kind of exciting and still daunting all at the same time." Braden began eating when he realized he was probably boring Leo.

"I bet in a week you'll be like an old pro." Leo smiled at the boy before leaning over and stealing a party sausage roll off Braden's plate then popping it into his mouth.

"That could cost you fingers where I come from." Braden smiled and laughed "but I like you Leo, so your fingers are safe. Besides if I get the job tomorrow I need you around to teach me the ropes."

"Then I guess I'll let you off too." Leo chuckled talking about the way he had spoken to him. "Though I guess I'd better see if I can get my own food hadn't I? I'll be right back." he added as he stood up and headed for the banquet tables.

Mack walked in from being outside, then brought her empty glass back over to the bar. She scooped up another drink and moved further into the room, looking about at all the people who were present. It didn't take long for her to spot Kelly with a couple other cadets. They all appeared to be happy and smiling, so that set her at ease a bit. She wouldn't bother them right now, especially considering she knew that Kel was upset with her. It would be made right, though, just not while she was with others. Instead, she moved over to a table tucked away in a corner and settled down to nurse the drink she was holding in her hand.

All the tables were filling up fast, and Jaime was scouting through the large room for a place to sit down when she spotted the table in the corner where Mack was sitting. With her plate and drink, she headed over there.

"Hi," Jaime smiled, gesturing to one of chairs with her plate, "Mind if I sit here?"

Mack turned her attention to the blonde woman who approached and offered her a smile, gesturing to one the empty chairs. She was content sitting there and nursing her drink, but company would do her some good. "Not at all."

Jaime grinned, "Thank you." and proceeded to set her plate and glass of wine down on the table before putting out a hand, "And hi, I'm Jaime Mallory."

The redhead woman took the offered hand and shook it with a smile. "Mackenzie Bergman. Owner of the White Lotus."

"The White Lotus..." Jaime smiled back, unwrapping her napkin, "Would that be the salon and spa I heard about?"

"That would be the one." Mack replied, her smile still present. "We're set to open tomorrow morning."

"Oh..." Jaime looked both interested and pleasantly surprised. "You just arrived, didn't you?"

"I did. I haven't had a chance to explore much, but so far I'm pretty impressed with what I've seen." The redhead replied. "I hope that the White Lotus will add something special to the campus, too, but that remains to be seen."

"I can't imagine why it wouldn't," Jaime replied sincerely, reaching for her glass of wine, "Have you had the chance to meet many people? Before this evening, that is."

Mack shook her head. "Not really, but I have met a couple. Then again, that isn't too surprising considering how long I've been here. I've met Maggie, Mister Raziel, Commander Bannerman and now you... not to mention my cousin, Kelly, is here, too." She said with a smile. "I have no doubt that's going to change once time progresses, though."

Taking a sip of her wine, Jaime gave a look as if she just tasted something bitter at the mention of Bannerman's name. Swallowing hard, she sat her drink back down before saying, "Oh no doubt. And I think..." she smiled again looking thoughtful, "I will stop by tomorrow after my duty shift."

"That would be fine, but I have to ask... are you okay?" The petite woman couldn't help but notice the look on Jaime's face.

"Oh yeah," Jaime continued to smile, "I'm fine" and then took a bite of her food.

R'Maia stepped inside the banquet hall and looked around, wishing that she wasn't as shy as she was as she saw the groups of cadets laughing and talking. Stepping over to the tables, she picked up a plate and placed a few things on it before finding herself a table out of the way and nibbling on a few carrot sticks wondering when it would be polite to leave.

James came in quietly. His thoughts were on the ceremony they had just finished. On one hand, he was excited as hell. But on the other, such heavy oaths made him feel a bit... scared? Overwhelmed? Maybe both. But this was his chance, and he was not going to let it go. So he pushed away the somber thoughts and looked around the room.

Seeing Kelly fully engaged with others, he looked for other places to sit. Seeing a girl off by herself, he wondered if that was because she wanted to be left alone. Or was she just shy? Well, he decided, he could ask; and if she wanted to be left alone, he would oblige.

Gathering some food, he approached where R'Maia sat and cleared his throat lightly. He wasn't rude enough to just plop himself down at her table as if he owned the place, after all. "Hi." he offered.

"Hi." R'Maia looked up at James shifting awkwardly in her chair and asked herself for the gazillionth time why she wanted to be a doctor if she couldn't even cope with non-medical social interactions.

James smiled; he could see she was uncomfortable. Should he back off and find someone else to talk to? "Um, I was going to ask if you wanted company, but I can shove off if you're not comfortable with that." he offered. He was, after all, only trying to be nice.

"No it's fine." R'Maia replied with a tentative smile, "No-one else has been sitting herrre." she gestured to the empty seats around her.

James smiled and took one of the seats at the table. "Cool." Setting down his food, he held out a hand. "I'm James. Quite a night, huh?"

"Rrr'Maia." the Caitian took James' hand and shook it, "And's been quite the day too." she smiled at him warmly.

"Hey..are all these seats taken?" Like a man on a mission, Jace Kalderran had strolled up to the table, with Ashley MacGyver not far behind. He looked between R'Maia and James, expectantly.

"No therre not." R'Maia smiled up shyly at the new arrivals remembering not to go sit on an empty table next time but to find somewhere to stand instead.

"Great," Jace replied with no expression and he took a seat across from them. Ashley sat down right next to R'Maia. "I'm Ashley MacGyver," she smiled at both her and James.

"Rrr'Maia." the Caitian responded with a smile back, "I'm gonna be a medical cadet." she added forgetting that now she actually was a medical cadet.

"I'm going into Intelligence," Ashley replied, "and it's really nice to meet you, R'Maia."

Having taken a few minutes for themselves before joining the rest of the people in the banquet area Sam walked in on Gem's arm a slight smile on her face as she remembered her own swearing in ceremony what seemed like a lifetime ago now. She knew Connor and Maddie hadn't come in yet, that he needed time so she passively scanned to make sure there weren't any issues while checking out the main table to see if anyone was there yet. "Should we wait on Connor and Maddie love? Or grab something to eat while the children are mostly occupied?"

Gem looked around them, and smiled broadly at the musicians who had volunteered to play for the banquet as they took their seats at the partitioned area next to the dance floor. Not certain that the Dean would be joining them at all, he smiled over to her, "I suggest we get something to eat." A couple moments later the sound of smooth latin jazz filled the room.

Smiling and relaxing as she heard the sounds of music Sam looked over at the banquet and smiled wider seeing both human and Trill foods "What do you feel like tonight?"

"A little of everything," Gem replied as he started leading her over there, until the table that held dishes made from Sapientia produce caught his eye.. How about tonight we begin with something new?"

Sam nodded "I'm game .... there's not much I won't try at least once." Including the time her friend, and Zulu base's CSec Adam Marcu'um goaded her into trying g'agh at a diplomatic dinner with the Klingon Ambassador present. Wasn't her favourite experience but she figured there couldn't be anything worse on the table today, and hopefully less chance of causing a diplomatic incident.

Still preoccupied with the news of Connor's missing brother and how it would impact his psychological progress thus far, Karyn hadn't been able to completely get rid of the lump in her throat that had formed when she heard the cadets recite their pledge to the Federation. In light of what Karyn had just learned, the pledge was especially poignant. Dallas was reminded of how she had felt when she'd taken the same pledge well over a decade ago. She was so full of excitement and optimism, certain that nothing she might face in the future could be as awful as the home she'd just left. In many ways, she was right, but in others, she had been challenged in ways she'd never dreamed.

Setting aside her concern for the moment, Dallas was determined to let go of her worry and give the students the welcome and congratulations they deserved. Smiling at those who met her eye, she allowed herself to enjoy the wonderful sights and smells around her, electing to do some greeting before she grabbed a plate.

"Congratulations," Karyn offered, approaching a nearby table.

"Thanks." Liam looked at Karyn with a bored expression on his face. Having not paid attention to who anyone was he said, "Party sucks doesn't it?"

Not expecting anything like that from a cadet in the least, Karyn asked. "What makes you say that?"

"Cause it does." Liam shrugged, "I mean they're allowing us one measly glass of booze...come on, like that's enough." he added, totally uncaring that he was talking to an officer.

"Perhaps an AA meeting would be more appropriate for you, Cadet?" Karyn didn't find the young man's comments funny in the least. Her father was an alcoholic and she was acutely aware of what drinking to excess could lead to. Not to mention what his comment suggested about his attitude toward his studies.

"Whoa, wait a second lady, where do you get off accusing me of being an alcoholic?" Liam glared at her, clearly not amused and clearly not caring that she was an officer.

In point of fact, Karyn's comment about AA was half sarcastic irritation and half humor because frankly, she was surprised a cadet would be so brazen. She expected him to look up at her and realize whom he was speaking to, and there would be a round of embarrassed apologies before Karyn elected to let it go and observe from afar.

However, the moment he came back at her with clear rudeness and insubordination, she knew she could not let that stand as a matter of protocol rather than pride. She might have been in a hoverchair, but that didn't mean she was going to let people walk all over her. Calmly, but firmly, she replied, "Who I am, Cadet," she began, emphasizing his junior rank, "is Captain Karyn Dallas, Chief Counselor and Head of the Psychology Department. More importantly, I am your superior officer and a human being who won't tolerate your rude, entitled attitude. Lest you think for one more second you're irreplaceable, let me assure you alcohol consumption isn't a course of study here, and if it were, this display of what you're like after just one glass of the stuff has ensured you won't be granted another drop after this evening."

"Whatever." Liam shrugged wondering what was with the woman. Clearly her rank neither scared him or caused him to care. He was still pissed that she had accused him of alcoholism.

Having heard the whole exchange and having respect for the Counselor to handle the situation, Captain James Armstrong finally decided enough was enough. He walked on over and stood over Liam, "Cadet Freshman Grade, get out of your chair and stand at attention. Now."

Liam stood up and turned to the sound of the voice and upon seeing the look on the other man's face stood properly to attention for the first time since he had been there.

They stood face to face, and James stared hard at him, "Your personal curfew has been changed to ten minutes from now. I suggest you turn in for the night. Get some sleep as you're going to need it. Am I making myself clear?"

Liam opened his mouth to say something glib but then thought better of it and said 'Yes Sir. Perfectly."

James nodded, and then said, "Your dismissed, Cadet."

"Yes Sir." Liam ground out both words before shooting Karyn a hostile glare and leaving. "Stupid party anyway." he grumbled as he headed for the door.

Feeling decidedly morose, Maddie forced herself to put a happy expression on for the sake of the cadets and entered the banquet hall. Standing still for a moment, she looked around at them all. They were all so happy, so eager and excited and she thought back to the day that she was one of them and wondered what had happened to that young eager cadet.

Brady walked up to stand beside her. He was about to ask her about Connor and how she was doing when he was interrupted. By one of the cadets standing up on a table and waving his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen... your attention, please. First... I'd like to say... I'm officially a Kelly minion." Damian looked around the crowd with a big smile until his eyes came to fall on the Assistant Dean. "And you, Captain Sanchez... I think we're going to be great friends! We'll be seeing one another often! That is all. Please... carry on!" His smile turned to a broad grin as he climbed back down to retake his seat.

Maddie's eyes narrowed in response to the rowdy cadet and she looked at Brady as she asked "Any idea who that is? Great friends my ass...more like his ass is mine." The words were spat out in a growl low enough for only Brady to hear and she made a mental note to speak to the idiot on the table sometime during the evening when everyone else was otherwise occupied.

Brady shook his head and started leading Maddie over to one of the buffet tables. He smiled as he bent in towards her and said low, "At least he gave you some kind of warning." He also couldn't help but wonder what the cadet meant referring to himself as 'Kelly's minion.'

"And that makes it better?" Maddie arched an eyebrow, "Maybe I should introduce myself and lay down the law...I'm in no mood for idiots like him tonight." she growled, shooting a hostile glare in Damian's direction.

That caused Brady to stop them both, and he looked down at her with a very serious expression. "I think you and I should go somewhere and talk."

"Why? I'm fine." Maddie shot back quickly before sighing because she was far from fine and nodded "Okay...where do you want to do this?"

He looked around them and thought about it, "I think outside would be best." he replied, and lead her out of there.

To Be Continued...


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