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Breaking Point part 2

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2016 @ 10:26pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:47pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Campus Grounds
Timeline: 2388/07/25 1000 (July 25 2388 1000)

Brady lead Maddie through the Flight Dept building, and out onto the Academy grounds. They casually walked on one of the many paths of what was reminiscent of a Japanese stroll garden in the center of the campus; stone paths leading between each building with tropical gardens along the way.

Brady extended his hands out slightly from his sides as he took it all in, "It's beautiful, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes it is." Maddie had to admit the truth, "Very peaceful and tranquil." she noted, thinking that if it wasn't what it was then it would be a wonderful place to be.

"For the next four weeks", he smiled, looking over at her sideways, "I would like for you to consider taking a position here."

Maddie burst out laughing. "Me! Teach! You're kidding right?"

"No", he slightly chuckled back. "Actually, I was thinking that would be part addition to another position I have in mind."

"What's that?" Maddie asked, "The how not to screw up command of a starship masterclass?" she volunteered sarcastically.

Brady stopped walking and turned to look at her. He exhaled softly, this time the expression in his eyes was serious. "I was thinking more along the lines of Assistant Dean."

"Assistant Dean?" Maddie snorted before looking more closely at Brady and adding slowly "You're not joking..."

"You're more than qualified." He paused as he regarded her, trying to gauge her reaction. Even though she had decided to accept his help, he knew at this point she could easily back away from him, "Madeline, I would like for you to consider staying here, and this position..."

"But how can I nuture the ideals of Starfleet in young people when it's a system that I can't believe in anymore?" Maddie asked with a pained voice, "I just don't know if I have it in me." She looked torn. Part of her yearned for a stable, peaceful life like taking this job would be, but the other part of her just didn't want anything to do with a system that had chewed her up and spat her out and then expected her to get on with it like nothing had happened.

Brady placed his hands gently on her shoulders, "Are you sure it's the system you don't believe in anymore?"

Maddie closed her eyes and sighed as she said "I have no idea how to believe in myself anymore. How do you believe in a failure?" She finally opened her eyes to look at him.

"You don't." he said, his voice quiet. "Madeline, you didn't fai..."

"Captain Sanchez?" a petite red headed woman with a Scottish accent approached her.

His hands falling from her shoulders, Brady stopped at the interuption, and breathed in deeply at it's timing as he looked away.

"Yes?" Maddie looked the woman over trying to think if she recognised her but failing miserably.

"I thought so!" the woman beamed before pulling Maddie into a huge hug with a strength that belied her small stature. Then she quickly let go and gasped as she said "Och! Look at me, I've not even introduced meself yet." she held out a hand in greeting and said "Heather MacNeil! I'm Angus MacNeil's wife...he's the twin brother of Annie MacNeil? One of your tactical officer's?" Then she slapped her forehead and said "Och! She's known as Dawes now...married that medic, they were expecting twins?"

Recognition dawned on Maddie's face and she smiled "Ah yes Annie...she's a fine officer, last time I saw her she just about looked ready to pop."

"She gave birth to a healthy boy and girl two months ago." Heather explained proudly, "They're gorgeous too." she gushed before becoming serious as she said "And I'd just like to thank you for everything you did to save the Minotaur crew...if it hadnae been for yer quick thinking then Annie and Charles would ne'er been saved and those little babies wouldnae been here today...Ye truly are a hero Ma'am, they told me and Angus all about it after it happened. They told me that there'll never be any other Captain alive that deserves the respect for what you did that day."

Maddie's expression was bemused as she listened to Heather. Did her crew really think that highly of her? "T-Thank you." she said shakily and managed a smile. Had she done the right thing? Had she left for the right reasons?

"Hello Heather," Brady smiled, pleasantly surprised himself. He had himself a few conversations with the campus' admissions processor in the past, and now the thought went through his mind that there were times the universe felt very small.

"Hello again Commander." Heather beamed at Brady before gesturing towards Maddie, "So what are you doing showing one of our best people around this place? Shouldn't she be out doing what she does best?"

Maddie visibly winced at the comment, causing Heather to frown a little.

Brady gave a shrug at Heather as he continued to smile, " I was hoping to persuade her to make a change, to use all that experience in helping the next generation." Then he looked over at Maddie enquiringly, "Helping them to be at their best in a universe full of uncertainty."

"Why that would be wonderful!" Heather grinned, "If you could teach them just half of what you've learned then they'd be better off...from what I've heard you've got a lot of knowledge and expertise to pass on to the next generation Captain."

"I'll uh...think about it." Maddie said stiffly, finding it hard to hear just how 'wonderful' she was.

Brady looked between the two women and believed he recognised what was possibly going on inside of Maddie, that this was all feeling a bit too much. "Well, we should be going, Captain, " he said cheerfully to her, and then gave Heather another smile, "I have a few items to go over with you in your office in an hour?."

"Of course Commander." Heather nodded before backing away a little and adding "And it was good to meet ye Captain Sanchez...a real pleasure."

"You too." Maddie managed a genuine smile as Heather turned and headed back along the path towards the main building.

Brady stood behind her as they both watched Heather walk away. "Believe it or not.." he said, then leaned down towards her and spoke low near her ear, "there are many others who think highly of you, feel the same as she does...", even as overwhelmed as he believed she was feeling, he felt it needed to be said, "...everyone who was there that day."

His last words were enough to break the dam once more and Maddie buried her face in her hands and sobbed, feeling so confused and lost. Was a career in Academia what she wanted? Would it help her to escape the rigors of command and give her peaceful life without the need for retirement? What should she do? She needed time...

Placing an arm around her, Brady lead her to a nearby garden bench, one given solitude by some carefully placed privacy plants, where he sat them both down. "I'm not asking you to make a life long commitment, " he said, his voice was gentle and caring, "You agreed to work with me to help you get through this, and I believe this is the best place for that to happen."

With a mute nod, Maddie leaned forward returning her face to her hands, too embarrassed to raise her tear stained face to his.

"Madeline," he reached a hand in a pocket and pulled out a tissue, "here.." and offered it to her.

Maddie took the tissue and blew her nose, letting out a deep sigh of sadness.

"In about four weeks the first wave of cadets will be arriving. Young and eager, some of them may have their future all figured out..," his thoughts going back into his past, "..or it's been all planned out for them. Some are unsure. Whether they realise it or not, they're trying to figure out where they fit in, their rightful place in the universe. Just maybe by helping them figure it out, you can figure it out for yourself."

"Maybe." Maddie responded in a tiny voice as she finally raised her head to look at him with red, swollen eyes.

Looking at her, Brady wiped a missed tear off her cheek with his thumb. It was an intimate gesture, but for Brady it was because of how much he cared. There were times he felt as if he had gone too far, even with the best of intentions. "Hey," he said, "I've been known to cause even those with the toughest of reputations to come to tears, present company included. Although," he now smiled, "I've yet to make a Klingon cry."

Whilst she didn't really know Brady, the kindly gesture was enough to remind Maddie how desperately in need of comfort she was right now and without thought, she grabbed him, hugging him tightly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Caught off guard, Brady slowly put an arm around her, his other hand went up to caress the back of her head. He closed his eyes and swallowed, feeling her warm body so tightly to him reminded him how lonely he was. An alarm went off inside of him, and he slowly pulled away, and pulled her up to stand with him.

"You need some rest," he said, his eyes studying her face with concern, "How about I take you somewhere were you can get something to eat...have some time to yourself?"

"I'd like that." Maddie replied before looking awkward and embarrassed and adding with a sniff "I'm sorry for being such a big baby."

"Not in the least", he smiled, and placing a comforting arm around her shoulder, lead her away.


Madeline Sanchez
Ex-Commanding Officer of the USS Tomahawk

Lieutenant Cmdr Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet

Heather MacNeil NPC'd by Karen
Admissions Processor
Magellan Campus


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