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Breaking Point part 1

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2016 @ 10:25pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:46pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Flightbay
Timeline: 2388/07/25 0930 (July 25 2388 0930-ish)

Watching Jaime and Leo scuttle out of the shuttle bay, Maddie turned to Brady, chuckling to herself and shaking her head. She was pleased to see that she hadn't lost her touch. Her features hardened again as she looked back at Brady and said "So Commander...are you going to tell me why you've brought me here or do I make a bid for freedom by stealing one of your shuttles?"

Now Brady was a tall and muscular man, raised by an Admiral, and trained by Starfleet. Even so, he humbly learned a long time ago to never underestimate someone with the determination and mindset like Madeline's. He wasn't intimidated, not in the least..but as a man with a heart of gold, what he was, was deeply concerned.

He stood there regarding her for a moment, and then spoke in a matter of fact way, "To help you...start your life over."

"Isn't that what I was attempting to do when you abducted me?" Maddie raised a delicate brow in his direction.

Looking mildy surprised at her question, he gestured out to her, "I didn't abduct you...and I thought you were running away. "

"That's a matter of perspective." Maddie replied, clearly getting irritated, "As far as I was concerned I was leaving to make a new life for myself, away from Starfleet."

Her demeanor not getting past him, Brady lifted his chin. "What is it about Starfleet that you feel you have to get away from it?" he asked, almost challenging.

With irritation turning to anger as Brady pushed her, Maddie glared at him and said "I lost my ship on my first command...more people died than I care to remember and I was court martialed over it." she blinked and began to pace so that he couldn't see her tears, "Starfleet came to the conclusion that it wasn't my fault and gave me a new ship and everyone began to pretend everything was fantastic." she turned to face him again as she said "And every damn day since the Minotaur and my crew were lost, I've seen the faces of those family that I contacted to tell them that their beloved son, daughter, husband or wife wasn't ever coming home again. My best friend in all the world and her daughter were lost that day too and I had to tell her parents too." She put up a hand to Brady and said "And don't you dare tell me that I'm a Captain and it's my job to lose people and pass along bad news...I know that, but I don't have to like it and I won't do it again." By this point she was crying openly, the deep wound in her soul clear to see as she suddenly looked younger, more vulnerable and so very, very alone.

This was a part of Brady's job he hated. Seeing her this way, how much she was hurting, he wanted to reach out and hold her close to him. But he had learned along time ago the hard way and understood it was best to keep some distance away from those he counseled. He still took a step forward, "You don't have it again, Madeline." he said softly, not keeping some of how he was feeling out of his voice, "but do you honestly believe that leaving Starfleet is going to take the pain that your feeling and those visions that haunt you away?"

"No but it'll make damn sure that I never have to do it again." Maddie replied through her tears. It seemed that now that the floodgates were finally open, there was no stopping her grief. All through the disaster that had resulted in the loss of her first ship, through the court martial and through the launch of the Tomahawk, she had remained stoical, remained in one piece. But finally, the cracks began to show. Her relationship with her beloved Drago had ended because of her inability to let go of her grief and that was the trigger for her resigning her commission and running away.

However, fate it seemed had a wicked sense of humour because it had sent her running back, albeit unwittingly, into the arms of Starfleet and the prospect of future heartache.

"But it won't bring you peace", he said, and then personal rules be damned, he held his hand out to her. "Will you come with me, hear me out?"

Letting out a deep, heartfelt sigh, Maddie wiped her wet cheeks and nodded as she held out her free hand to him, cursing herself for showing how weak she was underneath the surface.

"Good", Brady said quietly as he wrapped his fingers around hers, and then lead her away.


A short time later Brady placed a cup of coffee and a replicated box of tissues down in front of Maddie. He had taken her to a small breakroom in the Flight Dept's building, somewhere where they could be alone and have more privacy. He sat across from her and looked at her intently. She looked so sad and lost to him. "There's an old Earth saying," he began, "you may be familiar with, no matter where you go, there you are."

Maddie frowned, being unfamiliar with the saying and commented "I have no idea what you're trying to tell me." She wiped at her eyes and cheeks with the tissues before blowing her nose wondering if she looked as awful as she felt.

With both arms on the table, Brady held onto his own coffee and leaned forward a bit as he began to explain, "What I'm trying to tell you is you can't run away from your trauma, you can't run away from yourself, " and looked at her knowingly as if to say yes, that's what you're doing, "Madeline, let me help you."

Silently, Maddie nodded her head. She was tired. Tired of running and she had to agree with him, try as she might, she just couldn't get away from it all.

"Work with me to help you get through this," he continued, "and if you decide you still want to leave Starfleet when we're finished, I'll help you in any way I can...", he moved his head until her eyes locked on to his, "I promise."

"They already have my letter of resignation." Maddie said softly.

"They've been holding onto it," he smiled weakly.

"Until you got to talk to me." Maddie nodded her understanding. "Did they tell you not to take no for an answer?" she asked, her vulnerability beginning to disappear behind her usual defenses.

"In so many words," he admitted, "but I have my own reasons for not giving up on you." Brady rose from his seat, once again extending a hand out to her, it was clear he wanted her to take it. "Go for a walk with me and I'll fill you in on my plans."

With a resigned sigh, Maddie reached out to take his hand before standing up and waiting for him to lead the way.

To Be Continued...


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