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Working It Out: Part 2

Posted on Thu Jan 31st, 2019 @ 6:35pm by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Thu Jan 31st, 2019 @ 7:06pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Jake's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/27 0640 (August 27 2388 6:40am)


"So what are you saying? If I can prove that I'm able to keep my pants on then you might consider a date?" Jake asked, placing the terms out on the table, "And if so, how long a period of time are we talking?" he stopped by his apartment door and entered his code, standing aside so that she could enter first.

Mackenzie moved inside and looked around, taking in what she was seeing before her eyes moved to the piano. Interesting indeed. She didn't know of anyone who played other than herself. "If you can do it for two weeks... which realistically speaking isn't a long time... I'll go out with you. And maybe even let you kiss me without having to steal it, but like I said... I have to be the only one." She turned to grin back at him. "So, Commander Bannerman... are you remotely interested?"

"I can do two weeks." Jake replied, his eyes suddenly falling serious as they settled on her lips. He was silent for a moment as if he were about to swoop in and take her in his arms but then out of the blue asked " does this two weeks involve everything? You know...even do it yourself?"

"How fair would it be if I gave you the challenge and didn't do it myself?" Mack asked. "Besides... I don't make it a habit of sleeping with just anyone who happens to look my way." She set her bag down on the couch and put her hands on her hips, keeping her eyes locked up on his.

A slow smile spread across Jake's face and he said "That's kind of nice and all but I it yourself as in self gratification." he watched her to see if the penny would drop.

Another grin spread over her lips. "I do recall telling you to try your hand."

Jake let out a sigh of relief and said "Well that's okay which case, I accept your terms." he wandered over to a nearby cabinet and extracted a first aid kit as he added "Two weeks. No sex. No dates. And at the end of it I get a kiss and a date with you."

"Let's not forget no flirting." Mack said, moving over to him to take a look at the kit he had. She knew basic first aid, but she planned on letting him do it himself. It was definitely likely he knew more about it than she did. "Still want to give it a shot?"

"No flirting?" Jake looked incredulous, "So I have to change my personality for two weeks too?" he asked as he looked at the kit. It was a field medic kit and had both an osteo and dermal regenerator inside. The same kit had gotten Jake out of many scrapes in the field yet he was pretty sure that no doctor would be happy if they knew that he had it and treated many things himself.

"Hey... you're always welcome to flirt with me, but if it's going to be that hard..." She leaned back against one of the arms of the couch.

He extracted a tricorder and turned it around so that he could scan his chest. "Well then...guess I'm hanging out at the White Lotus for the next two weeks then when I'm not at work." he mumbled before swearing and saying "Damn. Busted an old fracture."

Mackenzie frowned, feeling partially responsible. "I don't mind if you come hang out. How did you get the fracture in the first place?"

He set down the tricorder and picked up the osteoregenerator and set it up then handed it to her as he said "Help an old man out? You just wave it over it, it's all set and will click off when it's healed."

Mack took the device from him and began to wave it over the area. "Seems simple enough. The technology these days is pretty fantastic."

As she began to work on it, Jake said "I'd been captured on a mission." he took a deep breath, "I was in prison for days, no food. Only water. I made a mistake of asking for food." he closed his eyes for a moment, "I never made that particular mistake again."

Another frown formed on her lips. "Sounds like it was hell. I can't imagine going through anything like that."

"It made me appreciate food more than you can ever imagine." Jake replied becoming quiet for a moment then forcing himself not to dwell added "I looked like shit when I got didn't do anything for my street cred I can tell you. I don't look good when I'm emaciated." he grunted as the knitting bones caused a degree of pain though nowhere near as bad as the fracture itself.

The frown on Mackenzie's face stayed in place. There were cruel individuals out there, and she hoped like hell she never came across any of them. With as sassy as she could be, she wouldn't survive a day being held captive. "I can only imagine what that must have been like. You're safe now, though, but I can't imagine something like that ever goes away."

"No it doesn't." Jake replied with a sigh, "Every single one stays with you and would eat you alive if you let it." he rested back as she continued to work on him, "Fortunately for you I never let any of it beat me. So two weeks? Not so difficult." he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

Mack continued to wave the osteoregenerator over the affected area, but found herself looking up at him. Based on what he just told her, he wasn't a quitter, and in fact rose to whatever challenge was presented to him. "You're seriously going to give it a shot, aren't you?"

"Course I am." Jake opened an eye to look at her, "I don't ever give in to a challenge." he smiled as he reached out and stroked the side of her face momentarily and added "Besides...I always was a sucker for a red head."

"I didn't peg you as the type to back down." She said as the machine shut itself off. "Tell me how you're feeling now, then I need to talk to you about something else."

"Better. Thanks." Jake tentatively poked the damaged rib and was relieved to feel that it was now pain free. "So what do you want to talk to me about?"

Mackenzie moved to sit on the sofa and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Kelly."

"Kelly?" Jake frowned trying to think who that was then remembered and said "Ah! The one who's going to be a better pilot than I am." he grinned, pleased that he had actually remembered someone's name for once.

Red was actually impressed he'd remembered, too, all things considered. "Yes, Kelly. You're going to be her flight instructor, and if you're able to make it two weeks, you have to promise me that it won't affect her. Personal and professional lives have to be kept separate at all costs. She can't be given preferential treatment, nor do I want her to be treated horribly." She looked up at him. "She's my cousin, and could get flack when the other cadets find out the teacher's possibly seeing a member of her family... it can be viewed bad. She's got incredibly high goals set for herself, and it's extremely impressive for someone her age. I have no doubt you'll be able to get her where she wants to be in her life, but I'd just like you to promise me that, no matter what happens between you and I, it won't affect her."

Jake didn't even need to think about that one as he sat up and began to put away the med kit contents, "Those cadets will be treated fairly...if they do good they'll get encouraged, if they're rubbish I won't tolerate it." he shrugged, "And don't worry she won't get preferential can just ask Admiral Pardot's kid or nephew or whatever he is."

"I didn't think it would happen, but it's something I had to verbally get out there more for myself, I suppose. I'm just trying to look out for her, and I'm sure you can understand that." She stated.

"Honestly?" Jake replied as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I've never had a family to look out for so no...I don't get it." he added with a sigh momentarily thinking it would be nice to have people to worry about but then that shutter came down and he reminded himself that it would only lead to heartache.

Mack was learning more and more about him. Did anyone know any of this stuff? She had a feeling that was a negative. "There's no time like the present, though, and you're still young. Who knows? Maybe you'll fall in love and have a family. There really is no greater feeling, and I don't care what you say... everyone deserves that no matter what." She made a mental note to talk to him about Kel and the other cadets messing with her if they did start seeing one another.

With a snort of disbelief, Jake said "Maybe for some...but there are people out there not cut out for that." he stood up and walked over to the window, casting an eye on the beautiful scenery outside as he added quietly "Some people are just too damaged to even contemplate it."

"I don't believe that, but I won't try to push what I think on you." She rose to get feet. "Can you keep an eye out on Kelly? Make sure none of the other cadets are giving her a hard time once these next couple of weeks are up?" She was being optimistic, of course, but part of her had a feeling he could do it.

"Why would they give her a hard time?" Jake asked as he turned to face her again. The implications of any kind of liaison were impossible for him to grasp considering his love 'em and leave 'em philosophy.

Mack shook her head and shouldered the bag she put on the sofa. "They won't." Chances were he wouldn't survive the two weeks, so then there wouldn't be anything to worry about. "I'm going to go. The salon officially opens today, and you have classes to teach." She offered him a smile and made her way to the door.

"Mackenzie?" Jake called after her as she began to leave suddenly feeling the need to prolong things just a little longer.

Mack stopped when he called her name and turned around to look back at him. He was clearly a tortured individual, and she couldn't help but want to help him. "Yeah?"

"Has the two weeks officially started yet?" he asked softly.

She swallowed. Part of her hoped he could make it, and it was going to be a major test of will on his part. "It starts whenever you feel like you're ready." Mack answered softly. "Either way, though... I think you and I could be great friends. So, if you do slip up, I won't hate you." She suddenly felt like she was asking for too much from him, and it made her feel horrible. "You're only human, Jake, and I know it's going to be rough, but I definitely won't hate you."

"I'm glad." he smiled at her, "In which case, it starts as soon as you walk out that door." he approached her until he was standing right in front of her, his eyes searching hers as he added "But for the road." And with that, he took her in his arms and placed the lightest, most tender kiss on her lips then with all the restraint he could muster, let her go then turned to walk back towards the window.

Mackenzie smiled, and this time, she actually returned the kiss instead of standing there like she had the first time he'd done it. She couldn't help but have hope. Who knew what would happen? Maybe this was something he needed to do to start healing from his disastrous past. Take a break from the self-destructive behavior and open a new chapter in life. Only time would tell, but she found herself wanting him to do it for himself and not because she'd asked him to. "Why don't you come by the salon if you have some free time during classes or something?"

"I can try." Jake smiled, "Though a lot of that depends on how awful these cadets of mine are." he added, placing his hands in his pockets, "Plus it depends on how much I want to torture myself." his smile widened. For the next two weeks it wasn't going to be easy to be with her yet not flirt, kiss or do anything more.

"Hey, remember I did say you can flirt with me." Mack said, the smile still on her face. She wasn't a mind reader by any stretch of the imagination, but she did tell he could. "And... I know for a fact that at least one of them won't be awful. Kelly's a good kid, and I think you'll be the best person to help get to where she wants to be."

"Thanks." Jake smiled, feeling ridiculously pleased that she seemed to have such confidence in him, "And I thought the deal was no flirting. Period."

"I have to cut you some slack somewhere. If you'd rather not, then that's okay." She said.

"Have you learned nothing about me?" Jake grinned, "You know it's like breathing to me right?"

Mack laughed. "I had a feeling, but you just confirmed it. So, I've got a feeling I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later."

"Well if I'm not allowed to flirt with anyone else, I'm gonna have to find my outlet somewhere aren't I?" he raised an eyebrow at her, his eyes wandering shamelessly.

"I suppose you will." She said with a smile. "After work, we're going to the beach. It's high time you get to know someone."

"I know plenty of people." Jake said defensively, knowing what she meant but being pedantic anyway because actually getting to know people, to become friends was something he'd shied away from his entire life.

"Jake... I wasn't implying you..." She shook her head and fought back a frown. Now, Mack felt like an ass. "I'm going to go now." Before I eat the rest of my foot. She turned once more and made her way to the door.

"See you later Mackenzie Bergman." Jake replied as he watched her leave then headed off to take a very cold shower.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


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