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We Meet Again Part 2

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 12:12am by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 12:14am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Beach
Timeline: 2388/08/27 1820 (August 27 2388 6:20pm)

Rolling over too, mostly so that she couldn't see how she was affecting him, Jake thought for a moment then asked "Are you really going to make me wait two weeks?"

"You don't have to wait two weeks to have sex, Jake." Mackenzie said, although, it would be longer than that before he got her into bed. "There are a great deal of women around that would be more than happy to scratch any itches you might have."

"We made a deal." Jake replied steadfastly, "And I for one want that kiss and that date." he added, turning to look at her again, his eyes filled with desire that was unmistakable. "And don't think that I won't make long slow love to you Mackenzie Bergman because in time I will and when we get there, you'll want me to." he added confidently, knowing that he just had to have her. After all, she hadn't gone running for the hills when he had just confessed what he had to her had she?

"Have you ever don't that with a woman before? I'm obviously not talking about sex. I'm talking about the slow bit." Her curiosity was there, and she just had to ask, but she was glad he decided to stick with the deal they'd made.

"Never." Jake admitted sheepishly, "I guess I'm just used to women giving in eventually." he added with a cheeky boy grin, "The Bannerman charm never fails."

Mackenzie smiled a slow smile. "But then... you've never actually met a woman like me. I've got staying power."

"Is that a fact?" Jake raised an eyebrow, "Then should I book a whole weekend off duty?" he asked teasingly his eyes twinkling as he watched her.

"Mmm... it is a fact." She said, reaching out to brush some hair off of his forehead. "I'm not entirely sure your bosses would be pleased if you took the weekend off."

Jake shrugged. "They don't have to know...Leo will cover for me, he's a good guy. I'll just promise him a trip in my fighter." he said impishly.

"And what would you do if you took a weekend off?"

"Fly you to Zulu where there will be no distractions, book a room and not leave it until Sunday night." he replied with a rakish grin wondering if the way she had brushed his hair from his forehead meant that she was starting to cave.

"Are we going to watch horrible comedies from years ago?"

"Nope." Jake shook his head.

Mackenzie grinned. "You seem so sure that I'm going to cave."

"That's because you're still here even considering what I've told you." Jake looked at her, the expression in his eyes unfathomable, "If you thought that this was just..." he sighed and shook his head as he forced himself not to say it, "Never mind."

"Just what?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. "After all the other things you've told me, you shouldn't be hesitant to tell me anything."

But he couldn't bring himself to say it because admitting that to her would be admitting that he himself didn't see it as a quick shag like it normally was. Shaking his head he said " doesn't matter, I was just being stupid."

Mackenzie smiled. "I doubt it was stupid, and I think I might be able to get you to tell me."

"Oh you do?" Jake looked at her with interest, wondering just how she could get him to do that. Though admittedly she had gotten a lot out of him already without even trying.

"Mmhmm... I do." She said, then leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, then pulled back again. "Want to tell me yet?"

"Hey! That's not allowed!" Jake whined, feeling his body respond to the light touch.

Mackenzie smiled. "Okay, you're right. But you have to tell me."

"And if I don't?" Jake stalled for time.

"Well, if you really don't want to, you don't have to." She said, stretching out like a lazy cat. Truth was... Mack wanted to hate him in the beginning, and maybe part of her did, but when they were beginning their sparring session earlier that day, something inside of her just... she couldn't even think of the right word to use to fit the situation.

"You realise that you're a tease right?" Jake resisted the urge to reach and and touch her.

Mackenzie blinked. He was right. What she'd just done could be viewed as such, and it was incredibly wrong of her. A frown appeared where a smile had once been. She felt terrible. "I'm sorry, Jake. Really... I am. I shouldn't have done that, and I hope you can forgive me for it."

Jake held back a grin as he replied "Well I'll think about it...but you might need to make it up to me with a free kiss to make amends." The smile broke free, "You know, just to say sorry. And not a quick one like that sorry excuse you just gave me."

Red grinned. "Another kiss to say I'm sorry, huh?" She rolled onto her side and propped her head up on her hand.

"'s the least you can do." Jake pouted like a petulant school boy.

"I suppose you're right about that." She said with a smile. "So, what kind of kiss do you want? Slow and lingering?"

"Hot and passionate might be nice." Jake's eyes locked with hers.

Mack smiled again and leaned in a bit, slipping a hand around the back of his neck. He deserved a proper 'I'm sorry', and she was going to give it to him. She just couldn't help herself. Slipping the fingers of her hand into his hair, she leaned in the last few inches and pressed her lips against his... softly at first... but then... it turned as fiery as she proved she could be. Her lips were petal soft, but searing, seeking to leave him with a proper apology.

Unable to resist, Jake pulled her into his arms and kissed her back unprepared for just how amazing it felt and how well she seemed to fit against him. Smiling against her lips he whispered "Much better..."

She found herself pressed against him and decided it wasn't at all bad, but she wasn't going to be caving in just yet. Mack wanted to take her time when it came to the bedroom activities, and no matter how hard he tried, she wasn't going to back down from that. "Forgive me now?" She asked softly.

Opening his languid, desire heavy eyes, Jake whispered "You know, I think I just might but...uh...I might just need to double check to be sure..." he swooped back in and claimed her lips once more.

Mackenzie shivered against him and closed her eyes again, bringing her arms to loop around his neck as she returned the kiss with just as much fire as before. It was scary how much she was drawn to him... but there was still a great concern there that he wouldn't make it the two weeks. There were a ton of gorgeous women on the planet.

Knowing that if he didn't stop right now then there would be no stopping, Jake forced himself to pull his lips from hers, breathing hard as he said "If I'm gonna keep to our deal Red...I'm uh...gonna need to go for a swim and uh..." he pressed close to her momentarily to prove to her what he was talking about as he added "And uh calm down."

"Then, let's swim." She planted a quick kiss to his lips, then disengaged herself from him so she could get to her feet. His need to calm down definitely hadn't gone unnoticed. She stood off of the side of the towel and waited for him to join her. "It's good exercise, too."

"Hopefully it's cold." Jake grumbled as he took her hand and went running down to the seashore eager to rid himself of the desire raging within himself right now.

"It might be." Mack said. Him taking her hand didn't go unnoticed, either. She kept pace with him easily enough when he started running toward the water despite the difference in leg length.

"Let's see shall we?" Jake grinned at her before in one swift movement he picked her up in his arms and began to stride out into the water.

When he scooped her up, Mackenzie started laughing as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She had no idea he knew how to have fun... how to play. Everyone needed to have that kind of thing in their lives, or else it would make for an existence that just... was. No one should have to live that way, and if he stuck with her, she'd show him the ropes. "Are you having fun?" Mentally, she braced herself for him to dive into the water with her.

Stopping momentarily in his tracks with a bemused look on his face, Jake said "Yeah...yeah I am." then he grinned wickedly down at her as he waded out to just over waist height and added "But you're far too dry Miss Bergman." before he did just that and dived under with her.

Taking a deep breath, she went under with him with her arms still around his neck, and since they were still in such close proximity of one another, she found herself leaning in to kiss him beneath the surface. It wasn't like the one on the beach, though. This kiss was something special, something meant to be remembered.

Jake frowned at first because it was something different...this time it had feeling behind it and it was more than just desire. Setting them both down on the sandy floor he was still kissing her as they resurfaced and stood back up, and he was oblivious to anyone and everything but her.

Mack pulled back when she finally needed to take a breath and smiled. With him being taller than she was, he was dangling a bit since her arms were still wrapped around his neck, but if he didn't mind... she didn't mind. "Two weeks seems like an eternity now. I wish I would have made it a week for that date."

"Well who's fault is that huh?" Jake grinned down at her, "But a deal's a deal and you my beautiful girl have well and truly shot yourself in the foot." he added with a wink before letting her go and diving into the water to go for that swim before she tempted him even more.

"I just might have." She muttered to herself after he dove into the water. While he was swimming around like a fish, she decided to lean back and float along the surface.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Campus

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


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