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Nothing You Wouldn't Do

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 12:22am by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 12:23am

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/27 2000 (August 27 2388 8:00pm)

It was a little after twenty hundred hours and Connor sat in a corner booth at Dev's Place. He was out of uniform, wearing blue jeans and a white button down shirt. He took a drink from what look like a beer bottle, then tapped his badge as he spoke quietly, "McKinney to Commander McCall."

Fresh from the hot springs at The White Lotus, Devin had been on his way to the recreation center when his combadge chirped and he heard the Dean's voice come over it. Retrieving it from his shirt pocket, he tapped it. "McCall here."

=^=If this is not a bad time, Commander, it's urgent I speak with you.=^=

Luckily, he already had his syllabus assignments done for the morning class of cadets. "Where do you want me to meet you at, Doctor?" he asked, remembering the Dean's preference to title instead of rank.

"I'm at Dev's Place on the station's promenade. Meet me here, please...'n' thank you, Commander. McKinney out." Connor leaned back in his seat with his drink, and stared out the window as he waiting for Devin to show up.

Raising an eyebrow at such an unusual request, Devin altered his course and soon made his way to Dev's Place. Looking around, it took him a moment to locate the Dean as he wasn't in uniform. Going over to him, he offered a smile. "Reporting as requested, Doctor. How can I help you?"

"Commander," Connor acknowledged pleasantly, "Please join me." His eyes going over towards the bar, he held up his bottle and motioned for the waitress to come over.

Devin smiled and sat down. "As long as we're off duty, please call me Devin. Unless this is a professional matter, Doctor McKinney?"

Connor looked away, slightly shaking his head. "No, it's personal. Thank you," he looked up at the waitress, who smiled as she grabbed his bottle, placing another bottle down in front of him. She looked at Devin.

"I'll have a Mudslide," Devin said before turning back to the man who called the shots on campus, waiting for the personal reason while examining what he knew of the Dean and his mission on campus.

Watching the waitress walk away, Connor took a drink from his bionade. "I need a favor," he started, "I need a background check done."

"I've been known to do that a time or or two," Devin said, waiting for Connor to give him details. "I will need a few details that wouldn't come from normal channels. I assume you have the information that I need or you wouldn't have called me here, Doctor McKinney." Not to mention the fact that it's a personal favor, he mused inwardly. "Is the person Fleet or civilian?"

"Civilian." Connor replied, "A bloke who goes by the name of Roger Harris." Running a hand over his mouth, Connor took in a deep breath as he sat back in his seat, "My sister arrived on campus today. She's runnin' from the bastard."

Devin started to listen as the Doctor spoke, making note of the name. "Why is she running from him and what do you need to know about him, Doctor?" If this guy causes more trouble than what's already likely to happen, I'm going to be very busy. Ah, the life of an Intel officer.

"She hasn't gone into detail, but givin' me enough to make it clear he's inflicted physical harm..." Connor winced, causing himself to pause, as he had a sudden thought of inflicting harm himself, "...on her." Feeling really disturbed by the image, he looked away from Devin as he reached into one of his pants pockets to pull out a datachip.

That was when the waitress returned with Devin's drink.

"This is all I have on him." Connor said, placing the datachip on the table after she walked away. He then slid it towards him. "His last known whereabouts was on Risa, over a week ago."

Taking the chip and putting it in his shirt pocket, Devin nodded before he lowered his voice and leaned over the table a bit. "What do you want done when he's found, Doctor?"

Connor stared back at him, and his look was intense, "If there's not enough to incarcerate him," his hand that rested on top of the table closed tightly into a fist, "I want him to get the message he's to stay away from my sister."

Devin gave a smile that would make a Klingon flinch before it faded. "Let me handle those details, Doctor McKinney. You take care of your sister and I'll make sure this Harris is properly reminded of things a man shouldn't do to a woman."

"Okay." Connor nodded. He took a swig of his drink and then stared at the other man appreciatively, "Thank you."

Lifting his Mudslide and taking a deep, Devin returned the Dean's nod. "It's nothing I wouldn't do for my own sister," he said, setting the drink down. "How old is she?"

His mind having gone back to the violent image that he had only moments before, Connor's brow had furrowed, making Devin wait for his answer, "Twenty-three. Yours?"

"Twenty-six," Devin said, taking another drink of his Mudslide. "I have eight years on her, but there are times when I feel like her father especially where other guys are concerned. She's married to a good man now, but I'd still step in in a heartbeat if she gave any indication that something was wrong."

"There's nothing you wouldn't do to protect her," Connor said quietly, understanding a little more of what was going on inside of his head...and it wasn't what he had initially thought it was. After running his hand over his mouth and chin, he was suddenly getting out of his seat, "We need to get together sometime 'n' have it not be business." He stood beside the table and extended out a hand, wanting to shake Dev's, "You're an alright bloke...Devin. Thank you again."

Nodding, Devin came to his feet and took Connor's hand in his, giving it a firm shake. "I'll do my best, Doctor, and I'm looking forward to some down time with you. I'll report back as soon as I know something."

"I'll see you then." Connor said, and walked away, returning a farewell to the bartender as he left.


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


Commander Devin McCall
Intelligence Instructor
Magellan Campus


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