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So Long As It Isn't A Stuffy Old Fart

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2016 @ 11:18pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:48pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Campus Housing/Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/07/25 1210 (July 25 2388 1210)

**Campus Housing, Senior Staff Apartment Building**

Maddie lay up to her neck in bubbles, a deep sigh escaping her lips as she tried to will herself to sit up. But it was just too darn comfortable.

After sleeping for an hour, she had gotten up and explored the apartment, finding that the bathroom was complete with its own shower cubicle in one corner and a stand alone bath in the centre. It had been years since she had used real water to wash with having relied on the sonic showers on board starships and stations in her most recent lifetime. And so seeing the bath, she just had to indulge her desires and take one.

It was as she was laying there debating about getting out of the bath that the doorchime rang. Was Brady here already?

Scrambling out of the bath, water sloshing everywhere as she did so, she grabbed a huge fluffy white bath towel and wrapped it around herself before wrapping up her hair in another towel then scuttling out into the lounge and calling "Come in!"

The door opened and Brady entered, quickly turning partly around as he saw her, and pinking a bit as he smiled. "Hi," he said, rubbing the side of his nose.

"Hello again." Maddie smiled, completely nonplussed about her state of undress as she said "Sorry...I was having a bath and it was too wonderful to get out so I'm running late."

"I understand," he continued to smile, looking slightly downwards, and then glancing quickly towards her, "I'll wait here while you dress."

"Okay." Maddie nodded, moving over to the replicator to get some fresh clothes. Settling on a flame red gypsy skirt and white blouse, she headed back to the bathroom and disappeared.

Ten minutes later, her hair still wet, she emerged from the bathroom and did a twirl, "This less embarrassing for you?" she asked mischievously.

Brady had been looking out the picture windows at the view, and turned at her return. He stared back, and for a moment his expression mirrored hers, "It's much safer..although you look great."

"Thank you." Maddie bowed her head slightly before asking pointedly "So what's the plan now that you're back?"

Stepping closer to her, Brady placed his hands together low in front of him, and looked down at her, "Well that depends..." and he smiled again, "How are you feeling?"

"Rested." Maddie admitted, "This place is very relaxing." she smiled up at him.

He studied her, and with her demeanor couldn't help but wonder, "Did you make a decision?"

"I think so." Maddie nodded as she took a seat on the sofa and watched him.

Brady stared back, waiting for her to continued, and after a moment he smiled as he took a seat in a chair across from her. His elbow leaning on it's armrest, he rested his chin in his hand...and sighed, "You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"

"Make what easy?" Maddie queried, her face deadpan as she spoke.

Brady looked at her intently, "What have you decided?"

"That I'll take the job." Maddie said softly, "But on the proviso that it's for a trial period and if I don't get on well then I can resign my commission and leave as I'd originally planned."

"I'll accept that," Brady leaned forward and looked at her with a kind, yet firm expression, "as long as you work with me, allow me to counsel you, be your friend, and you don't leave until we're finished."

"Okay." Maddie nodded her agreement before asking "You're sticking around here too?"

He gave a small smile, "For a while..." and he angled his head at her, "..until I'm needed elsewhere. With my work I'm never sure."

"Until you're called away to convince some other crazy woman not to leave the service huh?" Maddie smiled at him, suddenly at peace with herself compared to earlier in the day.

"Yes," he lowered his head, his smile widening, "something like that. Well then," he pushed himself to stand, and extended a hand out for her to take, "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

"Oh?" Maddie raised an eyebrow as she took his hand and stood up.

"Your new boss," he smiled, "the Dean of Magellan Campus."

"I guess I probably should meet him? Her?" Maddie replied, "Just so long as the person I'm going to work with isn't some stuffy old fart." she added glibly.

***Magellan Campus Main Building***

There was a million and a half things to be done. Most had no understanding how intense administration could be. Teri Lane, Magellan Campus Dean's personal yeoman - fancy title for personal secretary and person who keeps insanity at bay, thrived off this intensity.

She was good at her job, proof in the position she had requested and received. Of course some would take one look at her 'boss' and assume the trouble and believe it wasn't worth it. Teri was a good judge of people, able to nail someone just by reading something they wrote. Connor McKinney wasn't trouble because he could present difficulties, no he was excitement and it would be an honour to serve under him. First moment she met him she knew she was going to enjoy it.

Really so far he wasn't all that different then others she had served under. Those in his position had a lot to think about and so much entrusted to them. It made anyone a bit..pensive. Plus Teri really didn't trust people in power of any kind who walked around with a smile plastered to their face.

It was just creepy if not down right suspect.

Ticking off another task from her list, Teri watched the Warden in charge of student and faculty housing walk away, inwardly smirking at his fine shapely rear end he treated her too. After a moment she registered the handsome face watching her.

'Hot stuff abounds everywhere' she thought. Features schooled into looking far more innocent than she was.


"Hello Miss Lane." Brady gave his usual charming smile, "Enjoying the view?" He lowered his head, then inclined it towards the window.

Teri raised the end of a brow slightly at his remark, inwardly admiring his smile. "Always.." With a straight face she glanced to the window before responding, "It's often... tantalizing." She added before standing. "And I'm completely spoiled by the gorgeous vistas this place has to offer."

"As are we all," he replied, gesturing "I'm watching you" to her completely angelic expression. He then turned to Maddie, "Captain Madeline Sanchez, meet Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane, the Dean's more than adequate yeoman."

"Pleased to meet you Miss Lane." Maddie smiled broadly and held out her hand to Teri.

"Likewise." Teri accepted her hand, returning the smile as she wondered why Maddie was there. She quickly glanced over to Brady, "I hope the counselor's treating you well."

Brady gave her a "come on" look. "Captain Sanchez, Miss Lane, is the Assistant Dean."

"Oh," Teri began. Mentally picturing her foot being inserted into her mouth. Smile growing, she continued as if unperturbed. "Well, I think congratulations are in order. " Shooting Brady a sideways glare for the lack of that info earlier.

Eyes returned friendly and professional to Maddie. "Welcome to Magellan Campus and if you need anything at all, you just let me know. "

"I will and thank you." Maddie replied with a warm smile.


Connor stood in his office in a...pensive mood, and gazed out his office window at the campus' tall medical building. There was a slow steady breeze blowing in over the campus grounds, the gentle sway of trees and other plants spread among the gardens giving it away, but he took no notice of it. Instead he put his right hand out palm-down, and watched it shake. The usual tremor, and the usual melancholy threatened to take over him when he heard the swish of his office door opening. Slightly startled, he lowered his hand, and placed it on the back of his chair as he turned around to see his yeoman enter.

With a raised brow in query, Teri pleasantly announced, "Dr. Dering is here and he has a ..." She glanced behind her before continuing, "..a friend with him."

Connor watched as Brady appeared in the doorway gesturing for an attractive woman in civilian clothing to walk in before him, and his brows scrunched slightly together. He had been expecting the Counselor, had instructed Teri to send him in when he arrived, but he had no clue who she was.

His eyes taking in her whole presence quickly, Connor extended a hand in greeting to Brady as he met him halfway, "Counselor, welcome back." His voice was deep with a mild Australian accent.

"Thank you sir," Brady replied, taking Connor's hand and shaking it. He noticed right off that Connor's intense gaze had returned to Maddie, and so he introduced them, "Doctor Connor McKinney, please meet Captain Madeline Sanchez...the Assistant Dean of Magellan Campus."

"Doctor." Maddie acknowledged Connor as she extended her hand in greeting, her eyes meeting his as she smiled. "You must forgive me." she added in her lilting Puerto Rican accent, "But the Counsellor here has told me absolutely nothing about you." She shot Brady a 'there I got my own back' glare.

"I'll leave it up to the two of you to get acquainted." Brady smiled back in return with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Connor accepted her hand and his grip firm and strong, shook it. "Welcome to Magellan Campus, Captain..." He held her gaze and her hand for a moment longer. Puzzled, his brows came slightly together, "I wasn't aware of your appointment."

"Neither was I until just over an hour ago." Maddie replied, watching him as if fascinated, "The counsellor here abducted me and brought me here virtually against my will." her eyes twinkled with mirth as she finally broke the gaze and looked over at Brady.

"I wouldn't exactly put it that way." Brady's smile grew.

"I didn't know what he was up to, " Connor responded, and he smiled briefly. There was concern in his eyes, and they never left Maddie. "Teri, that will be all," he said firmly to his aide, dismissing her. "Counselor, if you'll bail us alone. Captain Sanchez 'n' I can get to know each other."


Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Lieutenant Cmdr Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet

CPO Teri Lane
Dean's Yeoman
Magellan Campus

Doctor Connor McKinney
CO/Dean of Education
Magellan Campus


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