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Partners in Crime

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 2:53pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Saxon McKinney
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 3:55pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Sam and Gem's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/28 0545 (Thurs. August 28 2388 5:45am)

Sam moved restlessly turning in her mate's hold as she rolled to face him waking slowly before the alarm which was a first for her. She could feel Saxon still asleep safely behind her shields in the spare room and smiled nuzzling against Gem as she sighed contentedly.

Gem smiled, slowly waking. "Morning," he murmured, "How did you sleep?"

Smiling back she said softly "Really good ... better than I have in a while."

"Hmmm," Gem moaned, and his smile widened, "must be why I slept better." He opened his eyes and leaning in, lightly kissed her.

Kissing him back she smiled letting her hand rest gently on his bare chest rubbing in a slow distracted way. Pulling back she rubbed her nose gently against his in a butterfly kiss.

"Are you seducing me?" he asked, one of his hands roaming up her back and then further back down.

Sam smiled at Gem placing little kisses and nibbles "Maybe ... Is it working?" She nuzzled him gently loving the feel of his hand on her bare skin.

"Mhmm," he moved his hand to smooth back her hair and then sighed, "But we do have a house guest..." and noting her expression, gave her an understanding one, "and I have an early meeting before handing my department over to Jae."

About to tease him she sighed feeling Saxon stir and smiled at him "We do, and he is starting to wake up. What do you want for breakfast love?" Although she had shifted gears mentally didn't mean physically she had, but they had both learnt to do this a long time ago.

His eyes roaming over her face, always thinking about how lovely she was, Gem smiled again before pulling away to sit himself up on the side of the bed. "With young Saxon here," he said, turning to look back at her, "how about we make it a Betazoid breakfast... including uttaberry pudding?"

"Sounds good ... the pudding is a favourite of his according to his mother ... and helps that you and I like it too ... He loves fruit as well." She looked him over as she sat up and pulled some clothing on to go out running hands through her hair in a vain attempt to get it to behave. "So breads, fruit and uttaberry pudding sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." Gem answered as he watched her, and admired her as she walked away. Then he sighed, and pushing himself off the bed, headed into the master bathroom.

Cutting up fruit and a variety of sweet breakfast breads Sam checked on the pudding which was similar to the sweet rice pudding from earth. She heard footsteps behind her and turned smiling "Morning little one."

Saxon smiled back at the greeting. Then suddenly, his eyes got wide and grabbing himself, he took off back from where he came, nearly running into Gem on the way. The small boy looked up at the tall man, and still holding himself and doing a little dance, no words were needed. Gem directed him to the nearest doorway, and after watching Saxon rush in to the room, yet careful enough not to slam the door, Gem inwardly chuckled and continued into the kitchen.

Coming up behind Sam, Gem wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his hand on her pregnant belly as he nuzzled into her neck, "It seems we have another moment to ourselves," and then kissed her there.

Sam sighed leaning into his hold and turning her head to nuzzle his cheek "I love you." She kissed his cheek gently as she nuzzled softly against him "You are my heart and soul."

"As you are mine," he said softly back.

A short time later, the three of them sat at the table, eating their breakfast with a little casual conversation. Saxon was smiling, enjoying this time with the Ambassador and Sam, when a thought came to him and his brows furrow.

Gem looked over to Sam before asking him, "Is there something wrong, Saxon?"

"Well..." Saxon hesitated, his little eyebrows furrowing more, "normally I would have school today..." he shook his head, "it's not the weekend." He looked over at Sam, "Are you going to teach me?"

"I can if you want to sweetie." She looked back "What subjects are you doing at the moment?" She could cover most subjects at the lower level.

He smiled, "I would rather not tell you. I don't want to have school today."

Gem chuckled and got out of his seat, leaning in to kiss her. "I'll leave you two to figure this out." he smiled, pulling away.

Sam chuckled "We don't have to ... we could have a day off and say we did school." she winked at Saxon.

"Okay," he grinned, catching her wink, and then his eyes widened as he got excited, "Can we visit Uncle Connor?"

Smiling Sam looked at her timetable "He's in classes with the new arrivals for the next few days. Maybe we can visit him later? How about we surprise Gem with a picnic? We can see some of the sights and have some fun? He wont mind being kidnapped at lunchtime."

Saxon pressed his lips together and nodded. He was disappointed about not seeing his uncle, it was in his eyes, but a picnic did sound fun. "My dad likes picnics..." he replied, "and he likes to fish too. Maybe when he gets back from his mission, we can go again."

"I think he would like that ... maybe we can find a pond or stream For you both to fish in."

Saxon smiled, his eyes got brighter as he continued thinking about his dad, "and you too? You will fish with us?"

"Of course sweetie ... I like fishing ... so does Gem ... we don't get a chance to do it often because we were always busy."

That was when Gem walked back into the room. He leaned in to give Sam another kiss, and standing next to her, looked down firmly at Saxon. "Saxon McKinney, can I count on you to keep a good eye on Samantha for me, and keep her out of trouble?"

Grinning widely, Saxon nodded, "Yes, Sir."

Samantha shook her head laughing "Remind me again why I'm marrying you Ambassador?" She teased Gem, her eyes dancing with laughter.

"You are marrying me, Admiral, because you need someone to keep you out of trouble all of the time." Gem smiled, yet now there was an urgency in his eyes. He then waved them both goodbye, heading out of there in almost a hurry. It was a transitional day, for not only did he have a meeting and a department to hand over, it was his first day as Serene Colony's first administrator.

Sam shook her head, her laughter filling the room as she turned to her partner in crime, "So ready for operation kidnap the ambassador oh partner in crime?"

"Yeah," Saxon smiled, "and that'll be more fun than keeping you out of trouble."

Laughing again, Sam raised her hand and they high fived.


Adm Samantha Frasier Retired
Diplomatic detachment/advisor
Magellan Academy

Saxon McKinney
Precocious Child
Magellan Station NPC

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Former Dept. Head - Diplomatic Corps
Colony Administrator
Serene Colony


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