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Extracurricular Credits

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 7:31pm by Commander Jacob Bannerman & Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 7:32pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Campus Hangar Bay
Timeline: 2388/08/28 1600 (Thurs. August 28 2388 4:00pm)

After class had been dismissed for the day, all the cadets except for one had departed the hangar bay where the Flight Instructor had held classes. She was a slim redhead with a nice body that the cadet uniform barely hid, with hazel eyes, a busty chest, and lips that looked like they were made for more than talking.

Approaching the Commander, she looked up at him, being at least six inches shorter than he was. "Excuse me, Commander Bannerman," she said in a soft voice. "I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time, Sir." She was one of the cadets who wanted to be a starship pilot and had asked plenty of questions in class about the position.

"Of course." Jake replied, turning to face her having been ready to head off for a break, "What can I do for you?" he enquired.

"I was wondering if you could give me any special tips and tricks," she said with a smile. "A little extracurricular credit, maybe?"

"Sure." Jake nodded as he sat down on a nearby cargo crate, "What sort of stuff were you thinking about?" he asked as he watched her and realised that just a handful of days ago he would have been angling at teaching her more than just flight techniques.

Moving over, she sat down beside of him, her arm and the side of her breast pressed against him. "Whatever you'd like to offer me, Commander," she said. "I'm afraid that I'm new at this and would really appreciate an experienced man showing me what to do and how."

Jake's eyebrow shot up and he wondered if he was just imagining it or whether she had just propositioned him. Clearing his throat as an image of Mack popped up into his mind, he said "Well...we could uh...use the simulator if you'd like, show you the ropes on a real helm."

"But there's nothing like the real thing, Commander," she said looking up at him. She moved her body a little, rubbing against him. With her eyes on his, she moved her arm and rested her hand on his junkular vein was concealed by his uniform and gave a squeeze.

Stilling her hand with his own, Jake asked "What uh...what are you doing?"

Since he didn't move her hand from where it was, she gave him a smile with a look in her eyes that spoke volumes. "Testing the flight stick, Commander. It feels like a big one, too."

"You realise what you're doing is totally inappropriate right?" Jake swallowed hard and tried to edge back a little.

"What's right and wrong when a man and a woman are involved, Commander?" The redheaded cadet said. Releasing him, she got up from beside of him and did a half turn to face him, then straddled his lap with her arms around his neck. "Does this feel inappropriate?"

Momentarily closing his eyes to find some self control, Jake let out a groan before grabbing her around the waist and setting her back on her feet then standing up. "You're a first year cadet, I'm a Commander for goodness do the maths."

Keeping her arms around his neck even when he picked her up, she pressed her chesticulars against his chest. "One plus one equals fun. That's math."

"We can't..." Jake breathed, trying his best to back off. He'd made a deal and hell if he didn't want to honour it too.

"Who would know?" she asked, moving with him step for step. "I won't tell and there's no one else here." Smiling, she leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his while she slid her fingertips down his back until they reached his rear and squeezed.

"I would know." Jake replied, starting to get annoyed, mainly because he was starting to cave, "Now stand down cadet or I'll be forced to report you to the Dean's office."

"You really wouldn't want to do that, Commander," she asked him, looking into his eyes. "I've heard rumors about you on the campus...and I'm a sweet, innocent're known as a real ladies man. So let's make the most of it, and I promise that your knowing would make it all worth it."

"You're blackmailing me into having sex with you?" Jake looked incredulous as he ran a frustrated hand through his dark hair.

"All I'm asking is the same chance that every other woman seems to have had with you, Commander," she said. "I wouldn't have brought the Dean or anyone else into it. You're the one who brought that up when I only wanted to bring something else up." Keeping her eyes on him, she reached up and tugged at her cadet uniform, parting it until the hint of a lacy pink bra was showing and pale skin.

"Yeah well things have changed." Jake's eyes couldn't help but wander to the sight of the tantalising glimpse of cleavage.

She shrugged, which served to squeeze her tata's together. "They don't have to," she said before tugging the seam the rest of the way down and letting her uniform part, exposing her pale flat stomach and the hint of panties the same shade as her bra.

"Oh crap." Jake looked up to the heavens in an attempt to look anywhere but at her, "Can't you take a hint sweetcheeks? I don't want you." he said more to convince himself than her.

The sound of her uniform hitting the floor reached his ears and she cleared her throat as she stood there in nothing but a lacy pink set of bra and panties. "You don't, hmmm? Look me in the eyes and tell me that...Daddy."

Forcing himself to open his eyes and look at her, Jake couldn't help but run his gaze over her luscious curves and found his body reacting traitorously to the sight of her. "I-I can't." his resolve was severely wavering, "I made a promise to someone and I intend to keep it."

"You say one thing, but your eyes and tone say another," she said as she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Shrugging it off, she let him see her perky breasts before hooking her thumbs in her underwear and pushing them down. "I'm making you a promise, too, and you won't have to wait or feel a moment of regret."

"Hey boss, anything else you need before I.....woah!" Leo walked back into the hangar just as the cadet's clothes hit the floor, "I'm so sorry...I'll just uh..." he started backing towards the door, his eyes never leaving the naked woman, "I'll just leave you to it then."

"No!" Jake replied almost with panic in his voice, "Actually, I was just about to leave and so was..." he pointed at the girl, "She."

The redhead cadet turned her head and looked at Leo with a grin before turning her attention back to the man in front of her. The sound of his voice made her want to hear more. "No, I wasn't. However," she said as she deliberately turned and bent over to retrieve her discard clothing, her voice dropping low enough for just the Commander to hear. "I'm sure that people won't mind a naked cadet walking out of here...or maybe running."

"You wouldn't dare!" Jake replied, thinking what a vindictive little trollop she was and even if he hadn't made that promise with Mack he wasn't sure he would want her. But then again...who was he kidding?

She turned to face him again with her clothes in her arms and stepped forward. "You keep telling me what I won't do, Commander, but you won't do what you want to."

Jake looked over at Leo with a pleading look on his face before saying "Sorry sweetheart but you're just the wrong red head."

Stepping forward, Leo cleared his throat and said "Want me to escort your guest out Sir?"

"I think so." Jake nodded thinking how the mighty had fallen. Was a shuttle tech really saving him from a hot cadet?

She turned and smirked at the other man. "Please lay a hand on me. Think how a screaming naked cadet with two men around her would look when Security arrived."

Leo picked up a tarp from the storage shelves off to the side of the hangar and approached the pair. "Joke's over lady." he said as he pointed to the corner of the room and added "I'm sure the security feeds will back up our story." And with that he slung the large tarp over her shoulders.

When the other man put the tarp over her shoulders and hearing what he said, she knew it was over. Still, she held her ground and looked dead in Bannerman's eyes. "Whoever this other person is, she's pretty lucky," she said. "I don't really care what happens at this point. I have nothing left...all because I found a man attractive. Let me get my clothes on and I'll leave peacefully and accept the consequences. I hope you can reach the same peace and acceptance."

"I won't tell a soul and neither will Leo." Jake replied, "Just...don't do it again okay? Prove that you're here to learn, not sleep with the teachers and get a free pass." he encouraged her, starting to feel sorry for her.

Anger clouded her features as she shrugged the tarp off and began to get dressed in front of them. "Free pass? You can't be that stupid and be a Commander unless you slept your way to that rank. I just wanted to have sex with you. Don't make it more than it is."

"Okay, can check my IQ on my personnel file if you like and for the record, no, I didn't sleep my way to my rank...that side of my life just happened to be one of the perks and sometime's the job." Jake replied, starting to get angry himself.

She shrugged. "No need for me to check anything official, Commander," she said. "I already know what I need to know about you." Finished putting her clothes on, she shrugged again. "Can I go now?"

"Dismissed." Jake nodded holding himself ramrod straight as he waited for her to leave deciding that not being a bastard was much more difficult than being the bad boy on campus.

Turning, the redhead cadet ignored Leo and left the hangar without another word.

"Now why don't things like that happen to me?" Leo gestured to the empty door where the girl had disappeared.

"Guess you just don't have the charm and good looks." Jake grinned at him, suddenly sounding more like his usual self.

"Oh yeah...that must be it." Leo shot Jake a look that could kill. "In your dreams boss, in your dreams." he added as he walked away leaving Jake with a lot to think about.

Commander Devin McCall
The Redhead Cadet
Magellan Campus

Commander Jake Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus

PO3 Leo Carpenter
Shuttle Bay Technician
Magellan Campus


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