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Hot springs!

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 7:41pm by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 7:43pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Timeline: 2388/08/28 1810 (Thurs. August 28 2388 6:10pm)

Seemingly unable to keep away from Mack, Jake found himself yet again heading to The White Lotus after finishing work for the day. He was starting to find her all consuming and she was all he could think about when he was awake. More than once he'd found himself drifting off into a daydream as he thought about what it would be like to go further than just kiss her. She was driving him to distraction and he wasn't sure that she realised just what effect she was having on him.

Smiling to himself as he stepped inside the salon, he hoped that she would be there.

His hopes were answered in the form of the short woman getting things ready to close down for the night. Mack was standing toward the back end of the salon wrapping a cord around a blow dryer when she saw him walk in, a smile playing on her lips. Like him, she found her mind wandering to thoughts of him throughout the day, but thankfully, there would be someone who would snap her out of it and get her to focus once more. Who knew that Commander Jake Bannerman would have such a huge impact on her? Or that she'd have one on him?

The petite woman settled the dryer down on the counter and just couldn't seem to help herself. She took off at a run, and just when she was within range, launched herself at him... her arms slipping around his neck while her legs wrapped around his waist. Before having the chance to stop herself, Mack leaned in and kissed him in a way that would certainly let him know how much she missed him, and just how happy she was to see him.

Staggering back a few steps as she jumped on him, Jake held her against him like she weighed next to nothing and kissed her back with as much passion. Finally after some time he came up for air and whispered "Someone missed me."

When he came up for air, she did the same, pulling in a deep, shaky breath. She rested her forehead against his and gave him a sexy little smile, showing no signs of letting him go any time soon. "I'm not afraid to admit that I did."

"You can prove quite the distraction when you're travelling at warp five you know." Jake stole another brief kiss.

Mack laughed and returned the kiss, running her fingertips over the back of his neck. "I'm a fast little shorty." She said. "It's okay for you to admit you missed me, too. I promise not to tell anyone."

"Yeah but what would that do for my street cred?" Jake grinned at her as he let her slide down the length of his body until she was back on the floor again.

Once she was settled back down on the floor, Red moved over to the door to activate the locks. They'd be able to get out when they were ready, but it prevented anyone from being able to get in. "Considering it's just the two of us here right now, I don't think it would do anything to it." She said with a smile, lowering the lights a bit where they were standing. "I was going to make use of the hot springs before I left tonight. You're welcome to join me if you want to."

"Sounds heavenly." Jake pulled her to him yet again before adding in a low rumble "And for the record, I missed you too."

"I knew you did." She said softly, smoothing her hands over his chest with a grin. The redheaded woman wanted him more now than she did the day before, but she was staying strong for her own sanity... not that it was actually working. "Come on... I have everything we need back there already." She slipped her much smaller hand into his large one and guided him to the very back of the salon where the hot springs were located, lowering all the lights along the way.

With her free hand, Mack pushed open the double shoji door and stepped into the most beautiful Japanese inspired oasis anywhere outside of Japan. The various flowers, along with the steamy waters from the large natural pool, gave off the most fragrant and relaxing scents. A thick curtain of jade vine hung off to their left that provided a place from people to change without prying eyes spying on them. "You can go back there to change if you want to."

With a shrug, Jake unzipped his uniform jacket and said "You've seen it all before." Of course, he referred to their first meeting when he had blatantly allowed the sheet to fall away from his body. Never having been one to be shameful, he made short work of removing his clothing before striding for the springs, eager to feel the warm water against his skin.

"Oh, you're killing me." She sighed, turning her gaze toward the sky above. What was she going to do with him? He was making it next to impossible for her to behave herself, but there was part of her that believed he was doing it on purpose. Shaking her head, she began to peel her own clothes off, stripping down to a blue bikini that matched her eyes and complimented her tanned skin nicely, then made her way toward the water. She'd have to keep a little distance between them if she was going to survive the night.

Settling into the water as naked as the day he was born, Jake's eyes roamed over her, part of him wishing that she'd opted for the birthday suit too. "And you're not killing me I suppose?" he asked, trying to ignore how wonderfully hot and sexy she looked.

"I'm trying really hard not to." Mack stated as she waded out into the water with a contented sigh. "It's not exactly easy considering how bad we want each other, but I think it will be better in the end if we did wait. Maybe even be explosive." Yeah... talking about that particular subject wasn't making it any better for her.

"Oh trust me'll be explosive." Jake replied, his eyes darkening with need as he watched her, wishing that he could just make love to her right here and right now.

Mackenzie's eyes darkened to their ocean blue color, and he discovered what that meant only the day before. She sank down into the water and began to swim around a bit. "It will happen soon enough." She was definitely trying to convince herself to be strong.

"And when it does you're not leaving my bed for days." Jake replied as he treaded water and simply watched her.

"I don't think I'll need to use my legs for a while, so I think that might be okay." She said with a smile, turning her attention in his direction before she started to swim toward him.

"Well that's okay then." Jake smiled before asking "How much longer to we have to wait again? I just hope I don't expire before we get there."

"Not much longer. Besides... aren't there other things we can do that doesn't actually involve getting horizontal?" She asked with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes.

"Well yeah...but none of them are as much fun." Jake countered as he grabbed her hand and pulled her the rest of the way towards him.

Mack moved toward him with a grin. "They can be if the right person is the one doing them to you."

"Now you have me intrigued...just what are you thinking about here?" Jake queried.

"Oh, I'm sure you have some kind of idea what I'm talking about." She said, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. "Let's just say I can't hold my breath that long."

"Miss Bergman!" Jake pretended to sound affronted, "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

Red couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I think I was until you pretended I was trying to steal your virtue."

"Well how do you know?" Jake chuckled, "Maybe I haven't done that before?" he added. And if she'd believe that she'd believe anything!

Giving a laugh, she shook her head. "I don't believe that for a second, Mister Bannerman. You might be able to fool some people, but you definitely won't be fooling me." She leaned in to nip at his bottom lip.

"Spoilsport." Jake grumbled before pulling her tightly against him to prove to her exactly what effect she had on him.

Mackenzie shivered against him and groaned again. "Oooh, you really are killing me. You're making it so hard for me to behave."

"I'm nothing if persistent." Jake chuckled before capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

Slipping a hand to the back of his neck, Red returned the kiss and shivered against him. He was making it incredibly hard for her to behave herself, and now she was waging a war inside herself. What was she going to do with him?

Jake too was teetering on the edge of losing control and so with superhuman effort, he finally created some distance between them somehow wanting to prove to her that he was able to restrain himself. "We should maybe go eat...I'm not sure that the deal will last if we stay here." he said in a strained voice.

Mack was grateful for some distance. It gave her a chance to cool her raging hormones. She suddenly felt like a teenager again. "Food would be good. A table between us... you not naked... yeah... food." She began to make her way toward the edge of the spring, keeping her ocean blue eyes locked on him.

"After this two weeks is over, we are so coming back here and next time I'm not leaving you alone." Jake commented as he began to follow her to the edge of the pool.

"It's a date." Red promised, climbing out of the water to grab a towel. She wrapped it around herself and grabbed a larger one for him, holding it out toward him so she wouldn't have to torture herself too long by seeing him naked. "And I don't plan on leaving you alone, either."

"Then I guess we're agreed." Jake smiled, taking his time getting wrapped up in the towel as if deliberately taunting her.

She turned her gaze toward the sky and closed her eyes just so she couldn't be tormented... tempted... both fit in this particular equation. "I'm going to get dressed, then I'll meet you in the salon." Bergman practically tossed him the towel and ran inside with her clothes.

Chuckling to himself at her reaction, Jake quickly dried himself off then wrapped the towel around his waist before wandering inside. "Hey...mind if I replicate some civvie clothes? I don't want to go for dinner in my uniform." he called out as he entered the salon.

"Help yourself!" Mack called from inside the massage room where she was changing. The door was cracked a bit in case he needed her for something. She didn't even toy with the possibility he might decide to look in on her.

"Need anything while I'm there?" Jake asked as he did just that and pushed the door open.

"No, no, I..." Her voice caught in her throat when the door opened, and she stifled a squeal. Mack was completely naked. She quickly threw an arm over her chest and raised her leg just right to keep other parts from being seen, but she used her free hand for added coverage. She tried to keep from blushing bright red. "I.. don't..." She coughed. "Need... anything."

"Okay." Jake replied, staying right where he was in the open doorway, a smirk on his face as he saw her reaction. "I'll uh...just go get something for myself then." his eyes scanned her entire body from head to toe before turning on his heel and leaving her be without another word.

Red blew out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, waiting a few minutes before she dove her dress and pulled it on as quickly as she possibly could. It didn't really bother her that he'd just seen her naked, but she was grateful he didn't stay longer than necessary. She made quick work of getting dressed, made sure she looked presentable... if a little flustered... then moved back out into the main part of the salon to wait for him.

"Ready to go?" Jake asked as he reappeared wearing a pair of black trousers and a white t-shirt. He hadn't been quite so inventive with his attire as he usually was but that was because he was trying to get the image of Mack out of his mind. The woman was totally gorgeous and he'd caught a glimpse of her naked. And he so wanted more.

"I'm ready." Mackenzie looked over at him when he joined her and smiled. She was wearing a simple blue dress that matched her eyes and a pair of matching heels, but it was pretty short for her height. Anyone taller than her just wouldn't be able to wear it like she could. She held her hand out to him. "I suppose we're even now, huh? I saw you naked, and you saw me naked."

"Guess so." Jake smiled at her, "Though might I say you looked the better person."

"I have to disagree with you there." She hooked her arm around his. "Now, let's go eat before I change my mind and decide to stay here." She gathered up her things.

"Yes Ma'am." Jake grinned at her and added "I love it when you're bossy you know that?"

Mack laughed. "I think that's the first time I've ever heard that one before. Most men don't like bossy women."

"Could you seriously see me with anyone else?" Jake asked, "I need someone strong to keep me in check." he grinned at her knowing that any lesser woman just wouldn't interest him. At least in terms of anything long lasting.

"And I still have those dull scissors I mentioned." Red said as she returned the grin. Of course... she'd never actually use them on him, but he didn't really have to know that.

"Use those and we'll never have any fun." Jake countered as he held out a hand and said "Shall we go?"

She couldn't help but laugh as she took his hand. "Okay, no dull scissors, and yes... we can go."

"Good..because I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." Jake smiled as he led her to the door, happy that the evening wasn't going to end just yet.

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station


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