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Spa Visit Part 2

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 6:35pm by Commander Sonia Dalca
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 6:36pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: The White Lotus Massage Room
Timeline: 2388/08/28 1430 (Thurs. August 28 2388 2:30pm)

Leading Sonia back to the massage room, Lou stood off to the side. In the room was a massage table with a hole with a chin pad for those who preferred to lay face down on the tables and cushions for the back of the head for when they lay on their backs. A table held thick, soft towels, a wide variety of oils, shorts, shirts and bikini's, all with the White Lotus symbol on them.

"Do you have any preferences for a massage, Miss....?" As he hadn't been there at the introductions, Lance didn't know her name.

"Ah I am Sonia Dalca, Chief of the Security and Tactical Education Department. Nice to meet you..." She smiled a warm and genuine smile. "If possible a deep tissue would be lovely, my knots have knots. I stretch but..." She shrugged.

Lou smiled. "Well, Ms. Dalca," he said. "If you'd care to change, we have a wide selection of shorts, shirts, bikini or towels that you can get comfortable in. While you do that, I'll step outside the room to give you some privacy." He indicated the table at the back of the room and a privacy screen for changing, then left the room.

Her eyes flickered over him as he left the room she couldn't help it. "I need to get avay from my desk more often..." She muttered turning her attention to the selections and settled on a shirt and shorts combo. She was well muscled but tense though more relaxed then she had been, she'd never lived so close to a spa and thought a massage would be just the thing. She hoped hoped there would be incense, she used it to meditate and it did help to relax to.

Lou knocked on the door a few minutes later. "Are you ready for your massage, Ms. Dalca?" He asked through the door.

"Yes Mr?" She asked uncertain if she should refer to him as Lou or if he had a last name he preferred. Sonia believed in being respectful to people.

Entering, Lou offered her his hand. "Lou Parker," he told her. "You can call me Lou. Are you comfortable?" He asked as he went and selected two bottles of oil. Opening one, the scent of lemon filled the room and he poured a tiny bit in a diffuser and lit the candle beneath it. He approved of the old ways that Mack had told him and it also acted as a timer. Taking another diffuser, he selected a bottle of chamomile oil and repeated the process, setting it on the other side of the room.

"Quite" She said with a smile as the room filled with the most wonderful scents and a nice looking guy was going to give her a message. This was going to be a good day already she could tell, "Nice to meet you Lou." She said laying down on the bed. "Been doing this long?" She said politely and curiously.

"It's nice to meet you too, Sonia. I've been doing massage for about ten years," he said as he moved to the side of the massage bed, looking her form over. "Where do you feel the knots the worst?"

Sonia thought about it, "Shoulders and lower back mostly..." She said after a moment of consideration. "And Thank You." Yes it was his job but her mother did teach her to be polite. And he was experienced, more and more she was convinced this was a good idea.

Looking over the area where she indicated it was the worst, Lou brought his hands down on her upper shoulders and began to knead her upper shoulder muscles slowly, his fingers spread out to cover the most area. Feeling a knot of tension, he brought both his hands in to the lower shoulder region and began a slow massage that started at the surface and gradually applied more pressure. "If anything hurts more than normal let me know, Sonia" He said while he worked.

As he worked it did hurt but Sonia was used to pain and only muttered a few Romanian curses instead of shouting them like she wanted to do. Remembering now why she didn't tend to do this she gritted her teeth. It would get better soon, she was sure. She'd been more tense then she thought, all that paperwork, must be it....

A curse in any language sounded much the same to a practiced ear and Lou had heard a number of curses in other languages. He relaxed the pressure he had been applying to her lower shoulder region and moved to the outer shoulder, slowly feeling for any knots of tension there. When she had time to relax and enjoy it a bit more, he would move back to any sore spots. "How does one get so much tension by being an instructor, Sonia? Surely the students can't be that bad, are they?"

"Bad Posture.." She said lightly, unwilling to talk about the worry. She saw the end game of a security officers life after the Academy. She'd gone over the entire security and tactical program with her staff, completely in order to try to make sure they were learning what they needed to survive. She knew however, there would be names from this Academy on the list of the the Honored Dead after four years. And she would try to remember, as she did with her security people in the past, that she'd done what she could. The losses would still hurt however and they were so very young. Her instinct was to protect them and since she couldn't shield them it took the form of making sure they had the tools they needed. She'd also taken to consulting with Security at Starfleet Command from time to time and so had been cutting into her sleep. Not to mention she'd not had time for a proper run in her wolf form yet, something that always helped.

Working his way down to her upper spine muscles near her neck, Lou pressed in with his thumbs before going outwards from it with his fingers. "Posture caused all of this?" he asked. "In that case, you should come in here more often."

Sonia laughed a little as his comment even as her muscles finally started to relax, "Is hard to find time, always something..." She said, closing her eyes to savor the sensations.

Moving downwards after working out a knot of tension, Lance cocked his head to the side as he began to massage the middle of her back on either side of her spine. "I can't make it an order, but it would pay for you to arrange the time. If you keep going like you have been, the cadets might think that you're too tense all the time."

That made Sonia laugh, "They are too busy thinking I am crazy to worry about if I am tense...". She was thoughtful however, this kind of treatment could spoil a person.

"Why would they think you're crazy?" Lou asked as he switched to the outside of her right side and began to knead with his knuckles.

She was starting to really relax and so didn't answer for a moment, "my teaching style is somewhat intense at times. I try to prepare them but they don't know so I am crazy teacher, I vonder if I vas ever so young."

"Being in charge of training cadets for Security and Tactical requires a lot of dedication," he said as he continued to massage her middle back. "I was never in Starfleet, but I have a lot of respect for those that do serve."

Sonia smiled though he couldn't see, "Kind of you to say" She paused, "Maybe I should make time...." Especially since her top favorite way to relax didn't seem like it was going to happen and her muscles hadn't felt this good in forever.

Lou spread his fingers and began to knead her back muscles, working from her lower back all the way up to her shoulders and out to her sides. "It would definitely be beneficial to your ability to train cadets. Being limber will give you an edge on all the young people here."

"Did you just called me old?" Sonia said in mock anger and made a face he couldn't see. "I already vipe the floor vith them it would be unfair..." She said but no real heat since by now she was feeling pretty relaxed. To be honest she simply wasn't used to this kind of service. When serving on a ship she took showers even and hadn't even relaxed in a tub for years. She made a mental note to come here regularly for the hot tub etc even as she also added more personal training, after all a person could get spoiled here easily.

"I'd never call you old," he said as he finished with her lower back. "You're in the prime of your life and have a bunch of young bloods who are going to be testing their muscles in ways that you need to shape. However, I think that you'll be well up to the task. How do you feel?"

Sonia got to her feet and tested the muscles by some basic movements and smiled, "Surprisingly good, a bit smoother..." She said, her usual graceful flow made just a bit easier, smiled again at him, "you are good at vhat you do Lou," appreciating the competence.

"I try," Lou said with a smile. "Feel free to come back any time you feel tense. We have a lot to offer."

Sonia nodded a smile on her face as she headed out of the room with another word of thanks, considering if she had time for the hot tubs.

Turning after she left, Lou began the process of cleaning the room and table for the next client.

Sonia arrived back in the main room sometime later feeling much better. She looked around and not seeing anyone immediately, found a comfy chair and settled in. Somewhat drowsy she put on her sunglasses and closed her eyes, leaning her head back as she relaxed. Usually only a run helped her relax this much but this place was great. She couldn't resist some time in the hot tub and so by this point was barely awake.

Lou Parker (played by a former player)
The White Lotus
Magellan Station

Commander Sonia Dalca
Chief of Security/Tactical Education Department
Magellan Campus


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