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Spa Visit

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 6:09pm by Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Commander Sonia Dalca & Mackenzie Bergman
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 6:09pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Timeline: 2388/08/28 1425 (Thurs. August 28 2388 2:25pm)

Sam was heading to the spa when she ran into Sonia in the corridor and smiled "Hi." Gem had talked her into taking the last half of the afternoon off and relaxing while Saxon played with some of the children that lived on the campus.

Sonia, who was taking the day off a little early, looked up and smiled politely at the Diplomatic Affairs person. "Admiral.." She said giving her the due courtesy of her retired rank. She wore loose fitting exercise clothing and carried a duffle in one hand.

"Just Sam ... I'm retired." Sam grinned mischievously "They may regret that action once I start getting bored."

Sonia nodded, "It has been my experience that the most dangerous thing in universe is bored Starfleet Officers.." She smiled politely. She gestured politely for the senior officer to proceed her, retired or no a Starfleet Admiral was an Admiral. "I am here for a few hours of pampering before these cadets turn me into pretzel..." She made a light joke, happy she'd been learning to be comfortable with small talk more.

Chuckling Sam said "Gem ordered me to take the afternoon off and relax."

"Yes the former Diplomatic Department Chief, now the Colony Administrator. He struck me as the sort to be caring. You close to him?" She asked politely as they walked inside the Spa and glanced around for staff.

Sam grinned "You could say that ... he's my fiance."

Sonia looked over and beamed a genuine look of being happy for the other woman. "That is vonderful news! Long and happy life to you. vhen is happy day?"

"In the next month or two ... Gem asked that I let him make the arrangements." Sam smiled a genuine smile back "Thank you ... we've been dancing round the issue for about 15 years on and off neither of us willing to admit how we felt about the other until a year ago."

Mackenzie walked out of the back and blinked when she saw the two ladies. Maybe it was time to hire some help. At the very least, someone to man reception when she and Lance were milling about. "Hello, ladies. I'm Mackenzie, or Mack. I own this place. What can I do for you today?" She smiled and made her way toward them.

"Hi ... I'm not actually sure what was booked for me ... I believe my Fiance booked it?" Sam gave a sheepish grin "He ordered me here because he felt I was doing too much with the pregnancy and needed a rest."

"Okay, let's see what we have here. What name would he have put it under?" She asked, looking toward Samantha as she reached for her PADD. While she waited for that, she handed Sonia a different PADD containing all the services they had to offer. "Look through this and see if anything jumps out at you. If you're looking for something in particular, I can try to match up what you want." She smiled.

"Samantha Fraiser .... " Sam looked through the list "The mani pedi with a massage and hairdo sounds good ..."

Mack pulled the name up on her PADD and looked thoughtful. "I have you down for a mani/pedi and to have your hair done, but no massage this go around. We can always make you an appointment to come back for a prenatal massage if you'd like, but for that one, you need to be cleared by your doctor beforehand."

"That sounds great .... Some days baby has me tied up in knots." She chuckled slightly "But it will be nice to feel normal and beautiful again even if Gem is biased and says I am all the time."

"Then, we'll get you set up with a massage the moment you're clear." The redhead woman said. "In the meantime, we'll get the mani/pedi started." She turned her attention to Sonia to see if she had any ideas of what she wanted.

Sonia looked at the list, "Oooh aromatherapy and deep tissue massage, I vould like those..." She looked at the rest, maybe later. She glanced at the Admiral, "Is vhat boyfriends do no?" She smiled. Not that she'd know lately considered the lack of dating chances.

At that moment, Lou came in from the back wiping his hands on a towel. Stopping when he saw the two ladies, he smiled. "Welcome to the White Lotus, ladies. I see that you're in good hands with Mack, here. Have you found anything that you might like so far? I specialize in massage and hair styling."

Mack turned when she heard Lou and smiled. "Ah, I was just about to call back to you. Ladies... this is Lou." She said, making the proper introductions. "Lou will be helping one of you out today since I was sadly graced with only one set of hands."

Sonia expertly did not drool at the newcomer. She nodded politely, "vhile I do not have much in the way of hair I vas just saying a massage sounded nice...." She could behave, it would be rude otherwise but he was nice to look at.

The petite redhead canted her head. "I think Lou would be a good fit for what you'd like to have done. I can get to work on Miss Fraiser's mani/pedi, then do her hair for her."

Lou smiled at Sonia. "If you'll come with me, I'll go over the massages that I offer and we can get you taken care of," he said. Turning, he headed down the hall to one of the private massage rooms.

Sonia nodded to the Admiral and Mack then followed Lou out of the room.

Sam smiled at Mack "Thanks ... I will admit that I was reluctant when Gem told me ... but the place is really nice and calming ... relaxing even."

"Reluctant?" Mack asked. "Why?"

"I don't do sitting and relaxing well ... low boredom threshold."

"That makes sense. Hopefully, you'll be too relaxed to be bored." The redhead said with a smile. "Follow me, and we'll go ahead and get started." She turned and made her way toward the back of the main room.

"Sounds good." Sam followed her back.



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