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Spa Visit: Part 3

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 6:46pm by Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Mackenzie Bergman
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 6:47pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Timeline: 2388/08/28 1431 (Thurs. August 28 2388 2:31pm)

Once Lance and Sonia were on their way toward the back, Mack stayed up front with Samantha and led her toward the foot-baths that were nestled in a cozy corner toward the back of the salon. Across from it were a couple of nail stations where she'd be heading once the pedicure side of things was handled. "If you'll take your shoes off and climb up, we can get started." She smiled to the older woman and began filling the basin beneath the chair with warm water, then added something that smelled a lot like tiger lilies to it just before turning the jets on that made the water bubble up.

Taking her shoes and socks off Sam climbed up into the chair she indicated and settled back with a sigh as it molded to her making her the most comfortable she had been in months. "Ooooo this chair is amazing."

"That's why I chose them." The petite woman said with a smile, making quick work of lowering Sam's feet into the warm, bubbling water. "Hopefully, you'll feel like a new woman when you're all done."

Sighing happily Sam nodded "I won't fight Gem on it next time." She watched her curiously, "What made you come out here to work?"

Mack looked thoughtful as her mind began to conjure up a thousand different answers to that question. The real reason she'd decided to come to Sapientia was a bit embarrassing, but no one said she had to go into great detail about it. "I came here because I needed to get away from what was back home... to change my surroundings and the scenery I saw on a daily basis. When the opportunity presented itself here, I jumped on it as fast as I could."

Sam nodded in understanding "Yeah ... I put in my retirement papers and came out with Gem because a group of people didn't appreciate the way Gem dealt with his last diplomatic mission ... putting the mission before his health." She shook her head "There's a saying ... 'you cant fight city hall' and in this case it was better to give in for now."

Grinning she added "Where he goes I go ... so putting in my papers was a no brainer."

"It does seem like the logical choice." The redhead said, moving over to the manicure station. She grabbed two bowls and filled them with a touch of softening oil and added warm water, then brought them over to the chair, placing one on both arms of the chair. "Place your hands in those for me." She settled down on a stool by the foot-bath and reached in to check the temperature of the water. "Is Gem your husband?"

Putting her hands in Sam shook her head "Fiancee ... not sure when in the next couple of months the wedding is."

"I'm sure you'll both know the moment the time is right." She said, gingerly lifting one of Sam's feet from the bath. "It's still got to be pretty exciting for you, though. A baby and getting married."

"Definitely not what I thought I would want even 5 years ago ... and it is exciting ... actually its the person I'm with that makes it more exciting if that makes sense." Sam grinned "He makes things seem so much better at times."

"It does make sense." Mack said, smiling up at her as she put Sam's foot back into the bath. "Here's hoping everyone can find something like that in their lifetime."

"What about you Mack?" Sam looked curious "Is there a guy or girl?"

"Er... there's... a friend." She replied softly, not sure what their situation was at present. "A guy... friend."

"Friends are good ... Gem and I were friends for years ... actually I was a pain in his ass for years before that as his personal protection." Sam snickered.

"Well... he isn't exactly my personal protection, though I think he'd be willing if I asked him." Mackenzie replied, blushing a bit. "I haven't known him that long, but he just... I don't know."

"You click?"

"I think we do." She answered honestly. "The more time I spend with him, the more he grows on me, and we do spend a lot of time with each other."

"Its the best kind of relationship." Sam grinned. "The sex only lasts so long ... you need to know that you can live with them day in day out after the lust is over."

"Um... we're not... having sex." Mack said. She was fighting the urge to run to the back and tell Lou he needed to take over, but no matter how embarrassed she was about something, she'd face it. "I don't have a whole lot of experience with men. Not that I don't have any, but I've never really interested them, I guess."

Nodding Sam could feel her discomfort and changed the topic knowing she had hit a nerve "Have you visited many other planets?"

"I've been to Risa a few times over the years. Family vacations." The petite woman replied. "Other than that, the majority of my days have been spent on Earth. This is the first time I've ever been so far away, but I like it. It's definitely different than what I'm used to. A huge change, but I like to think I'm adjusting to it well. How about you? Have you been many places?"

Sam nodded "Quite a few planets and ships as Diplomatic protection ... much of it with Gem ... but not all of it ... a few unofficial ops too."

"Sounds like you've had an interesting life." Mack said, adding a little more oil to the water her feet were soaking in. "I would like to travel some day. Maybe when this place can run itself that will be a possibility. Until then, responsibility has to come first."

"It's definitely been interesting but through it I've learnt that people are what make a place home." She nodded about the responsibility "Yeah we all have them and they always have to come first."

"I have to agree with that." The petite woman said with a smile. "Home can be anywhere, though, I'd like it if my parents were a bit closer."

"Well they take other civilians here and on the station ... why not suggest they come out?"

"They own an ice cream shop/bakery back on Earth." Mack said as the wheels began turning in her mind. "I suppose something like that would go over really well here. What do you think?"

"I think it would go over really well ... I for one know of several cadets and officers with sweet tooths."

"Maybe I'll talk to them about it, but I'm not so sure they'll want to uproot and leave everything on Earth behind."

"They may surprise you." Sam smiled.

"Perhaps. My mom... she'd the be the easiest to convince. My dad, on the other hand... he'd be much harder to sell." She said, returning Sam's smile. "It's still not a bad idea to talk to them about it. Even if they say no, there are always visits."

"Family is always surprising ... and important in more ways than we realise."

Mack nodded her head. "You're right about that. So... do you know what you're having?"

"No. Gem and I decided we didn't want to know til baby was here ... we wanted to be surprised. As long as baby is healthy we are happy with that."

The redhead woman smiled up at Sam as she pulled one of her feet from the basin. "You both have more self control than I do. I'm almost one hundred percent positive I'd want to know what I was having if I ever got pregnant."

"Part of me does ... But I respect Gem and he doesn't want to he wants to be surprised so I that." Sam smiled "Its one of those compromises you make when you love someone."

"Love causes people to do all sorts of things." Mackenzie said, thinking back to a certain man that showed up at her salon before it even officially opened for business. Of course, she was pretty sure she didn't love him. It was just far too soon for that, she was certain. "Well... whether you guys find out or not, I hope your little one is happy and healthy."

"Thanks ... so do we ... its all that matters really." Sam smiled and rubbed her tummy gently soothing the boisterous foot kicker she was incubating.

"Well... congratulations. I hope you, Gem and your little boy or girl are all quite happy and healthy." She said with another smile as she pulled the other woman's hand from the bowl they were soaking in. Once she got them dried, skilled fingers began to work along the muscles in an effort to help relax the client.

Sam smiled again and relaxed "That feels amazing."

Mack smiled and continued to help Sam relax. It was all part of the job, but there was more to it than that for her. It was about helping people forget about the stresses of life... even if it was only for a little while. This was one of the greatest rewards of her job.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa


Admiral Samantha Fraiser (Retired)
Blissed out pregnant lady


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