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Seeing Red

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 8:45pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Jacob Bannerman & Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 8:47pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Security/Administration
Timeline: 2388/08/29 0900 (Fri. August 29 2388 9:00am)

Lieutenant Reign sat in her office casually going over the videos of the previous day before they were archived. It was a boring part of her job. So far, she had seen nothing but officers, some civilians and a butt ton of cadets scurrying around the campus from building to building. She started to reach for her coffee when a flash of skin came on the screen. A lot of skin.

An alert came up marked as Important on the feed and she tapped on it and brought it up. An officer on Beta Shift had marked it for her attention. Watching it, she stopped and reversed the video a few seconds and started it again. There. A naked cadet in what looked like the shuttle hangar. "Seriously?" she asked no one. Backing the video up more, she watched as a young redhead cadet approached the officer after everyone had left. BJ forgot about her coffee as she watched the cadet come onto an officer, press up against him, straddle his lap and finally remove all of her clothes.

BJ considered it odd that the officer wasn't ordering the cadet to report to the Assistant Dean's office, or personally take her there. Finally another man came into the hangar bay and seemed to follow protocol, putting a tarp over the young woman's shoulders. It was a few more minutes before the cadet put her clothes on and was allowed to walk out of the hangar unescorted.

The Chief of Security backed up the video again. "Computer, identify the cadet and officers in this video." She waited a moment before the response came.

"Cadet identified as Cadet Freshman Anosov, Liza Magdalina. Officers identified as Commander Bannerman, Jacob. Enlisted officer identified as Petty Officer Third Class Carpenter, Leo."

BJ rubbed her eyes before transferring a copy of the relevant video to a PADD and marked the video as Under Investigation on the database so it wouldn't be archived. "Computer, locate Cadet Freshman Anosov."

"Cadet Anosov is currently in the student mess hall."

"Inform me if her location changes," BJ ordered the computer before taking the PADD, securing her terminal and left her office.

A short while later, the Chief of Security walked into the mess hall and looked around. There was a number of cadets in there and more than a couple of redheads, so it took her a few minutes to located the cadet in question. Finding her with a group of other cadets, BJ smiled.

"Cadet Anosov?"

"Yes, Lieutenant?" Liza asked, looking up. "Can I help you?"

"I would like you to come with me," BJ told her.

"Is something wrong?"

"I would prefer not to discuss the matter in front of other cadets," BJ said, leaning closer and lowering her voice.

That sonofabitch Bannerman threw me under the shuttle! Liza immediately thought, but kept calm outwardly. She had learned life the hard way in the Russian colony on Luna. She smiled and came to her feet. "Of course, Lieutenant," she said. "I really hope I'm not in trouble."

"That isn't for me to decide," BJ said. "This way." Turning, she headed out of the mess hall and went across campus, making sure that the cadet stayed with her.

Along the way, Liza vowed to get revenge and thought of various ways she could make his life a living hell. He had mentioned another woman and she would find who was turning the bad boy into a little bitch and have it out with her. If it was the Petty Officer who had turned her in, she would gouge his eyes out with her own fingers.

Arriving at the administration building, BJ led the young cadet in and could almost feel the heat of anger coming off of her. You did it to yourself and I have a feeling you're about to get a lot angrier before the morning is done. Shaking her head, she went to the office of the Assistant Dean and pressed the chime to announce her presence.

"Come in!" Maddie called, looking up from the huge pile of PADD's on her desk.

"Do we have to do this, Lieutenant?" Liza asked.

"Yes, we do," BJ responded and led the way into the Assistant Dean's office with the angry redhead with her. "Captain Sanchez," she nodded. "I wish I could say it is a good morning, but I'm afraid I bring you bad news early this morning."

"I see." Maddie replied as she looked from BJ to the unknown cadet and back again, "Then you'd best get on with it." she added as she stood up and walked around her desk to perch up on the edge.

BJ handed the Assistant Dean the PADD she had brought with her. "This is video involving Freshman Cadet Anosov, Commander Bannerman, and Petty Officer Third Class Carpenter, Ma'am. This young cadet with me is Cadet Anosov."

Maddie sighed and took the PADD thinking that it was no surprise that this bad news involved Bannerman. She activated the PADD and began to watch, her frown deepening as the security feed progressed. "When did this happen?" she finally looked up glaring at the young girl.

"Approximately fifteen hundred hours, Captain," BJ said.

Cadet Anosov crossed her arms over her chest and glared defiantly at the Assistant Dean when she heard the sound coming from the PADD, but didn't respond.

"And what do you have to say about this Cadet?" Maddie fixed Anosov with a glare that could wither not at all in the mood for these kinds of shenanigans this morning.

The redheaded Russian cadet returned the glare. "That if it wasn't for Security," Liza said, shooting a dirty look at BJ before looking back at the Assistant Dean. "This wouldn't have been a big deal. Commander Bannerman didn't think it was, but then again, he's nice and neutered."

"Nice and neutered?" Maddie raised an eyebrow, "I can't say I've ever heard those two words in the same sentence when it comes to him." she added grimly, "And just what do you mean by that?"

"It means that he didn't make a big deal of it, so why should anyone else," Anosov said, looking at the Assistant Dean as if she were stupid.

"I see." Maddie replied softly before looking over at BJ. "Lieutenant Reign, can you retrieve Commander Bannerman and Petty Officer Carpenter for me and bring them directly here...I believe that they should be in on this conversation."

"Of course, Captain Sanchez," BJ said, turning to exit the office. Heading across the compound to the shuttle hangar, she paused before she got to it and tapped her combadge. =^= Computer, locate Commander Bannerman and Chief Petty Officer Carpenter=^=

=^=Commander Bannerman and Chief Petty Officer Carpenter are in the shuttle hangar.=^= the computer replied in a monotone fashion.

Finishing the rest of the trip to the hangar, the Chief of Security walked in and looked around until she spotted the two men near a fighter. Approaching them, she cleared her throat. "Commander Bannerman, Petty Officer Carpenter? Captain Sanchez has requested your presence in her office."

Leo was busy scowling at Jake as BJ arrived. Bannerman had been out on one of his now notorious fighter runs and brought it back yet again with a damaged wing which was now falling to Leo to fix. It wasn't the best time to have arrived at all. "Is it important? We're kind of in the middle of something here." Jake looked over at BJ with annoyance.

"It is," BJ stated. "It concerns Cadet Anosov. She's one of your students, Commander."

"What exactly about her?" Jake stiffened at the mention of her name.

"She's currently in Captain Sanchez's office," BJ said. "There is video footage of last night that involved you, her, and Petty Officer Carpenter here in this very hangar. Captain Sanchez is waiting, Commander."

"She told Sanchez?" Jake frowned, "Is she accusing me of something?" he asked, starting to think that the cadet had made some kind of allegations about him.

"As the Chief of Security, Commander," BJ started. "The video footage of the incident is this hangar was brought to my attention and I immediately retrieved Cadet Anosov and took her and the footage to Captain Sanchez. She instructed me to get you and Petty Officer Carpenter and return to her office. Shall we go now, or do you wish to explain the delay to her by asking me more questions that I do not hold the answers to?"

"Fine let's go." Jake put his hands up in surrender and began to head to the door, thinking that his morning had really started badly. "Come on Leo...let's go prove my innocence." he grumbled.

" offence Sir but I don't think that you were ever innocent." Leo joked and tried to keep cool yet deep down this whole thing had him worried.

Turning, BJ strode through the door of the hangar and headed towards the administration building, grateful that the Commander hadn't wanted to play twenty more questions. When a superior office said do something, it wasn't to be questioned. Arriving at the building, she touched the chime to Captain Sanchez's door and waited to be admitted with the other two.

"Enter!" Maddie called out, grateful for the reprieve from the stony silence that had been going on since BJ had left despite her best efforts.

Figuring that this morning wasn't the right time for one of his flirty comments to Sanchez, Jake simply said "You wanted to see me Ma'am?"

"Yes I did." Maddie sighed, "I assume you remember Cadet Anosov?" she gestured to the redhead.

"Yes Ma'am I do." Jake nodded as he looked over at Liza.

"I've been handed some rather...uh...revealing footage from yesterday." Maddie commented as she handed Jake the PADD.

"I didn't do anything...the footage shows that." Jake immediately got defensive as he looked at the PADD.

"What you didn't do Mr Bannerman is report this incident the moment it happened as I would expect one of our department head's to do." Maddie barked, her eyes sparking with angry fire.

"Come on Maddie! Uh...Sir." Jake replied, "She's a kid, she doesn't deserve to be punished for being a total idiot does she? We all make stupid mistakes sometimes in our lives." he looked at her pointedly wondering what her life changing mistake had been.

BJ stood at the back of the office since it was her investigation at the moment and wanted to know the results.

Cadet Anosov remained where she was with her arms crossed. "I was willing to accept any consequences of my actions, and I still am," she said. "I doubt that Commander Bannerman here really wanted to deny me, but that man," she pointed at Carpenter. "Was the one that interfered. So do what you have to do. Blame me. Give me the consequences of my actions. If you punish Commander Bannerman, it should only be for not reporting me."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Maddie responded, then glared at Jake, "It's clear from the footage that you didn't allow anything to happen however, this behaviour is unbecoming a Starfleet cadet and I'm very, very disappointed that I found out about it because security brought me the footage to see when there hasn't been a peep out of you." she continued to stare him down. Maddie was formidable when she was angry and right now she was seeing stars.

Looking over at BJ, the Assistant Dean said "Ms Reign...take statements from them all then pass it all on to me. I'll decide later how to proceed once I quit feeling like pulling their heads off."

"Of course, Captain Sanchez," BJ said before looking at the three. "If you'll come with me to the Security offices for statements?"

Cadet Anosov sneered but nodded, waiting for the Security Chief to lead the way.

With a shake of his head Jake turned and left with them clearly not happy at all.

Last to leave Leo looked at Maddie and said unassumingly "I was there Captain, he really did make that decision thinking that he was doing the right thing you know? That she shouldn't lose her career just like that." he sighed before adding "I guess I'm just saying that he isn't a bad guy so go easy on him okay?" He turned and left leaving Maddie with a lot to think about not least about whether she should worry Connor with it or not.

When the other indicated they were ready, BJ headed out of the office and back to Security with the Cadet beside of her. All she had to do was corroborate their individual stories, get it down in a report, and send it back to the Assistant Dean.

"You turning into my own personal advocate now Leo?" Jake asked as they walked along.

"Someone has to look out for your dumb ass boss." Leo grumbled as they walked along, "Is this going to take long Lieutenant? I have a fighter wing to repair." he shot a pointed look at Jake.

"Only as long as it takes to get statements," BJ said as she led them into the Security offices and pointed at three seats. "Have a seat while I get PADDs." Not waiting for them do to so, she went and retrieved the PADDs for their statements.

Cadet Anosov grunted as she sat down, not bothering to look at Carpenter or Commander Bannerman. She just wished that Captain Sanchez had punished her at the office so she could move on.

"Is it me or is it frosty in here?" Leo commented as he sat down between Anosov and Bannerman.

"Can it Leo." Jake grumbled finding that the day was starting to go downhill and it was so early too.

Returning with three PADD's, BJ handed one to each of them. "In your own words, please describe in detail the events of yesterday evening at fifteen hundred hours in the hangar bay. Remember, video surveillance has already been logged and your statements will be cross-checked for veracity."

The Cadet took the PADD and began to dictate from the moment she had approached Commander Bannerman until the moment she was allowed to leave the hangar, leaving no detail out. She signed off on it and handed it back once she was done.

"You don't say much do you?" Jake watched BJ as the other two worked on their statements.

BJ looked at Jake and arched an eyebrow. "What do you expect me to say in this situation, Commander? I deal with the security of the campus and personnel on it, Starfleet or civilian. This situation is less a matter of Security and more a matter of right and wrong." She paused to take the PADD from the cadet and reviewed the statement before she set it on her desk.

"What would you have me do, lecture you on what you should have done? Captain Sanchez stated that quite succinctly, I think. Perhaps tell Petty Officer Carpenter here that he should have been the one to do what you should have when you didn't? Maybe take Cadet Anosov down a few notches with a stern lecture when she's already admitted her culpability?" BJ asked. "None of that is my place, Commander. My place is getting the information correlated and turn it over to Captain Sanchez so she can determine the punishments in this situation, Sir."

"Are you always this serious?" Jake asked as he watched her closely, leaving his PADD untouched.

"Do you think that the orders of Captain Sanchez don't apply to you, Commander?" BJ asked him when she saw that he continued to talk instead of giving his deposition. "Or do you merely wish to get in deeper with her? In answer to your question, when I am on the job in my position, I am very serious, Commander. Now do what Captain Sanchez wanted and give your side of events as they transpired or I will be forced to report you."

"Wow...tough room." Jake shook his head and watched BJ for a few minutes before writing down a few notes of his own. As he wrote, he said to no-one in particular " women like roses? You know, red ones? Or is that just in the movies?"

"That's shallow and not really an indication of interest," BJ replied. "If you are interested in a female, I suggest that you get to know about her."

Liza snorted. "He isn't interested in that from what I heard."

"Yeah right like you'd know." Jake shot back before saying "And it's not shallow to want to give something nice to someone to show them that you appreciate them." he added with a glance at BJ.

"That will be enough out of both of you," BJ said. "Commander Bannerman, I'm not a relationship adviser, and I did not state that you were shallow. If you have a woman that you are interested in that isn't a cadet, why don't you try asking her what she likes. Are you done with your report of the incident?"

"Yup." Jake held out the PADD to BJ deciding that she needed to loosen up a bit. Hell, if he wasn't with Mack now he'd be making sure she did but weirdly he didn't even have any interest in it.

Meanwhile, the cadet was watching the exchange with a bored expression. "If the Commander needs any type of relationship advice when a female stripped naked in front of him and told him what she wanted, I seriously doubted that any kind of relationship is going to work for him."

"One more comment from you, Cadet Anosov, and I'll advise Captain Sanchez that she gives you the maximum punishment allowed," BJ said looking at the cadet. Turning her attention to Bannerman, she took the PADD and saw the look on his face, but chose to ignore it. "Thank you, Commander." She looked at Carpenter. "And yourself, Petty Officer Carpenter?"

"All done." Leo smiled at BJ as he handed over the PADD, satisfied that what he wrote would help get Jake off the hook. The whole thing was after all Anosov's fault.

Taking the last PADD, BJ looked at them. "Then you are dismissed until Captain Sanchez calls for you after reviewing your individual accounts of the incident. You may go." Moving to her terminal, she loaded the information on the PADD's and transferred it to the Assistant Dean.

"Right then...that fighter isn't going to fix itself Carpenter, let's get cracking." Jake patted Leo on the back before striding to the door, clearly not phased by the fact that he was facing an ass chewing from Sanchez.

"Yes boss." Leo shot BJ an apologetic glance before heading to the door after Jake.

Waiting a minute until they were gone, Cadet Anosov got to her feet as well, planning on heading back to the mess hall until she was called to the office for her punishment.

After the others had cleared out, BJ shook her head. If this was the instructors and next generation of officers, she really hoped they were the exception instead of the rule. Sealing her door, she sat down at her terminal to continue her work.

Lieutenant Billie Jean Reign
Interim Chief of Security
Magellan Station


NPC Cadet Liza Anosov

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus

PO3 Leo Carpenter
Shuttle Technician
Magellan Campus


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