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Fire and Ice

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 9:01pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 9:04pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Assistant Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1030 (Fri. August 29 2388 10:30am)

Having gone through the statements that BJ had collected from Bannerman, Carpenter and Anosov, Maddie had finally decided that it was time to confront them all. First off would be the cadet. She after all, had committed the worst offence out of them all.

Figuring it was best just to get it out of the way, Cadet Anosov left the Security office after Bannerman and Carpenter had gone, the young cadet headed back across campus to the administration building. Squaring her shoulders, she went to the Assistant Dean's office and pressed the chime on the door, waiting to be admitted.

"Come!" Maddie called out from her position by the window where she was staring out across the campus.

Liza took a breath and entered the office, coming to a stop and attention once the door closed behind him. "Cadet Anosov reporting, Captain Sanchez."

"Take a seat cadet." Maddie replied, her voice icy as she continued to stare out of the window.

"So it's going to be like that, is it?" Liza asked as the Assistant Dean's voice set the tone for the meeting. She took a seat and stared at the woman's back. "I admit full capability, you become Captain Ice Queen. Okay. Let's play it that way."

"Do you not think you're in enough trouble already cadet?" Maddie finally turned to Liza, "Or would you like me to add insubordination to the list of charges?"

"I admitted to what I did was wrong," Liza shot back. "Do you plan on crucifying someone who already put herself on the front line, Captain? What happened to the compassion, diplomacy and understanding that the Federation promotes? Or is it that it doesn't apply since we're here in the Delta Quadrant and you can do whatever you want?"

"You dare ask that when you've done what you've done?" Maddie was incredulous, "In what universe is throwing yourself at a teacher acceptable? Have you no shame?"

"I threw myself at a man, Captain Sanchez," Liza said, her voice hard. "Tell me you've never been involved with a Starfleet officer. You can't be that frigid. Medical cured that problem a long time ago."

Maddie had to stop herself from slapping the girl and her hands balled into fists by her sides as she said "My business is none of yours but no, I never got involved with one of my teachers and I certainly didn't strip naked and throw myself at one like you did and seem to think is okay."

"Everyone has a different approach," Liza said with a smirk when she saw how angry the woman was getting. "Like I said, I wasn't throwing myself at a teacher. I was throwing myself at a man. Big difference. It was after class, he turned me down, I admitted to being guilty. End of story, or it should be, but you want to make a big deal of it. What's the matter, Captain, did Jacob turn you down, too?"

"Trust me Miss Anosov, propositioning Mr Bannerman is the very last thing in the universe that I'd want to do." Maddie replied, "He doesn't have that reputation for nothing you know."

"I heard much the same thing," Liza said. "That's why I approached him. He let it go. If Security hadn't gotten involved, everyone would be happy, but they did and I'm here. You have my confession, Captain. You could choose to lecture me, punish me, or let me go. It's your choice, but stop acting like a righteous bitch to me and get it over with. I'm sick of talking to people who act like they're better than me all because of rank when we're all people under the uniform."

"Then it appears that you have completely misunderstood what being a Starfleet officer is all about. Did you not listen to words contained in the oath when you said them?" Maddie replied coldly, "I will be recommending to the Dean that you are dismissed from the Academy and not allowed to reapply for a minimum of two years." she added, the look in her eyes daring Liza to say something.

Liza stared right back at her, the recommended punishment not phasing her as she knew that was the likely outcome when she walked into the office . "Tell me where, exactly, in the oath did it say that a woman could not approach a man, Captain. Tell me what part of that I violated."

"I believe conduct unbecoming a Starfleet Officer pretty much sums it the oath, you swear not to do that." Maddie replied wishing that her uniform wasn't holding her back from what she'd really like to do to the cadet.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I wasn't approaching him as an officer to an officer? The Officers Handbook Chapter Fourteen 'Relationships with officers of lower rank' Section Four, paragraph two states 'No officer shall initiate a relationship of a personal nature with an officer under his or her command.' He wasn't initiating it with me, therefore that isn't a technicality. So how is that conduct unbecoming an officer? Do people in Starfleet have no personal lives at all?" Liza asked her.

"And you see that as an invitation to just throw yourself at the man?" Maddie shook her head, clearly in total disbelief at the girl's attitude.

"I liked what I saw," Liza said with a shrug. "He was playing hard to get, and for that, I get tossed out of Starfleet. Isn't that sweet?"

"Isn't it just." Maddie quipped as she crossed her arms and added "And on that note shall we end this meeting before you put your foot in it even more than you have already?"

"Let's before I get physically as well as mentally sick," Liza said.

'Got that right.' Maddie thought inside of her head, 'Because I'm about to knock your block off if you don't get out of here.' she added before saying aloud, "'ll know by the end of the day if the Dean concurs with my recommendation."

Shrugging, Liza turned and walked out of the Assistant Dean's office. Once she was out of the administration building, she double-tapped her combadge and was rewarded with a chirp that it was active. Smirking, she cleared her throat. =^=Attention on the campus! This is Cadet Anosov and I have some news for you! Commander Bannerman is known as a ladies man around campus if you know what I mean and the Assistant Dean is an ice queen. Avoid him if you're a lady and avoid her if you don't want to get sick. That is all.=^=

Laughing, she turned and headed towards the mess hall, wondering how long it would be before her announcement got her thrown in the brig and escorted off the campus.

"Peque?o perra*." Maddie uttered to herself as she heard Anosov's 'announcement'. She was most definitely not amused.

*Little bitch

Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Academy


Commander Devin McCall
Cadet Liza Anosov
Magellan Campus


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