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Only For You

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 9:23pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Mitys & Administrative Assistant Jinzle Pejaa

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Docking Station/Colony Administrator's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1100 (Fri. August 29 2388 11:00am)

Mitys was 19 and on her own but she was lucky she had a strong role model that had prepared her for her adult life or as best as she could. The transport landed at the spaceport and the passengers were led down corridors and through security. This was where Mitys was pulled aside and brought into a office.

"Ms Mitys?" The Human female officer asked as she took a seat behind her desk and pulled up her request to be a colonist.

"….ye yes…." Mitys said cautiously/nervously. All she knew was that the application and paperwork was all taken care of. All she had to do was answer some questions or at least that was what her aunt told her.

"Alright looks like you’ve applied for a colonial application as herbalist?" The female officer asked looking away from her terminal. "You are pretty young to be by yourself?" She asked.

"I well yes….yes to the first question I did apply to be a herbalist….and we….well the other one yes it is bu but I was quick study and I thought a fresh new colony like Serene could use a young herbalist." Mitys said hoping that would satisfy her.

The women nodded seeming satisfied with her answers. "….your background is slightly concerning but than again most Orion’s are. You seem clean or they sent you away before you could join the family business." The women said mockingly harsh. Mitys just sat there and took it knowing that loosing her cool would do nothing but harm her.

"Alright. You’ll be granted with temporary colonial status. I’ll be running this up the chain of command once they approve it you’ll be given full status and the ability to remain and setup shop. This security officer well lead you to your temporary housing." With that the women handed her a PaDD with her housing was and the rules and regulations of the colony.

Taking the PaDD she followed the officer out of the office and to her small temporary apartment. Seeing that a large footlocker and two large duffle bags were on the ground. Letting out a sigh of relief that her belongings actually made it as well. Thanking the officer she set the PaDD down on the kitchen table.

A while later, Colony Administrator Geminik Odar sat at his desk, drinking tea and looking over the latest colonial application that was waiting for final approval. Intrigued by many things on it, Geminick reached over to activate his deskcomm, "Jinzle, I need a moment of your time, please."

Jinzle was sitting at her desk looking over the weeks calendar. It was busy but colonial life was that. Standing up she walked into the inner office, "you called?"

Gem looked up to her over his glasses, once again taking the Klingon/Vorta hybrid assistant in with interest. They'd only met the day before, but so far things were going smoothly. "I did." He directed her over to the chair placed in front of his desk, across from his. "Please take a seat."

Jinzle took a seat and opened her PADD to take notes like she always did when she was called into the administrator's office. Her amethyst eyes gliding around the older Trill's office before landing back on him. "How can I help?"

"You can start by putting that away," he smiled, his voice warm, his eyes full of appreciation. Then he handed over to her the datapad he'd been holding, "This is the latest Colonial applicant. I would like you to read it over carefully and tell me your impressions."

Taking the data PADD and looking over the data of the new colonist. "No formal training but being self-taught in very difficult field is impressive and shows that she doesn't give up." Finally getting to her papers Jinzle looked over them they looked like they were in order but something seemed off. Chances were Jinzle was projecting her childhood and what happened with her.

"I believe this calls for a face to face meeting to determine her worth to the colony." Jinzle said simply.

Pleased with her response, Gem nodded, "I agree. Sadly, through the years as a diplomat, I have often found the importance of face to face interactions disregarded for the sake of convenience, first impressions left solely to what was written on paper. We must never allow that to happen here..." He paused as he thought more about it, making a decision, and he smiled. "Why don't we fit her in for an appointment this afternoon."

"I'll send her a message. You have a small 30 minuet window at 1345." Jinzle said pulling up his schedule on her PDD.

"That will do, thank you." Gem lifted his tea cup, then deciding, "And arrange for a hovercar to pick her up."

Didn't take long to send the message to the new civilian to the colony. Once this was done it allowed Jinzle some time to nail down the Ambassador's other appointments for the day.

Meanwhile Mitys was still in the temporary housing that they provided incoming colonists. Luckily she was given some reading material on the local flora giving her an idea of what she had to work with. Receiving the message letting her know that the head of the colony wanted to see her, Mitys wasn't sure why and hoping that the application wasn't being denied.

Mitys dressed in a simple yellow jumpsuit and had her satchel as she walked out of her temporary housing. "Miss Mitys?" The driver asked. "I am here to take you to see Ambassador Odar." He added as he opened the door to the hovercar. Few minutes later she arrived and was escorted to outside office where Jinzle was sitting.

"Ah Miss Mitys please follow me," Jinzle said to the young women. "Ambassador Odar, your 1345 appointment is here. Miss Mitys."

Sitting behind his Desk, Gem looked up from his personal datapad, and smiled as he took her in, "Please have a seat, Miss Mitys." He stood, motioning for her to sit over at a seating area in front of a large view window, where there was a couch, two chairs and a coffee table between them. On the coffee table was a vase of colorful flowers native to Sapientia, a tea pot and two cups.

He looked over to Jinzle, appreciatively, "Thank you, Jinzle, you may go."

Jinzle nodded before heading back to her desk to wrap up some things while the two talked. Mitys walked over to the sitting area and took a seat. "Is everything okay with my application?"

Gem joined her, pulling up his pant legs out of habit as he took a seat in one of the chairs. "Its nothing to be concerned over," he said, wanting to assure her, "There is an additional protocol for final approval when an applicant is from a non-Federation world and not a member species."

"So my applicant is being denied because I am Orion?" Mitys said sounding annoyed.

"No," Gem replied, and more firmly, "Approval of your application has been delayed because you are not a Federation citizen. Miss Mitys, you've made it this far because someone at Starfleet Colonial Operations believes you have something to contribute. If you were to be denied solely on your species you would have been denied way before now. And 'I' only wanted to meet you in person before making a final decision."

Letting out a small sigh Mitys decided it was time to listen instead of jumping to conclusions. "Okay....umm....what would you like to know?"

Gem was pleased to see defensive tension ease in the young woman. "First, I would like to know if you would like some tea? " he asked, nodding to the delicate looking teapot and tea cups.

Tea would be good, right? Mitys thought thinking that the tea would calm her nerves. "Sure and thank you."

"You are welcome," Gem smiled. Leaning forward to pour their tea, he wondered briefly on the psychological effects of being a Muni x Erratic. Hybrids and other non-standards often had very different psychological make ups. Once he placed her tea before her, he asked "Miss Mytis, I would like to get to know you more than simply words on a document. Tell me about yourself, your passions, and hopes."

Mitys looked at the tea and up to the man the combination of her sheltered life and youth showing. "Err….umm…." This is a easy question come on. Mitys thought, "…..err botany and herbalism." Hopes? About myself? Mitys thought to herself, “…hopes I I don don’t have any or maybe I do?” She asked more to herself than to the man in front of her. As for things about herself her mother and aunt made sure she understood that revealing things about herself to outsiders was dangerous and put the whole caj in danger.

"I umm….I I don’t know how to answer." Mitys said in all truthfulness as she set her cup down her hands shaking.

Gem gave her a long searching look. “Miss Mitys, this isn't an inquisition and I am only out to get to know you.” he said kindly but firmly. "Unless this herbalist shop on a newly colonized world was someone else's idea, I suspect it may possibly be your dream?"

What if it was? What if this wasn’t my dream? Mitys thought to herself. If her mother and aunt didn’t do what they did she would have most likely be in a bar dancing or her father would have sold her. "…..well I well I am….I enjoy working with my hands and I seem to have a what the Humans call a ‘green thumb’. B but I can’t say this is my dream." Mitys said hoping that made sense.

Gem nodded. "I think I understand," he said, and hoped he did. "Perhaps living among other colonist can help you figure out what your dream is," he smiled, "or give you one."

Mitys looked at the older man finding it odd that she needed a dream but let it go. "Maybe….yeah I think that could help. Th this is all a bit….a bit overwhelming."

"I'm going to approve your application," Gem replied gently, "and I want you to know there are those here who will help you through the process of settling in."

"Thank you," Mitys said with still a small smile but it felt like a huge weight was lifted of her shoulders. "….umm before the transport landed I was studying the colony map and there is a building just on the outskirts of the colony and the woods I was hoping I could set up my shop there as well as use it for my living space as well?” She asked.

"I am sure something can be arranged." Gem said, aware that so far none of buildings located with her description had been taken. "Sounds perfect for a business such as yours. Do you have anything else you would like to ask me?"

Mitys took a second to think about that and finally shook her head, "….no I think I am good. Thank you for making me feel welcome."

"It's been my pleasure." he smiled and then said in gentle challenge as he lifted his cup. "As for this tea, it's a blending of a Trillian tea and herbs indigenous to this planet, provided by the botanical department. While I do enjoy it, I feel it is missing something. Perhaps you can figure out what that is."

"I ummm I ummm…..sure I can give it a try." Mitys finally stammered still unsure of why she was still so nervous. "I can also develop a tea that’ll be just for you." Mitys offered, "of course based off these ingredients along with new ones."

Looking pleased, Gem replied, "I'm looking forward to it."



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