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Teachers Gone Wild part one

Posted on Sat Feb 9th, 2019 @ 12:00am by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Nicolas "Nick" Giordano & Commander Sonia Dalca & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Professor Melody Kingston & Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien & Senior Chief Petty Officer Nicole Walker
Edited on on Sat Feb 9th, 2019 @ 12:20am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/29 2000 (Fri. August 29 2388 8:00pm)

Entering Dev's Place wearing a dark grey suit with black pinstripes, a light brown dress shirt with a slightly darker tie with pinstripes on it, and a pair of polished dark brown loafers, Devin looked around. He had heard that there was a gathering of teachers and staff and figured it would be a good time to get to know some people outside of work. It was also a great place to pick up some information that usually spilled when people had too much to drink. Going to the bar, he ordered a non-alcoholic drink and settled down, waiting to see who else was going to arrive.

Sonia Dalca wore a black v-neck t-shirt and black pants with brown leather calf high boots and a brown hip length denim jacket. She caught sight of Devin in his suit and her grey eyes flicked around the room looking for others and just out of security habit as she moved gracefully. "Do you always wear suits?" She asked as she walked closer to him unable to resist her curiosity.

Devin looked up when he heard the sound of a familiar voice and recognized Commander Dalca. "Only when I'm not in uniform," he said with a laugh. "I've always been told that the clothes makes the individual and I'd hate to be caught with my pants down when it comes to making a good impression."

Sonia nodded thoughtfully, "I suppose that works. I think the vord I am looking for is dapper. Yes, quite dapper." She gestured for the waitress and ordered a water, the night was young after all and sat down, "There are many kinds of style no? It is good to be individuals once in a vhile.."

"That's true," Devin said. "This is my individual style. You are looking quite attractive yourself, if I may say so."

Sonia nodded a thanks, "One benefit to planet assignment, I get to vear civilian clothes more often. Of course now I realize I must shop more..." She said with a small smile, "Many uniforms, not so many civilian vear.." She joked.

"My past assignments have had me in so many different clothes that I'm never sure what I'm supposed to wear," Devin said with a chuckle.

Sonia looked thoughtful for a moment, "Yes I can see how that vould be a thing. How do you stay you vit so many faces..." She asked curiously something she'd always wondered and was curious just as much in the answer as how he would answer. Her own senses were fairly high when it came to figuring out others, though intel officers could be an effort.

"It's not difficult, but I am who I am," Devin responded to Sonia. "That, and having a personnel file that I can reference to remember everything that I should be. Unless High Command changed the details while I was on one of my missions. There was a time that I thought I was going to be stuck as a Romulan on the wrong side of the Neutral Zone."

Sonia laughed with a kind of dark humor, "Yes that sounds like a special kind of bureaucratic hell, that Starfleet likes to get into from time to time but you are still here, this is good." She raised her water glass in salute.

Returning the salute, Devin smiled in agreement. "That it is and here I shall remain."


"I’m determined she's going to wear The Dress and be swept off her feet, cliche and all," Melody declared, as she entered with her friend, Nicole, musing over her friends love life was better than thinking about issues with Doc.

"Well, from what you’ve told me, I think the odds are in her favor now, but then you’ve always been pretty good at matchmaking," Nicole replied, smiling back to her. "Anyone for me in that crystal ball of yours?"

A slow smile grew on the half El-urians face. "Am I not Melody Kingston, Queen of all gorgeous meat pies? I'll find you one to satisfy all your cravings." Unable to keep from laughing.

Oh wow…, Nicole couldn’t help it and started laughing with her.

Dressed in a traditional white blouse and black skirt, Phoebe stood behind the bar beside Nick polishing glasses and putting them away. The cadet was working her very first shift and to say that it was already proving interesting was an understatement as she observed the various adults off duty. "I'm almost done with these boss." she looked over at Nick, "What would you like me to do next?"

Nick looked around them. It was the start of the weekend and the place was beginning to fill up with the late night crowd. "Go ahead and take a few orders here at the bar." Nick smiled back to her.

"Yes Sir." Phoebe nodded, setting down the cloth she had been using and moving to the front of the bar to take her first order.

Sonia noted the new comers and pleased to see her friend BJ, looked at them but muttered, "I fear ve are over-dressed..." she observed mildly.

Devin shrugged. "Everyone has a different way of expressing themselves," he said. "This is, after all, a chance to let our hair down."

"Point, perhaps I need to get out more..." She joked, thinking maybe she did spend too much time at work. She drank the water the waitress brought then caught sight of one of her students dressed for work, she waved the new waitress over.

Seeing the summons, Phoebe smoothed down her apron and walked over to Sonia. "Is there something I can get for you Ma'am?"

"I didn't know they allowed cadets to vork here, you must be quite responsible Cadet Cavendish" She said after rolling through her mental catalog of cadets. "Yes please shot of Vodka." She glanced at Devin to see if he wanted anything.

"I'll have a Samarian Sunset," Devin said.

"One shot of vodka and one Samarian Sunset coming right up." Phoebe beamed at the pair before heading off to the back of the bar to order the drinks.

Cole walked into the lounge, moving out of the way as a couple of "happy" dorm officers were leaving, and then looked around. He was wearing one of his usual black leather jackets, but tonight instead of the dark t-shirt and jeans, he decided to dress it up a little , wondering if he was going to run into B.J. again, hoping he would, and maybe this time they could take it further.

Entering Dev's place, Julianna looked around for a moment. It appeared she was a little late as there were a number of people already present but she always thought better late than never when it came to these things. Dressed in turquoise pants and a white and tan striped tank top with a scoop neckline and tan flats, she walked over to the bar and once again turned to look around the room, still not having said a word.

"Your drinks." Phoebe stated as she set the glasses before Sonia and Devin before turning to see the new arrival and approached her, "May I get you something Ma'am?" she asked Julianna as she tucked a stray strand of her dark hair behind her ear.

Looking over, Julianna just smiled. " Irish coffee please." she replied, leaning slightly on the bar counter.

"Coming right up." Phoebe smiled, enjoying being an observer as the faculty staff enjoyed some time off.

Sonia had nodded her thanks and downed the shot savoring it as it went down. She was starting to relax as music played in the background.

Then Cole arrived at the bar and a tall blonde woman walked up from another direction and leaned on it.

"Oh hey, Nicole!"

"Hi Cole!"

Nick approached them from the other side of the bar, "Nicole. Cole."

"Nick!" Nicole grinned back, joining in on the play of their names.

That made Cole laugh. "I'll take a classic lime daiquiri, Nick." he said.

"Okay, Cole." Nick smiled back, grabbing a glass.

"So, Cole," Nicole had then said cheerfully, "how are you this evening?"

"I'm good," Cole replied smoothly, "and yourself?"

"I'm great," Nicole replied, lifting her drink up in reference to it, and then grinned as Nick placed Cole's drink on the bar. She lifted hers and the two clinked their glasses before each taking sip.

"So you two know each other?" Melody asked as she came over to lean against the bar by Nicole. In a far too innocent tone she added, "dating?" She discreetly wiggled her brows at Nicole.

Nicole's jaw dropped a little, then gave a slight shake of her head. While she really liked Cole, they just never... hit it off that way. "Nooo…but, I have known Cole for years."

His brows having come together a little over her reaction, Cole still added in, "Nicole use to work at Starfleet headquarters, and we'd run into each other from time to time," he looked at Nicole and cringed at the memories, "at those high-ranking formal affairs."

"Yup," Nicole chuckled, "you would have that same look too."

"Until you would rescue me." he smiled.

"The debates your father would get into with the undersecretaries, you look like you needed rescuing. Anyways," Nicole smiled, "Doctor Cole Dering meet Professor Melody Kingston, another long time friend of mine."

Melody lifted the glass Nick had slid her way. "Ah, a pleasure." Her voice dropped a bit. "Question, are you a doctor off duty as well? Our poor Nicole.." She ended with a wink to Cole and a shake of her head in mock dismay.

Nicole sighed and gave her a look that said, ‘Really? I’ll get you back for this.’

"Ah, well," Cole smiled, awkwardly, "It all depends...ummm..."
He suddenly became quiet, not really wanting to get into it further. The awkwardness grew. "We need to liven this place up," he said in an attempt to change the subject, and started looking around.

"Mmhmm..." Nicole Responded, as she finished taking another sip of her drink, "sounds good to me. I'm in...but first," she said as she nodded towards Devin at the other end of the bar, "there's someone I want to say hi too. But I'll be back." She grinned at the two of them, and took off, escaping.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be here.. Somewhere." Melody replied, amused, hiding a smile with her drink. Wondering what was wrong with her friend. Cole was a good looking man and charming as well.

Meanwhile Sonia spoke to Devin, "I believe I will go and bother my other friends."

"Take care, Sonia," Devin told her before he went to get another drink and wandered over to a table, watching the group dynamic.

Cole started to think about BJ again, wondering if she would end up being there, when suddenly she was.

BJ climbed on top of the bar stool and stood up. "Hey! I have two hundred credits that says no one can out drink Cole here! Who wants to lose some credits?"

"Wha..?" Cole looked...hell, he felt...stupefied. " BJ.." he reached up and grabbed one of her hands, "I don't think.."

Sonia laughed, "I'm Romanian, Vodka runs in our veins. I take that challenge!"

BJ laughed. "Woohoo! That's what I'm talking about Sonia!"

Now a crowd started to form around Cole, BJ, and Sonia.

"I put fifty on the Instructor!"

"No way. The doctor probably took an alcohol neutralizer before coming here tonight."

"Two hundred credits on the Security Chief for coming up with this bet!"

"Ah nooo.." Cole started to protest, unheard through all of the cheers and bets shouted out, until hands were placed on his shoulders pushing him over to a nearby table where he was forced into a chair.

Sonia grinned as she sat. She'd only just gotten started when her friend yelled for this silly bet. It sounded like just the thing to lighten her mood. To Cole, "Not to vorry Sir, I will no hold a grudge if you vin." She smiled good-naturedly not really expecting him too but as she didn't know him well he could be really good at this.

"Me worried?!" he nearly squeaked. He certainly looked it when his mind went back to a certain Halloween night in San Francisco...

 photo One Holloween in a San Fran bar_zpsbakwlq3k.jpg

"Oh god..." he breathed out.

Getting down off the bar stool, BJ went and took a place behind him. "You can do this, Cole. I have faith in you."

That caused him to swallow, and he found himself nodding, giving in, before he could stop himself. "All right. Okay. I'll...I'll do it."

Nicole was walking towards Devin with a new drink in her hand. She was feeling really good and smiled as she approached him, "Why hi, Commander McCall! How are you this evening?"

Devin looked up as Nicole approached him and smiled. "Good evening, Miss Walker," he said. "I'm good. Just trying to figure out what I want to drink next. What do you have there?" he asked, indicating the drink in her hand.

"Oh this..," she exclaimed, "is a pink fizzy!" and held it up before downing half of it.

"A pink...fizzy," Devin said, eyeing the drink for a moment. "I think I'll have another Acamarian Brandy."

"Are you sure? Here..." she placed it on the table in front of him and then slid into the opposite seat, "try it," she waved her hand at it, "it's really good."

Devin started to take a sip of it before he saw the Chief of Security suddenly get up on a bar stool and make a challenge for someone named Cole that he couldn't see. "Looks like tonight is going to be interesting."

"Oh my gosh!" Nicole squeed, getting back out of her seat, and grabbing his hand, she pulled him out of his, "Come on, this is going to be fun!"

Laughing, Devin got to his feet at Nicole's enthusiasm. "Well, well. A competition. This should be fun."

"Oh yeah," she grinned mischievously and started heading over there.

Heading behind Nicole, Devin waited to see what the drink of choice was to be before he started laying odds on the outcome.

Rubbing his forehead as he waited for the choice of poison, Cole noticed a fellow physician sitting over at the bar. Looking desperate, he waved her over with his free hand, "Julianna!"

Looking up from her drink, Julianna noticed her fellow physician waving her over. Standing up from the bar, she picked up her drink and made her way over. "Hello Doc." she replied as she stopped in front of Cole.

"Hey, Julianna," he managed a quick charming smile and placed a hand on another chair cornered from his, "Have a seat...please."

Julianna returned the smile with one of her own and took a seat, "Now then...what be on your mind doctor?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink.

His smile turned grim, "I need you here to save me, just in case." He released a breath. "Okay..." he turned his full attention to Sonia and like a light switch, sounded confident, "So what's it going to be?"

"You choose..." And she smiled she couldn't help it, she was having fun. The smile was just a little wicked, "Doc" She was just as confident, the only difference is she'd be confident all along and was merely trying to be polite and not get hoisted by her own arrogance.

BJ looked at Cole when he called the redheaded woman over and arched an eyebrow. "You have the Chief of Security at your back. Why do you need anyone else to save you, Cole?"

Cole leaned his head back and looked up to her, giving her another one of his charming smiles, "I meant case of overdose," and then his eyes moved over to Julianna almost pleadingly, "How about ordering something to help with the after effects?"

Sonia laughed, "Vise precaution in your case, shall ve begin?"

She leaned forward ready to play. It was a little funny to note that the medical officer felt he needed two helpers. She mentally sighed deep in her mind, "lone wolf again..." she thought in resignation but not surprise.

"Okay then..." Coles eyes narrowed as he looked back over at Sonia suspiciously. "I'll name the drink. How about..." he looked thoughtful and decided, "Vulcan Mind Probes."

Sonia grinned, "Brave man.." She called to a waitress, "Two Vulcan Mind Probes..."

Sharna, another redheaded beauty in the place, hostess and waitress of Dev's Place had been standing nearby watching with amused interest. She raised an eyebrow, and giving a wry smile with an acknowledging nod and light Aussie accent, "Vulcan Mind Probes coming up," and turned to head towards the bar.

Walking up to it, she gave Nick, who was already preparing the drinks, and Phoebe an amused look before taking in Nick's expression. "Do you think there's any reason for concern, Nick?"

Having glanced over at the growing crowd at Cole and Sonia's table, Nick shook his head, "No.." placing the drinks along with a couple more on a tray, "but I think I'll be informing the boss, regardless."

Soon thereafter the two shots were placed in front of the contestants. Sonia took hers and waited for Cole.

Cole picked up his and held it out in front of him. He stared at it as if preparing himself to drink it while trying his best not to cross his eyes.

As one they downed them, at first there was no reaction then it burned down Sonia's throat and gave a sort of reverse brain freeze. "That'll vake you up, eh Doc?" She hit the table once. The picture of good-natured confidence as her eyes sparkled.

It hit like a bag of hot nails down his throat when he swallowed, a wave of heat warming his sinuses as if it had filled with lava. As he barely stopped the cough that was trying to escape, Cole blinked rapidly as he hit his glass back down to the table. "Oh yeah..." he managed to reply hoarsely, faking a smile, "certainly...does the trick."

"Let's give the good Dokter a moment..." Sonia said trying not to laugh at him too hard. "It does at that." She said leaning back, one arm over the back of the chair. Trying not to push the poor the man and feeling nicely warm.

"Yeah, and I'm fine," he said sounding confident, and then smiled at her reaction. Two more glasses were placed down before them and, for a moment, his eyes gave him away to the contrary..

"Come on, Cole," BJ said cheerfully. "Do it for the team!" She leaned down and pressed her chest against the back of his head. "or the girls. They're rooting for you, too."

He chuckled, "Okay!" while thinking Oh no! and talked himself back into it as he raised an eyebrow along with his next glass, his voice suave, "For the girls."

To Be Continued...

Vulcan Mind Meld/Probe is a drink that is 1 part ouzo and 1 part rum (151 proof), Served in a shot glass.


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