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Remember Last Night

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2019 @ 8:38pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Molly Seol & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells
Edited on on Tue May 12th, 2020 @ 3:53pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Magellan Campus Dorms
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1730 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 5:30pm)

Catherine entered her dorm room with a spring in her step. She'd gotten an engineering job! She could finally get her fingers into something. It felt like far too long. She tossed her jacket on the back of her desk chair as she called, "'Ello Molly". Not hearing an answering she shrugged and pulled off her boots to plop on her bed and check her messages from a PADD.

"Hey!" a cheerful smile on her face, Molly came walking out of the bathroom in a light blue satin floral and peacock printed robe, with her head wrapped in a towel, "What was that you said?" With a hairbrush in hand, she sat with one leg up on the side of her bed and looked at her roommate through the screened partition that separated their beds from the rest of the room.

Catherine laid back on her bed, her hands behind her head. "I got a job with campus engineering. Remember how in I mentioned our RA said it might help keep me out of trouble...and trying to fix faulty replicators. At first I thought Commander th'Dari was going to boot me out for not being all spit and polish but he seems alright..." She sat up, "How was your day?"

Still a little in shock over what she had just been told about th'Dari, Molly unwrapped her towel and shook her head for more than one reason. Leaning forward and flipping her hair, she started brushing underneath it. "My day went great..." she finally said looking up and flipping her long dark hair back behind her shoulders, "but I am beginning to think," her almond shaped eyes widened, "I should have gone with you to see th'Dari."

CJ's eyes narrowed in puzzlement, "Why? What'd I miss?"

"More like, what did I miss!" Molly exclaimed moving herself over onto Catherine's bed. "I've been wrestling with going to see him myself for a student job because he has this reputation for being a real harda... well to put it nicely, a real grump."

Catherine moved over, "He was but no worse than some I met. He's definitely got some 'prove it or lose it' attitude..." She looked apologetic, "Sorry if I'd known you were looking I'd of taken you with. How's about I go with you when you go?"

Molly was pressing her hands into the mattress on either side of her legs. "No," she shook her head a little looking downwards, and then looked back up and sighed, "I need to do this on my own...but I do appreciate the offer, CJ," She sincerely smiled at her new friend.

Catherine looked a little relieved, "Yeah no problem, glad I don't have to though. He's ok in small doses..." She grinned, "But I'll be here to sympathize when y'all come back. Remember we gotta stick together 'round here..."

"Yeah.." Molly nodded, and leaned back on her elbows, grinning with the air of wanting to know something but hesitant to ask.

Cathy caught the look, "What's up?" She asked curiously.

"I was just wondering..." Molly smiled a bit inquiringly, "have you ran into Ben Hall today?"

Catherine shook her head, "Not yet, remember last night? I thought I was going to catch fire. Like actual fire, no joke," She said remembering...

...his arm around her waist as he stood behind her, their bodies in sync with each other as they close she could feel more than their body heat between them. They had parted and she hadn't seen him for the rest of the night, not until her and Molly walked out of the Cafe among a small crowd, laughing and feeling really good, and he came walking out of the shadows.

"Cathy," Molly had placed a hand on her arm to draw her attention to him, while he just stood there quietly, waiting for her to see him.

Cat smiled, "So the dancing ninja returns..." she said pleased to see him again. Ninja referring to his smoothly sliding away in the shadows.

Ben looked a little perplexed at her words, although her smile hadn't gone unnoticed. He took a few more steps towards her, nearly smiling in return. "So, what is this dancing Ninja that you compare me to?"

"Smooth with great moves, able to disappear at will." She quipped, smiling up at him. Her eyes alight with humor.

His eyes taking her all in, he nodded. He liked the comparison as much as the view and it showed. He reached out a hand wanting to touch her face, but hesitated before pulling it back. He'd been too aggressive at first with Katie and didn't want to repeat that same behavior. Awkwardly, he took a step back, inserting his hands into his jean pockets, and coming across as if he had to go. "It is almost ...curfew," he said, recalling the right term, and then smiled at her sideways at a saying he'd only recently picked up, "So I shall be seeing you around."

A little disappointed he didn't touch her, Cat nodded, using one hand to push hair behind one ear. Another ready smile, "Not hard to find, campus isn't that big..." She said really hoping she would see him again soon.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, Ben stepped back towards her and leaned down a little to say quietly in her ear, "It could be as large as the planet and I would find you,"
hovering there for a moment before walking away.

Molly's hand had gone to her mouth as she watched the two. "Wow..." she said as they watched him walk away. "Cathy," she placed her hand on her friend's shoulder, her eyes wide, "he's so awesome..."

Catherine looked at her friend with a 'WOW' expression, "That was Smooth with a Capital Smoooo" She said, impressed.

"And he's obviously really into you!" Molly had laughed and pulled her friend into an excited hug.

"Cathy..? Sapientia to Cathy.." It was Molly's voice again, but this time bringing Cathy back to the present. Her head slanted to the side, Molly had been watching her and now gave her a sly smile. "You were thinking about last night, weren't you?"

Catherine blushed a little, "Nooooo" She said unconvincingly.

"Yes!" Molly bolted up, and then threw a pillow at her.

Catherine caught it and made a face, throwing it back. The height of mature behavior. She grinned, "He is pretty cute though right?"

"Are you kidding me?" Molly ducked away from the pillow. "He's gorgeous. Good luck concentrating in any classes he's in with you." she teased.

Catherine rolled her eyes, "Come on I do have some control..." Then she laughed, "Mostly." she winked.



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