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A Forced Leave Of Absence

Posted on Sun Aug 18th, 2019 @ 2:18pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Maddock's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1735 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 5:35pm)

Nigel Nash, Admiral Maddock's yeoman, sat at his desk in a semi stupefied state. He was partially aware of the woman pacing, normally he'd have had several haughty thoughts in response to the 'tension' she aired in the room. But his mind just wouldn't stay on task, never mind the umpteenth million things that had to be done.

Realizing he was staring blankly at nothing, Nash sighed and looked at his screen first than at the desk. Oh yes, he was nearly finished with his packing up and prepping for the yeoman who would next sit here.

It still felt unreal that Admiral Maddock would soon be Fleet Admiral and Nash would stay on as his yeoman. He had never expected to remain with the Admiral for long. Despite what others thought, he knew he wasn't considered a pleasant man. Yet, he didn't seem to bother Maddock. Small wonders.

"Did he say how long he was likely to be?" Maddie asked with exasperation as she turned on her heel for what felt like the millionth time and began walking back to the other end of the room.

Nash looked up, confusion momentarily on his face as he tried to translate what at first seemed like a foreign language.

"I apologize Captain, I have no idea." his tone uncharacteristically polite.

Annoyed with his absent mindedness, Nash went back to 'paperwork ' with determination.

Maddie rolled her eyes and continued to pace. What was taking them so long?

The door to Greg’s office opened, and Connor stepped out. His brows knitted, it was clear something was wrong. He stopped walking when he saw her, only staring at first, looking lost. "I need some fresh air," he finally said, walking past her, and then was out of there.

"Captain Sanchez." Greg was standing in his office doorway, grabbing her attention. "You can come in now," he stated gently, although it was definitely an order.

She had been about to run after Connor as the Admiral spoke but orders were orders and she turned to face Greg, standing to attention as she did so. "You wanted to see me Sir?" she asked, her eyes straying to the door that Connor had exited just moments ago.

"I do. And right now." he said, firmly, motioning for her to go into his office before him. Understanding her concern for Connor, he added, "This won't take long."

Nodding, Maddie headed for his office, more confused than ever about why she had been summoned here and just why Connor had felt the need to disappear so quickly.

Greg watched her walk in, and noting the lines of tension in her body, directed her towards the only chair available. Another one held a box he’d been packing into. He ordered, "Have a seat, Captain."

"Yes, Sir," Maddie replied, taking a seat and sitting stiffly as she watched him like a hawk.

"The reason I’ve called you here," he began, taking his own seat, "I’ve decided to place Doctor McKinney on a leave of absence. Without question, I’ll be needing you to take charge of the Academy in his absence."

"What?" Maddie looked shocked, "Why?" she frowned, starting to realise why Connor had looked like he did when he had left earlier.

Greg became quiet, only staring at her for a moment as he thought about how to explain his reasons. "He's had a rough week," he began gently. "And although the crisis, the one that we know of, is over, he still seems to be in one."

"And so you just sideline him?" Maddie exclaimed, the words just blurting out as her temper flared. Closing her mouth sharply as she remembered her station, the flash of anger was still evident in her eyes.

Not caring for her tone, Greg glared back. "It wasn't a decision I made lightly, Captain. Neither did his counselor. If he's to continue as dean, he's going to need to get his head straight." He had replied firmly and then softened his tone, just a little, "I've seen for myself the man is struggling and I want what's best for him, too."

Maddie couldn't refute that comment. Connor was going through something and it was clearly obvious to others as well. "Understood Sir." she exhaled wearily, well aware that she couldn't argue the point.

"I know this isn't easy, Captain. I'm well aware of your relationship with him. But I'll be needing you to take charge of the Academy, beginning now, until further notice. Captain Armstrong will be your ex-oh."

Maddie started to shake her head, "No." she finally said, then looked Greg in the eye, "Let me go with him." she watched him, feeling that Connor spending time alone was a really bad idea.

Greg stared back in return, feeling a little uncertain, for he had placed the man on a leave of absence, not sent him anywhere. Recalling Brady's report, he found himself considering it, that perhaps it would be a good idea... "Go with him where?" he asked, wanting to know what she had in mind.

"I have no idea." Maddie shrugged, "But knowing Connor he won't want to stick around here if he's been told to take time off. Besides, wouldn't you want time away to think if this had happened to you?"

Greg sighed, looking thoughtful, and then admitted, "I would." He had, having endured a heavy loss a long time ago. But,he'd been so busy, he hadn't put enough thought into it when it came to the Dean. What had been a tragedy was no longer, no one had died. He now realized that although he cared, he hadn't been empathetic enough, hadn't considered what the man had been through the past year as a whole.

He grabbed a datapad, and tapped into it, before handing it to her. "He just got his brother back. So, I think it's best he doesn't go far," he said, watching her look it over. "There's a cabin on the side of a mountain, that's no longer used by any science team. I'll make sure its cleaned and stocked with all you'll need."

Taking the pad, Maddie smiled and said "Thank you Sir. I really appreciate it. And I'm sure that Connor will too."

Greg gave a half smile, nodded, and then watched her get out of her seat and head for the door. "Captain," he spoke out as the door opened, stopping her, "Keep in touch." They had an academy to run, after all.



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