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Study Buddies?

Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2020 @ 11:19pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Hunter Belmont & Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Dorm Lounge, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1730 (Sun. Aug 31 2388 5:30pm)

Preoccupied and wanting a snack, Cadet Hunter Belmont had entered the Dorm lounge looking over his datapad. Spotting the snack replicator, he tossed the datapad onto a couch before going over to it. Leaning onto the machine with one hand, he stared at the menu of what the replicator had to offer and sighed at the choices.

Sadie was already in the lounge. Her neck stretched over the back side of one arm of an armchair and her legs, completely hung over on the other arms. There was a PADD in her hands and she was mouthing words as she studied relentlessly. When Hunter's datapad struck the couch, she stared over at Hunter and asked, "Are you trying to be obnoxious or were you just born that way?"

Great, Hunter thought to himself. It was bad enough he had to deal with his roommate's bad moods. "I have a better question," he turned to look at her, "Are you naturally a bitch or just in a bad mood?" And immediately regretted it. Shaking his head and frowning, he turned back around to the replicator and ordered two coffees, instead of only one like he would have.

Sadie actually laughed at Hunter's comment. "Depends on which you would prefer and who you are." She completely rearranged her body so that her head was now dangling over one arm of the arm chair and was looking at Hunter. This had the effect of boosting her breasts into a much more desirable visual for the boy. Her legs dangled over the opposite arms.

Hunter grabbed the two materialized coffees and turned away from the replicator. And of course, his eyes immediately landed on her chest. Just as quickly, he took them away, and with a sigh, walked over to her. "I shouldn’t have said what I did," he said, apologetically. Whether he was sincere or not, was hard to tell. "Here," he offered her one of the coffees.

Accepting the coffee, Sadie snickered to herself as the boy had obviously taken the visual that she had willfully tempted Hunter with. She then sat up and then leaned forward, further tempting Hunter to look at her chest. "Bad day?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah," Hunter sat back onto the couch a bit harder than he meant to. It caused his coffee to slosh back onto his t-shirt. He looked down at it and sighed. "You could say that," and started pulling his shirt up over his head, revealing a bare lean and athletic chest.

Sadie raised an eyebrow skeptically at Hunter pulling off his shirt, though she had to admire his physique. "You didn't have to spill on yourself if you wanted to do that," she told him.

Bunching up his shirt, Hunter looked over at her sideways, giving her a perplexed look. And then it dawned on him just as quickly and he rolled his eyes. "Says the girl desperate to get her breast noticed." Shaking his head, he placed his coffee on the end table next to him, grabbed his tablet and sunk deeper into the couch.

"Desperate?!" Sadie scoffed. "Hardly. I get noticed whether I need to or not. If you don't care for what you see, you can always look the other way," she retorted with a smile.

"And so can you," he replied back, keeping his eyes on his tablet as he pulled up what he was planning to study. "And..." he felt like adding, "who says I didn't like what I saw?"

Sadie smirked at the last question. Game on! "I certainly did not hear that you did. As to myself, I cannot help but look when someone is making such a mess of himself and causing such a ruckus that I cannot study." She gave him a self satisfied smile.

Hunter looked up from his tablet and stared straight ahead. unbelievable.... "Seriously?" he now looked over to her, "I was supposed to say something? Let me see if I understand this right. Everytime I noticed a girl's attractive attributes, I'm suppose to say something, even if I don't know her or in a way that makes it alright?"

"No WOMAN, would ever take offense to being told that she was attractive." She emphasized the word woman to correct Hunter for saying "girl." Audibly huffing her displeasure, she rolled her eyes and debated if Hunter was going to take the shovel and keep digging.

He caught the emphasis, got the hint. "Okay, no woman." Although you are barely one, he thought to himself, "But you might as well have been wearing a sign on your boobs saying 'notice these'." And then another thought hit him, and he turned more towards her, "Okay, answer me this. If you get noticed without drawing attention to yourself, like you've been so obviously trying with me, then... why do you?"

"I think you give yourself too much credit," Sadie concluded with a laugh. Like I would ever give him the satisfaction of thinking that I did this to start this conversation. "I merely was making myself more comfortable for studying."

Hunter sighed, turning away, and sunk back into the couch again. There was no point in pointing out the obvious to her. "Whatever you say," he mumbled, looking over his tablet again.

Whatever I say? Whatever I say?! If only that was not uttered as a contemptuous remark. What the hell is wrong with this boy?! He should be drooling all over me! And after that, I could tease him, let him fall hard, and crush his little hopes! This is not how the game is played! Sadie noisily slammed her PADD down, got up and strutted right over into Hunter's light. "Excuse me?!" she asked annoyed.

He dropped his padd into his lap, and then looked up to her with the same expression. Then his eyes gave a quick sweep over her. She was so pretty, that was obvious, even when angry, yet she was so...diffficult, if that was even the right word for her. Raising an eyebrow as if he was Vulcan, he responded unemotionally, "Yes?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Sadie demanded. "How dare you 'Whatever I say,' to me?!" She ground her right foot harder into the ground. "And now you 'yes' me? Do you think that you're better than me, Cadet...Cadet...Cadet...."

Despite himself, he found her little tantrum amusing. He stood, leaving little room between them. "Hunter Belmont." He narrowed his eyes questioningly as he looked down at her, "And you would be Cadet...Cadet...Cadet....?" and then gave her a smirk.

"Sadie Hawkins," she replied annoyed that Hunter was clearly mocking her. "You're insufferable. Did you know that?" she asked him after huffing.

As if he hadn't heard her question, Hunter's smile widened as he thought about her name. "Sadie Hawkins? Seriously?"

"Seriously," she growled, knowing the reference and more than a little tired of having heard it in her life. "Do you have a problem with it, Hunter?"

"A problem?" he lightly shrugged, "not really. Actually, Sadie is a pretty name." And thinking again about how pretty she was, he seemed to study her features before his eyes fixed on hers. "I'm sure you've heard it most of your life, but with the last name of Hawkins.. . I guess I'm just surprised your parents decided on it."

"My parents.... Let's just say that we're not on good terms and the name is the least of the issues." Her huffing subsided slightly when he acknowledged the pain of having dealt with the constant reference. "So, what's your story?"

Hunter continued to stare down at her, not answering at first. Then a few heartbeats later, he smiled, "I have one parent and we get along...fairly well." Though probably not for much longer, he thought to himself. "I'm here for pre-med, specifically, the Dean's fast track course into the Medical Academy. What about you?"

"Pre-med too," she answered simply, wondering if she was fast tracked as well. If she was not, she wondered why not. After all, was she not talented enough? She never did consider the full extent of her enlistment.

"Oh.." he looked pleased. "Fast track? Or are you getting a bachelor's in another area as well?" He had decided to sit back down, gesturing he wanted her to do the same and on the couch with him.

Sadie watched him pat the couch. Like hell she would sit down when HE wanted her to do so. Who in the world did he think he was? "Fast track, too," she answered simply. "Who needs additional bachelors? I'm meant for something bigger." She looked down on him and grinned manically.

Needing to stop himself from saying the first thing that came to his mind, he smirked again instead. "I bet you are. So, what are you afraid of?" His eyes had gone over to the seat beside him, then back to her.

"Me?" she asked cross. "What makes you think that I'm afraid of anything?" She looked at the seat beside him. "Are you just desperate for a pretty girl to show you attention, even as little as sitting next to you?" Sadie smirked. Two could play this game and she was well experienced at it.

"What if I am?" he asked, as if serious. "And what if I put my shirt back on..." he grabbed a hold of it, a big coffee circle revealing itself as he shook it out, "...would that help?"

"It matters little to me one way or the other," Sadie replied with a smirk. "And if you're desperate, why should I sit?" she asked doing just that. She toyed with her hair a little. "Perhaps I am feeling a little generous today. Some pity might be alright."

"Thank you," he half smiled over to her, really pouring it on. "I'm grateful. I'm really in need of a study buddy. You wouldn't happen to be available, would you?"

"Depends what you plan on studying," Sadie replied suspiciously. If she was going to find the cure to some as of yet unknown disease and have it named after her, she knew she would have to study hard and be as close to perfect as possible.

Hunter had to look away. Wow..., he thought at the tone of her voice. She wasn't making it easy. "First aid and Medical Ethics," he said, returning to her. "Tomorrow's the first day for both classes."

Sadie nodded. "Studied those the other day. I'm working on anatomy and xenobiology."

"That's funny," Hunter smiled, "I was studying those yesterday. So, how about it? You and I as study partners? No strings attached."

Giving Hunter a seriously skeptical look. She opened her mouth and closed it before licking her lips lightly with her her tongue. "No strings, you say?" She pressed her lips tighter together. "I suppose that I've tried worse things."

"Worse things?" He shook his head and lifted up his tablet. "I'm going to try not to feel insulted. So how about we begin?"



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