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Teachers Gone Wild part two

Posted on Sat Feb 9th, 2019 @ 12:29am by Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Deveron Raziel & Nicolas "Nick" Giordano & Commander Sonia Dalca & Professor Melody Kingston
Edited on on Sat Feb 9th, 2019 @ 12:34am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/29 2040 (Fri. August 29 2388 8:40pm)

Teachers Gone Wild part one

In Deveron Raziel's Office...

"Thank you again for the advice, Dev," Jae smiled to him while pushing himself out of his seat.

"Anytime." Leaning back against his desk, Dev returned the smile and looked up at the time. "But it's going to cost you this time." He went over to a side table that held a case. "You've held me off long enough, Jae, " he glanced back at him, "and it's time you come through." He snapped open the case, then pulled out a Bach Stradivarius trumpet. Returning, he handed it to him, "Only the most respected trumpet for the best trumpet player I know. I want you to join me for the first set."

Jae looked the trumpet over, "Okay," he grinned, "I do owe you."

"Yes, you do," Dev replied back, "and this my friend is only the beginning."

Jae laughed just as the comm went off on Dev's desk. Dev went around and hit the button, "Yes, Nick?"

=/\=I thought you would want to know, we have a drinking contest going on out here=/\=

"Thank you, Nick. I'll be right there." He waved at Jae to follow him. "Don't think this will get you out of it." he smiled, opening the door.

"It never crossed my mind," Jae chuckled, following him out of there.

Out at the bar, Nick gave Sharna the signal that there would be no more drinks after the next round and she nodded back to him.

Deveron and Jae came out of the short corridor near the bar that lead to Deveron's office, and they each sat on a bar stool to watch.

Then there was a look of recognition on Jae's face. "Isn't that Brady Dering's brother?" he asked Dev.

"Doctor Cole Dering," Dev nodded back and then leaned towards him, "Care to make a wager."

"Hmmm...," Jae continued to watch the two for another moment, "So who's his competition?" his eyes remaining on Sonia as he got his answer.

“Someone who can hold her drink” Melody remarked as she joined the men. She tore her gaze from the contest to look at Dev. “Hello. It’s been a while.” her tone was unusually soft, a hint of vulnerability in her eyes.

Dev looked over at her and had to do a double-take, “Melody!” He nodded his head, “Yes, it has been a very long while..”

Sonia was feeling warm and mellow, if she stood up she might even sway a bit but would keep her feet. Her mind still functioned but it was starting to slow down. In short she was well buzzed but functional. The crowd around them had long ago picked sides and were cheering for their choice as shot after shot went down. Lines of empty shot glasses were in front of both of them. She eyed her opponent as she leaned on the table, trying to gauge if this would kill him. Then, after a longer time then it should have taken, nodded to herself then yelled, " Two Klingon Nipples!"

"And a Pattern Buffer!" BJ called, getting in on the action to. She cast a speculative eye on Cole, wondering what she could do to make up for getting him into the drinking contest to begin with. She would start by getting as drunk as they were, she decided, and let the rest sort itself out later.

Feeling much more warm and mellow, Cole grinned like a Cheshire cat, convinced he was the one winning. A memory of his Academy days flashed through his mind of a triumphant cadet being cheered on by his friends. The feel of BJ behind him convinced him that he was just as triumphant now as he was at the time and the alcohol already in him convinced him that he was invincible. "Is that all you have?" the booze asked Sonia with confidence just as two more glasses were sat down between them.

Sonia stifled a laugh, she was feeling pretty good and it was affecting her but less so than the Doc from the look she could tell he was 3 sheets and was just sober enough to consider that she didn't want to poison the man and even considered throwing the fight. She was a bit competitive though and so chose a third path, "Drunk test. You have to stand on one foot for ten seconds and valk a line. Best able to move, vins." She said challengingly.

"Well, that'll be easy," Cole grinned, "Senior officers go first."

"Ha! Vill not save you.." Sonia said standing...then sitting back down. She glared at those giggling and stood up again. This time more slowly. If its one thing she knew it was to take things slow when the drinks started to hit. She grinned at Cole triumphantly and made her way to a natural line in the floor seams. An officer had put a chair about ten feet away, the goal line. Another put a chair behind her just in case. Carefully and slowly, Sonia straightened and put her hands to her sides. Then she shifted her weight and raised one foot in front of her. She promptly wobbled and almost went down, her hands went out a bit to help keep balance. She continued to wobble slightly for the entire ten seconds as an officer counted but was able to use her training to continuously adjust.

She fell into the chair at the end taking a moment to just breath as everyone clapped. She waited until her head stopped spinning and stood up. Again slowly and deliberately it had the effect of adding a bit of grace and elegant to her movements, just a hint as it crossed with someone drunk who was trying not to appear so. She then tackled the line. Her arms out she went heel to toe like a circus performer on a high wire act, complete with wobbles. The amount of focus and energy that went into it as she focused on the goal with an intensity normally out of place. It was pretty funny. She grabbed the back of the chair finally with a loud, "HA!" then turned back to the floor behind her and said, "Take that stupid line!" Then stomped on it once before plopping heavily into the chair.

"C'mon, Cole!" BJ encouraged him. "I bet you can do it blindfolded. Anyone got a blindfold?" She asked the gathered teachers as she downed her Pattern Buffer in one gulp.

Cole stood and did a silent belch while looking drunkenly confident. "Nooo" he waved out a hand towards BJ, slurring his words, "I don't need it. I can do this..without one. Who needs a blind fold when one can't..." he narrowed his eyes towards his destination, "...already see straight."

"Come on Doc, let's see your moves!" Sonia called wisely not getting up from her chair.

With the laser focus of a goldfish, he tugged down on his shirt and took a step towards the distant goal with utter confidence that he could do it backwards if he were called upon to do so. The floor swayed dangerously as his foot came down on it and he gave it a wary look. "You and I...need to see...eye to eye." Giving a firm nod, he ventured another step just as the floor betrayed him and lept up to attack him, and then...everything went black.



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