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Revealing Emotions

Posted on Sat May 18th, 2019 @ 4:29pm by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Mack's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/31 0200 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 2:00am)

"Wow..." Jake rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling breathing hard. He'd had a lot of women in his life...A LOT. And yet not one of them could compare to what had just happened. It turned out that making love to a woman who you were IN LOVE with was about a hundred times more profound than anything that life had prepared him for so far. "Wow..." he said again, lost for words.

Mack closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart. Unlike him, she hadn't had many partners before, BUT, he was definitely the best out of the few that there were. She didn't think she'd ever be able to walk after that, and damn if she was going to try. "That was... amazing." She said softly, slipping an arm underneath her head with a smile on her face. Oh, yes, she could definitely get used to this.

Rolling onto his side so that he could face her, Jake said "I know it probably sounds corny but...I honestly never knew it could be like that." he reached out to caress her cheek as if in awe of her.

Opening her eyes, she turned her face toward his. "Neither did I." She admitted softly, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips. "And that didn't sound at all corny. It's sweet, and I think I really like that side of you, Commander Jake." In the past, she'd called him that to simply annoy him, but now it was definitely a term of endearment.

"Yeah well..." he ran his hand over her body, still feeling the need to drink in every curve, "Let's just keep that side between you and me okay?" he murmured before lowering his head to kiss where his hand had just been.

Mack grinned. How she adored the man that was doing everything in his power to make her forget her own name... with quite a bit of success at that. "You're making it very hard for me to think, you know that, don't you?"

"Well..." kiss, "Thinking..." kiss, "Can be very..." kiss, "Overrated you know." he raised his head to look at her, his eyes filled with emotion as he gazed at her and whispered "Thank you for not letting me walk away."

Holding his gaze, she ran her hands through his tousled locks. The love she felt for this man... it was unlike anything she'd ever felt in her entire life. "I couldn't let you. I need to have you in my life, Jake. You're like a piece to the puzzle of me that I didn't even know was missing."

"You feel that too huh?" he smiled at her, "I figured it was just me being soppy. You were missing my whole life and I didn't even realise until I almost lost you."

"No.. it isn't just you being soppy. I definitely feel it, too." She whispered. "Even if you had walked away tonight, I don't think I would have ever given up. I think I might have given you the time you needed to realize you wanted to be with me, and I'm so sorry I put you through that hell of a promise."

"Oh I don't know, it kind of focused the mind." Jake grinned at her, "Though you realise that we've failed miserably right?"

"We did? At what?" She asked, looking a bit confused. From where she was currently lying, they hadn't failed at anything.

"Going two weeks without giving in to know, carnal urges." he replied with a chuckle.

Mack couldn't help but laugh. "Well... I don't see anything wrong with us not waiting. As a matter of fact, I think everything was perfect... even better than I could have ever imagined it would be." She ran her hands through his hair, messing it up a bit more than it already had been. "I still can't believe you're here with me now. I can definitely get used to this."

"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Jake smiled down at her, "Though I could have kind of done without the whole ripping my heart out thing to get here." he added, wrinkling his nose up at the memory.

"Yes, I could have done without that part, too." She agreed. "But now... we're here, and that will soon be a distant memory we won't even look back on." She leaned in to press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Oh I don't know, in time we might...gotta tell the grandkids how grandma and grandpa got together and all that after all." he smiled against her lips.

Mack returned the kiss and grinned. "Already planning on having kids, Commander Jake?" She certainly wasn't opposed to the idea, either. Maybe some day, they'd have a few little ones running around. "Let's be sure to leave the part out about our very first meeting when you decided to flash me." At least she knew what she was getting before they'd actually slept together.

"I...uh...just a figure of speech." Jake began to back track, having not even thought of it that way when the words had left his mouth, "I think I need to get used to being monogamous first." he flashed her a lop sided grin.

"Hey... hey... it's okay. We'll get there some day, but for now, let's be selfish and just enjoy being with each other. It may not have been that long, but there was a bit of hell to go through to get us where we are now. I'm not ready to share you with anyone else just yet. I may not be for a while, and that's okay." The redhead said in an effort to ease his mind and calm his nerves. "Don't worry your handsome head about any of that stuff right now. We've got all the time in the world."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Jake smiled at her "Did anyone tell you that you know how to say all of the right things?"

"I have a habit of doing that sometimes. You'll get used to it." She said before leaning in to kiss him. "Do you want to spend the night with me tonight?"

"I'd love to." he kissed her back, "But I'll need to set an alarm, I have to be up early. Leo and I have got some work to do on the shuttles that can't wait."

"The computer will set an alarm for you, and I think I should put some clothes on so you'll actually be able to sleep. Maybe you should do the same so I don't paw at you when you least expect it."

“You can paw at me anytime you like.” Jake pulled her closer, “And as for sleep and clothes, that can wait...we’re having a moment here and I don’t want it to stop.” He kissed her tenderly, his hands roaming her luscious body.

Mack shivered as she returned the kiss. “You do realize you’re likely going to be exhausted tomorrow, don’t you? But who am I to deny a man what he really wants?”

“I’ve gone a long time without sleep in the past.” Jake murmured, “ when I was on missions, I coped so no reason to expect anything less.” He smiled, “Besides, it’s only me and Leo and I doubt it'll take all day so I can rest later on.”

“I suppose you’re right, but I’ll still worry about you. That’s my job as your woman.” The redhead said, sliding her fingers through his hair once more. “That is… if I’m officially your woman now.” She had a feeling she knew the answer to that, but she still wanted to hear him say it.. It would set things into stone for her. Plus… it’d be really nice to hear coming from him.

“My woman huh?” Jake grinned, “I kind of like the sound of that.” He ran a hand down the length of her body, “In that case I lay claim to you m’lady.” He teased putting on his poshest British accent.

“I rather like the sound of that, too, and the accent… very sexy.” She said with a grin. “I think you should talk like that all the time.” Of course, the way he talked normally was even sexier, so she was kidding, and her tone said so, too.

“Well I always thought I’d make a good aristocrat.” Jake teased as he rolled onto his back and pulled her with him so that she settled on top.

Mack smiled down at him. She weighed next to nothing compared to most people, so it was fairly easy to move her where he wanted her. “You think so, huh? I think… you’d make a good permanent fixture right where you are, and if we could get away with it, I’d never want either of us to leave this bed.”

“Hey, I’d be up for that, but I just know that Sanchez would come and drag me back to work. The woman’s a slave driver. She really is.”

“Well… she is your boss, too. And as much as I want to… I’ve got a salon to run.” Mack said as she leaned down to kiss him. “We’ll make it work, though. I can promise you that.”

Outside the door, Leikos settled down and cocked his head to the side, then let out a little howl followed by a few whimpers. He knew they were in there, and he wanted to be in there, too. Lifting his little furry paw, he scratched at the door and whimpered again. Maybe if he did that enough, they’d let him in. Who would be able to deny such a precious little furball what he wanted?

Jake heard the noise and shook his head, “I thought you said he’d go to bed?”

Mack gave a sheepish smile. “I thought so, but he normally sleeps with me.”

With a groan, Jake said “You wanna go get him don’t you?”

“Just until he goes to sleep.” She said, leaning down to kiss him again. “I’ll bring his bed, too, so he’ll be able to sleep in it. I think if I’m within his line of sight, he’ll settle down.”

“Sure. Sure.” Jake shook his head with a half smile, “He’ll be on the bed in less than a minute.”

Mack kissed him once more before climbing off of the bed to open the door. Just like he said, the little pup came bounding into the room and jumped up onto the bed, heading straight for him to give him sweet puppy kisses on his cheeks. Leikos was a happy little camper based on the action his tail was currently giving off. While the two guys in Mack’s life were currently getting to know one another a bit better, she made her way out into the lounge area to grab the puppy’s bed and some of his toys, then carried them back to the bedroom where she settled them down on the floor. She looked toward her own bed unable to keep them smile from her face when she saw how much Leikos seemed to like Jake. That meant quite a bit to her. Now… it all depended on how Jake received her little dog… who would someday become a BIG dog.

“Help?” Jake looked at Mack imploringly as the tiny puppy lathered him in saliva, licking what felt like every inch of him. “I think he might be trying to eat me.” He teased.

Mack couldn’t help but laugh as she moved back over to the bed and settled down to pull Leikos to her. “He likes you, and wants to play, don’t you?”

"Yeah by eating me." Jake grumbled as he watched the tiny canine closely.

"He was hardly eating you, Commander Jake. He was simply giving you kisses." The redhead said, smiling down at the little puppy as she scratched him behind his ears. "You like Jake, huh? Yeah... me, too." She settled back down next to him and let the puppy go. Leikos sat there for a second before he curled up next to Jake's side.

"So..." Jake turned to look at her, "I guess we're going to sleep after all then huh?" he gestured to the tiny bundle of fluff.

"Well, I didn't plan on going to sleep." Mack said, scooping the puppy up and moving him to Jake's other side where he laid down immediately. Once he was settled, she moved closer to him and slipped an arm over him. "When he's asleep, I'll move him to his own bed, then we can pick up where we left off. Unless... you're too tired, old man." She gave him a cheeky smile.

"Who are you calling old?" Jake replied, grabbing her and pulling her tightly against him, "I didn't see you complaining about my age about half an hour ago." he added with a pout.

"Aww, don't pout." She said, leaning in to kiss it away. "I'm only picking on you. A lot of these cadets running around don't have anything on you. As for not complaining... trust me when I say... that's never going to happen. I can assure you of that."

"Taken a liking to what Commander Jake has to offer then have you?" Jake teased her as he held her close, "And you're right, I could eat most of those cadets for breakfast. However old I might be."

Mack smiled. "I do like what Commander Jake has to offer, but don't tell him I said that. It will go straight to his head. As far as the cadets go... you're much sexier than any of them could hope to be, too. Trust me. I've seen them."

"Yeah?" A huge smile crossed his face, liking what he heard but then he became serious at the mention of cadets and said "Mack...about do believe me that nothing happened with that girl right? I need to know that you believe me and that you're not just brushing it under the carpet."

"I believe you, Jake." She said softly, cupping his jaw before she leaned down to kiss him. "We don't need to dwell on what happened anymore. Let's put that behind us and focus on the future. What do you say?"

"Okay." Jake nodded, "But it's important to me that you know that I'll never do anything like that. Not anymore. Not now that I have you." he nuzzled against her.

Mack smiled and pressed a kiss to his chest. "I know you won't, because I believe in you."

"Thank you." Jake murmured, the touch of her lips igniting the passion deep within once more. "I don't think I deserve you but I'm glad that I've found you anyway." he added as he pulled her ever closer.

"So am I." She whispered, laying her head against his chest. For the first time in a while, she was happy. Life had handed her a fresh start, and she planned to make the most of it every single day for the rest of her life with him by her side. Things were going to be more than okay for them. She would see to that. "Say it."

"Say what?" Jake hooked a finger under her chin so that he could meet her gaze.

"That you love me." Mack answered softly.

"Mackenzie Bergman." Jake took her hand and gazed into her eyes, "I love you in ways I never knew were possible. I never believed in fate before but now I do." he tapped her nose playfully and said "I love you and I will do until the day I die."

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly. "I love you, too, and I will forever and beyond. I promise you that."

"Huh." Jake suddenly thought of something and flopped back against the pillows staring up at the ceiling as he blinked a few times, "What do you know...I think I'm committing to a relationship." then he grinned and looked at her, "Do you have any idea how momentous this is?"

"You've never been in a committed relationship before, have you?" Mack found herself asking.

"Never." Jake replied, "I think the longest I've been with any woman is about a week." he looked sheepish, "What about you?"

"I've been in a couple, but nothing like this." She answered truthfully. "This is special."

"You think so huh?" Jake asked, "What makes you think that though? What is it about this that's different to the rest?" he was curious for all he knew was that he loved her and he sure as hell didn't understand it.

"What's different this time is that I'm in love. I've never felt this way before now." Mack replied. "I wish I could put it into words, but it's hard."

"Now that I can agree with." Jake nodded, "I have no idea how to express what I feel for you. Somehow three words don't even begin to express it."

Smiling, she settled against him again. "You're a pretty amazing man, Commander Jake, and I consider myself to be one of the luckiest women in all four quadrants. I got to be the one to finally capture your heart."

"You realise that I'm not much of a catch though right?" Jake looked at her intently, "I mean, I have one hell of a history and a lot of it isn't nice. You know that."

"I don't know a lot of the details, but yes, I know." She said. "Still... I think you're a catch, and that you just so happen to be perfect to me."

"You're a crazy woman but I love you." Jake grinned, happy that she seemingly accepted him for who he was.

Mack smiled. "I suppose I am a bit crazy, but that's okay. I love you, too." She leaned in to kiss him.

"Well you'd have to be to love me." Jake murmured before deepening the kiss and pulling her close once more.

"I disagree with that." She said softly once they pulled back from the kiss. "You're quite a lovable person, and I still think I'm the luckiest woman to exist, because I'm the one who has your heart. I promise to be very careful with it and cherish it like it was my own."

"Good because it's pretty stunned right now." Jake smirked, "It didn't expect to lose the protective shield that was around it." he added playfully.

Mack smiled. "Things will be okay."

"Oh I know that." Jake smiled, "In fact things are more okay than they've ever been in my life." he pushed her onto her back and covered his body with his own, earning a little yelp of protest from the puppy that had been by his side.

"I think you offended your little furry buddy." She said, smiling up at him as the little puppy jumped off of the bed to go to his own that was settled on the floor.

"He'll get over it." Jake replied as he nipped and kissed her neck, "Besides, it's probably the right thing to do. Wouldn't want the baby to witness something he shouldn't." he raised his head to look at her, his eyes twinkling.

"No... he might be scarred for life." Mack agreed, tilting her head to the side a bit. She closed her eyes and smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Something tells me he'll have to get used to it." Jake murmured as he lowered his head once more to find her lips, intent on making love to her once more.

And the little woman beneath him certainly had no intentions of complaining. Not even a little bit.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Campus


Commander Jacob Bannerman
Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


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