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A First Date

Posted on Mon Apr 13th, 2020 @ 3:04pm by Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan & Commander Sonia Dalca
Edited on on Mon Apr 13th, 2020 @ 3:05pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1800 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 6:00pm, slight backpost)

Sonia looked in the mirror and nodded once to herself, satisfied. She was going to have her first date in a long while, hey anyone could have a dry spell, and she wanted to make sure she was properly ready.

Her hair tied back she wore light hiking gear. Solid but basic brown boots, tough but comfortable slacks tucked into the boots and a v-shirt t-shirt. Jae's message said 'outdoor casual' so prepared accordingly. She even had a light backpack but wasn't sure she'd need it.

She'd even glanced around the apartment to make sure it was good for company, the windows were open whenever possible so the warm air circulated at the moment. It was her preference to bring in nature whenever possible so random potted plants shared space with hiking and sports gear as well as a small art studio off to one side. She had few minutes before Jae was due so she stepped out on to the balcony enjoying the view of her high level apartment. Keeping one ear toward the door chime, she crossed her arms and turned her face into the wind.

Having been looking forward to their date since breakfast, Jae arrived, in what he'd hoped was good timing. He was wearing a long-sleeved button-up 'fishing' shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just before his elbows, hiking pants and shoes. Carrying two double insulated and large food carriers, one in each hand, and a biking helmet under one arm, he pressed the door chime with his elbow.

Sonia, who by now was leaning on her balcony railing still enjoying the day, heard the chime and headed through the apartment. She could have called 'enter' but it seemed more polite to go to the door and opening it herself. She smiled at Jae then took in his full hands, "need help?" She asked as she moved to the side to allow him entrance.

Thinking how pretty she was, Jae's own smile had spread when he saw her. "Thank you," he said, walking in, and then held out the helmet to her, expectantly. "This is for you. Mine is down stairs... And you look really great tonight."

She smiled and took the helmet. Giving a regal, somewhat joking nod at his compliment, "You too." She recognized it but it had been years since she'd been on a bike but was willing to give it a go, "If I fall off you have to promise to tell no one..." She joked.

"Only if you promise not to tell anyone if I happen to fall," Jae quipped back as he moved into her open kitchen area, placing the food carrier on the counter.

"Fair enough." She smiled, "Are ve heading right out or vould you like something to drink?" She asked curiously. She had no idea what the overall plan was but was happy to just see how things went.

"A small glass of water would be nice, thank you," he smiled up to her, and then continued to empty out the carrier, placing containers of food onto the counter and setting them up like a buffet. "In case you haven't figured it out, we're going on a picnic. And what I have here are the makings for what's called a ‘Dosirak‘, a Korean lunchbox."

Sonia smiled, she loved picnics and just being outside in general. She glanced looked at them curiously, "I enjoy anything that gets me outside." She replied with another smile as she got him the water, "Is there any special prep?" She asked handing him the glass. She had not a lot of experience with Korean food and she was curious. And that it was part of his cultural background as well was interesting to her.

Having taken a drink of his water, Jae nodded as he sat the glass down. "Only to choose what you would like to take for your meal." He handed her one of the stackable containers of his three-story Dosirak Lunchbox, and directed her to the buffet that spread before them on the counter. "One container is already filled with rice, Bulgogi, and Kimchi for us to share." Grabbing his own container, he started choosing for his own meal. "I was thinking what's left," he smiled over to her, "you could always save for another meal."

Sonia smiled back, "planning ahead always a good idea." She looked over the containers to begin selecting her choices, meat heavy but made to include veggies, it would make her mom happy. "This is genius, there's the main and all these choices for little side dishes." She said pleased and thought the little travel containers was so neat and portable, "I'm not sure what these all are but they look delicious."

"They are," Jae smiled, and started telling her what they were. Among them, he said, "This is Yachae Gimbap," pointing to what look like some kind of layered roll, "made with only vegetables. Gyeran-mari, a rolled egg omelet." He smiled over to her, "It's great with ketchup. And these here are rolled sushi sandwiches."

He continued down the line, naming a couple fruit and vegetable dishes, ending with, "One of my favorites, Samsaek sandwiches. Samsaek meaning three colors, they're basically hard boil egg yokes, cucumbers, ham, with Mayo, mustard, salt and pepper." He smiled again, grabbing a couple and then maneuvered to the other side of the island for some seasoned pea pods.

Sonia rather thought he had a nice smile as she noted his replies and curiously finished packing her choices. "I can't vait to try these flavors, vhat interesting combinations. I don't think I have tried them before." If things went well maybe she should dust off her own cultural dishes in case he might be interested but that was getting ahead of things.

Jae nodded and then eagerly said, "Then I think we need to get to our picnic destination so you can be sure." He placed together the Dosirak lunchbox, then the two of them put the leftovers away.

"You take this," he handed her the helmet, "and I'll take this," he snatched up their lunchbox and lead her out the door, to outside her apartment building, where two bicycles sat waiting, side by side. One had another helmet sitting on its seat.

With another smile Sonia took the helmet and headed outside looking forward to it. As they neared the bikes she snapped on the helmet. She headed for the bike then climbed on, getting used to the feel of a bike again. There was a vaguely childlike pleasure as she checked breaks and the like. "Alvays liked the vind, downside to space travel." She eyed the road ahead briefly wondering where they would be going but willing to be surprised.

Getting on his own bike, Jae smiled back to her, "Same here."


The sun was starting to come down as they took off, but the bike trail that lead away from the campus apartment buildings, pass the private staff beach, was well lit. The air was fresh, if a bit warmer than it had been. They had exchanged some glances from time to time, remarking about the scenery or unusual wildlife, the way the sun was setting through the trees. All and all, it was a beautiful ride.

Passing some large rocks, they circled around until they were heading the opposite way of the beach, and towards one end of the largest of the lakes in the campus area, Lake Serene. Jae slowed down, then brought them to full a stop. He pulled out two water bottles, handing her one.

Sonia thanked him and took the bottle, she first took off her helmet placing it on the handle bars as she tried briefly to 'unhelmet head' her hair before taking a long drink. Then dumping a little on the back of her neck, "Oh yeah that's the stuff..." she said revealing in the sensation, tilting her face into the gently breeze off the lake.

Enjoying the view, keeping his eyes on her, Jae smiled. The way a path light lit up her face, showing off her pretty profile, had him wishing he'd brought along one of his cameras. But, he could feel she was enjoying herself and that was all that mattered. "We're almost there?" he informed her and then took a drink from his own bottle.

She looked over into his smiling face. She liked his face, not just because she found it handsome (she did) but the laugh lines around his eyes. Those could say a lot about a person all generally good things. She smiled, "Fine by me, I feel like I spend too much time hunched over lesson plans and in classrooms. Any chance to get out is good." She gave a joking salute with her water bottle, "And in such company no less".

Jae chuckled. “Well, I’m glad, especially about the last. Ready to continue?” he then asked, stretching out his hand, as if wanting her bottle.

Sonia smiled and a little reached out with the hand holding the water bottle.

He reached out more and took her bottle, "Thank you," matching her smile, and then after packing the bottles up, they were on their way again.


Not too much longer the bike trail started to curve around to where there was only a few feet of grass and trees between them and the lake. There was a cool breeze now, and it overall felt like the temperature had fallen by a few degrees.

Jae slowed them down as they came up an area that was much clearer, only a few small trees and a grassy sandy beach. There was a small beach tent, its opening facing the water. All and all, it was a beautiful and tranquil view.


Getting off his bike, Jae starting taking off his helmet, watching Sonia for her reaction.

Sonia didn't say anything for a time just taking it in. She closed her eyes and just breathed in the scent of water and nature on the air. Her hair ruffled in the light breeze as she turned her face into the setting sun. Her attitude was one of complete focus. "I'm sorry Jae I may have to dump you for this view..." She joked after another moment, opening her eyes and turning to him.

Jae lightly laughed in return. "Hopefully I can change your mind." he smiled, glancing over to her, as he started unpacking his bike.

Sonia laughed taking off her helmet and move to sit on nearby flattened rock, he looked like he had it so she just watched him for a moment enjoying all of the scenery surrounding her.

Jae had looked back to her once and they exchanged another smile. Then again as he headed towards the tent with the Dosirak lunchbox. "When was the last time you were on picnic?" he wondered as he entered it. A low Korean tea table sat in the tents center, floor cushions all around it.

Sonia hopped off the rock and entered the unusual, for her setting. She sat with a smile, "looks a bit bigger on the inside no?" Then she answered his question, "not for sometime vith another. I sometimes like to eat my lunch outside but not nearly vith as much..." She paused thinking of the word she wanted, "beautiful presentation." She smiled again at him, appreciating his efforts.

Jae gave her a nod at that. "Thank you. I was thinking this would give us some privacy while enabling us to enjoy the view and still feel the fresh air." He then placed the container with what they would be sharing onto the center of the table, her Dosirak container down before her, along with, wrapped in a napkin, a pair of Korean chopsticks. While placing his down, he had to chuckle at his explanation. "There are times when there is a lot of traffic on the trails, but now it seems there isn't anyone else around."

Sonia smiled, Jae seemed a thoughtful man, kind man, one who liked to plan well as evidenced by the tent etal. Therefore she wouldn't entirely put it passed him to encourage people to give them some privacy but he did just say he'd planned for a busy field so she kept that amusing thought to herself, "Just lucky I guess." She picked up the chopped sticks and tried to emulate a friend of hers but kept dropping the meat chunk. "vell this is one way to go on a diet..." she joked.

Jae inwardly chuckled as he watched, placing down two bottles of Citron tea. " this," he said showing her how it was done. Although they were flat, and made of metal, they were used much the same way as chinese chopsticks. Though metal made them heavier, making it harder for those use to the more rounded wooden ones. Patiently, he watched her make another attempt.

Sonia laughed as she dropped it again and then with a look of great concentration she picked it up and managed to get it into her mouth, and gave a thumbs up, Victorious. She looked quite pleased with herself, her eyes sparkling with a child like humor.

"I’m sure it’ll get easier with practice," he encouraged, teasing at the same time. He could tell she had the type of sense of humour where she could take it well, and with ease. He started to grab at his own food when he wondered, "So what do you usually do on your weekends?"

Sonia thought for a moment, "vell if I am not working on lesson plans. I suppose I am outside whenever I can get it, I have been vorking with a couple of engineers on designing a small sailing boat. I've not been on the vater in too long." She smiled glancing over at the lake, she did love the water and any excuse to feel the wind on her face was a good one. "I paint a bit." She said with a dismissing shrug as she ate more, "How about you?" She asked curiously.

Listening to her, Jae's smile had grown. "I like to paint too. I'll obviously never be a Piccaso or Sita Zh'akaotron," he said, "but I enjoy where it takes me. My weekends are usually as full as any day of the week, but on my time off, I'm usually an artist with a camera."

Sonia smile was pleased, "If it's ok I wouldn't mind seeing your work sometime." She said as a part of her mind wasn't entirely surprised that he was an artist. There was a depth to him that would lend itself well to such a hobby. She herself didn't often show her work, not under her own name anyway which is why she asked instead of assuming. Ones art was a part of their soul and it shouldn't be assumed it was shareable.

“I would love that,” he replied, pleased that there was something else they both had in common, exchanging another smile.

They finished their meal and Jai joined Sonia to enjoy the shimmering view of the moonlit lake against the rearranged pillows now placed at the front of the tent. Once they were settled, he reached over to the side and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses, handing her one.

"This is Baekseju," he said as he poured the herbaceous and yellow liquid into it. "A Korean wine made from rice and a number of different roots and herbs, the most prominent being ginseng." Her glass filled, he held out the bottle to her and smiled, "A traditional Korean rule is that you never fill your own glass."

Sonia smiled and took the bottle, then pouring his, "Well if it's tradition." She joked, and raising her glass to him, took a sip. It was smoother than she expected, "Interesting flavors, thank you for sharing it with me, I do not think I have ever tried it before. Mine is a bit more basic, if it can be made with grape or potato that is." She said appreciating the complexity of flavors on her tongue. A part of her attention on the surrounding nature to beautiful to ignore but a bulk of her attention was right where it needed to be, getting to know this interesting man of depth.

"Do you have a favorite?" he asked, his full attention on her.

She liked that, that he was respectful and paid attention to things. She thought for a moment and replied, "Tuica. It is clear but vith kick like um..." She considered, "Moonshine. Vill vake you up, no mistake." She grinned, "Though homemade vines are also popular back home, usually in vinter after harvest though. The tradition holds even now ve can get all year." She shrugged, "Ve can be a stubborn people."

"Ahhh.." Jae grinned and had to tease, "I'll keep that in mind the next time I find you engaged in a drinking contest. All my bets are on you."

Sonia laughed, "That's because you are vise, ve are also a hardy people and lose rarely." She joked. To be fair she didn't drink a ton but had a solid tolerance as did many of her people.

Jae chuckled and then said, "I would love to learn more about your people, about the Romanian culture." He had no idea she was half Allasomorph. "Even more, I would love to get to know you better."

Sonia's smile was slower but pleased. "Looks like we may have to do this again then since I vould like the said but vith you." She quipped but spoke sincerely. There was something solid in him she appreciated beyond what she could see. She didn't blurt out about her full heritage, it wasn't as big a deal anymore but old habits died hard and it was difficult to untrain caution. Besides, there was time enough she figured. No need to drop everything at once on the poor guy.

Jae had returned her smile, it was easy to see he felt the same way. And after a few quiet moments went by between them, not for the first time, he thought about how pretty she was. "I've been wanting to kiss you," he finally said, "Can I?"

Sonia turned from the view of nature, her smile was easy in coming, "So polite." she teased quite gently, an assent in her tone.

Not exactly a green light, but not a rejection either. "I try to be," he teased back.

Her smile softened, "Such a gentleman" she replied in approval and gave a small nod. Then leaned in, making up some of the distance between them.

He met her half way, keeping eye contact as he leaned in, and nearly whispered, "Not always." When their faces were close, they both closed their eyes and he gave her a soft, quick kiss.

She pulled back after a moment with a small smile, not forgetting his previous comment. "Well then." She said pleased even with the quick kiss, and tugged her one ear briefly as she looped her hair behind her ear in an unconsciousness gesture, a sort of 'wow he's hot' move. "This vas a brilliant idea, I really must thank my travel agent." She joked but her tone was sincere.

With that, he leaned back in for another kiss, this time a little more passionate. His hand had gone to the back of her head, holding her, and he reminded himself to not get carried away.

With a smile she leaned into the kiss, quite an experience when one knew how as he obviously did, kissing just as passionately he did trying not to be carried away herself. Thinking once again this had been a brilliant idea.


When they arrived back to her apartment building, both moons shined fully overhead and the gentle breeze from earlier had become stronger. Two young campus employees were waiting there, each taking a helmet and then leaving with the two bikes. Jae walked Sonia inside and feeling good about the evening, smiled over to her, "I had a great time."

Sonia smiled back, "I did too." She glanced over at him then at the night behind them, "I vould have never been able to do this on ship even if you'd been there, I never had the time it seemed." She looked back him still pleased, "Thank you for tonight, ve should do this again." sincerely meant.

"I agree," Jae replied as they stood before the turbolift. "How about lunch tomorrow?" he smiled.

Sonia laughed, "No moss huh?" She thought about having a pretty good mental memory. She usually had a solid idea of where she was meant to be when at least for a few days. After a moment of thought she nodded, "That would be nice, might give me reason to leave my desk." she smiled. She tried to eat outside a few times a week because if she didn't set boundarys she'd never leave her desk but at least three times a week she worked through her lunch trying to keep up with the paperwork demands of her position not having any reason not too. This was a good reason.

Jae’s smile widened as he looked sheepish. "Sounds like a second date to me." The turbolift doors opened and they entered. He took it upon himself to give the floor destination and then asked her, "How’s the Subspace Cafe sound?"

"Sounds fine, I've got some classes in the morning but I should be done by one if that vorks?" She glanced over, thinking sheepish on him looked cute.

"It works." he happily replied.

They arrived to her floor and he escorted her to her door with thoughts of following her inside. Their eyes locked and he found himself moving in closer, getting a feeling from her that she wanted something more. "May I kiss you goodnight?" he asked quietly while closing the gap between them.

She smiled gently amused, "You may." She said primly, her eyes alight with humor and interest.

Reciprocating her amusement in his eyes, his lips met hers tentatively at first, a soft airy touch, and after a moment he pulled back to smile at her. The next kiss was confident, searching and demanding without overpowering, an adventure of new intimacy. Jae loved the soft feel of her lips, the way her mouth responded to his own.

Sonia leaned into the kiss, appreciating the technique, happly keeping up. A bit like having an experienced dancing partner, it helped if both knew what they were about. That was definitely the case here as she enjoyed the trading of sensations. She made effort to keep hands to herself however, it was just a first date.

Jae's hands had been holding onto the back of head, and taking the cue that this wouldn't be going any further, he released her slowly with a smile, pulling back only a little.

"Tomorrow then," he whispered.

Sonia nodded, a little distractedly but empathically, "Tomorrow" She agreed. Then with a smile she unlocked and entered her quarters.

Jae returned her smile as he watched her closed the door. And that smile grew as he walked away.



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