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Lucky To Have You

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2019 @ 9:24pm by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Fri Oct 4th, 2019 @ 9:25pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: White Lotus Salon and Spa/Mack's Apt.
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1800 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 6:00pm)

Mack couldn't wait for the day to be over, and now that it was nearing time to close, the seconds seemed to be ticking by at a snail's pace. She was definitely antsy, and the reason for that was simple enough. She was that much closer to seeing her favorite pilot, but not at this rate. "Come on," she shouted at the chronometer. "You're doing this on purpose. You know how bad I want to see him."

The little redhead closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A large part of her hoped he'd pop up to surprise her, but they were supposed to meet up at his apartment to decide what they wanted to do for the evening. And, sadly, she still didn't have any ideas. Hell, she'd be content staying in and spending all her time alone with him, but Jake got a say, too. For now, though, she would kill time and start shutting things down and locking up.

"Awwww am I too late for a massage?" Jake drawled as he leaned up against the door frame of the front door, his eyes roaming over Mack, drinking in every last detail of the woman who'd captured his heart.

She hadn't even seen him yet, but just hearing his voice was enough to make her light up. Slowly, she turned and smiled when she saw him standing there. There was no hesitation as she ran toward him and launched her tint body at him, arms going around his neck and legs around his waist. Mack leaned in and kissed him soundly before pulling back with a brighter smile. "You're never too late," she said, resting her forehead against his. "I missed you."

"I can tell." Jake replied, pulling her tightly against him and breathing in her scent before adding seductively "Now how about that massage?"

"That depends," she said, kissing him a second time. "Do I get one, too?"

"Maybe." Jake murmured against her lips, "If you're a good girl." he smiled, "But what do you say we get out of here first?"

Mack's heart could have melted the second he smiled. It was one of the many things she absolutely loved about him, and definitely something she hoped to see a lot more of. "I think you've just read my mind," she responded, returning his smile with one of her own. "I just need to grab my stuff and get Leikos, then I'm all yours." After another quick kiss, she reluctantly let him go so she could get her things and scoop up the little puppy she never left home without. "Ready when you are. And, I happened to grab a couple bottles of massage oil for later."

Jake held wrapped an arm around her shoulder and said "Then let's get going...shall we grab something to eat whilst we're still out? Or did you want to cook back at home?"

The little redhead slipped an arm around his waist. "Grab something, and I say that for entirely selfish reasons. If I don't have to cook, that means I get to focus even more of my time on you."

"You really did miss me didn't you?" Jake grinned, looking suddenly very pleased with himself. Then he shook his head and marvelled at the fact that not so long ago, a statement like that from a woman would have sent him running.

She could only smile. "Of course, I missed you, and I'm willing to bet you missed me, too. I promise that admitting such a thing won't get around campus, either," Mack joked, but a part of her was actually serious.

"Maybe I did." Jake teased, "So what do you want to eat?" he asked as they exited the spa and he waited for her to lock up the door.

Mack locked up and set Leikos on the ground, then clipped his leash to his collar so he wouldn't run too far away from her. She looked thoughtful for a moment, then turned her attention to him. "I think I'm up for anything, really. How about Mexican?"

"That works, I've had a craving for Churros recently." Jake replied, "And I know just what to do with any left over chocolate sauce too." he grinned widely and wiggled his eyebrows.

"And I'm pretty sure I know what that idea of yours is, too," she said with a smile. In fact, Mack knew exactly what he was talking about, and was not opposed to the idea. "How was your day?"

"Oh you know, as exciting as being a flight instructor can be." Jake replied with a shrug. Life was definitely different compared to how things used to be before he was forced to retire from the life of espionage that he had loved. But then, if he was still out there doing that, he'd have never have met Mack and that was just incomprehensible.

The tiny redhead looked over, then up, at the man she was walking with. Mack was definitely used to that, and while it might have bothered her in the past, it didn't anymore. "Have you ever thought about taking your cadets on field trips? Maybe giving them a little insight on what it's like to be a pilot firsthand?"

"That might be fun." Jake smirked, "I can scare the bejeezes out of them." his smile widened at the prospect.

Mack couldn't help but laugh. She pictured him doing barrel rolls and other things the cadets likely had never encountered before. Like them, it would probably scare the bejeezes out of her, too. "Do you think you might be able to take me up one day? I'm not sure what the policy is on civilians."

"Well if I take you up in my fighter which I own on my day off then I don't see that anyone can say anything to object." Jake replied, though he figured that he'd best get Leo working on it some more. It wasn't exactly the safest ship in the hangar.

"I'd like to do that some day when you have time," she said. "But aren't fighters designed to seat one?"

"Well I figured you wouldn't mind getting up close and personal." he pulled her close and leaned down to nuzzle her neck, "Seriously though, you're small enough to fit in there with me."

A smile formed when he nuzzled her neck. She couldn't explain it, but she loved Jake with all of her heart. He was what was missing in her life even if she didn't realize it. "I am pretty small and don't take up a lot of room, and I've always wanted to be among the stars like that. When your fighter is finished, and you have time, it's a date."

"Looking forward to it." he smiled at her taking her hand as they meandered along. "Hopefully this mexican place isn't too full." he commented as they reached their target restaurant.

"That makes two of us. I'm looking forward to being home so I can take my shoes off and spend some time with you," she said, looking up at him. He was gorgeous, and without even realizing it, she spoke out loud. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Lucky?" Jake looked over at her, "About what?"

There was no sense in trying to hide that she'd said it, especially since he asked her. "Lucky to have you," Mack replied, deciding to take her explanation further. "You can have any woman you want... anywhere in space... and yet, you're here with me. That makes me feel incredibly lucky."

Reaching out to caress her cheek, Jake said "Maybe...but any other woman just isn't you." he lowered his head to kiss her forehead and said "You realise that you're responsible for ruining my playboy ways right?"

"Is that such a bad thing?" she asked, leaning into his touch as her eyes closed. "Because, where I'm standing, I can say without hesitation that I'm grateful to have you."

"It's just something that takes a bit of getting used to." Jake replied, "I honestly thought that I would never have any relationship that lasted for more than one night." he admitted, "But then, until I got the job here, I wasn't really in a position to have anything like this. I was never in one place for more than a few days at a time."

"I'm a believer that things happen for a reason," Mack said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. When she first came here, never did she imagine any kind of relationship with anyone. That was... until she met Jake. There was just something about him that drew her to him. A lot like a moth to a flame. "Now, how about we get our food so we can go home and spend some time together?"

"Works for me." Jake smiled as he opened the door to the restaurant for her.

"I'm not picky, so we can eat whatever you want tonight," Mack said as she made her way inside. The fact that she was with him was more than enough.

"Tell you what, I'll order whatever they say will be ready quickest." Jake smiled as he pulled her towards the take out counter.

Mack followed along willingly, cradling the little puppy under her free arm. "That sounds like a good plan to me," she said, looking around at the other faces present. The little redhead didn't really recognize anyone there, but then again, most of her time was spent with Jake when the shop wasn't open.

Jake headed up to the bar and placed their food order to take away with them then looked around the room, noticing there were a few cadets and faculty staff dotted around the place. Seeing a few interested glances, he realised that he and Mack must be part of the gossip circulating the Academy. "I think we're the topic of conversation." he said to her, keeping his voice low.

"Let them talk," she said, keeping her voice low enough to where only he'd be able to hear it. "Besides, they're just jealous. And bitter. Most women on campus want to get Starfleet's most eligible bachelor to settle down, and none of them have been successful."

"I never thought anyone would be successful." Jake smiled down at her and added "Guess I was wrong." he reached out to cup her cheek and gazed into her eyes.

Mack smiled up at him, bringing her hand to his and holding it against her cheek. She'd never get tired of the little gestures he did that showed her he cared a great deal for her. Even loved her, as he'd told her. "I love you, Commander Jake."

"I love you too Red." he replied as he began to lower his head to hers, only to hear the loud sound of someone clearing their throat behind them.

"Your order is ready." the man at the counter stated as Jake paused just inches from Mack's lips.

With a sigh, Jake whispered "Hold that thought and let's get out of here." he turned to the waiter and grabbed the paper bag containing their order. "Thanks." he flashed a smile then grabbed Mack's hand with his free one and led her to the door.

Of looks could kill, the poor waiter would be beyond moon dust at the moment. However, Mack didn't need to be told twice. With her hand in his, she followed him out, though, with her shorter legs, she was moving a bit faster than he was. Not that she really cared. If it got them to their destination faster, then the tiny woman would run the entire way. "I'm expecting one of those kisses from you the moment there's the chance to."

"Oh there's going to be plenty of chances for those tonight, I promise you." Jake grinned as he turned his head to look at her.

Mack grinned up at him. "I'm looking forward to that, and returning the favor also."

"Sounds like we should be sure to eat plenty then." Jake grinned, "Sounds like we're going to need the energy." he quipped.

Her grin turned into a smile. She didn't doubt they'd need the energy, nor that they would devour the food in his possession for just that reason. "I think," Mack began. "That we're going to need more than what we just got from the restaurant, and that we're going to have a rough day tomorrow while we're working." Of course, owning her own shop meant she could call out if she needed to, but that wouldn't be leading by example when it came to her employees.

"Is that a fact?" Jake raised an eyebrow, though he wasn't going to object to what she was suggesting and lack of sleep was a price he was willing to pay for more time spent with her.

"Oh, you can count on it being a fact," she replied up at him with a grin.

"I think I can deal with that if you can." Jake replied, with a chuckle "Though I might need to keep my head down and not let know, being a pilot and all with the rules about resting and such like."

Mack did know he needed to be well rested given his career. Being a pilot was quite important among the Starfleet world, and she wasn't selfish enough not to let him sleep. He needed to at some point. Besides, the tiny redheaded woman got the privilege of curling up next to him and sleeping, too. That was definitely a win in her book. "You'll be able to sleep, I promise. Besides, I have made it my mission to completely exhaust you."

"Well there are worse missions." Jake grinned as they approached Mack's quarters.

"I suppose you're right about that," she said as she got her door unlocked and stepped inside. Mack put the puppy on the floor so he could do what he wanted to while she made her way to the kitchen. "What do you feel like drinking? Beer?"

"Sure." Jake replied, following her with the bag of takeaway food. Setting it down on the counter, he leaned against it, folded his arms and watched her, his eyes filled with desire for this woman who had so easily stolen his heart.

It didn't take long for her to grab a couple beers and return to where he was. After passing one of the opened bottles to him, she gave the front of his shirt a yank. Being so short had its advantages, except when it came to her wanting to give him a kiss. He normally had to lean forward, which is what she wanted him to do now. "I love you, Jake."

"I love you too Red." Jake replied as he lowered his head to claim her lips, still marvelling that he'd ever be capable of saying those three little words.

Mack shivered. She didn't think she'd ever get tired of hearing him say that, and though, they'd been through a lot together in just a short time, she knew he meant it. She knew he wouldn't say them just for the hell of it. "How about we eat now so I can work on wearing you out?"

"Sure, I'm starving." Jake replied, turning to grab a couple of plates from the nearest cupboard and then picking up the bag of food. Wandering over to the couch, he set everything down on the coffee table and began to get the individual cartons of food out of the bag.

She followed him over to the couch and settled down. Mack was starving, too, but she'd worked through lunch and couldn't blame anyone for her current state aside from herself. "It's still really hard to believe that our butting heads when I first got here led to this," she said. "I never in a million years would have thought it would turn out like it did, but I'm also very happy with the outcome."

"Trust me," Jake chuckled, "No-one could be more surprised than me." he shook his head, "I can honestly say that I never ever expected to fall in love."

"Maybe, you never met the right person. Until now, of course," she pointed out, taking a sip of her beer.

"Oh, that's a certainty." Jake replied, "Well that and my life before here just wasn't one that was destined to be a happy ever after kind of existence." he added, well aware that he used to live just one step away from a very unhappy ending.

"And... what do you think now?" Mack found herself asking. She didn't know any details about his life before her, and knew that was likely for the best, but she found herself genuinely curious about how he felt about a happily ever after now. And, if he asked her the same, she would answer it without any kind of hesitation. "Do you think you can have a happy ending?"

"Truthfully?" Jake turned to look at her, "With what I've done over the years, I'm not sure that I deserve one." he sighed.

"Everyone deserves their happy ending, Jake, and regardless of what you might have done in the past, you're no different," she said softly, moving to curl up next to him. Mack didn't want him to doubt himself, and hoped she'd be able to make him feel better as well as see things the way she saw them.

"You don't know everything I've done." Jake replied with a melancholy smile, "You might not be quite so quick to say that." he added, running a hand through his dark hair and sighing.

"Jake, look at me," the redhead urged him softly.

He slowly turned his head and looked down at her, his inner demons clearly evident in his eyes.

Mack took his face in her hands and locked eyes with his. She cared a great deal for the pilot turned instructor, and he had to know that. "You are capable of a happy ending, Jake," she said softly. "I know this, because you're looking at it. Me... I'm your happy ending, and I'm not going anywhere."

A small smile played around his lips as he pulled her towards him and lowered his lips to hers, "I really hope that you're right." he whispered against her mouth before kissing her deeply, their food forgotten.

The redhead was definitely okay with their food being forgotten. It was clear Jake needed her more right now than her stomach needed to be filled, and to be honest, she wasn't really all that hungry right now. Well, Mack was, but it certainly wasn't for the food that was settled on the coffee table in front of them.

Intoxicated by her, Jake gently pushed her so that she was laying out flat then covered her body with his, the time for talking over as he kissed her hungrily.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Campus


Commander Jacob Bannerman
Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


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