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An Elliciean Gathering part 2: The Challenge of Getting There

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2019 @ 6:53pm by Commander Ta'mas & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee"

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Small Elliciean Village, Serene Colony
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1758 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 5:58pm)


Meanwhile, having parked in a designated area alongside the narrow road that went up and around one side of the small Elliciean community, Ta’mas lead Paige to the edge of a path that would lead them to the community’s center. "So what do you think?" he asked, adjusting a small bag on his shoulder. He looked away from the jungle that threatened to surround them, to her as she took in the "tree houses" in the distance.

Paige was beaming, "Oh this is grand! Quite artistically designed it tis." She looked up, eyes skimming the scene in front of her. "You know I used to want to live in the woods like my Gran, all blended and hard to find instead of going ta school."

Continuing to watch her, Ta'mas slightly smiled at her reaction, "Perhaps we should have had our cabin built in a more remote location." And then took her hand, "This way," and lead her down the stone path through the lush terrain and it wasn't long before either side was shrouded in thick brush and trees. Sounds of birds and scampering wildlife seemed to surround them, and Ta’mas took it all in, tuned in to every movement, every sound and smell. "We should spend our next vacation on the Elliciean homeworld," he suggested.

Paige looked around, the tropical jungle was alive with movement and sound. It was quite beautiful even as Paige wiped sweat from her brow. She wore dark brown pants tucked into hiking boots and a light shirt. Perfect for the walk. Paige nodded, "Only if we can get a cabin high in the trees." She kept close to him liking the feel as they walked cocooned in vibrant life.

"I agree," Ta’mas nodded, and with his full-touch telepathic abilities causing their feelings to flow back and forth between them, suddenly stopped them, while purposely dropping his bag. Placing his arms around her, he kissed her and started backing them into the bush. "Let us make love, right here, right now." he whispered down to her, and only partly teasing.

Paige's smiled changed to something a bit more wicked as her eyes lit with desire. "We'll be late," She gently admonished but moved with him willingly, feeling the same pull as he did. Something about the setting seemed to fan the flames, not that they ever needed much.

With their bodies pressed together and looking into each others eyes, he continued to move them backwards, his hands moving up her back and spine. He wrestled with what they wanted to do with where they were supposed to be, until he looked upwards and sighed. "Next time we leave early," he groaned, feeling very defeated.

Paige let out an unintended low growl of frustration and gave serious thought to just being late. Just because he had a point didn't mean she was happy about it, "There's a promise boyo." She leaned in to kiss him properly and it was sometime before she drew away. "Best be off then," she finally said and began walking again.

Ta’mas stood there for a moment, struggling with his decision as he watched her from behind. Damn Releasing a breath, he started walking behind her, stopping only to pick back up his bag. "How about when we leave the party," he nearly shouted out after her, "we can take a ‘long’ cut on the way back to the car.."

Paige stopped, letting him catch up, "No need to shout Ta’mas." Then, with him at her side, she continued, "You know they say exploring nature is supposed ta be good for you?" She observed to him mildly a wicked twinkle in her eyes as she glanced over at him.

He raised an eyebrow daringly at her look and confidently replied. "I agree, and I am going to prove it to you before the night is over."

Paige’s smile broadened and she took his hand, "Promises, Promises." She teased gently looking forward to it, but first, party.

Ta'mas' smile grew as they continued walking. They were still newlywed's, and he was going to use that as often and as long as he could get away with it. Forever, would do nicely, and he knew Paige was on the same wavelength as well.

Soon, the trail seemed to disappear and the ground covering became more clear. Before them stood a mini Elliciean ‘village’ of several huts on stilts, some looking to be around three stories, a few others slightly higher or slightly lower in height. The mountain side partially contributed to this. There was a narrow river flowing lazily through the side of a large grove with a camouflaged turbolift system. The entrance of it being a small hut, with the Elliciean pulley system hooked on the side. It was nearing dusk and the sun going down, shining through some trees added to the visual beauty of the place.

"Wow," Ta’mas placed his hands on his hips and looked around them, turning as he did. "This is more impressive than I had imagined. Chris has got to love this."

"This is impressive." Paige agreed. "Shall we go?"

He looked over to her and half smiled, thinking about his idea for afterwards. "Impatient?"

Paige laughed, "You’re terrible and no but if we’re going to be on time might as well be about it." She adjusted her over the shoulder leather messenger bag that held the house welcoming gift.

"You are right, of course," he agreed. They started walking towards the center building and inner brows raised. "So now I am wondering how we get up there..." Even though he was now in charge of all construction on the planet, he hadn't seen all the plans yet, plus the fact that he wasn't there when the stilted tree homes had been built. "I would think..." he started to say, narrowing his eyes, and then stopped in mid-thought, angling his head, knowing recognition in his eyes as he took a few more steps. Having noticed the thick ropes for what they were, the ones that Charlie and Tery had used, he reached out a hand to feel along the surface of what he knew to be camouflage aluminum, knowing exactly where to press, and the whooshing of two doors opening, revealed the interior of a turbolift.

Lifting a Vulcan eyebrow, Ta'mas turned back to an amused Paige, stepping out of the way to allow her entry before him, then faced the doors just as they closed.

To be continued...


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